Beispiel #1
        public async Task <Route> CalcuteRouteAsync(IList <AddressSearch> addressSearches, RouteType routeType)
            var routeStops = new List <RouteStop>();

            addressSearches.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                var routeStop   = Mapper.Map <AddressSearch, RouteStop>(x);
                var point       = Mapper.Map <AddressSearch, Point>(x);
                routeStop.point = point;

            var options = _config.GetRouteOptions(routeType);

            using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
                var response = await routeSoapClient.getRouteAsync(routeStops.ToArray(), options, _token.Tokenvalue);

                if (response.Body.getRouteResult.routeTotals != null)
                    var route = Mapper.Map <RouteTotals, Route>(response.Body.getRouteResult.routeTotals);
        public async Task<Route> CalcuteRouteAsync(IList<AddressSearch> addressSearches, RouteType routeType)
            var routeStops = new List<RouteStop>();

            addressSearches.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                var routeStop = Mapper.Map<AddressSearch, RouteStop>(x);
                var point = Mapper.Map<AddressSearch, Point>(x);
                routeStop.point = point;

            var options = _config.GetRouteOptions(routeType);

            using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
                var response = await routeSoapClient.getRouteAsync(routeStops.ToArray(), options, _token.Tokenvalue);

                if (response.Body.getRouteResult.routeTotals != null)
                    var route = Mapper.Map<RouteTotals, Route>(response.Body.getRouteResult.routeTotals);                    
                    return route;
            return null;
Beispiel #3
 public RouteTotals GetRouteTotalsResponse(IList<RouteStop> routes, RouteOptions routeOptions)
     using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
         return routeSoapClient.getRouteTotals((List<RouteStop>) routes, routeOptions, Configuration.TokenValue);
Beispiel #4
 public RouteTotals GetRouteTotalsResponse(IList <RouteStop> routes, RouteOptions routeOptions)
     using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
         return(routeSoapClient.getRouteTotals((List <RouteStop>)routes, routeOptions, Configuration.TokenValue));
Beispiel #5
        public JsonResult GetInfoMapLink(MapLinkConsulta dados)
                const string token = "c13iyCvmcC9mzwkLd0LCbmYC5mUF5m2jNGNtNGt6NmK6NJK=";

                var originRoute = new RouteStop
                    description = "",
                    point = new Point { x = Convert.ToDouble(dados.origem.longitude,cult) , y = Convert.ToDouble(dados.origem.latitude, cult) }

                var destinationRoute = new RouteStop
                    description = "",
                    point = new Point { x = Convert.ToDouble(dados.destino.longitude,cult), y = Convert.ToDouble(dados.destino.latitude,cult) }

                var routes = new[] { originRoute, destinationRoute };

                var routeOptions = new RouteOptions
                    language = "portugues",
                    routeDetails = new RouteDetails { descriptionType = 0, routeType = 1, optimizeRoute = true },
                    vehicle = new Vehicle
                        tankCapacity = 20,
                        averageConsumption = 9,
                        fuelPrice = 3,
                        averageSpeed = 60,
                        tollFeeCat = 2

                using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
                    var getRouteTotalsResponse = routeSoapClient.getRouteTotals(routes, routeOptions, token);

                    var resultado = new
                        consumo = getRouteTotalsResponse.totalFuelUsed.ToString(cult),
                        distancia = getRouteTotalsResponse.totalDistance.ToString(cult),
                        tempototal = getRouteTotalsResponse.totalTime.ToString(cult)
                    return Json(resultado, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

                return null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                return null;
 public RouteTotals Calculate(RouteStop[] routes, int routeType)
     this.ErrorMessage = String.Empty;
         using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
             var getRouteTotalsResponse = routeSoapClient
                 .getRouteTotals(routes, this.DefaultRouteOptions(routeType), this.Token);
             return getRouteTotalsResponse;
     catch (System.ServiceModel.FaultException e)
         this.ErrorMessage = e.Message;
         return null;
        private RouteCost RequestRouteCost(RouteType routeType)
            _routeDetails = new RouteDetails();
            _routeDetails.descriptionType = Config.DesciptionType;
            _routeDetails.optimizeRoute   = true;
            _routeDetails.routeType       = Convert.ToInt32(routeType);

