Beispiel #1
        private void ImportFiles(string folderPath)
            RowCollection    rowCollection;
            Regex            regex;
            Match            match;
            RowCollectionRow objectRow;

            string[] fileColumns;
            string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath);

            regex = new Regex(regexFileMatcher, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            foreach (string file in fileList)
                match = regex.Match(file);

                if (match.Length > 0)
                    fileColumns   = SplitRow(file, regexSpliterColumn);
                    rowCollection = rowCollectionMenager.GetRowCollectionObjectFromCellNumber(3 + fileColumns.Length, true);
                    objectRow     = new RowCollectionRow(rowCollection, Common.MargeTwoStringArray(GetDefaultColumns(file), fileColumns));
        private string ActiveObject(Tag2 active)
            string result = null;

                // {=active.fetch.[deep_index].[column_index]}
                if (active.Child.Name == "counter")
                    result = this.rowCollectionMenager.ActiveObjectInstance.RowCounter.ToString();
                    int depth = int.Parse(active.Child.Child.Name);
                    string objectName = rowCollectionMenager.ActiveObjectInstance[depth];
                    if (objectName != null)
                        RowCollection rowCollection = rowCollectionMenager[objectName];

                        if (active.Child.Name == "fetch")
                            int columnIndex = int.Parse(active.Child.Child.Child.Name);
                            RowCollectionRow objectRow = rowCollection.Rows[rowCollection.Rows.Curent];
                            if (objectRow != null)
                                result = objectRow[columnIndex].Value;
                                // active object is out of scope
                                result = "";
                        else if (active.Child.Name == "index")
                            result = (rowCollection.Rows.Curent + 1).ToString();;
                            ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { constError_CommandNotFound, active.InputText }, this, "ActiveObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                            result = constError_SyntaxError;
                        // active object is out of scope
                        result = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { constError_ExecutingBlock, active.InputText }, this, "ActiveObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "ActiveObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                result = constError_SyntaxError;
        /// <summary>
        /// RowCollection object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tag"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string DataObjectGetValue(Tag2 tag)
            string        result = null;
            int           columntID;
            RowCollection rowCollection = rowCollectionMenager[tag.Name];

                // {=objectname.row.column}
                // {=objectname.column}
                // Column index is zero base, but user need to treat it like non zero base else it is error
                if (rowCollection != null)
                    if (tag.Child.Name == "fetch")
                        columntID = int.Parse(tag.Child.Child.Name);
                        result = rowCollection.Rows.FetchColumn(columntID);
                    else if (tag.Child.Name == "fetchNext")
                        columntID = int.Parse(tag.Child.Child.Name);
                        result = rowCollection.Rows.FetchNextColumn(columntID);
                    else if (tag.Child.Name == "search")
                        // {=object.searchRegex.searchOnColumn.returnColumn."<regex>"}
                        columntID = int.Parse(tag.Child.Child.Name);
                        int columnID2 = int.Parse(tag.Child.Child.Child.Name);
                        RowCollectionRow row = rowCollection.Rows.SearchRow(tag.Child.Child.Child.Child.Name, columntID);

                        if (row != null)
                            result = row[columnID2].Value;
                            result = "";
                    ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { constError_CommandNotFound, tag.InputText }, this, "DataObjectGetValue", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                    result = constError_SyntaxError;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { constError_ExecutingBlock, tag.InputText }, this, "DataObjectGetValue", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "DataObjectGetValue", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                result = constError_SyntaxError;
Beispiel #4
        private string ReplaceTagsFromInToOut(string text, RowCollectionRow row)
            string result      = null;
            string objectName  = "";
            string objectValue = "";
            //string oldText = "";
            // Define all regex match with patern
            //Regex regexMain = new Regex(@"\{=[\w]+\.[^{}]+\}");

            // Test regex expresion added for escape function
            // za right je nije(?!mal)
            Regex regexMain = new Regex(@"(?<![^\\]\\)\{=[\w]+\.(?!.*(?<![^\\]\\){=.*(?<!\\)}).*?(?<!\\)\}", RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Regex regex;
            // Get all matches
            MatchCollection matchList;

