Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the tick labels to the canvas of the control.
        /// </summary>
        private void InsertTickLabels()
            foreach (var label in this.labelList)
                var textBlock = new TextBlock
                    Text                = label.Item2,
                    FontSize            = LabelFontSize,
                    Foreground          = _tickLabelBrush,
                    Background          = Brushes.Transparent,
                    HorizontalAlignment = IsVertical ? HorizontalAlignment.Right : HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                    VerticalAlignment   = IsVertical ? VerticalAlignment.Center : VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                    Margin              = new Thickness(0.0),
                    Height              = ValueIndicatorSize

                // Calculate the normalized (0..1) horizontal location of the label (which is centered below this)
                double location = GetLocation(label.Item1);

                // Scale to the actual width of the grid, but place it 1.5pixels inside the range..
                location = location * (this.UsableSize - 1);


                // Now position the label accordingly
                if (IsVertical)
                    textBlock.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, location);
                    textBlock.SetValue(Canvas.RightProperty, 2.0 + MajorTickLength);
                    textBlock.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, location + (LabelFontSize / 3) - ((label.Item2.Length - 1) * 0.75 * (LabelFontSize / 3)));
                    textBlock.SetValue(Canvas.BottomProperty, 2.0 + MajorTickLength);

            var rotate90CCW = new RotateTransform(IsVertical ? -90 : 0);

            var axisLabelBlock = new TextBlock()
                Text                  = AxisLabel,
                FontSize              = LabelFontSize * 1.5,
                Foreground            = _tickLabelBrush,
                Background            = Brushes.Transparent,
                HorizontalAlignment   = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalAlignment     = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                Margin                = new Thickness(0.0),
                RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(1.0, 0.5),
                RenderTransform       = rotate90CCW,

            if (IsVertical)
                axisLabelBlock.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, (this.ActualHeight / 2) - (AxisLabel.Length * 0.4 * LabelFontSize));
                axisLabelBlock.SetValue(Canvas.RightProperty, axisLabelBlock.FontSize + 9.0 + MajorTickLength);
                axisLabelBlock.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (this.ActualWidth / 2) - (AxisLabel.Length * 0.4 * LabelFontSize));
                axisLabelBlock.SetValue(Canvas.BottomProperty, axisLabelBlock.FontSize + 5.0 + MajorTickLength);
Beispiel #2
        private void ellCenterBottom_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e)
            double          addToHeight         = 0.0;
            Point           deltaTranslation    = e.Delta.Translation;
            RotateTransform lastRotateTransform = getLastRotateTransformation();

            if (lastRotateTransform == null)
                addToHeight = e.Delta.Translation.Y;
            else if ((0.0 < lastRotateTransform.Angle && lastRotateTransform.Angle < 90.0) ||
                     (-360.0 < lastRotateTransform.Angle && lastRotateTransform.Angle < -270.0))
                if (deltaTranslation.X < 0.0 && deltaTranslation.Y >= 0.0)
                    addToHeight = Math.Sqrt(deltaTranslation.X * deltaTranslation.X + deltaTranslation.Y * deltaTranslation.Y);
                else if (deltaTranslation.X >= 0.0 && deltaTranslation.Y < 0.0)
                    addToHeight = Math.Sqrt(deltaTranslation.X * deltaTranslation.X + deltaTranslation.Y * deltaTranslation.Y) * -1.0;
                    addToHeight = 0.0;
            else if (lastRotateTransform.Angle == 90.0 || lastRotateTransform.Angle == -270.0)
                addToHeight = (e.Delta.Translation.X * -1.0);
            else if ((90.0 < lastRotateTransform.Angle && lastRotateTransform.Angle < 180.0) ||
                     (-270.0 < lastRotateTransform.Angle && lastRotateTransform.Angle < -180.0))
                if (deltaTranslation.X < 0.0 && deltaTranslation.Y < 0.0)
                    addToHeight = Math.Sqrt(deltaTranslation.X * deltaTranslation.X + deltaTranslation.Y * deltaTranslation.Y);
                else if (deltaTranslation.X >= 0.0 && deltaTranslation.Y >= 0.0)
                    addToHeight = Math.Sqrt(deltaTranslation.X * deltaTranslation.X + deltaTranslation.Y * deltaTranslation.Y) * -1.0;
                    addToHeight = 0.0;
            else if (lastRotateTransform.Angle == 180.0 || lastRotateTransform.Angle == -180.0)
                addToHeight = (e.Delta.Translation.Y * -1.0);
            else if ((180.0 < lastRotateTransform.Angle && lastRotateTransform.Angle < 270.0) ||
                     (-180.0 < lastRotateTransform.Angle && lastRotateTransform.Angle < -90.0))
                if (deltaTranslation.X >= 0.0 && deltaTranslation.Y < 0.0)
                    addToHeight = Math.Sqrt(deltaTranslation.X * deltaTranslation.X + deltaTranslation.Y * deltaTranslation.Y);
                else if (deltaTranslation.X < 0.0 && deltaTranslation.Y >= 0.0)
                    addToHeight = Math.Sqrt(deltaTranslation.X * deltaTranslation.X + deltaTranslation.Y * deltaTranslation.Y) * -1.0;
                    addToHeight = 0.0;
            else if (lastRotateTransform.Angle == 270.0 || lastRotateTransform.Angle == -90.0)
                addToHeight = (e.Delta.Translation.X);
            else if ((270.0 < lastRotateTransform.Angle && lastRotateTransform.Angle < 360.0) ||
                     (-90.0 < lastRotateTransform.Angle && lastRotateTransform.Angle < 0.0))
                if (deltaTranslation.X >= 0.0 && deltaTranslation.Y >= 0.0)
                    addToHeight = Math.Sqrt(deltaTranslation.X * deltaTranslation.X + deltaTranslation.Y * deltaTranslation.Y);
                else if (deltaTranslation.X < 0.0 && deltaTranslation.Y < 0.0)
                    addToHeight = Math.Sqrt(deltaTranslation.X * deltaTranslation.X + deltaTranslation.Y * deltaTranslation.Y) * -1.0;
                    addToHeight = 0.0;

            if ((GridMain.Height + addToHeight) >= _minGridMainHeight)

                setSizeOfRecBar(rectRectangleToDraw.Height, rectRectangleToDraw.Width);
Beispiel #3
        public void RedrawIfVisible(Point mouseLocation, Canvas canvasToMagnify)
            // nothing to draw
            if ((this.IsEnabled == false) ||
                (this.IsVisible == false) ||
                (this.Visibility != Visibility.Visible) ||
                (canvasToMagnify == null) ||
                (this.Parent.ImageToMagnify.Source == null))

            // Given a mouse position over the displayed image, we need to know where the equivalent position is over the magnified image (which is a different size)
            // We do this by calculating the ratio of the point over the displayed image, and then using that to calculate the position over the cached image
            Point mousePosition      = NativeMethods.GetCursorPos(this.Parent.ImageToDisplay);
            Point mouseLocationRatio = Marker.ConvertPointToRatio(mousePosition, this.Parent.ImageToDisplay.ActualWidth, this.Parent.ImageToDisplay.ActualHeight);
            Point magnifiedLocation  = Marker.ConvertRatioToPoint(mouseLocationRatio, canvasToMagnify.Width, canvasToMagnify.Height);

            // Create an Visual brush from the unaltered image in the magnification canvas magCanvas, set its properties, and use it to fill the magnifying glass.
            // This includes calculating the position and zoom of the viewbox within that brush
            VisualBrush magnifierBrush = new VisualBrush(canvasToMagnify)
                ViewboxUnits  = BrushMappingMode.Absolute,
                ViewportUnits = BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox,
                Viewport      = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1),
                Viewbox       = new Rect(magnifiedLocation.X - this.ZoomFactor / 2.0, magnifiedLocation.Y - this.ZoomFactor / 2.0, this.ZoomFactor, this.ZoomFactor)

            // Finally, fill the magnifying glass with this brush
            this.magnifierLens.Fill = magnifierBrush;

            // Figure out the magnifying glass angle needed
            // The idea is that we will start rotating when the magnifying glass is near the top and the left of the display
            // The critical distance is size for the Y direction, and somewhat larger than size for the X direction (as we have to start
            // rotating earlier so it doesn't get clipped). xsize is somewhat arbitrary, i.e., determined by trial and error
            // positions of edges where angle should change
            const double EdgeThreshold = Constant.MarkableCanvas.MagnifyingGlassDiameter; // proximity to an edge where the magnifying glass change angles
            double       leftEdge      = EdgeThreshold;
            double       rightEdge     = this.Parent.ImageToDisplay.ActualWidth - EdgeThreshold;
            double       topEdge       = EdgeThreshold;
            double       bottomEdge    = this.Parent.ImageToDisplay.ActualHeight - EdgeThreshold;

            double newMagnifyingGlassAngle;  // the new angle to rotate the magnifying glass to

            // In various cases, several angles can work so choose a new angle whose difference from the existing angle will cause the least amount of animation
            if ((mouseLocation.X < leftEdge) && (mouseLocation.Y < topEdge))
                newMagnifyingGlassAngle = 180;                                                  // upper left corner
            else if ((mouseLocation.X < leftEdge) && (mouseLocation.Y > bottomEdge))
                newMagnifyingGlassAngle = 90;                                                   // lower left corner
            else if (mouseLocation.X < leftEdge)
                newMagnifyingGlassAngle = AdjustAngle(this.magnifyingGlassAngle, 90, 180);      // middle left edge
            else if ((mouseLocation.X > rightEdge) && (mouseLocation.Y < topEdge))
                newMagnifyingGlassAngle = 270;                                                      // upper right corner
            else if ((mouseLocation.X > rightEdge) && (mouseLocation.Y > bottomEdge))
                newMagnifyingGlassAngle = 0;                                                         // lower right corner
            else if (mouseLocation.X > rightEdge)
                newMagnifyingGlassAngle = AdjustAngle(this.magnifyingGlassAngle, 270, 0);       // middle right edge
            else if (mouseLocation.Y < topEdge)
                newMagnifyingGlassAngle = AdjustAngle(this.magnifyingGlassAngle, 270, 180);     // top edge, middle
            else if (mouseLocation.Y > bottomEdge)
                newMagnifyingGlassAngle = AdjustAngle(this.magnifyingGlassAngle, 0, 90);       // bottom edge, middle
                newMagnifyingGlassAngle = this.magnifyingGlassAngle;                           // far enough from edges, any angle will work: magnifer stays on the display image at any angle;

            // If the angle has changed, animate the magnifying glass and its contained image to the new angle
            double lensDiameter = this.magnifierLens.Width;

            if (this.magnifyingGlassAngle != newMagnifyingGlassAngle)
                // Correct the rotation in those cases where it would turn the long way around.
                // Note that the new lens angle correction is hard coded rather than calculated, as it works.
                double newLensAngle;
                double uncorrectedNewLensAngle = -newMagnifyingGlassAngle;
                if (this.magnifyingGlassAngle == 270 && newMagnifyingGlassAngle == 0)
                    this.magnifyingGlassAngle = -90;
                    newLensAngle = -360; // subtract the rotation of the magnifying glass to counter that rotational effect
                else if (this.magnifyingGlassAngle == 0 && newMagnifyingGlassAngle == 270)
                    this.magnifyingGlassAngle = 360;
                    newLensAngle = 90;
                    newLensAngle = uncorrectedNewLensAngle;

                // Rotate the lens within the magnifying glass
                Duration        animationDuration   = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500));
                DoubleAnimation lensAnimation       = new DoubleAnimation(this.lensAngle, newLensAngle, animationDuration);
                RotateTransform rotateTransformLens = new RotateTransform(this.magnifyingGlassAngle, lensDiameter / 2, lensDiameter / 2);
                rotateTransformLens.BeginAnimation(RotateTransform.AngleProperty, lensAnimation);
                this.lensCanvas.RenderTransform = rotateTransformLens;

                // Now rotate and position the entire magnifying glass
                RotateTransform rotateTransformMagnifyingGlass = new RotateTransform(this.magnifyingGlassAngle, lensDiameter, lensDiameter);
                DoubleAnimation magnifyingGlassAnimation       = new DoubleAnimation(this.magnifyingGlassAngle, newMagnifyingGlassAngle, animationDuration);
                rotateTransformMagnifyingGlass.BeginAnimation(RotateTransform.AngleProperty, magnifyingGlassAnimation);
                this.RenderTransform = rotateTransformMagnifyingGlass;