            _routeOptions.routeDetails = _routeDetails;

            using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
                _routeInfo = routeSoapClient.getRoute(GenerateRouteStop(), _routeOptions, _token);

            return(new RouteCost
                TotalDistance = _routeInfo.routeTotals.totalDistance,
                TotalFuelCost = _routeInfo.routeTotals.totalfuelCost,
                TotalCostWithToll = _routeInfo.routeTotals.totalCost,
                TotalTimeRote = _routeInfo.routeTotals.totalTime
        /// <summary>
        /// Método para retorno de informações e valores sobre a rota
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Chave para autenticação</param>
        /// <param name="enderecoPartida">Endereco com número de partida, ex: Av Paulista, 1000</param>
        /// <param name="cidadeUfPartida">Cidade e estado de partida, ex: São Paulo,SP</param>
        /// <param name="enderecoDestino">Endereco com número de destino, ex: Av Paulista, 1000</param>
        /// <param name="cidadeUfDestino">Cidade e estado de destino, ex: São Paulo,SP</param>
        /// <param name="veiculo">Infomar: CapacidadeTanque,ConsumoMedio,ValorCombustivel,VelocidadeMedia,CategoriaVeiculo(1-Moto,2-Carro,5-Onibus,7-Caminhao)</param>
        /// <param name="tipoRota">0 = Rota padrão mais rápida, 1 = Rota evitando o trânsito. (Somente utilizando base urbana)</param>
        /// <returns>Tempo total da rota;Distância total;Custo de combustível;Custo total considerando pedágio</returns>
        public ResponseInformacoesRota GetInformacoesRota(string token, string enderecoPartida, string cidadeUfPartida, string enderecoDestino, string cidadeUfDestino, Veiculo veiculo, int tipoRota = 0)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(enderecoPartida) || enderecoPartida.Split(',').Length != 2)
                    return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                               Exception = "O endereço de partida deve ser preenchido corretamente: ex: Av Paulista, 1000"
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cidadeUfPartida) || cidadeUfPartida.Split(',').Length != 2)
                    return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                               Exception = "A cidade e UF de partida deve ser preenchida corretamente, ex: São Paulo, SP"
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(enderecoDestino) || enderecoDestino.Split(',').Length != 2)
                    return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                               Exception = "O endereço de destino deve ser preenchido corretamente: ex: Av Paulista, 2000"
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cidadeUfDestino) || cidadeUfDestino.Split(',').Length != 2)
                    return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                               Exception = "A cidade de destino deve ser preenchida corretamente, ex: São Paulo, SP"
                if (veiculo == null)
                    return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                               Exception = "As informações do veículo devem ser preenchidas"
                if (veiculo.CapacidadeTanque <= 0)
                    return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                               Exception = "A capacidade do tanque deve ser informada"
                if (veiculo.CategoriaVeiculo <= 0)
                    return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                               Exception = "A categoria do veículo deve ser informada"
                if (veiculo.ConsumoMedio <= 0)
                    return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                               Exception = "O consumo médio do veículo deve ser informado"
                if (veiculo.ValorCombustivel <= 0)
                    return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                               Exception = "O valor do combustível deve ser informado"
                //ToDo: Verificar se existe método no webservice que calcula velocidade média da viagem
                if (veiculo.VelocidadeMedia <= 0)
                    return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                               Exception = "A velocidade média a ser empregada na viagem deve ser informada"

                var addressStart = new Address
                    street      = enderecoPartida.Split(',')[0].Trim(),
                    houseNumber = enderecoPartida.Split(',')[1].Trim(),
                    city        = new ServiceAddress.City {
                        name = cidadeUfPartida.Split(',')[0].Trim(), state = cidadeUfPartida.Split(',')[1].Trim()