            // do loop is needed if tags are nested
                matchList = regexMain.Matches(text);
                foreach (Match match in matchList)
                    // Define regex string that will extract object name
                    regex = new Regex(@"\{=|\..+\}", RegexOptions.Singleline);
                    // get that object name and save it
                    objectName = regex.Replace(match.Value, "");
                    // Define regex string that will extract object value
                    //regex = new Regex(@"{=[\w]+\.|}+");
                    regex = new Regex(@"(?<!\\)\{=[\w]+\.|(?<!\\)\}");
                    // get that object value
                    objectValue = regex.Replace(match.Value, "");
                    // Call suported object name and replace tags in text
                    result = this.ReplaceSuportedObject(objectName, objectValue, row);
                    if (result != null)
                        text = ReplaceOnce(text, match.Value, result);
                        // No suported object found
                        text = text.Replace(match.Value, match.Value.Replace("{=", "(=ubertools_replace_string)"));
                        // dont loog this
                        if (isInitialization == false)
                            ModuleLog.Write(text, this, "ReplaceTagsFromInToOut", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
            } while (matchList.Count > 0);
            text = text.Replace("(=ubertools_replace_string)", "{=");

        private void BrowseFolders(string path)
            RowCollection    rowCollection;
            RowCollectionRow objectRow;
            Regex            regex;
            Match            match;

            string[] folderColumns;
            int      counter = 0;

            string[] folderList = Directory.GetDirectories(path);

            // define regex matcher
            regex = new Regex(regexFolderMatcher, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            foreach (string folder in folderList)
                match = regex.Match(folder);

                if (match.Length > 0)
                    ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { "Folder: " + path, "Match: yes" }, this, "BrowseFolders", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                    folderColumns = FolderParser.SplitRow(folder, regexSpliterColumn);
                    // new rowcollection
                    rowCollection = rowCollectionMenager.GetRowCollectionObjectFromCellNumber(2 + folderColumns.Length, true);

                    objectRow = new RowCollectionRow(rowCollection, Common.MargeTwoStringArray(GetDefaultColumns(folder), folderColumns));
                    if (subfolders == true)
                    // dont import folder but browse childs
                    if (subfolders == true)
                        ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { "Folder: " + path, "Match: no" }, this, "BrowseFolders", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                        ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { "Folder: " + path, "Match: skip" }, this, "BrowseFolders", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                if ((counter++ % 1000) == 0)
        private string NumberObject(RowCollectionRow row, string objectValue)
            string result = null;
            Tag    tag    = new Tag("number", objectValue);

                if (tag.Value == "getvalue")
                    result = numberObject_counter.ToString();
                    if (tag.Tags.Name == "increment")
                        if (numberObject_counter == constNumberObject_counter_defaultValue)
                            ModuleLog.Write(tag.Tags.Tags.Name, this, "NumberObject", ModuleLog.LogType.INFO);
                            numberObject_counter = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Name);
                            int number_to_increment = 0;
                            number_to_increment  = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Value);
                            numberObject_counter = numberObject_counter + number_to_increment;
                        result = numberObject_counter.ToString();
                        ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "NumberObject", ModuleLog.LogType.WARNING);
                        result = constError_SyntaxError;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "--NumberObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "--NumberObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                result = constError_SyntaxError;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic method, it will return string value of row object and columnt index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">Row object</param>
        /// <param name="objectValue">Column index</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string DataObjectGetValue(RowCollectionRow row, Tag2 tag)
            string result    = null;
            int    columntID = 0;

                if (tag.Child.Child == null)
                    columntID = int.Parse(tag.Child.Name);
                    // Column index is zero base, but user need to treat it like non zero base else it is error
                    if (columntID > 0)
                        // Increment column index to 1, zero index base, user will access it by one base
                        result = row[columntID].Value;
                        ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { constError_SyntaxError, tag.InputText }, this, "DataObjectGetValue", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                        result = constError_SyntaxError;
                    ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { constError_CommandNotFound, tag.InputText }, this, "DataObjectGetValue", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                    result = constError_SyntaxError;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { constError_ExecutingBlock, tag.InputText }, this, "DataObjectGetValue", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "DataObjectGetValue", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                result = constError_SyntaxError;
            //if (result == null)
            //    ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "DataObjectGetValue", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
            //    result = constError_SyntaxError;
Beispiel #8
        private void ProcessXML(XmlNodeList xmlNodeList, UberTools.Modules.GenericTemplate.RowCollectionNS.RowCollection parentRowCollection)
            RowCollection    rowCollection = null;
            RowCollectionRow objectRow;
            string           rowCollectionName = null;