                // Save the angle so we can compare it on the next iteration. If any of them are 360, swap it to 0
                if (newMagnifyingGlassAngle % 360 == 0)
                    newMagnifyingGlassAngle = 0;
                if (newLensAngle % 360 == 0)
                    uncorrectedNewLensAngle = 0;
                this.magnifyingGlassAngle = newMagnifyingGlassAngle;
                this.lensAngle            = uncorrectedNewLensAngle;
            Canvas.SetLeft(this, mouseLocation.X - lensDiameter);
            Canvas.SetTop(this, mouseLocation.Y - lensDiameter);
 public void SetRotation()
     rotation            = new RotateTransform(_rotation);
     Img.RenderTransform = rotation;
Beispiel #5
        private void Test()
            var test = new TransformGroup
                Children = new TransformCollection
                    new TranslateTransform {
                        X = 10, Y = 20
                    new RotateTransform {
                        Angle = 45
            var v = test.Value;

            var st = new TransformGroup {
                Children = new TransformCollection {
                    new SkewTransform {
                        AngleX = 45
            var tt = new TranslateTransform {
                X = 1

            var tg1 = new TransformGroup {
                Children = new TransformCollection {
                    st, tt
            var tg2 = new TransformGroup {
                Children = new TransformCollection {
                    tt, st

            var tg3 = new TransformGroup {
                Children = new TransformCollection {
            var tg4 = new TransformGroup {
                Children = new TransformCollection {

            var tg5 = new TransformGroup();

            tg5.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform {
                X = 1, Y = 2
            tg5.Children.Add(new RotateTransform {
                Angle = -90

            var tg6 = new TransformGroup();

            tg6.Children.Add(new RotateTransform {
                Angle = -90
            tg6.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform {
                X = 1, Y = 2

            var p = new RotateTransform {
                Angle = 90
            }.Transform(new Point(1, 2));

            var m3 = new Matrix3DProjection();
Beispiel #6
        private void ApplyTextContainerStyle(Panel container, double y)
            var font = _currentState.CurrentFont;

            if (font != null && container.Children.Count > 0)
                Canvas.SetTop(container, y - ((TextBlock)container.Children[0]).FontSize);

                // Rotation
                if (font.Escapement != 0)
                    var block = ((TextBlock)container.Children[0]);
                    var rotate = new RotateTransform
                                         Angle = -1 * font.Escapement / 10.0
            #if !NETFX_CORE
                                         , CenterY = block.FontSize * block.FontFamily.Baseline
                    container.RenderTransform = rotate;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates this instance.
        /// </summary>
        internal void Update()
            double desiredHeight = 0;
            double labelSize = 0;
            if (this.ActualHeight > 0 && this.ActualWidth > 0)
                double xAxisWidthStep = this.ActualWidth / ((MIntervalCount > 0) ? MIntervalCount : 1);
                double xAxisWidthPosition = 0;
                double minorstep = 0;
                AxisLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
                Rect oldRect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);

                if (this.MLabels.Count == Labels.Count)
                    int k = 0;
                    int minorCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.MLabels.Count; i++)
                        xAxisWidthPosition = this.DataToPoint(MStartValue + (MInterval * k));
                        ContentControl label = Labels[k];
                        label.Content = MLabels[k];
                        label.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                        RotateTransform labelRotation = new RotateTransform();
                        labelRotation.Angle = LabelAngle;
                        Rect originalRect=new Rect(0, 0, label.DesiredSize.Width, label.DesiredSize.Height);

                        Rect rotatedRect = GetRotatedRect(originalRect, labelRotation);
                        //label.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
                        label.RenderTransform = labelRotation;
                        Line tickLine = MajorTickLines[k];
                        double labelPadding = 0;
                        tickLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                        tickLine.X1 = xAxisWidthPosition ;
                        tickLine.X2 = xAxisWidthPosition ;
                        switch (MajorTicksPosition)
                            case TickPosition.Inside:
                                if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                    labelPadding = 0;
                                    desiredHeight = 0;
                            case TickPosition.Cross:
                                if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                    labelPadding = tickLine.Y2;
                                    desiredHeight = tickLine.Y2;
                            case TickPosition.Outside:
                                if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                    labelPadding = tickLine.Y2;
                                    desiredHeight = tickLine.Y2;
                        if (!(i == this.MLabels.Count - 1))
                            double minorWidth = xAxisWidthStep;
                            minorstep = minorWidth / (MinorTicksCount + 1);
                            for (int j = 0; j < this.MinorTicksCount; j++)
                                Line minorLine = MinorTickLines[minorCount];
                                minorLine.X1 = (xAxisWidthPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                                minorLine.X2 = (xAxisWidthPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                                switch (MinorTicksPosition)
                                    case TickPosition.Inside:
                                        minorLine.Y1 = 0;
                                    case TickPosition.Cross:
                                        //minorLine.Y1 = MinorLineSize / 2;
                                    case TickPosition.Outside:
                                        minorLine.Y1 = 0;


                        //Canvas.SetLeft(label, xAxisWidthPosition - (label.DesiredSize.Width / 2));
                        //Canvas.SetTop(label, desiredHeight);
                        if (this.LabelAngle == 0)
                            Canvas.SetLeft(label, xAxisWidthPosition - (label.DesiredSize.Width / 2));
                            Canvas.SetTop(label, desiredHeight);
                            labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, label.DesiredSize.Height);
                            Canvas.SetLeft(label, xAxisWidthPosition - (rotatedRect.Width / 2) - rotatedRect.X);
                            Canvas.SetTop(label, desiredHeight - rotatedRect.Y);
                            labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, rotatedRect.Height);


                    if (this.MLabels.Count > Labels.Count)
                        int offset = this.MLabels.Count - Labels.Count;
                        for (int j = 0; j < offset; j++)
                            ContentControl label = new ContentControl();
                            label.Content = MLabels[this.MLabels.Count - offset - 1];
                            Binding labelTemplateBinding = new Binding();
                            labelTemplateBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("LabelTemplate");
                            labelTemplateBinding.Source = this;
                            label.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentTemplateProperty, labelTemplateBinding);
                            label.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                            RotateTransform labelRotation = new RotateTransform();
                            labelRotation.Angle = LabelAngle;
                            Rect rotatedRect = GetRotatedRect(new Rect(0, 0, label.DesiredSize.Width, label.DesiredSize.Height), labelRotation);
                           // label.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
                            label.RenderTransform = labelRotation;
                            Line tickLine = new Line();
                            Binding styleBinding = new Binding();
                            styleBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineStyle");
                            styleBinding.Source = this;
                            tickLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, styleBinding);
                            tickLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                            tickLine.X1 = xAxisWidthPosition - (tickLine.DesiredSize.Width / 2);
                            tickLine.X2 = xAxisWidthPosition - (tickLine.DesiredSize.Width / 2);

                            switch (this.MajorTicksPosition)
                                case TickPosition.Inside:
                                    tickLine.Y1 = 0;
                                    Binding tickSizeInsideBinding = new Binding();
                                    tickSizeInsideBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineSize");
                                    tickSizeInsideBinding.Source = this;
                                    tickSizeInsideBinding.Converter = new NegativeConverter();
                                    tickLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, tickSizeInsideBinding);
                                    if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                        desiredHeight = 0;
                                case TickPosition.Cross:
                                    Binding tickSizeNegativeCrossBinding = new Binding();
                                    tickSizeNegativeCrossBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineSize");
                                    tickSizeNegativeCrossBinding.Source = this;
                                    tickSizeNegativeCrossBinding.Converter = new NegativeHalfConverter();
                                    tickLine.SetBinding(Line.Y1Property, tickSizeNegativeCrossBinding);
                                    Binding tickSizeCrossBinding = new Binding();
                                    tickSizeCrossBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineSize");
                                    tickSizeCrossBinding.Source = this;
                                    tickSizeCrossBinding.Converter = new HalfValueConverter();
                                    tickLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, tickSizeCrossBinding);
                                    if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                        desiredHeight = MajorLineSize / 2;
                                case TickPosition.Outside:
                                    tickLine.Y1 = 0;
                                    Binding tickSizeBinding = new Binding();
                                    tickSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineSize");
                                    tickSizeBinding.Source = this;
                                    tickLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, tickSizeBinding);
                                    if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                        desiredHeight = MajorLineSize;

                            Binding ticklineVisibilityBinding = new Binding();
                            ticklineVisibilityBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("ShowMajorTicks");
                            ticklineVisibilityBinding.Source = this;
                            ticklineVisibilityBinding.Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
                            tickLine.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, ticklineVisibilityBinding);
                            double minorWidth = xAxisWidthStep;
                            minorstep = minorWidth / (MinorTicksCount + 1);
                            for (int k = 0; k < this.MinorTicksCount; k++)
                                Line minorLine = new Line();
                                Binding minorstyleBinding = new Binding();
                                minorstyleBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineStyle");
                                minorstyleBinding.Source = this;
                                minorLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, minorstyleBinding);
                                minorLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                                minorLine.X1 = (xAxisWidthPosition + minorstep);
                                minorLine.X2 = (xAxisWidthPosition + minorstep);
                                switch (MinorTicksPosition)
                                    case TickPosition.Inside:
                                        minorLine.Y1 = 0;
                                        Binding minortickInsideSizeBinding = new Binding();
                                        minortickInsideSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineSize");
                                        minortickInsideSizeBinding.Source = this;
                                        minortickInsideSizeBinding.Converter = new NegativeConverter();
                                        minorLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, minortickInsideSizeBinding);
                                    case TickPosition.Cross:
                                        Binding minortickNegativeCrossSizeBinding = new Binding();
                                        minortickNegativeCrossSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineSize");
                                        minortickNegativeCrossSizeBinding.Source = this;
                                        minortickNegativeCrossSizeBinding.Converter = new NegativeHalfConverter();
                                        minorLine.SetBinding(Line.Y1Property, minortickNegativeCrossSizeBinding);

                                        Binding minortickCrossSizeBinding = new Binding();
                                        minortickCrossSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineSize");
                                        minortickCrossSizeBinding.Source = this;
                                        minortickCrossSizeBinding.Converter = new HalfValueConverter();
                                        minorLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, minortickCrossSizeBinding);
                                    case TickPosition.Outside:
                                        minorLine.Y1 = 0;
                                        Binding minortickSizeBinding = new Binding();
                                        minortickSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineSize");
                                        minortickSizeBinding.Source = this;
                                        minorLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, minortickSizeBinding);
                                minorstep += minorstep;

                        int offset = Labels.Count - this.MLabels.Count;
                        for (int j = 0; j < offset; j++)
                            this.Children.Remove(Labels[Labels.Count - 1]);
                            Labels.RemoveAt(Labels.Count - 1);
                            for (int k = 0; k < this.MinorTicksCount; k++)
                                this.Children.Remove(MinorTickLines[MinorTickLines.Count - 1]);
                                MinorTickLines.RemoveAt(MinorTickLines.Count - 1);
                            this.Children.Remove(MajorTickLines[MajorTickLines.Count - 1]);
                            MajorTickLines.RemoveAt(MajorTickLines.Count - 1);
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.MLabels.Count; i++)
                        ContentControl label = Labels[i];
                        label.Content = MLabels[i];
                        label.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                        RotateTransform labelRotation = new RotateTransform();
                        labelRotation.Angle = LabelAngle;
                        Rect rotatedRect = GetRotatedRect(new Rect(0, 0, label.DesiredSize.Width, label.DesiredSize.Height), labelRotation);
                        //label.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
                        label.RenderTransform = labelRotation;
                        Line tickLine = MajorTickLines[i];
                        double labelPadding = 0;
                        int minorCount = 0;
                        tickLine.X1 = xAxisWidthPosition;
                        tickLine.X2 = xAxisWidthPosition;
                        tickLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));

                        if (!(i == this.MLabels.Count - 1))
                            double minorWidth = xAxisWidthStep;
                            minorstep = minorWidth / (MinorTicksCount + 1);
                            for (int j = 0; j < this.MinorTicksCount; j++)
                                Line minorLine = MinorTickLines[minorCount];
                                minorLine.X1 = (xAxisWidthPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                                minorLine.X2 = (xAxisWidthPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));

                        if (this.LabelAngle == 0)
                            Canvas.SetLeft(label, xAxisWidthPosition - (label.DesiredSize.Width / 2));
                            Canvas.SetTop(label, desiredHeight);
                            labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, label.DesiredSize.Height);
                            Canvas.SetLeft(label, xAxisWidthPosition - (rotatedRect.Width / 2) - rotatedRect.X);
                            Canvas.SetTop(label, desiredHeight - rotatedRect.Y);
                            labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, rotatedRect.Height);