                var addressEnd = new Address
                    street      = enderecoDestino.Split(',')[0].Trim(),
                    houseNumber = enderecoDestino.Split(',')[1].Trim(),
                    city        = new ServiceAddress.City {
                        name = cidadeUfDestino.Split(',')[0].Trim(), state = cidadeUfDestino.Split(',')[1].Trim()

                var addressOptions = new AddressOptions
                    usePhonetic = true,
                    searchType  = 2,
                    resultRange = new ResultRange {
                        pageIndex = 1, recordsPerPage = 1

                double xPartida = 0;
                double yPartida = 0;
                using (var addressFinderSoapClient = new AddressFinderSoapClient())
                    var findAddressResponse = addressFinderSoapClient.findAddress(addressStart, addressOptions, token);

                    if (findAddressResponse.addressLocation.Count() == 0)
                        return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                                   Exception = "O endereço de partida não foi localizado, verifique"

                    xPartida = findAddressResponse.addressLocation.First().point.x;
                    yPartida = findAddressResponse.addressLocation.First().point.y;

                double xDestino = 0;
                double yDestino = 0;
                using (var addressFinderSoapClient = new AddressFinderSoapClient())
                    var findAddressResponse = addressFinderSoapClient.findAddress(addressEnd, addressOptions, token);
                    if (findAddressResponse.addressLocation.Count() == 0)
                        return new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                                   Exception = "O endereço de chegada não foi localizado, verifique"

                    xDestino = findAddressResponse.addressLocation.First().point.x;
                    yDestino = findAddressResponse.addressLocation.First().point.y;

                var originRoute = new ServiceRouteMapLink.RouteStop
                    description = addressStart.street,
                    point       = new ServiceRouteMapLink.Point {
                        x = xPartida, y = yPartida

                var destinationRoute = new ServiceRouteMapLink.RouteStop
                    description = addressEnd.street,
                    point       = new ServiceRouteMapLink.Point {
                        x = xDestino, y = yDestino

                var routes = new[] { originRoute, destinationRoute };

                var opcaoRota = DescriptionType.RotaUrbana;
                tipoRota = (int)RouteType.PadraoRapida;
                //Se a cidade for diferente troca o descriptionType para rota rodoviária
                if (!cidadeUfPartida.Trim().Equals(cidadeUfDestino.Trim()))
                    opcaoRota = DescriptionType.RotaRodoviaria;

                var routeOptions = new RouteOptions
                    language     = "portugues",
                    routeDetails = new RouteDetails {
                        descriptionType = (int)opcaoRota, routeType = tipoRota, optimizeRoute = true
                    vehicle = new Vehicle
                        tankCapacity       = veiculo.CapacidadeTanque,
                        averageConsumption = veiculo.ConsumoMedio,
                        fuelPrice          = veiculo.ValorCombustivel,
                        averageSpeed       = veiculo.VelocidadeMedia,
                        tollFeeCat         = veiculo.CategoriaVeiculo

                using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
                    var getRouteResponse = routeSoapClient.getRoute(routes, routeOptions, token);

                    var result = new ResponseInformacoesRota
                        TempoTotal              = getRouteResponse.routeTotals.totalTime,
                        DistanciaTotal          = getRouteResponse.routeTotals.totalDistance,
                        CustoCombustivel        = getRouteResponse.routeTotals.totalfuelCost,
                        CustoPedagioCombustivel = getRouteResponse.routeTotals.totalCost
            catch (Exception)
                return(new ResponseInformacoesRota {
                    Exception = "Não foi possível processar sua solicitação"
        private RouteCost RequestRouteCost(RouteType routeType)
            _routeDetails = new RouteDetails();
            _routeDetails.descriptionType = Config.DesciptionType;
            _routeDetails.optimizeRoute = true;
            _routeDetails.routeType = Convert.ToInt32(routeType);