            foreach (XmlNode node in xmlNodeList)
                if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    rowCollectionName = FindXPath(node);
                    rowCollection     = rowCollectionMenager[rowCollectionName];
                    if (rowCollection == null)
                        rowCollection = rowCollectionMenager.CreateRowCollection(node.Attributes.Count, rowCollectionName);

                    // check if parent row collection is not null, only first call is null
                    if (parentRowCollection != null)
                        // add this row collection to parent chilld list

                    // make new instance of ObjectRow object
                    objectRow = new RowCollectionRow(rowCollection, GetAllAttribites(node));
                    // if node have inner text
                    if (node.InnerText != "")
                        // add extra columnt to objectRow object
                        objectRow.AddColl(new RowCollectionColumn(node.InnerText));
                    // add new row to row collection

                    //ModuleLog.Write(GetAllAttribites(node), this, "ProcessXML", ModuleLog.LogType.INFO);

                    // recurse chilld
                    ProcessXML(node.ChildNodes, rowCollection);
        private string InputObject(RowCollectionRow row, Tag2 tag)
            string result = null;

            InputBox inputBox;

                if (tag.Child.Name == "repeat")
                    // NOTE this need to be like $input.once object
                    inputBox = new InputBox("Write text", tag.Child.Name, "Replace tag with text...");
                    result = inputBox.InputTekst;
                else if (tag.Child.Name == "once")
                    result = inputObject.ProcessTag(tag);
                    if (result == null)
                        result = constError_SyntaxError;
                    ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { constError_CommandNotFound, tag.InputText }, this, "InputObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                    result = constError_SyntaxError;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModuleLog.Write(new string[] { constError_ExecutingBlock, tag.InputText }, this, "InputObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "InputObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                result = constError_SyntaxError;
        private string NTHObject(RowCollectionRow row, string objectValue)
            string result = null;
            Tag    tag    = new Tag("nth", objectValue);

                if (tag.Tags.Name == "swapzarez")
                    result = tag.Tags.Value.Replace(",", "<;>");
                else if (tag.Tags.Name == "max160")
                    if (tag.Tags.Value.Length > 160)
                        result = "- - - W A R N I N G (text length " + tag.Tags.Value.Length + " )  - - -";
                        ModuleLog.Write(result, this, "NTHObject", ModuleLog.LogType.WARNING);
                        ModuleLog.Write(tag.Tags.Value, this, "NTHObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                        result = tag.Tags.Value;
                    ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "NTHObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                    result = constError_SyntaxError;
                ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "NTHObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                result = constError_SyntaxError;
        private string StringObject(RowCollectionRow row, Tag2 tag)
            string result = null;

                if (tag.Child.Name == "split")
                    // string.split.[index].[split string].[text]
                    string[] splitList = tag.Child.Child.Child.Child.Name.Split(new string[] { tag.Child.Child.Child.Name }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    int      index;
                    index = int.Parse(tag.Child.Child.Name);
                    // if index is in range of array
                    if (index < splitList.Length)
                        result = splitList[index];
                        // else return empty string and log waring
                        result = "";
                        ModuleLog.Write("String out of range returning empty string", this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.WARNING);
                    ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", tag.InputText, ")"), this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                    result = constError_SyntaxError;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", tag.InputText, ")"), this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                result = constError_SyntaxError;
Beispiel #12
        private string ReplaceSuportedObject(string objectName, string objectValue, RowCollectionRow row)
            //  I N F O - ReplaceTagsFromInToOut will not cut this

            Tag2 tag = new Tag2("{=" + objectName + "." + objectValue);

            if (objectName == "date")
                // Call to datetime object
            else if (objectName == "string")
                // Call to main generic method, other method will call it to get object row value and then format it
                // this one just return pure text value