                        xAxisWidthPosition += xAxisWidthStep;
                desiredHeight += labelSize;
                header.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                Canvas.SetLeft(header, (this.ActualWidth / 2) - (header.DesiredSize.Width / 2));
                Canvas.SetTop(header, desiredHeight);
                desiredHeight += header.DesiredSize.Height;
                this.Chart.AxisHeight = desiredHeight;
            //if (this.Chart.AxisHeight < desiredHeight)
Beispiel #8
        public static XamlBrush MapsuiBrushToXaml(Styles.Brush brush, SymbolCache symbolCache = null, double rotate = 0)
            if (brush == null)
            switch (brush.FillStyle)
            case FillStyle.Cross:
                return(CreateHatchBrush(brush, 12, 10, new List <Geometry> {
                    Geometry.Parse("M 0 0 l 10 10"), Geometry.Parse("M 0 10 l 10 -10")

            case FillStyle.BackwardDiagonal:
                return(CreateHatchBrush(brush, 10, 10, new List <Geometry> {
                    Geometry.Parse("M 0 10 l 10 -10"), Geometry.Parse("M -0.5 0.5 l 10 -10"), Geometry.Parse("M 8 12 l 10 -10")

            case FillStyle.Bitmap:
                return(GetOrCreateBitmapImage(brush, symbolCache).ToTiledImageBrush());

            case FillStyle.BitmapRotated:
                RotateTransform aRotateTransform = new RotateTransform();
                aRotateTransform.CenterX = 0.5;
                aRotateTransform.CenterY = 0.5;
                aRotateTransform.Angle   = rotate;
                var b = GetOrCreateBitmapImage(brush, symbolCache).ToTiledImageBrush();
                b.RelativeTransform = aRotateTransform;

            case FillStyle.Svg:

            case FillStyle.Dotted:

            case FillStyle.DiagonalCross:
                return(CreateHatchBrush(brush, 10, 10, new List <Geometry> {
                    Geometry.Parse("M 0 0 l 10 10"), Geometry.Parse("M 0 10 l 10 -10")

            case FillStyle.ForwardDiagonal:
                return(CreateHatchBrush(brush, 10, 10, new List <Geometry> {
                    Geometry.Parse("M -1 9 l 10 10"), Geometry.Parse("M 0 0 l 10 10"), Geometry.Parse("M 9 -1 l 10 10")

            case FillStyle.Hollow:
                return(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent));

            case FillStyle.Horizontal:
                return(CreateHatchBrush(brush, 10, 10, new List <Geometry> {
                    Geometry.Parse("M 0 5 h 10")

            case FillStyle.Solid:
                return(new SolidColorBrush(brush.Color != null ? brush.Color.ToXaml() : brush.Background != null ? brush.Color.ToXaml() : Colors.Transparent));

            case FillStyle.Vertical:
                return(CreateHatchBrush(brush, 10, 10, new List <Geometry> {
                    Geometry.Parse("M 5 0 l 0 10")

                return((brush.Color != null) ? new SolidColorBrush(brush.Color.ToXaml()) : null);
Beispiel #9
        //Drawing the scale with the Scale Radius
        private void DrawScale()
            //Calculate one major tick angle
            Double majorTickUnitAngle = ScaleSweepAngle / MajorDivisionsCount;

            //Obtaining One minor tick angle
            Double minorTickUnitAngle = ScaleSweepAngle / MinorDivisionsCount;

            //Obtaining One major ticks value
            Double majorTicksUnitValue = (MaxValue - MinValue) / MajorDivisionsCount;

            majorTicksUnitValue = Math.Round(majorTicksUnitValue, ScaleValuePrecision);

            Double minvalue = MinValue;;

            // Drawing Major scale ticks
            for (Double i = ScaleStartAngle; i <= (ScaleStartAngle + ScaleSweepAngle); i = i + majorTickUnitAngle)
                //Majortick is drawn as a rectangle
                Rectangle majortickrect = new Rectangle();
                majortickrect.Height = MajorTickSize.Height;
                majortickrect.Width  = MajorTickSize.Width;
                majortickrect.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(MajorTickColor);
                Point p = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
                majortickrect.RenderTransformOrigin = p;
                majortickrect.HorizontalAlignment   = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                majortickrect.VerticalAlignment     = VerticalAlignment.Center;

                TransformGroup  majortickgp = new TransformGroup();
                RotateTransform majortickrt = new RotateTransform();

                //Obtaining the angle in radians for calulating the points
                Double i_radian = (i * Math.PI) / 180;
                majortickrt.Angle = i;
                TranslateTransform majorticktt = new TranslateTransform();

                //Finding the point on the Scale where the major ticks are drawn
                //here drawing the points with center as (0,0)
                majorticktt.X = (int)((ScaleRadius) * Math.Cos(i_radian));
                majorticktt.Y = (int)((ScaleRadius) * Math.Sin(i_radian));

                //Points for the textblock which hold the scale value
                TranslateTransform majorscalevaluett = new TranslateTransform();
                //here drawing the points with center as (0,0)
                majorscalevaluett.X = (int)((ScaleLabelRadius) * Math.Cos(i_radian));
                majorscalevaluett.Y = (int)((ScaleLabelRadius) * Math.Sin(i_radian));

                //Defining the properties of the scale value textbox
                TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();

                tb.Height              = ScaleLabelSize.Height;
                tb.Width               = ScaleLabelSize.Width;
                tb.FontSize            = ScaleLabelFontSize;
                tb.Foreground          = new SolidColorBrush(ScaleLabelForeground);
                tb.TextAlignment       = TextAlignment.Center;
                tb.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                tb.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

                //Writing and appending the scale value

                //checking minvalue < maxvalue w.r.t scale precion value
                if (Math.Round(minvalue, ScaleValuePrecision) <= Math.Round(MaxValue, ScaleValuePrecision))
                    minvalue = Math.Round(minvalue, ScaleValuePrecision);
                    tb.Text  = minvalue.ToString();
                    minvalue = minvalue + majorTicksUnitValue;
                majortickrect.RenderTransform = majortickgp;
                tb.RenderTransform            = majorscalevaluett;

                //Drawing the minor axis ticks
                Double onedegree = ((i + majorTickUnitAngle) - i) / (MinorDivisionsCount);

                if ((i < (ScaleStartAngle + ScaleSweepAngle)) && (Math.Round(minvalue, ScaleValuePrecision) <= Math.Round(MaxValue, ScaleValuePrecision)))
                    //Drawing the minor scale
                    for (Double mi = i + onedegree; mi < (i + majorTickUnitAngle); mi = mi + onedegree)
                        //here the minortick is drawn as a rectangle
                        Rectangle mr = new Rectangle();
                        mr.Height = MinorTickSize.Height;
                        mr.Width  = MinorTickSize.Width;
                        mr.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(MinorTickColor);
                        mr.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                        mr.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                        Point p1 = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
                        mr.RenderTransformOrigin = p1;

                        TransformGroup  minortickgp = new TransformGroup();
                        RotateTransform minortickrt = new RotateTransform();
                        minortickrt.Angle = mi;
                        TranslateTransform minorticktt = new TranslateTransform();

                        //Obtaining the angle in radians for calulating the points
                        Double mi_radian = (mi * Math.PI) / 180;
                        //Finding the point on the Scale where the minor ticks are drawn
                        minorticktt.X = (int)((ScaleRadius) * Math.Cos(mi_radian));
                        minorticktt.Y = (int)((ScaleRadius) * Math.Sin(mi_radian));

                        mr.RenderTransform = minortickgp;
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the rotated rect.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rect">The rect.</param>
 /// <param name="rotate">The rotate.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Rect GetRotatedRect(Rect rect, RotateTransform rotate)
     #if !WINRT
     Point leftTop = rotate.Transform(new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top));
     Point rightTop = rotate.Transform(new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top));
     Point leftBottom = rotate.Transform(new Point(rect.Left, rect.Bottom));
     Point rightBottom = rotate.Transform(new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom));
     double left = Math.Min(Math.Min(leftTop.X, rightTop.X), Math.Min(leftBottom.X, rightBottom.X));
     double top = Math.Min(Math.Min(leftTop.Y, rightTop.Y), Math.Min(leftBottom.Y, rightBottom.Y));
     double right = Math.Max(Math.Max(leftTop.X, rightTop.X), Math.Max(leftBottom.X, rightBottom.X));
     double bottom = Math.Max(Math.Max(leftTop.Y, rightTop.Y), Math.Max(leftBottom.Y, rightBottom.Y));
     return new Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
     Point leftTop = rotate.TransformPoint(new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top));
     Point rightTop = rotate.TransformPoint(new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top));
     Point leftBottom = rotate.TransformPoint(new Point(rect.Left, rect.Bottom));
     Point rightBottom = rotate.TransformPoint(new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom));
     double left = Math.Min(Math.Min(leftTop.X, rightTop.X), Math.Min(leftBottom.X, rightBottom.X));
     double top = Math.Min(Math.Min(leftTop.Y, rightTop.Y), Math.Min(leftBottom.Y, rightBottom.Y));
     double right = Math.Max(Math.Max(leftTop.X, rightTop.X), Math.Max(leftBottom.X, rightBottom.X));
     double bottom = Math.Max(Math.Max(leftTop.Y, rightTop.Y), Math.Max(leftBottom.Y, rightBottom.Y));
     return new Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
        /// <summary>
        /// Walks the Transform and returns the corresponding matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transform">The transform to create a matrix for.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The matrix calculated from the transform.</returns>
        private Matrix GetTransformMatrix(Transform transform)
            if (null != transform)
                // WPF equivalent of this entire method:
                // return transform.Value;

                // Process the TransformGroup
                TransformGroup transformGroup = transform as TransformGroup;
                if (null != transformGroup)
                    Matrix groupMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
                    foreach (Transform child in transformGroup.Children)
                        groupMatrix = MatrixMultiply(groupMatrix, GetTransformMatrix(child));

                // Process the RotateTransform
                RotateTransform rotateTransform = transform as RotateTransform;
                if (null != rotateTransform)
                    double angle        = rotateTransform.Angle;
                    double angleRadians = (2 * Math.PI * angle) / 360;
                    double sine         = Math.Sin(angleRadians);
                    double cosine       = Math.Cos(angleRadians);
                    return(new Matrix(cosine, sine, -sine, cosine, 0, 0));

                // Process the ScaleTransform
                ScaleTransform scaleTransform = transform as ScaleTransform;
                if (null != scaleTransform)
                    double scaleX = scaleTransform.ScaleX;
                    double scaleY = scaleTransform.ScaleY;
                    return(new Matrix(scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, 0, 0));

                // Process the SkewTransform
                SkewTransform skewTransform = transform as SkewTransform;
                if (null != skewTransform)
                    double angleX        = skewTransform.AngleX;
                    double angleY        = skewTransform.AngleY;
                    double angleXRadians = (2 * Math.PI * angleX) / 360;
                    double angleYRadians = (2 * Math.PI * angleY) / 360;
                    return(new Matrix(1, angleYRadians, angleXRadians, 1, 0, 0));

                // Process the MatrixTransform
                MatrixTransform matrixTransform = transform as MatrixTransform;
                if (null != matrixTransform)

                // TranslateTransform has no effect in LayoutTransform

            // Fall back to no-op transformation
Beispiel #12
        private void Initialize()
            double desiredWidth = 0;
            if (this.ActualHeight > 0 && this.ActualWidth > 0)

                double yAxisHeightStep = this.ActualHeight / ((MIntervalCount > 0) ? MIntervalCount : 1);
                double yAxisHeightPosition = this.DataToPoint(MStartValue);
                Rect oldRect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
                AxisLine = new Line();
                Binding binding = new Binding();
                binding.Path = new PropertyPath("AxisLineStyle");
                binding.Source = this;
                AxisLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, binding);
                AxisLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                AxisLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
                AxisLine.Y1 = 0;
                AxisLine.Y2 = this.ActualHeight;
                AxisLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                Labels = new List<ContentControl>();
                MajorTickLines = new List<Line>();
                MinorTickLines = new List<Line>();
                double labelSize = 0;
                for (int i = this.MLabels.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    ContentControl label = new ContentControl();
                    label.Content = MLabels[i];
                    //label.ContentTemplate = this.LabelTemplate;
                    Binding labelTemplateBinding = new Binding();
                    labelTemplateBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("LabelTemplate");
                    labelTemplateBinding.Source = this;
                    label.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentTemplateProperty, labelTemplateBinding);
                    label.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                    RotateTransform labelRotation = new RotateTransform();
                    labelRotation.Angle = LabelAngle;
                    Rect rotatedRect = GetRotatedRect(new Rect(0, 0, label.DesiredSize.Width, label.DesiredSize.Height), labelRotation);
                    label.RenderTransform = labelRotation;
                    Line tickLine = new Line();
                    double labelPadding = 0;
                    Binding styleBinding = new Binding();
                    styleBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineStyle");
                    styleBinding.Source = this;
                    tickLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, styleBinding);
                    //tickLine.Style = MajorLineStyle;
                    tickLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));

                    tickLine.Y1 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                    tickLine.Y2 = yAxisHeightPosition;

                    switch (MajorTicksPosition)
                        case TickPosition.Inside:
                            tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                            tickLine.X2 = tickLine.X1 + MajorLineSize;
                            if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                labelPadding = 0;
                                desiredWidth = 0;
                        case TickPosition.Cross:
                            tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth -(MajorLineSize / 2);
                            tickLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth + (MajorLineSize / 2);
                            if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                labelPadding = tickLine.X2;
                                desiredWidth = this.MajorLineSize / 2;
                        case TickPosition.Outside:
                            tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                            tickLine.X2 = tickLine.X1 - MajorLineSize;
                            if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                labelPadding = tickLine.X2;
                                desiredWidth = this.MajorLineSize;
                    Binding ticklineVisibilityBinding = new Binding();
                    ticklineVisibilityBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("ShowMajorTicks");
                    ticklineVisibilityBinding.Source = this;
                    ticklineVisibilityBinding.Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
                    tickLine.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, ticklineVisibilityBinding);
                    //desiredWidth = 0;
                    double minorstep = 0;
                    if (!(i == 0))
                        double minorWidth = yAxisHeightStep;
                        minorstep = minorWidth / (MinorTicksCount + 1);
                        for (int j = 0; j < this.MinorTicksCount; j++)
                            Line minorLine = new Line();
                            Binding minorstyleBinding = new Binding();
                            minorstyleBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineStyle");
                            minorstyleBinding.Source = this;
                            minorLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, minorstyleBinding);
                            minorLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                            minorLine.Y1 = (yAxisHeightPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                            minorLine.Y2 = (yAxisHeightPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));