            _routeOptions.routeDetails = _routeDetails;

            using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
                _routeInfo = routeSoapClient.getRoute(GenerateRouteStop(), _routeOptions, _token);

            return new RouteCost
                TotalDistance = _routeInfo.routeTotals.totalDistance,
                TotalFuelCost = _routeInfo.routeTotals.totalfuelCost,
                TotalCostWithToll = _routeInfo.routeTotals.totalCost,
                TotalTimeRote = _routeInfo.routeTotals.totalTime
        private Rota CalculaRota(Endereco end1, Endereco end2, EnumTipoRota tipoRota)
            var address1 = new Address
                street = end1.NomeRuaAvenida,
                houseNumber = end1.Numero.ToString(),
                city = new ServiceAddressFinder.City { name = end1.Cidade, state = end1.Estado }

            var address2 = new Address
                street = end2.NomeRuaAvenida,
                houseNumber = end2.Numero.ToString(),
                city = new ServiceAddressFinder.City { name = end2.Cidade, state = end2.Estado }

            var afSoa = new AddressFinderSoapClient();
            afSoa.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress("");
            var addressXY1 = afSoa.getXY(address1, token);
            var addressXY2 = afSoa.getXY(address2, token);

            var rSoa = new RouteSoapClient();
            var routes = new[] {
                new RouteStop
                    description = address1.street+ ", "+address1.houseNumber,
                    point = new ServiceRoute.Point { x = addressXY1.x, y = addressXY1.y }
                new RouteStop
                    description = address2.street+ ", "+address2.houseNumber,
                    point = new ServiceRoute.Point { x = addressXY2.x, y = addressXY2.y }
            var routeOptions = new RouteOptions
                language = "portugues",
                routeDetails = new RouteDetails { descriptionType = 0, routeType = (int)tipoRota, optimizeRoute = true },
                vehicle = new Vehicle
                    tankCapacity = 20,
                    averageConsumption = 9,
                    fuelPrice = 3,
                    averageSpeed = 60,
                    tollFeeCat = 2
            var getRouteResponse = rSoa.getRoute(routes, routeOptions, token);
            var rt = getRouteResponse.routeTotals;

            this.CustoCombustivel = rt.totalfuelCost;
            this.CustoComPedagio = this.CustoCombustivel + rt.totaltollFeeCost;
            this.DistanciaTotal = rt.totalDistance;
            this.TotalTempo = rt.totalTime;

            return this;
Beispiel #11
        public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)
            MapLinkArquivoOutput resultado = new MapLinkArquivoOutput();

            // Verify that the user selected a file
            if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                resultado.itens = new List<MapLinkOutputItem>();

                StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(file.InputStream);
                string conteudo = stream.ReadToEnd();
                List<MapLinkFileInput> input = DecodeMapLinkInputFile(conteudo);

                const string token = "c13iyCvmcC9mzwkLd0LCbmYC5mUF5m2jNGNtNGt6NmK6NJK=";

                foreach(var item in input){
                    var originRoute = new RouteStop
                        description = "",
                        point = new Point { x = Convert.ToDouble(item.originCoordinate.longitude,cult) , y = Convert.ToDouble(item.originCoordinate.latitude, cult) }

                    var destinationRoute = new RouteStop
                        description = "",
                        point = new Point { x = Convert.ToDouble(item.destinationCoordinate.longitude,cult), y = Convert.ToDouble(item.destinationCoordinate.latitude,cult) }

                    var routes = new[] { originRoute, destinationRoute };

                    var routeOptions = new RouteOptions
                        language = "portugues",
                        routeDetails = new RouteDetails { descriptionType = 0, routeType = 1, optimizeRoute = true },
                        vehicle = new Vehicle
                            tankCapacity = 20,
                            averageConsumption = 9,
                            fuelPrice = 3,
                            averageSpeed = 60,
                            tollFeeCat = 2

                    using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
                        var getRouteTotalsResponse = routeSoapClient.getRouteTotals(routes, routeOptions, token);

                        resultado.itens.Add(new MapLinkOutputItem(){
            // redirect back to the index action to show the form once again
            return View("Index",resultado);