                //   Ovo sa split je privremeno ovdje stavito
                if (tag.Child.Name.Equals("split"))
                    return(StringObject(row, tag));
                    return(StringObject(row, objectValue));
            else if (objectName == "nth")
                // Call to main generic method, other method will call it to get object row value and then format it
                // this one just return pure text value
                return(NTHObject(row, objectValue));
            else if (objectName == "number")
                // Call to main generic method, other method will call it to get object row value and then format it
                // this one just return pure text value
                return(NumberObject(row, objectValue));
            else if (tag.Name == "input")
                // Call to InputObject
                return(InputObject(row, tag));
            else if (tag.Name == "var")
                // Call to VarObject
            else if (tag.Name == "array")
                // Call to ArrayObject
                ArrayObject arrayObject = new ArrayObject(tag, varObjectList);
            else if (tag.Name == "format")
                // Call to FormatObject, get and set method
            else if (objectName == "xml")
                // Call to FormatObject, get and set method
                return(XMLObject(row, objectValue));
            else if (objectName.StartsWith("random"))
                return(RandomObject(objectName, objectValue));
            else if (objectName.StartsWith("md5"))
                return(MD5Object(objectName, objectValue));
            else if (tag.Name == "file")
                FileObject fileObject = new FileObject(tag, ref varObjectList);
            else if (tag.Name == "dir")
                DirObject dirObject = new DirObject(tag, ref varObjectList);
            else if (tag.Name == "graphics")
                GraphicsObject fileObject = new GraphicsObject(tag);
            else if (tag.Name == "math")
                MathObject mathObject = new MathObject(tag);
                // objects that dont need be in initialization proccess
                if (isInitialization == false)
                    if (tag.Name == "active")
                    else if (tag.Name == "data")
                        // Call to main generic method, other method will call it to get object row value and then format it
                        // this one just return pure text value
                        return(DataObjectGetValue(row, tag));
                    //else if (objectName.StartsWith("data"))
                    //    return DataObjectGetValue(objectName, objectValue);

Beispiel #13
        //public void AutomaticAddToRowCollectionMenager_ClipboardSource(string regexSpliterColumn, string regexSpliterRow)
        //    int counter = 0;
        //    string[] lineList = TextParser.SplitRow(System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText(), regexSpliterRow);

        //    if (System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.ContainsText())
        //    {
        //        foreach (string line in lineList)
        //        {
        //            rowCollectionMenager.AddRow(new ObjectRow(null, TextParser.SplitRow(line, regexSpliterColumn)));
        //            if ((counter++ % 1000) == 0)
        //            {
        //                System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents();
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        public void AutomaticAddToRowCollectionMenager_ClipboardSource(string regexSpliterColumn, string regexSpliterRow, bool firstRowAsColumnName)
            RowCollection    rowCollection;
            RowCollectionRow row;

            string[] lineList;
            string[] columnList;
            int      counter = 0;

            // Get array of rows
            lineList = TextParser.SplitRow(System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText(), regexSpliterRow);

            // If row list is null then exit
            if (lineList == null)

            // Go through all rows
            foreach (string line in lineList)
                // Split row in array of columns
                columnList = TextParser.SplitRow(line, regexSpliterColumn);
                // get rowCollection object
                rowCollection = rowCollectionMenager.GetRowCollectionObjectFromCellNumber(columnList.Length, false);
                // check if rowCollection is null
                if (rowCollection == null)
                    // create new rowCollecion object
                    //rowCollection = new RowCollection(columnList.Length, RowCollection.const_prefix + columnList.Length.ToString());
                    rowCollection = rowCollectionMenager.CreateRowCollection(columnList.Length);