                            switch (MinorTicksPosition)
                                case TickPosition.Inside:
                                    minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                    minorLine.X2 = minorLine.X1 + MinorLineSize;
                                case TickPosition.Cross:
                                    minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth - (MinorLineSize / 2);
                                    minorLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth + (MinorLineSize / 2);
                                case TickPosition.Outside:
                                    minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                    minorLine.X2 = minorLine.X1 - MinorLineSize;

                    if (this.LabelAngle == 0)
                        Canvas.SetLeft(label, this.ActualWidth - (label.DesiredSize.Width) - desiredWidth - 1);
                        Canvas.SetTop(label, yAxisHeightPosition - (label.DesiredSize.Height / 2));
                        labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, label.DesiredSize.Width);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(label, this.ActualWidth - (rotatedRect.Width-rotatedRect.X) - desiredWidth - 1);
                        Canvas.SetTop(label, yAxisHeightPosition - (rotatedRect.Height / 2) - rotatedRect.Y);
                        labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, rotatedRect.Width);

                    yAxisHeightPosition += yAxisHeightStep;
                header = new ContentControl();
                header.DataContext = null;
                header.Content = this.Header;
                //header.ContentTemplate = this.HeaderTemplate;
                Binding contentBinding = new Binding();
                contentBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("Header");
                contentBinding.Source = this;
                header.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, contentBinding);
                Binding headerTemplateBinding = new Binding();
                headerTemplateBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("HeaderTemplate");
                headerTemplateBinding.Source = this;
                header.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentTemplateProperty, headerTemplateBinding);
                header.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                desiredWidth += labelSize;
                Canvas.SetLeft(header, this.ActualWidth - labelSize - header.DesiredSize.Height - this.MajorLineSize - 1);
                Canvas.SetTop(header, this.ActualHeight / 2);
                desiredWidth = desiredWidth + header.DesiredSize.Height ;
                IsInitialized = true;
                this.Chart.AxisWidth = desiredWidth;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates this instance.
        /// </summary>
        internal void Update()
            double desiredWidth = 0;
            if (this.ActualHeight > 0 && this.ActualWidth > 0)
                double yAxisHeightStep = this.ActualHeight / ((MIntervalCount > 0) ? MIntervalCount : 1);
                double yAxisHeightPosition = 0;
                Rect oldRect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
                AxisLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                AxisLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
                AxisLine.Y1 = 0;
                AxisLine.Y2 = this.ActualHeight;
                Binding binding = new Binding();
                binding.Path = new PropertyPath("AxisLineStyle");
                binding.Source = this;
                AxisLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, binding);
                double labelSize = 0;
                int minorCount = 0;
                if (this.MLabels.Count == Labels.Count)
                    for (int i = this.MLabels.Count - 1; i >=0; i--)
                        yAxisHeightPosition = this.DataToPoint(MLabelValues[i]);
                        ContentControl label = Labels[i];
                        label.Content = MLabels[i];
                        label.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                        RotateTransform labelRotation = new RotateTransform();
                        labelRotation.Angle = LabelAngle;
                        Rect rotatedRect = GetRotatedRect(new Rect(0, 0, label.DesiredSize.Width, label.DesiredSize.Height), labelRotation);
                        label.RenderTransform = labelRotation;
                        Line tickLine = MajorTickLines[i];
                        double labelPadding = 0;
                        tickLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                        //tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                        tickLine.Y1 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                        tickLine.Y2 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                        //tickLine.X2 = tickLine.X1 - MajorLineSize;
                        switch (MajorTicksPosition)
                            case TickPosition.Inside:
                                tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                tickLine.X2 = tickLine.X1 + MajorLineSize;
                                if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                    labelPadding = 0;
                                    desiredWidth = 0;
                            case TickPosition.Cross:
                                tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth - (MajorLineSize / 2);
                                tickLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth + (MajorLineSize / 2);
                                if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                    labelPadding = tickLine.X2;
                                    desiredWidth = this.MajorLineSize / 2;
                            case TickPosition.Outside:
                                tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                tickLine.X2 = tickLine.X1 - MajorLineSize;
                                if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                    labelPadding = tickLine.X2;
                                    desiredWidth = this.MajorLineSize;
                        //desiredWidth = 0;
                        if (i != 0)
                            double minorWidth = yAxisHeightStep;
                            double minorstep = minorWidth / (MinorTicksCount + 1);
                            for (int j = 0; j < this.MinorTicksCount; j++)
                                Line minorLine = MinorTickLines[minorCount];
                                minorLine.Y1 = (yAxisHeightPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                                minorLine.Y2 = (yAxisHeightPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                                //minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth - (minorLine.StrokeThickness);
                               // minorLine.X2 = minorLine.X1 - MinorLineSize;
                                switch (MinorTicksPosition)
                                    case TickPosition.Inside:
                                        minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                        minorLine.X2 = minorLine.X1 + MinorLineSize;
                                    case TickPosition.Cross:
                                        minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth - (MinorLineSize / 2);
                                        minorLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth + (MinorLineSize / 2);
                                    case TickPosition.Outside:
                                        minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                        minorLine.X2 = minorLine.X1 - MinorLineSize;

                        if (this.LabelAngle == 0)
                            Canvas.SetLeft(label, this.ActualWidth - (label.DesiredSize.Width) - desiredWidth - 1);
                            Canvas.SetTop(label, yAxisHeightPosition - (label.DesiredSize.Height / 2));
                            labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, label.DesiredSize.Width);
                            Canvas.SetLeft(label, this.ActualWidth - (rotatedRect.Width)-rotatedRect.X - desiredWidth - 1);
                            Canvas.SetTop(label, yAxisHeightPosition - (rotatedRect.Height / 2)-rotatedRect.Y);
                            labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, rotatedRect.Width);
                    if (this.MLabels.Count > Labels.Count)
                        int offset = this.MLabels.Count - Labels.Count;
                        for (int j = 0; j < offset; j++)
                            ContentControl label = new ContentControl();
                            label.Content = MLabels[this.MLabels.Count - offset - 1];
                            //label.ContentTemplate = this.LabelTemplate;
                            Binding labelTemplateBinding = new Binding();
                            labelTemplateBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("LabelTemplate");
                            labelTemplateBinding.Source = this;
                            label.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentTemplateProperty, labelTemplateBinding);
                            label.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                            RotateTransform labelRotation = new RotateTransform();
                            labelRotation.Angle = LabelAngle;
                            Rect rotatedRect = GetRotatedRect(new Rect(0, 0, label.DesiredSize.Width, label.DesiredSize.Height), labelRotation);
                            label.RenderTransform = labelRotation;
                            Line tickLine = new Line();
                            Binding styleBinding = new Binding();
                            styleBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineStyle");
                            styleBinding.Source = this;
                            tickLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, styleBinding);
                            tickLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                            tickLine.Y1 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                            tickLine.Y2 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                            //tickLine.X2 = tickLine.X1 - MajorLineSize;
                            switch (MajorTicksPosition)
                                case TickPosition.Inside:
                                    tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                    tickLine.X2 = tickLine.X1 + MajorLineSize;
                                case TickPosition.Cross:
                                    tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth - (MajorLineSize / 2);
                                    tickLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth + (MajorLineSize / 2);
                                case TickPosition.Outside:
                                    tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                    tickLine.X2 = tickLine.X1 - MajorLineSize;
                            //Binding tickSizeBinding = new Binding();
                            //tickSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineSize");
                            //tickSizeBinding.Source = this;
                            //tickSizeBinding.Converter = new MajorSizeThicknessConverter();
                            //tickSizeBinding.ConverterParameter = tickLine.X1;
                            //tickLine.SetBinding(Line.X2Property, tickSizeBinding);
                            Binding ticklineVisibilityBinding = new Binding();
                            ticklineVisibilityBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("ShowMajorTicks");
                            ticklineVisibilityBinding.Source = this;
                            ticklineVisibilityBinding.Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
                            tickLine.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, ticklineVisibilityBinding);
                            double minorWidth = yAxisHeightStep;
                            double minorstep = minorWidth / (MinorTicksCount + 1);
                            for (int k = 0; k < this.MinorTicksCount; j++)
                                Line minorLine = new Line();
                                Binding minorstyleBinding = new Binding();
                                minorstyleBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineStyle");
                                minorstyleBinding.Source = this;
                                minorLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, minorstyleBinding);
                                minorLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                                minorLine.Y1 = (yAxisHeightPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                                minorLine.Y2 = (yAxisHeightPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                                switch (MinorTicksPosition)
                                    case TickPosition.Inside:
                                        minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                        minorLine.X2 = minorLine.X1 + MinorLineSize;
                                    case TickPosition.Cross:
                                        minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth - (MinorLineSize / 2);
                                        minorLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth + (MinorLineSize / 2);
                                    case TickPosition.Outside:
                                        minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                        minorLine.X2 = minorLine.X1 - MinorLineSize;
                        int offset = Labels.Count - this.MLabels.Count;
                        for (int j = 0; j < offset; j++)
                            this.Children.Remove(Labels[Labels.Count - 1]);
                            Labels.RemoveAt(Labels.Count - 1);
                            for (int k = 0; k < this.MinorTicksCount; k++)
                                this.Children.Remove(MinorTickLines[MinorTickLines.Count - 1]);
                                MinorTickLines.RemoveAt(MinorTickLines.Count - 1);
                            this.Children.Remove(MajorTickLines[MajorTickLines.Count - 1]);
                            MajorTickLines.RemoveAt(MajorTickLines.Count - 1);
                    for (int i = this.MLabels.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        ContentControl label = Labels[i];
                        label.Content = MLabels[i];
                        label.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                        RotateTransform labelRotation = new RotateTransform();
                        labelRotation.Angle = LabelAngle;
                        Rect rotatedRect = GetRotatedRect(new Rect(0, 0, label.DesiredSize.Width, label.DesiredSize.Height), labelRotation);
                        label.RenderTransform = labelRotation;
                        Line tickLine = MajorTickLines[i];
                        double labelPadding = 0;

                        tickLine.Y1 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                        tickLine.Y2 = yAxisHeightPosition;
                        switch (MajorTicksPosition)
                            case TickPosition.Inside:
                                tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                tickLine.X2 = tickLine.X1 + MajorLineSize;
                                if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                    labelPadding = 0;
                                    desiredWidth = 0;
                            case TickPosition.Cross:
                                tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth - (MajorLineSize / 2);
                                tickLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth + (MajorLineSize / 2);
                                if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                    labelPadding = tickLine.X2;
                                    desiredWidth = this.MajorLineSize / 2;
                            case TickPosition.Outside:
                                tickLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                tickLine.X2 = tickLine.X1 - MajorLineSize;
                                if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                    labelPadding = tickLine.X2;
                                    desiredWidth = this.MajorLineSize;
                        tickLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                        //desiredWidth = 0;
                        double minorstep = 0;
                        if (!(i == 0))
                            double minorWidth = yAxisHeightStep;
                            minorstep = minorWidth / (MinorTicksCount + 1);
                            for (int j = 0; j < this.MinorTicksCount; j++)
                                Line minorLine = MinorTickLines[minorCount];
                                minorLine.Y1 = (yAxisHeightPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                                minorLine.Y2 = (yAxisHeightPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                                //minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth - (minorLine.StrokeThickness);
                                //minorLine.X2 = minorLine.X1 - MinorLineSize;
                                switch (MinorTicksPosition)
                                    case TickPosition.Inside:
                                        minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                        minorLine.X2 = minorLine.X1 + MinorLineSize;
                                    case TickPosition.Cross:
                                        minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth - (MinorLineSize / 2);
                                        minorLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth + (MinorLineSize / 2);
                                    case TickPosition.Outside:
                                        minorLine.X1 = this.ActualWidth;
                                        minorLine.X2 = minorLine.X1 - MinorLineSize;

