Beispiel #1
        public void Import(Window parentWindow, ImportWizardContext context, IProgressObserver progress, Action <ImportStatusLevel, string> logFunc)
            this.ParentWindow = parentWindow;
            this.Importer     = context.Importer;
            this.Mappings     = context.FieldMappings;
            this.Progress     = progress;
            this.LogFunc      = logFunc;

            if (Progress != null)

            if (!InitImport())

            ProgressMsg("Importing data - Stage 1", 0);
            if (!DoStage1())


            Cancelled = false;

            var connection = User.GetConnection();

            LogMsg("Importing data - Stage 2", 10);
            int rowCount    = 0;
            int lastPercent = 0;

            DateTime timeStarted = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime lastCheck   = timeStarted;


            while (RowSource.MoveNext() && !Cancelled)
                ImportCurrentRow(rowCount++, connection);

                var dblPercent = (double)((double)rowCount / (double)RowSource.RowCount) * 90;
                int percent    = ((int)dblPercent) + 10;

                var timeSinceLastUpdate = DateTime.Now - lastCheck;

                if (percent != lastPercent || timeSinceLastUpdate.Seconds > 5)
                    var timeSinceStart = DateTime.Now - timeStarted;

                    var avgMillisPerRow = (double)(timeSinceStart.TotalMilliseconds == 0 ? 1 : timeSinceStart.TotalMilliseconds) / (double)(rowCount == 0 ? 1 : rowCount);
                    var rowsLeft        = RowSource.RowCount - rowCount;
                    var secondsLeft     = (int)((double)(rowsLeft * avgMillisPerRow) / 1000.0);

                    lastCheck = DateTime.Now;

                    TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0, 0, secondsLeft);

                    var message = string.Format("Importing rows - Stage 2 ({0} of {1}). {2} remaining.", rowCount, RowSource.RowCount, ts.ToString());
                    ProgressMsg(message, percent);
                    lastPercent = percent;

            ProgressMsg("Importing rows - Stage 2 Complete", 100);

            LogMsg("{0} Rows successfully imported, {1} rows failed with errors", _successCount, _errorCount);

            LogMsg("Cleaning up staging database...");

            if (RowSource.Service.GetErrorCount() > 0)
                if (ParentWindow.Question("Errors were encountered during the import. Rejected rows can be corrected and re-imported by re-running the import wizard and selecting the 'Import Error Database' option. Would you like to save the rejected rows so that they can be corrected and re-imported?", "Save rejected rows?", System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Exclamation))
                    // Clean out just the imported records, leaving just the error rows...
                    LogMsg("Purging successfully imported rows from staging database...");
                    LogMsg("Saving mapping information to staging database...");
                    RowSource.Service.SaveMappingInfo(Importer, Mappings);
                    LogMsg("Disconnecting from staging database...");

                    var dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
                    dlg.Filter = "SQLite database files|*.sqlite|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                    dlg.Title  = "Save error database file";
                    if (dlg.ShowDialog().ValueOrFalse())
                        LogMsg("Copying staging database from {0} to {1}", RowSource.Service.FileName, dlg.FileName);
                        System.IO.File.Copy(RowSource.Service.FileName, dlg.FileName, true);