                    // define column names
                    if (firstRowAsColumnName == true)
                        for (int i = 0; i < columnList.Length; i++)
                            rowCollection.Columns[i] = columnList[i];
                        // create new row object from column array
                        row = new RowCollectionRow(rowCollection, columnList);
                        // add row to rowCollection
                    // create new row object from column array
                    row = new RowCollectionRow(rowCollection, columnList);
                    // add row to rowCollection
                //rowCollectionMenager.AddRow(new ObjectRow(null, TextParser.SplitRow(line, regexSpliterColumn)));
                if ((counter++ % 1000) == 0)
        private void DestinationObjectData_CompareStrings(string templateHeader, string templateBody, string templateFooter, RowCollectionRow row, int rowID, int rowMax)
            TextParser textParser = new TextParser(outputMenagerSettings.rowCollectionMenager);

            textParser.AutomaticAddToRowCollectionMenager(templateBody, outputMenagerSettings.columnSpliterRegEx, outputMenagerSettings.rowSpliterRegEx);
            //ObjectRow objectRow = new ObjectRow(new string[] { templateBody });

        private string StringObject(RowCollectionRow row, string objectValue)
            string result = null;
            Tag    tag    = new Tag("string", objectValue);

                if (tag.Tags.Name == "trim")
                    result = tag.Tags.Value.Trim();
                else if (tag.Tags.Name == "substring")
                    // {=string.substring.4.2.neki text}
                    int start;
                    int lenght;
                    start  = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Name);
                    lenght = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Name);
                    // if index is in range of string length
                    if ((start + lenght) < tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Value.Length)
                        result = tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Value.Substring(start, lenght);
                        // else return empty string and log waring
                        result = "";
                        ModuleLog.Write("String out of range returning empty string", this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.WARNING);
                else if (tag.Tags.Name == "indexof")
                    // {=string.indexof. .damir marijanovic}
                    result = tag.Tags.Tags.Value.IndexOf(tag.Tags.Tags.Name).ToString();
                else if (tag.Tags.Name == "toupper")
                    result = tag.Tags.Value.ToUpper();
                else if (tag.Tags.Name == "tolower")
                    result = tag.Tags.Value.ToLower();
                else if (tag.Tags.Name == "replace")
                    // {}
                    result = tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Value.Replace(tag.Tags.Tags.ToString(), tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.ToString());
                else if (tag.Tags.Name == "split")
                    // string.split.[index].[split string].[text]
                    string[] splitList = tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Value.Split(new string[] { tag.Tags.Tags.Tags.Name }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    int      index;
                    index = int.Parse(tag.Tags.Tags.Name);
                    // if index is in range of array
                    if (index < splitList.Length)
                        result = splitList[index];
                        // else return empty string and log waring
                        result = "";
                        ModuleLog.Write("String out of range returning empty string", this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.WARNING);
                    ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                    result = constError_SyntaxError;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModuleLog.Write(string.Concat(constError_SyntaxError, " (", objectValue, ")"), this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                ModuleLog.Write(ex, this, "StringObject", ModuleLog.LogType.ERROR);
                result = constError_SyntaxError;
Beispiel #16
 public string ReplaceTags(string text, RowCollectionRow row)
     return(ReplaceTags(text, row, false));
Beispiel #17
        public string ReplaceTags(string text, RowCollectionRow row, bool isInitialization)
            int    indexOfFirst     = 0;
            int    indexOfLast      = 0;
            int    indexOfLastNoTag = 0;
            int    tagCounter       = 0;
            bool   tagSearchActive  = false;
            string result           = "";
            string processedText    = "";

            this.isInitialization = isInitialization;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                // Find first tag, {
                if (text[i] == '{')
                    if (!Tag2.IsExcaped(text, i))
                        // if start tag is complete, is like {=
                        if ((text.Length > 2 && i < text.Length - 2) && text[i + 1] == '=')
                            // increment tag counter
                            // if this is first tag that is find then save indexOf
                            if (tagSearchActive == false)
                                indexOfFirst = i;
                                // indicate thats tag search is active, from now if tagCounter is 0 then cut tag and call ReplaceTagsFromInToOut(x, x)
                                tagSearchActive = true;
                                // start tag find next for

                // Find last tag
                if (text[i] == '}')
                    // Check if is not excaped
                    if (!Tag2.IsExcaped(text, i))
                        // Decrement tag counter and set indexOfLast
                        indexOfLast = i;