                        if (this.LabelAngle == 0)
                            Canvas.SetLeft(label, this.ActualWidth - (label.DesiredSize.Width) - desiredWidth - 1);
                            Canvas.SetTop(label, yAxisHeightPosition - (label.DesiredSize.Height / 2));
                            labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, label.DesiredSize.Width);
                            Canvas.SetLeft(label, this.ActualWidth - (rotatedRect.Width - rotatedRect.X) - desiredWidth - 1);
                            Canvas.SetTop(label, yAxisHeightPosition - (rotatedRect.Height / 2) - rotatedRect.Y);
                            labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, rotatedRect.Width);
                        yAxisHeightPosition += yAxisHeightStep;
                        //desiredWidth = desiredWidth + labelSize;
                header.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                Canvas.SetLeft(header, this.ActualWidth - labelSize - header.DesiredSize.Height - this.MajorLineSize - 1);
                Canvas.SetTop(header, this.ActualHeight / 2);
                desiredWidth = desiredWidth+ header.DesiredSize.Height + labelSize;
            if (this.Chart.AxisWidth < desiredWidth)
                this.Chart.AxisWidth = desiredWidth + 1;
Beispiel #14
        public void AddGraphPort(IGraphPort aPort)
            SetPixelHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetPixel(aPort.SetPixel);

            DrawLineHandler += new DrawLine(aPort.DrawLine);
            DrawLinesHandler += new DrawLines(aPort.DrawLines);

            DrawRectangleHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawRectangle(aPort.DrawRectangle);
            DrawRectanglesHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawRectangles(aPort.DrawRectangles);
            FillRectangleHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.FillRectangle(aPort.FillRectangle);

            DrawEllipseHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawEllipse(aPort.DrawEllipse);
            FillEllipseHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.FillEllipse(aPort.FillEllipse);

            DrawRoundRectHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawRoundRect(aPort.DrawRoundRect);

            PolygonHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.Polygon(aPort.Polygon);
            DrawBeziersHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawBeziers(aPort.DrawBeziers);
            DrawPathHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawPath(aPort.DrawPath);
            FillPathHandler += new FillPath(aPort.FillPath);

            //// Gradient fills
            //DrawGradientRectangleHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawGradientRectangle(aPort.DrawGradientRectangle);

            //// Drawing Text
            DrawStringHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawString(aPort.DrawString);

            ///// Draw bitmaps
            PixBltHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.PixBlt(aPort.PixBlt);
            //PixmapShardBltHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.PixmapShardBlt(aPort.PixmapShardBlt);
            //AlphaBlendHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.AlphaBlend(aPort.AlphaBlend);

            // Path handling
            //DrawPathHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawPath(aPort.DrawPath);
            //SetPathAsClipRegionHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetPathAsClipRegion(aPort.SetPathAsClipRegion);

            //// Setting some objects
            SetPenHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetPen(aPort.SetPen);
            SetBrushHandler += new SetBrush(aPort.SetBrush);
            SetFontHandler += new SetFont(aPort.SetFont);

            //SelectStockObjectHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SelectStockObject(aPort.SelectStockObject);
            SelectUniqueObjectHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SelectUniqueObject(aPort.SelectUniqueObject);

            //// State Management
            FlushHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.Flush(aPort.Flush);
            SaveStateHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SaveState(aPort.SaveState);
            ResetStateHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.ResetState(aPort.ResetState);
            RestoreStateHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.RestoreState(aPort.RestoreState);

            //// Setting Attributes and modes
            SetTextColorHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetTextColor(aPort.SetTextColor);

            //// Setting some modes
            SetBkColorHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetBkColor(aPort.SetBkColor);
            SetBkModeHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetBkMode(aPort.SetBkMode);

            SetMappingModeHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetMappingMode(aPort.SetMappingMode);
            SetPolyFillModeHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetPolyFillMode(aPort.SetPolyFillMode);
            SetROP2Handler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetROP2(aPort.SetROP2);

            SetClipRectangleHandler += new SetClipRectangle(aPort.SetClipRectangle);

            // World transform management
            SetWorldTransformHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetWorldTransform(aPort.SetWorldTransform);
            TranslateTransformHandler += new TranslateTransform(aPort.TranslateTransform);
            ScaleTransformHandler += new ScaleTransform(aPort.ScaleTransform);
            RotateTransformHandler += new RotateTransform(aPort.RotateTransform);
Beispiel #15
        private void Portrait_Selected(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform(90);

            imgMain.LayoutTransform = rt;
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or
        /// internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call
        /// <see cref="M:System.Windows.Controls.Control.ApplyTemplate"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnApplyTemplate()
            RotateRing      = GetTemplateChild("RotateRing") as FrameworkElement;
            TransformRotate = GetTemplateChild("TransformRotate") as RotateTransform;
            if (TransformRotate != null && Map != null)
                TransformRotate.Angle = Map.Rotation;
            PanLeft        = GetTemplateChild("PanLeft") as FrameworkElement;
            PanRight       = GetTemplateChild("PanRight") as FrameworkElement;
            PanUp          = GetTemplateChild("PanUp") as FrameworkElement;
            PanDown        = GetTemplateChild("PanDown") as FrameworkElement;
            ZoomSlider     = GetTemplateChild("ZoomSlider") as Slider;
            ZoomFullExtent = GetTemplateChild("ZoomFullExtent") as Button;
            ResetRotation  = GetTemplateChild("ResetRotation") as Button;
            ZoomInButton   = GetTemplateChild("ZoomInButton") as Button;
            ZoomOutButton  = GetTemplateChild("ZoomOutButton") as Button;


            // Set control's flow direction to LTR to avoid flipping East and West keys:
            this.FlowDirection = System.Windows.FlowDirection.LeftToRight;

            if (ZoomSlider != null)
                if (Map != null)
                ZoomSlider.Minimum           = 0;
                ZoomSlider.Maximum           = 1;
                ZoomSlider.SmallChange       = .01;
                ZoomSlider.LargeChange       = .1;
                ZoomSlider.LostMouseCapture += ZoomSlider_LostMouseCapture;
                ZoomSlider.LostFocus        += ZoomSlider_LostMouseCapture;
            if (ZoomInButton != null)
                ZoomInButton.Click += ZoomInButton_Click;
            if (ZoomOutButton != null)
                ZoomOutButton.Click += ZoomOutButton_Click;
            if (RotateRing != null)
                RotateRing.MouseLeftButtonDown += RotateRing_MouseLeftButtonDown;
                RotateRing.LostMouseCapture    += RotateRing_OnLostCapture;
            if (ZoomFullExtent != null)
                ZoomFullExtent.Click += ZoomFullExtent_Click;
            if (ResetRotation != null)
                ResetRotation.Click += ResetRotation_Click;

            bool isDesignMode = System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this);

            if (isDesignMode)
                mouseOver = isDesignMode;
        public override void RenderTextRun(SvgTextContentElement element, ref Point ctp,
                                           string text, double rotate, WpfTextPlacement placement)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))

            double     emSize     = GetComputedFontSize(element);
            FontFamily fontFamily = GetTextFontFamily(element, emSize);

            FontStyle  fontStyle  = GetTextFontStyle(element);
            FontWeight fontWeight = GetTextFontWeight(element);

            FontStretch fontStretch = GetTextFontStretch(element);

            WpfTextStringFormat stringFormat = GetTextStringFormat(element);

            // Fix the use of Postscript fonts...
            WpfFontFamilyVisitor fontFamilyVisitor = _context.FontFamilyVisitor;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_actualFontName) && fontFamilyVisitor != null)
                WpfFontFamilyInfo currentFamily = new WpfFontFamilyInfo(fontFamily, fontWeight,
                                                                        fontStyle, fontStretch);
                WpfFontFamilyInfo familyInfo = fontFamilyVisitor.Visit(_actualFontName,
                                                                       currentFamily, _context);
                if (familyInfo != null && !familyInfo.IsEmpty)
                    fontFamily  = familyInfo.Family;
                    fontWeight  = familyInfo.Weight;
                    fontStyle   = familyInfo.Style;
                    fontStretch = familyInfo.Stretch;

            WpfSvgPaint fillPaint = new WpfSvgPaint(_context, element, "fill");
            Brush       textBrush = fillPaint.GetBrush();

            WpfSvgPaint strokePaint = new WpfSvgPaint(_context, element, "stroke");
            Pen         textPen     = strokePaint.GetPen();

            if (textBrush == null && textPen == null)
            else if (textBrush == null)
                // If here, then the pen is not null, and so the fill cannot be null.
                // We set this to transparent for stroke only text path...
                textBrush = Brushes.Transparent;

            TextDecorationCollection textDecors = GetTextDecoration(element);

            if (textDecors == null)
                SvgTextElement textElement = element.ParentNode as SvgTextElement;

                if (textElement != null)
                    textDecors = GetTextDecoration(textElement);

            TextAlignment alignment = stringFormat.Alignment;

            bool   hasWordSpacing = false;
            string wordSpaceText  = element.GetAttribute("word-spacing");
            double wordSpacing    = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wordSpaceText) &&
                double.TryParse(wordSpaceText, out wordSpacing) && (float)wordSpacing != 0)
                hasWordSpacing = true;

            bool   hasLetterSpacing = false;
            string letterSpaceText  = element.GetAttribute("letter-spacing");
            double letterSpacing    = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(letterSpaceText) &&
                double.TryParse(letterSpaceText, out letterSpacing) && (float)letterSpacing != 0)
                hasLetterSpacing = true;

            bool isRotatePosOnly = false;

            IList <WpfTextPosition> textPositions = null;
            int textPosCount = 0;

            if ((placement != null && placement.HasPositions))
                textPositions   = placement.Positions;
                textPosCount    = textPositions.Count;
                isRotatePosOnly = placement.IsRotateOnly;

            if (hasLetterSpacing || hasWordSpacing || textPositions != null)
                double spacing = Convert.ToDouble(letterSpacing);
                for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                    FormattedText formattedText = new FormattedText(new string(text[i], 1),
                                                                    _context.CultureInfo, stringFormat.Direction,
                                                                    new Typeface(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontWeight, fontStretch),
                                                                    emSize, textBrush);

                    if (this.IsMeasuring)

                    formattedText.Trimming      = stringFormat.Trimming;
                    formattedText.TextAlignment = stringFormat.Alignment;

                    if (textDecors != null && textDecors.Count != 0)

                    WpfTextPosition?textPosition = null;
                    if (textPositions != null && i < textPosCount)
                        textPosition = textPositions[i];

                    //float xCorrection = 0;
                    //if (alignment == TextAlignment.Left)
                    //    xCorrection = emSize * 1f / 6f;
                    //else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                    //    xCorrection = -emSize * 1f / 6f;

                    double yCorrection = formattedText.Baseline;

                    float rotateAngle = (float)rotate;
                    if (textPosition != null)
                        if (!isRotatePosOnly)
                            Point pt = textPosition.Value.Location;
                            ctp.X = pt.X;
                            ctp.Y = pt.Y;
                        rotateAngle = (float)textPosition.Value.Rotation;
                    Point textStart = ctp;

                    RotateTransform rotateAt = null;
                    if (rotateAngle != 0)
                        rotateAt = new RotateTransform(rotateAngle, textStart.X, textStart.Y);

                    Point textPoint = new Point(ctp.X, ctp.Y - yCorrection);

                    if (textPen != null || _context.TextAsGeometry)
                        Geometry textGeometry = formattedText.BuildGeometry(textPoint);
                        if (textGeometry != null && !textGeometry.IsEmpty())
                            _textContext.DrawGeometry(textBrush, textPen,

                            this.IsTextPath = true;
                            _textContext.DrawText(formattedText, textPoint);
                        _textContext.DrawText(formattedText, textPoint);

                    //float bboxWidth = (float)formattedText.Width;
                    double bboxWidth = formattedText.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace;
                    if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center)
                        bboxWidth /= 2f;
                    else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                        bboxWidth = 0;

                    //ctp.X += bboxWidth + emSize / 4 + spacing;
                    if (hasLetterSpacing)
                        ctp.X += bboxWidth + letterSpacing;
                    if (hasWordSpacing && Char.IsWhiteSpace(text[i]))
                        if (hasLetterSpacing)
                            ctp.X += wordSpacing;
                            ctp.X += bboxWidth + wordSpacing;
                        if (!hasLetterSpacing)
                            ctp.X += bboxWidth;

                    if (rotateAt != null)
                FormattedText formattedText = new FormattedText(text, _context.CultureInfo,
                                                                stringFormat.Direction, new Typeface(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontWeight, fontStretch),
                                                                emSize, textBrush);

                if (this.IsMeasuring)

                if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center && this.TextWidth > 0)
                    alignment = TextAlignment.Left;

                formattedText.TextAlignment = alignment;
                formattedText.Trimming      = stringFormat.Trimming;

                if (textDecors != null && textDecors.Count != 0)

