public async Task GetScript(bool includeIdentity)
            // Setup: Generate the parameters for the row create
            const long rowId = 100;

            DbColumn[] columns = Common.GetColumns(includeIdentity);
            ResultSet  rs      = await Common.GetResultSet(columns, includeIdentity);

            EditTableMetadata etm = Common.GetStandardMetadata(columns);

            // If: I ask for a script to be generated without an identity column
            RowCreate rc = new RowCreate(rowId, rs, etm);

            Common.AddCells(rc, includeIdentity);
            string script = rc.GetScript();

            // Then:
            // ... The script should not be null,

            // ... It should be formatted as an insert script
            Regex r = new Regex(@"INSERT INTO (.+)\((.*)\) VALUES \((.*)\)");
            var   m = r.Match(script);


            // ... It should have 3 columns and 3 values (regardless of the presence of an identity col)
            string tbl  = m.Groups[1].Value;
            string cols = m.Groups[2].Value;
            string vals = m.Groups[3].Value;

            Assert.Equal(etm.EscapedMultipartName, tbl);
            Assert.Equal(3, cols.Split(',').Length);
            Assert.Equal(3, vals.Split(',').Length);
        public async Task GetScriptMissingCell()
            // Setup: Generate the parameters for the row create
            RowCreate rc = await GetStandardRowCreate();

            // If: I ask for a script to be generated without setting any values
            // Then: An exception should be thrown for missing cells
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => rc.GetScript());
        public async Task GetScriptMissingCell(bool includeIdentity, int defaultCols, int nullableCols, int valuesToSkipSetting)
            // Setup: Generate the parameters for the row create
            var data = new Common.TestDbColumnsWithTableMetadata(false, includeIdentity, defaultCols, nullableCols);
            var rs   = await Common.GetResultSet(data.DbColumns, includeIdentity);

            RowCreate rc = new RowCreate(100, rs, data.TableMetadata);

            // If: I ask for a script to be generated without setting any values
            // Then: An exception should be thrown for missing cells
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => rc.GetScript());
        public async Task GetScript(bool includeIdentity, int colsWithDefaultConstraints, int colsThatAllowNull, int valuesToSkipSetting, RegexExpectedOutput expectedOutput)
            // Setup:
            // ... Generate the parameters for the row create
            Common.TestDbColumnsWithTableMetadata data = new Common.TestDbColumnsWithTableMetadata(false, includeIdentity, colsWithDefaultConstraints, colsThatAllowNull);
            ResultSet rs = await Common.GetResultSet(data.DbColumns, includeIdentity);

            // ... Create a row create and set the appropriate number of cells
            RowCreate rc = new RowCreate(100, rs, data.TableMetadata);

            Common.AddCells(rc, valuesToSkipSetting);

            // If: I ask for the script for the row insert
            string script = rc.GetScript();

            // Then:
            // ... The script should not be null

            // ... The script should match the expected regex output
            ValidateScriptAgainstRegex(script, expectedOutput);