                // if tagCounter is less then zero then throw error
                if (tagCounter < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Template syntax error at end of " + Environment.NewLine + text.Substring(indexOfFirst, indexOfLast - indexOfFirst));

                // Check is tag search is active and tagCounter value is zero, if is zero then call ReplaceTagsFromInToOut(x, x)
                if (tagSearchActive)
                    // if tagCounter is zero then call ReplaceTagsFromInToOut(x, x)
                    if (tagCounter == 0)
                        // call function to parse tags extracted
                        result = ReplaceTagsFromInToOut(text.Substring(indexOfFirst, (indexOfLast - indexOfFirst) + 1), row);
                        // copy no tag text
                        processedText   += text.Substring(indexOfLastNoTag, indexOfFirst - indexOfLastNoTag);
                        indexOfLastNoTag = indexOfLast + 1;
                        // replace extracted tags block with result from function with 2 (0, 1) (2 - 1) = 1 <= 1 , 1 + 1 = 2, (2 - 1)  - 1 1
                        //processedText += string.Concat(text.Substring(0, indexOfFirst), result, text.Length - 1 >= indexOfLast ? text.Substring(indexOfLast + 1, (text.Length - 1) - indexOfLast) : "");
                        processedText += result;
                        // reset varables
                        tagSearchActive = false;

            // Copy text after last tag
            if (indexOfLastNoTag < text.Length)
                processedText += text.Substring(indexOfLastNoTag, text.Length - indexOfLastNoTag);

            // if tagCounter is not zero then throw error
            if (tagCounter > 0)
                throw new Exception("Template syntax error at start of " + Environment.NewLine + text.Substring(indexOfFirst, text.Length - indexOfFirst));

            // Do all unexcape
            //processedText = processedText.Replace("\\\\", "\\");
            processedText = Tag2.UnEscape(processedText);

            // log if change is made
            if (text != processedText)
                ModuleLog.Write(processedText, this, "ReplaceTags", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
        private void DestinationFile(string templateHeader, string templateBody, string templateFooter, RowCollectionRow row, int rowID, int rowMax)
            string filePath;
            string folder;
            string file;
            bool   writeHeader = false;
            bool   writeFooter = false;

            folder   = tagsReplace.ReplaceTags(outputMenagerSettings.sourceFolder, row);
            file     = tagsReplace.ReplaceTags(outputMenagerSettings.sourceFileName, row);
            folder   = Common.SetSlashOnEndOfDirectory(folder);
            filePath = folder + file;

            if (!Directory.Exists(folder))

            //fileName = tagsReplace.ReplaceTags(outputMenagerSettings.sourceFileName, row);

            // Is header text length more then 0 caracther
            if (templateHeader.Length > 0)
                // If append is true then only write header if file dont exist
                if (outputMenagerSettings.AppendFile)
                    if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                        writeHeader = true;
                    // Append is false, so write header in each file
                    writeHeader = true;
            // Is footer text lenght more then 0 charachter
            if (templateFooter.Length > 0)
                // If append is true then only write header if file dont exist
                if (outputMenagerSettings.AppendFile)
                    // Ovdje se mora dodati provjera koja ce kad se svi redovi izvrte pogledati gdje nije upisao footer
                    // Ova ispod provjera je samo zakrpa u slucaju da je destinacion name staticno a nije varijabla
                    if (rowID + 1 >= rowMax)
                        writeFooter = true;
                    // Append is false, so write header in each file
                    writeFooter = true;

            // If stream writer last file path is not current path make new stream writer object
            if (!outputMenagerSettings.AppendFile || (sw_filePath != filePath) || sw == null)
                // Close last sw object and open new
                if (sw != null)
                sw          = new StreamWriter(filePath, outputMenagerSettings.AppendFile, outputMenagerSettings.Encoding);
                sw_filePath = filePath;

            if (writeHeader)
                // If header is true then write header

            // Write body

            //////////////// TO DO WriteLine bug
            if (rowID + 1 >= rowMax)
                //ModuleLog.Write("Write", this, "DestinationFile", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);
                //ModuleLog.Write("WriteLine", this, "DestinationFile", ModuleLog.LogType.DEBUG);

            if (writeFooter)
                // If header is true then write header