                //float xCorrection = 0;
                //if (alignment == TextAlignment.Left)
                //    xCorrection = emSize * 1f / 6f;
                //else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                //    xCorrection = -emSize * 1f / 6f;

                double yCorrection = formattedText.Baseline;

                float rotateAngle = (float)rotate;
                Point textPoint   = new Point(ctp.X, ctp.Y - yCorrection);

                RotateTransform rotateAt = null;
                if (rotateAngle != 0)
                    rotateAt = new RotateTransform(rotateAngle, ctp.X, ctp.Y);

                if (textPen != null || _context.TextAsGeometry)
                    Geometry textGeometry = formattedText.BuildGeometry(textPoint);
                    if (textGeometry != null && !textGeometry.IsEmpty())
                        _textContext.DrawGeometry(textBrush, textPen,

                        this.IsTextPath = true;
                        _textContext.DrawText(formattedText, textPoint);
                    _textContext.DrawText(formattedText, textPoint);

                //float bboxWidth = (float)formattedText.Width;
                double bboxWidth = formattedText.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace;
                if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center)
                    bboxWidth /= 2f;
                else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                    bboxWidth = 0;

                //ctp.X += bboxWidth + emSize / 4;
                ctp.X += bboxWidth;

                if (rotateAt != null)
Beispiel #18
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void MouseMove(int x, int y, int changeX, int changeY)
            var rt    = new RotateTransform(-RotationAngle, _rotationCenter.X, _rotationCenter.Y);
            var point = rt.TransformPoint(x, y);

            //See if we're resizing
            if (_selectionPoint != null && (_selectionPoint.PointType == PreviewPoint.PointTypes.Size || _selectionPoint.PointType == PreviewPoint.PointTypes.Rotate))
                //We are resizing, so figure our change and scale the points.
                if (_selectionPoint == _dragPoints[0])
                    //Top Left
                    var newHeight = Bounds.Height + (Bounds.TopLeft.Y - point.Y);
                    var newWidth  = Bounds.Width + (Bounds.TopLeft.X - point.X);

                    var minSize = ClampSize();
                    var scaleY  = newHeight > minSize ? newHeight / Bounds.Height : 1;
                    var scaleX  = newWidth > minSize ? newWidth / Bounds.Width : 1;

                    if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
                        scaleX = scaleY = MaxValue(scaleX, scaleY);

                    Scale(scaleX, scaleY, ZoomCoordToOriginal(_dragPoints[2].X), ZoomCoordToOriginal(_dragPoints[2].Y));

                    _selectionPoint = _dragPoints[0];
                else if (_selectionPoint == _dragPoints[1])
                    //Top Right
                    var newHeight = Bounds.Height + (Bounds.TopRight.Y - point.Y);
                    var newWidth  = Bounds.Width + (point.X - Bounds.TopRight.X);

                    var minSize = ClampSize();
                    var scaleY  = newHeight > minSize ? newHeight / Bounds.Height : 1;
                    var scaleX  = newWidth > minSize ? newWidth / Bounds.Width : 1;

                    if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
                        scaleX = scaleY = MaxValue(scaleX, scaleY);

                    Scale(scaleX, scaleY, ZoomCoordToOriginal(_dragPoints[3].X), ZoomCoordToOriginal(_dragPoints[3].Y));

                    _selectionPoint = _dragPoints[1];
                else if (_selectionPoint == _dragPoints[2])
                    //Bottom Right
                    var newHeight = Bounds.Height + (point.Y - Bounds.BottomRight.Y);
                    var newWidth  = Bounds.Width + (point.X - Bounds.BottomRight.X);

                    var minSize = ClampSize();
                    var scaleY  = newHeight > minSize ? newHeight / Bounds.Height:1;
                    var scaleX  = newWidth > minSize ? newWidth / Bounds.Width:1;

                    if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
                        scaleX = scaleY = MaxValue(scaleX, scaleY);

                    Scale(scaleX, scaleY, ZoomCoordToOriginal(_dragPoints[0].X), ZoomCoordToOriginal(_dragPoints[0].Y));

                    _selectionPoint = _dragPoints[2];
                else if (_selectionPoint == _dragPoints[3])
                    //Bottom Left
                    var newHeight = Bounds.Height + (point.Y - Bounds.BottomLeft.Y);
                    var newWidth  = Bounds.Width + (Bounds.BottomLeft.X - point.X);

                    var minSize = ClampSize();
                    var scaleY  = newHeight > minSize ? newHeight / Bounds.Height : 1;
                    var scaleX  = newWidth > minSize ? newWidth / Bounds.Width : 1;

                    if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
                        scaleX = scaleY = MaxValue(scaleX, scaleY);

                    Scale(scaleX, scaleY, ZoomCoordToOriginal(_dragPoints[1].X), ZoomCoordToOriginal(_dragPoints[1].Y));

                    _selectionPoint = _dragPoints[3];
                else if (_selectionPoint == _dragPoints[4])
                    //We are rotating!
                    double angle = GetAngle(_rotationCenter, new Point(x, y));

                    // Use Detents of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270 and 315 when holding the Shift modifier key down.
                    if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)
                        if (angle >= 22.5 && angle < 67.5)
                            angle = 45;
                        else if (angle >= 67.5 && angle < 112.5)
                            angle = 90;
                        else if (angle >= 112.5 && angle < 157.5)
                            angle = 135;
                        else if (angle >= 157.5 && angle < 202.5)
                            angle = 180;
                        else if (angle >= 202.5 && angle < 247.5)
                            angle = 225;
                        else if (angle >= 247.5 && angle < 292.5)
                            angle = 270;
                        else if (angle >= 292.5 && angle < 337.5)
                            angle = 315;
                        else if (angle >= 337.5 || angle < 22.5)
                            angle = 0;

                    RotationAngle   = (int)Math.Round(angle, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    _selectionPoint = _dragPoints[4];
                var newX = _p1Start.X + changeX;
                var newY = _p1Start.Y + changeY;
                MoveTo(newX, newY);
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Update edge pointer position and angle
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Point Update(Point? position, Vector direction, double angle = 0d)
            //var vecOffset = new Vector(direction.X * Offset.X, direction.Y * Offset.Y);
            if (DesiredSize.Width == 0 || DesiredSize.Height == 0 || !position.HasValue) return new Point();
            var vecMove = new Vector(direction.X * DesiredSize.Width * .5, direction.Y * DesiredSize.Height * .5);
            position = new Point(position.Value.X - vecMove.X, position.Value.Y - vecMove.Y);// + vecOffset;
            if (!double.IsNaN(DesiredSize.Width) && DesiredSize.Width != 0  && !double.IsNaN(position.Value.X))
                LastKnownRectSize = new Rect(new Point(position.Value.X - DesiredSize.Width * .5, position.Value.Y - DesiredSize.Height * .5), DesiredSize);

                RenderTransform = new RotateTransform { Angle = angle, CenterX = 0, CenterY = 0 };
            return new Point(direction.X * ActualWidth, direction.Y * ActualHeight);
Beispiel #20
        public static Point TransformPreviewPoint(this RotateTransform @this, PreviewPoint point)
            var p = new Point(point.X, point.Y);

Beispiel #21
        private void Retangle_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (m_IsCaptured)
                lock (m_MoveLock)
                    var control = sender as FrameworkElement;

                    Canvas canvas = this.Parent as Canvas;
                    if (control != null && this.Parent != null && canvas != null)
                        e.Handled = true;

                        Vector sizeOffset = e.GetPosition(canvas) - m_LastSizePoint;
                        Vector deltaSize  = this.GetPointByRotation(new Point(sizeOffset.X, sizeOffset.Y), -m_Radian, new Point(RectRotateTransform.CenterX, RectRotateTransform.CenterY)) - new Point(-RectRotateTransform.CenterX, -RectRotateTransform.CenterY);
                        switch (control.Name)
                        case "Size_NW":
                            RectRotateTransform = new RotateTransform(Rotation, this.Width > this.MinWidth ? m_RectWidth / 2 - deltaSize.X : this.MinWidth / 2 - m_RectWidth / 2, this.Height > this.MinHeight ? m_RectHeight / 2 - deltaSize.Y : this.MinHeight / 2 - m_RectHeight / 2);
                            if (m_RectWidth - deltaSize.X > this.MinWidth)
                                this.OriginX = m_RectOriginX + deltaSize.X;
                                this.Width   = m_RectWidth - deltaSize.X;
                                this.Width = this.MinWidth;
                            if (m_RectHeight - deltaSize.Y > this.MinHeight)
                                this.OriginY = m_RectOriginY + deltaSize.Y;
                                this.Height  = m_RectHeight - deltaSize.Y;
                                this.Height = this.MinHeight;

                        case "Size_NE":
                            RectRotateTransform = new RotateTransform(Rotation, m_RectWidth / 2, this.Height > this.MinHeight ? m_RectHeight / 2 - deltaSize.Y : this.MinHeight / 2 - m_RectHeight / 2);
                            if (m_RectWidth + deltaSize.X > this.MinWidth)
                                this.Width = m_RectWidth + deltaSize.X;
                                this.Width = this.MinWidth;
                            if (m_RectHeight - deltaSize.Y > this.MinHeight)
                                this.OriginY = m_RectOriginY + deltaSize.Y;
                                this.Height  = m_RectHeight - deltaSize.Y;
                                this.Height = this.MinHeight;

                        case "Size_SW":
                            RectRotateTransform = new RotateTransform(Rotation, this.Width > this.MinWidth ? m_RectWidth / 2 - deltaSize.X : this.MinWidth / 2 - m_RectWidth / 2, m_RectHeight / 2);
                            if (m_RectWidth - deltaSize.X > this.MinWidth)
                                this.OriginX = m_RectOriginX + deltaSize.X;
                                this.Width   = m_RectWidth - deltaSize.X;
                                this.Width = this.MinWidth;
                            if (m_RectHeight + deltaSize.Y > this.MinHeight)
                                this.Height = m_RectHeight + deltaSize.Y;
                                this.Height = this.MinHeight;

                        case "Size_SE":
                            RectRotateTransform = new RotateTransform(Rotation, m_RectWidth / 2, m_RectHeight / 2);
                            if (m_RectWidth + deltaSize.X > this.MinWidth)
                                this.Width = m_RectWidth + deltaSize.X;
                                this.Width = this.MinWidth;
                            if (m_RectHeight + deltaSize.Y > this.MinHeight)
                                this.Height = m_RectHeight + deltaSize.Y;
                                this.Height = this.MinHeight;

                        case "Movable_Grid":
                            if (m_LastMovePoint.X == 0 && m_LastMovePoint.Y == 0)
                                m_LastMovePoint = e.GetPosition(canvas);
                            Vector moveOffset = e.GetPosition(canvas) - m_LastMovePoint;
                            this.OriginX   += moveOffset.X;
                            this.OriginY   += moveOffset.Y;
                            m_LastMovePoint = e.GetPosition(canvas);

                        case "Rotate_Grid":
                            if (m_RotationLine == null)
                                m_RotationLine = new Line
                                    X1              = m_RectOriginX + m_RectWidth / 2,
                                    Y1              = m_RectOriginY + m_RectHeight / 2,
                                    Stroke          = Brushes.Red,
                                    StrokeThickness = 2,
                                    StrokeDashArray = DoubleCollection.Parse("4,3")
                            m_RotationLine.X2 = e.GetPosition(canvas).X;
                            m_RotationLine.Y2 = e.GetPosition(canvas).Y;
                            Radian            = Math.Atan2(e.GetPosition(canvas).Y - GetCenter().Y, e.GetPosition(canvas).X - GetCenter().X);
Beispiel #22
        public static Point TransformPoint(this RotateTransform @this, double x, double y)
            var p = new Point(x, y);

        public void NonUIElementContentInContentTemplate()
            DataTemplate contentTemplate = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.
                @"<DataTemplate xmlns=''>" +
                @"<Grid Width='150' Height='150'>" +
                @"<ContentControl Content='{Binding}'/>" +
                @"</Grid>" +
            Size                  containerSize  = new Size(150, 150);
            Size                  contentSize    = new Size(106, 106);
            LayoutTestPanel       panel          = new LayoutTestPanel(containerSize, containerSize);
            List <ContentControl> controlsToTest = new List <ContentControl>(ControlsToTest);

            foreach (ContentControl control in controlsToTest)
                control.Content     = 1.0;
                Transform transform = new RotateTransform {
                    Angle = 45
                LayoutTransformer layoutTransformer = control as LayoutTransformer;
                if (null != layoutTransformer)
                    layoutTransformer.LayoutTransform = transform;
                    control.LayoutTransform = transform;
                control.ContentTemplate = contentTemplate;
                () =>
                foreach (ContentControl control in controlsToTest)
                    ContentPresenter contentPresenter;
                    DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(control, 0);
                    contentPresenter       = child as ContentPresenter;
                    if (null == contentPresenter)
                        contentPresenter = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(child, 0) as ContentPresenter;
                    AssertAreEqual(contentSize, contentPresenter.DesiredSize, control, "Measure");
                    control.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(), containerSize));
                    AssertAreEqual(contentSize, contentPresenter.RenderSize, control, "Arrange");
Beispiel #24
        //fix MAINWINDOW bug
        public CardDragAdorner(CardControl anchor, CardControl sourceCard, Vector mousePoint)
            : base(Program.PlayWindow.Content as UIElement)
            SourceCard = sourceCard;
            bool  isCardInverted = anchor.IsOnTableCanvas && (Player.LocalPlayer.InvertedTable ^ anchor.IsInverted);
            Point cardOrigin;

            if (isCardInverted)
                CardDef cardDef = Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition;
                cardOrigin   = new Point(cardDef.Width, cardDef.Height);
                _mouseOffset = new Vector(cardDef.Width - mousePoint.X, cardDef.Height - mousePoint.Y);
                cardOrigin   = new Point();
                _mouseOffset = mousePoint;
            //fix MAINWINDOW bug
            _basePt = anchor.TranslatePoint(cardOrigin, Program.PlayWindow.Content as UIElement);

            _faceUp        = sourceCard.IsAlwaysUp || sourceCard.Card.FaceUp;
            _lightRedBrush = Brushes.Red.Clone();
            _faceDownBrush = new ImageBrush(sourceCard.Card.GetBitmapImage(false));

            var bim = new BitmapImage();

            bim.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
            bim.UriSource   = new Uri(Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition.Front);

            _faceUpBrush = _faceUp
                               ? new VisualBrush(sourceCard.GetCardVisual())
                Viewbox      = new Rect(0, 0, sourceCard.ActualWidth, sourceCard.ActualHeight),
                ViewboxUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute
                               : (Brush)
            new ImageBrush(bim);
            _invertTransform = new ScaleTransform {
                CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5
            _faceUpBrush.RelativeTransform = _invertTransform;
            if (_faceUpBrush is VisualBrush)
                RenderOptions.SetCachingHint(_faceUpBrush, CachingHint.Cache);

            _child.Width           = anchor.ActualWidth * CardControl.ScaleFactor.Width;
            _child.Height          = anchor.ActualHeight * CardControl.ScaleFactor.Height;
            _child.Fill            = _faceUp ? _faceUpBrush : _faceDownBrush;
            _child.StrokeThickness = 3;

            var transforms = new TransformGroup();

            _child.RenderTransform = transforms;
            _rot = sourceCard.Card.Orientation;
            if ((_rot & CardOrientation.Rot180) != 0)
                _rot180Transform = new RotateTransform(180, _child.Width / 2, _child.Height / 2);
            if ((_rot & CardOrientation.Rot90) != 0)
                _rot90Transform = isCardInverted
                                      ? new RotateTransform(90, _child.Width / 2, _child.Width / 2)
                                      : new RotateTransform(90, _child.Width / 2, _child.Height - _child.Width / 2);
            _translate = new TranslateTransform();

            _child.IsHitTestVisible = false;

            var animation = new DoubleAnimation(0.55, 0.75, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)))
                AutoReverse = true, RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever


            _faceUpBrush.BeginAnimation(Brush.OpacityProperty, animation);
            _faceDownBrush.BeginAnimation(Brush.OpacityProperty, animation);
            _lightRedBrush.BeginAnimation(Brush.OpacityProperty, animation);
Beispiel #25
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
            double minimum               = this.Minimum;
            double maximum               = this.Maximum;
            double tickFrequency         = this.TickFrequency;
            int    minTicksCount         = this.MinTicksCount;
            double majorTickValuesOffset = this.MajorTicksOffset;
            double startAngle            = base.StartAngle;
            double endAngle              = base.EndAngle;
            double ringThickness         = base.RingThickness;
            double scale = range / (maximum - minimum);
            Point  point = new Point(base.ActualWidth / 2.0, base.ActualHeight / 2.0);

            Point point2 = new Point(point.X, 0.0);
            Point point3 = new Point(point.X, ringThickness);
            Point point4 = new Point(point.X, ringThickness / 2);
            var   stops  = this.RangeColors;

            if (stops.Count != 0)
                bool   sign       = base.SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise;
                double x          = 0.0;
                double angle      = 450 - startAngle;
                Color  startColor = stops[0].Color;
                Color  color      = stops[0].Color;
                Size   size       = new Size(point.X, point.Y);
                Size   size2      = new Size(Math.Abs(size.Width - ringThickness), Math.Abs(size.Height - ringThickness));
                for (int i = 0; i <= stops.Count; i++)
                    double scaleAngle;
                    if (i < stops.Count)
                        double offset = stops[i].Offset;
                        if (offset > maximum)
                            offset = maximum;
                        scaleAngle = (offset - x) * scale;
                        x          = offset;
                        color      = stops[i].Color;
                        scaleAngle = (maximum - x) * scale;
                        x          = maximum;
                    RotateTransform transform1 = new RotateTransform(angle, point.X, point.Y);
                    Point           point12    = transform1.Transform(point2);
                    Point           point13    = transform1.Transform(point3);
                    transform1.Angle = scaleAngle;
                    StreamGeometry geometry = new StreamGeometry();
                    using (StreamGeometryContext context = geometry.Open())
                        context.BeginFigure(point12, true, true);
                        context.ArcTo(transform1.Transform(point12), size, 0.0, scaleAngle > 180.0,
                                      sign ? SweepDirection.Clockwise : SweepDirection.Counterclockwise, true, true);
                        context.LineTo(transform1.Transform(point13), true, true);
                        context.ArcTo(point13, size2, 0.0, scaleAngle > 180.0, sign ? SweepDirection.Counterclockwise :
                                      SweepDirection.Clockwise, true, true);
                    transform1 = new RotateTransform(angle + (scaleAngle / 2.0), 0.5, 0.5);
                    drawingContext.DrawGeometry(new LinearGradientBrush(sign ? startColor : color, sign ? color : startColor,
                                                                        transform1.Transform(new Point(0.0, 0.5)),
                                                                        transform1.Transform(new Point(1.0, 0.5))), null, geometry);
                    //drawingContext.DrawGeometry(Brushes.Blue, null, geometry);
                    if (x >= maximum)
                    startColor = color;
                    angle     += scaleAngle;
            var ticks = this.Ticks;

            if (ticks.Count == 0 && tickFrequency == 0.0)
            int             count     = ticks.Count == 0 ? Convert.ToInt32((maximum - minimum) / tickFrequency) : ticks.Count;
            double          angle1    = range / count;
            RotateTransform transform = new RotateTransform(0.0, point.X, point.Y);

            transform.Angle = 450 - startAngle;
            Point  point5 = new Point(point.X, majorTickValuesOffset);
            Pen    pen2   = new Pen(base.Foreground, base.StrokeThickness * 2.0);
            string text   = "";

            for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++)
                drawingContext.DrawLine(pen2, transform.Transform(point2), transform.Transform(point3));
                text = (i == count ? maximum : ticks.Count != 0 ? ticks[i] : i * tickFrequency).ToString(this.TickStringFormat);
                FormattedText formattedText = new FormattedText(text, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                                                                new Typeface(base.FontFamily, base.FontStyle, base.FontWeight, base.FontStretch), base.FontSize, base.Foreground);
                Point origin = transform.Transform(point5);
                drawingContext.PushTransform(new ScaleTransform(1.0, 1.0, origin.X, origin.Y));
                origin.X -= formattedText.Width / 2.0;
                origin.Y -= formattedText.Height / 2.0;
                drawingContext.DrawText(formattedText, origin);
                transform.Angle += angle1;
            if (minTicksCount > 0)
                count *= minTicksCount;
                angle1 = range / count;
                Pen pen = new Pen(base.Foreground, base.StrokeThickness);
                transform.Angle = 450 - startAngle;
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                    drawingContext.DrawLine(pen, transform.Transform(point2), transform.Transform(point4));
                    transform.Angle += angle1;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Caption))
                double        size          = base.FontSize;
                FormattedText formattedText = new FormattedText(base.Caption, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                                                                new Typeface(base.FontFamily, base.FontStyle, base.FontWeight, base.FontStretch), size, base.Foreground);
                drawingContext.DrawText(formattedText, new Point((base.ActualWidth - Caption.Length * size) / 2.0, 0.2 * base.ActualHeight));
Beispiel #26
        // Connect right and up from row1,col1 to row2,col2
        private void ConnectEndIf(int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2)
            Line        connect;
            ImageSource arrow = MainWindow.ImageSourceFromBitmap(Properties.Resources.Arrow);
            Image       img;

            if (col2 > col1)
                connect = new Line()
                    X1              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col1 + width,
                    X2              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 + width / 2,
                    Y1              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row1 + height / 2,
                    Y2              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row1 + height / 2,
                    Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                    StrokeThickness = 2,

                connect = new Line()
                    X1              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 + width / 2,
                    X2              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 + width / 2,
                    Y1              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row1 + height / 2,
                    Y2              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row1,
                    Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                    StrokeThickness = 2,

                img = new Image()
                    Width  = 24,
                    Height = 24,
                    Source = arrow
                Canvas.SetLeft(img, borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col1 + width - 3);
                Canvas.SetTop(img, borderSpace + heightSpace * row1 + height / 2 - 13);
                Canvas.SetZIndex(img, 1);

            int rowUp = row1 - 1;

            while (rowUp >= 0 && null == HasSymbol(rowUp, col2))
                connect = new Line()
                    X1              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 + width / 2,
                    X2              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 + width / 2,
                    Y1              = borderSpace + heightSpace * (rowUp + 1) + height / 2,
                    Y2              = borderSpace + heightSpace * rowUp,
                    Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                    StrokeThickness = 2,

            connect = new Line()
                X1              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 + width / 2,
                X2              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 + width / 2,
                Y1              = borderSpace + heightSpace * (rowUp + 1),
                Y2              = borderSpace + heightSpace * rowUp + height,
                Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                StrokeThickness = 2,

            img = new Image()
                Width  = 24,
                Height = 24,
                Source = arrow,
            RotateTransform rotateTransform = new RotateTransform();

            rotateTransform.CenterX = 12;
            rotateTransform.CenterY = 12;
            rotateTransform.Angle   = -90;
            img.RenderTransform     = new TransformGroup();
            Canvas.SetLeft(img, borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col1 + width / 2 - 13);
            Canvas.SetTop(img, borderSpace + heightSpace * row1 - 24);
            Canvas.SetZIndex(img, 1);
Beispiel #27
        public static void BreakGroup(SchemaView view)
            Canvas  parent = (Canvas)view.MainPanel;
            Viewbox g      = view.SelectionManager.SelectedObjects[0] as Viewbox;

                Canvas gc = (Canvas)g.Child;

                while (gc.Children.Count > 0)
                    System.Windows.FrameworkElement child = gc.Children[0] as System.Windows.FrameworkElement;

                    //this code need for ungrouping not stretched shapes
                    child.SetValue(System.Windows.Controls.Panel.MarginProperty, System.Windows.DependencyProperty.UnsetValue);
                    //Rect b=VisualTreeHelper.GetContentBounds(child);
                    Rect   b    = VisualTreeHelper.GetDescendantBounds(child);
                    double left = Canvas.GetLeft(child);
                    double top  = Canvas.GetTop(child);

                    left = double.IsNaN(left) ? 0 : left;
                    top  = double.IsNaN(top) ? 0 : top;

                    if ((child is Shape) && child.ReadLocalValue(System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.StretchProperty).Equals(System.Windows.DependencyProperty.UnsetValue))
                        child.Width  = b.Width;
                        child.Height = b.Height;
                        Canvas.SetLeft(child, left + b.X);
                        Canvas.SetTop(child, top + b.Y);

                        child.SetValue(System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.StretchProperty, System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Fill);
                    // excluding rotate from common matrix
                    // need to separate scale*skew matrix on scale and transform transformations

                    Matrix matrGtr = ((Transform)child.TransformToVisual(parent)).Value;

                    double x = matrGtr.OffsetX;
                    double y = matrGtr.OffsetY;

                    double angleY = Math.Atan(matrGtr.M12 / matrGtr.M11) * 180 / Math.PI;
                    matrGtr.OffsetY = 0; matrGtr.OffsetX = 0;

                    RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform(angleY);
                    TransformGroup gtr = new TransformGroup();
                    gtr.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(matrGtr));
                    child.RenderTransform = gtr;

                    child.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);

                    Point pO = new Point(child.Width * child.RenderTransformOrigin.X, child.Height * child.RenderTransformOrigin.Y);
                    Point p  = gtr.Transform(pO);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(child, x - (pO - p).X);
                    Canvas.SetTop(child, y - (pO - p).Y);

                g.Child = null;
            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #28
        // Connect left and up/down from row1,col1 to row2,col2
        private void ConnectLoop(int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2)
            Line        connect;
            ImageSource arrow = MainWindow.ImageSourceFromBitmap(Properties.Resources.Arrow);
            Image       img;
            int         space = 26;

            List <CodeLine> working = new List <CodeLine>();

            for (int row = Math.Min(row1, row2); row <= Math.Max(row1, row2); row++)
                CodeLine codeLine = HasSymbol(row, col2);
                if (null != codeLine)
                    space = Math.Max(space, codeLine.linkDist + 4);
            space = Math.Min(space, (int)widthSpace - 4);
            foreach (CodeLine codeLine in working)
                codeLine.linkDist = space;

            connect = new Line()
                X1              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col1,
                X2              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 - space,
                Y1              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row1 + height / 2,
                Y2              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row1 + height / 2,
                Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                StrokeThickness = 2,

            connect = new Line()
                X1              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 - space,
                X2              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 - space,
                Y1              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row1 + height / 2,
                Y2              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row2 + height / 2,
                Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                StrokeThickness = 2,

            connect = new Line()
                X1              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 - space,
                X2              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2,
                Y1              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row2 + height / 2,
                Y2              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row2 + height / 2,
                Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                StrokeThickness = 2,

            img = new Image()
                Width  = 24,
                Height = 24,
                Source = arrow,
            RotateTransform rotateTransform = new RotateTransform();

            rotateTransform.CenterX = 12;
            rotateTransform.CenterY = 12;
            rotateTransform.Angle   = 180;
            img.RenderTransform     = new TransformGroup();
            Canvas.SetLeft(img, borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col2 - 24);
            Canvas.SetTop(img, borderSpace + heightSpace * row2 + height / 2 - 11);
            Canvas.SetZIndex(img, 1);
Beispiel #29
        public override void DrawOrMove(ChartPoint previousDrawn, ChartPoint current, int index, ChartCore chart)
            if (IsNew)
                Canvas.SetTop(Rectangle, ZeroReference);
                Canvas.SetLeft(Rectangle, Data.Left);

                Rectangle.Width  = Data.Width;
                Rectangle.Height = 0;

            if (DataLabel != null && double.IsNaN(Canvas.GetLeft(DataLabel)))
                Canvas.SetTop(DataLabel, ZeroReference);
                Canvas.SetLeft(DataLabel, current.ChartLocation.X);

            Func <double> getY = () =>
                double y;

#pragma warning disable 618
                if (LabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.Parallel || LabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.Merged)
#pragma warning restore 618
                    if (Transform == null)
                        Transform = new RotateTransform(270);

                    y = Data.Top + Data.Height / 2 + DataLabel.ActualWidth * .5;
                    DataLabel.RenderTransform = Transform;
                else if (LabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.Perpendicular)
                    y = Data.Top + Data.Height / 2 - DataLabel.ActualHeight * .5;
                    if (ZeroReference > Data.Top)
                        y = Data.Top - DataLabel.ActualHeight;
                        if (y < 0)
                            y = Data.Top;
                        y = Data.Top + Data.Height;
                        if (y + DataLabel.ActualHeight > chart.DrawMargin.Height)
                            y -= DataLabel.ActualHeight;


            Func <double> getX = () =>
                double x;

#pragma warning disable 618
                if (LabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.Parallel || LabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.Merged)
#pragma warning restore 618
                    x = Data.Left + Data.Width / 2 - DataLabel.ActualHeight / 2;
                else if (LabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.Perpendicular)
                    x = Data.Left + Data.Width / 2 - DataLabel.ActualWidth / 2;
                    x = Data.Left + Data.Width / 2 - DataLabel.ActualWidth / 2;
                    if (x < 0)
                        x = 2;
                    if (x + DataLabel.ActualWidth > chart.DrawMargin.Width)
                        x -= x + DataLabel.ActualWidth - chart.DrawMargin.Width + 2;


            if (chart.View.DisableAnimations)
                Rectangle.Width  = Data.Width;
                Rectangle.Height = Data.Height;

                Canvas.SetTop(Rectangle, Data.Top);
                Canvas.SetLeft(Rectangle, Data.Left);

                if (DataLabel != null)

                    Canvas.SetTop(DataLabel, getY());
                    Canvas.SetLeft(DataLabel, getX());

                if (HoverShape != null)
                    Canvas.SetTop(HoverShape, Data.Top);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(HoverShape, Data.Left);
                    HoverShape.Height = Data.Height;
                    HoverShape.Width  = Data.Width;


            var animSpeed = chart.View.AnimationsSpeed;

            if (DataLabel != null)

                DataLabel.BeginAnimation(Canvas.LeftProperty, new DoubleAnimation(getX(), animSpeed));
                DataLabel.BeginAnimation(Canvas.TopProperty, new DoubleAnimation(getY(), animSpeed));

                                     new DoubleAnimation(Data.Left, animSpeed));
                                     new DoubleAnimation(Data.Top, animSpeed));

                                     new DoubleAnimation(Data.Width, animSpeed));
                                     new DoubleAnimation(Data.Height, animSpeed));

            if (HoverShape != null)
                Canvas.SetTop(HoverShape, Data.Top);
                Canvas.SetLeft(HoverShape, Data.Left);
                HoverShape.Height = Data.Height;
                HoverShape.Width  = Data.Width;
Beispiel #30
        public void Display()
            Cursor cursor = Mouse.OverrideCursor;

            Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait;

                sbDocument = mainWindow.GetActiveDocument();
                //scaleView = 1;
                //scaleTransform.ScaleX = 1.0;
                //scaleTransform.ScaleY = 1.0;
                lastHighlight = null;


                maxrow = 0;
                maxcol = 0;
                foreach (CodeLine codeLine in codeLines)
                    int row = codeLine.row;
                    int col = codeLine.col;

                    if (codeLine.block != eBlock.START && codeLine.block != eBlock.SUB && codeLine.block != eBlock.ELSE && codeLine.block != eBlock.ELSEIF)
                        ConnectEndIf(row, col, 0, col);

                    if (codeLine.block == eBlock.ELSE || codeLine.block == eBlock.ELSEIF)
                        Line connect = new Line()
                            X1              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col + 2,
                            X2              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col - widthSpace - 2,
                            Y1              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row + height / 2,
                            Y2              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row + height / 2,
                            Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                            StrokeThickness = 2,

                        int testCol = col - 1;
                        while (null == HasSymbol(row, testCol) && testCol > 0)
                            Line connect2 = new Line()
                                X1              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * (testCol + 1) + 2,
                                X2              = borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * testCol - widthSpace - 2,
                                Y1              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row + height / 2,
                                Y2              = borderSpace + heightSpace * row + height / 2,
                                Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                                StrokeThickness = 2,

                        ImageSource arrow = MainWindow.ImageSourceFromBitmap(Properties.Resources.Arrow);
                        Image       img   = new Image()
                            Width  = 24,
                            Height = 24,
                            Source = arrow,
                        RotateTransform rotateTransform = new RotateTransform();
                        rotateTransform.CenterX = 12;
                        rotateTransform.CenterY = 12;
                        rotateTransform.Angle   = 180;
                        img.RenderTransform     = new TransformGroup();
                        Canvas.SetLeft(img, borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col - 22);
                        Canvas.SetTop(img, borderSpace + heightSpace * row + height / 2 - 11);
                        Canvas.SetZIndex(img, 1);

                    if (codeLine.block == eBlock.IF || codeLine.block == eBlock.ELSEIF)
                        if (TFshape)
                            Grid imgTrue = CodeShape.GetBlock(Colors.Green, "T", 24, 24, eShape.ELLIPSE);
                            Canvas.SetLeft(imgTrue, borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col + width / 2 - imgTrue.Width / 2);
                            Canvas.SetTop(imgTrue, borderSpace + heightSpace * row + height + 2);
                            Canvas.SetZIndex(imgTrue, 1);

                            Grid imgFalse = CodeShape.GetBlock(Colors.Red, "F", 24, 24, eShape.ELLIPSE);
                            Canvas.SetLeft(imgFalse, borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col + width + 2);
                            Canvas.SetTop(imgFalse, borderSpace + heightSpace * row + height / 2 - imgTrue.Height / 2);
                            Canvas.SetZIndex(imgFalse, 1);
                            TextBlock condition = new TextBlock()
                                Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                                Text       = "True",
                            condition.Measure(new Size(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue));
                            Canvas.SetLeft(condition, borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col + width / 2 + 2);
                            Canvas.SetTop(condition, borderSpace + heightSpace * row + height + 2);

                            condition = new TextBlock()
                                Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(foreground),
                                Text       = "False",
                            condition.Measure(new Size(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue));
                            Canvas.SetLeft(condition, borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col + width + 2);
                            Canvas.SetTop(condition, borderSpace + heightSpace * row + height / 2 - condition.DesiredSize.Height - 2);

                    if (codeLine.block == eBlock.ENDIF)
                        int rowIf = codeLine.rootLine.row;
                        for (int colIf = 0; colIf <= maxcol; colIf++)
                            CodeLine cl = HasSymbol(rowIf, colIf);
                            if (null != cl && cl.rootLine == codeLine.rootLine)
                                ConnectEndIf(codeLine.row, codeLine.col, rowIf, colIf);

                    if (codeLine.block == eBlock.ENDFOR || codeLine.block == eBlock.ENDWHILE || codeLine.block == eBlock.GOTO)
                        ConnectLoop(codeLine.row, codeLine.col, codeLine.rootLine.row, codeLine.rootLine.col);

                    Color color;
                    switch (codeLine.block)
                    case eBlock.IF:
                    case eBlock.ELSE:
                    case eBlock.ELSEIF:
                        color = MainWindow.IntToColor(MainWindow.CHART_CONDITION_COLOR);

                    case eBlock.START:
                    case eBlock.SUB:
                        color = MainWindow.IntToColor(MainWindow.CHART_START_COLOR);

                    case eBlock.GOTO:
                    case eBlock.LABEL:
                    case eBlock.CALL:
                        color = MainWindow.IntToColor(MainWindow.CHART_CALL_COLOR);

                    case eBlock.FOR:
                    case eBlock.ENDFOR:
                        color = MainWindow.IntToColor(MainWindow.CHART_FOR_COLOR);

                    case eBlock.WHILE:
                    case eBlock.ENDWHILE:
                        color = MainWindow.IntToColor(MainWindow.CHART_WHILE_COLOR);

                        color = MainWindow.IntToColor(MainWindow.CHART_STATEMENT_COLOR);

                    CodeShape border = new CodeShape(codeLine, width, height, color);
                    codeLine.border        = border;
                    border.grid.MouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(codeClick);

                    Canvas.SetLeft(border.grid, borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * col);
                    Canvas.SetTop(border.grid, borderSpace + heightSpace * row++);
                    maxcol = Math.Max(maxcol, col);
                    maxrow = Math.Max(maxrow, row);

                canvas.Width  = -widthSpace + 2 * borderSpace + (width + widthSpace) * (maxcol + 1);
                canvas.Height = borderSpace + heightSpace * maxrow;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MainWindow.Errors.Add(new Error("Flow Chart : " + ex.Message));
            Mouse.OverrideCursor = cursor;
Beispiel #31
        private void Landscape_Selected(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform(0);

            imgMain.LayoutTransform = rt;
Beispiel #32
        private void BtnRotate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RotateTransform transform = new RotateTransform(20);

            this.myCanvas.LayoutTransform = transform;
Beispiel #33
        private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int flag  = -900;
            int flag1 = 0;
            int flag2 = 200;
            int flag3 = 0;
            int flag4 = 0;

            pov.Angle = 65.339;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8 & BR.IsChecked == true; i++)
                string      pathImage    = "../../Profile_picture_of_TehPlaneFreak.png";
                BitmapImage imageFile    = new BitmapImage(new Uri(pathImage, UriKind.Relative));
                Image       imageControl = new Image();
                imageControl.Source = imageFile;
                imageControl.Width  = 70;
                imageControl.Height = 70;
                imageControl.Margin = new Thickness(100 + 40 * i, 40 * i, 0, 0);
                TransformGroup  tr   = new TransformGroup();
                SkewTransform   sktr = new SkewTransform();
                RotateTransform rot  = new RotateTransform();
                rot.Angle = 65.339;
                imageControl.RenderTransform = tr;
            for (int i = 1; i < 8 & BR.IsChecked == true; i++)
                string      pathImage    = "../../Profile_picture_of_TehPlaneFreak.png";
                BitmapImage imageFile    = new BitmapImage(new Uri(pathImage, UriKind.Relative));
                Image       imageControl = new Image();
                imageControl.Source = imageFile;
                imageControl.Width  = 70;
                imageControl.Height = 70;
                imageControl.Margin = new Thickness(380 - 40 * i, 280 + 40 * i, 0, 0);
                TransformGroup  tr   = new TransformGroup();
                SkewTransform   sktr = new SkewTransform();
                RotateTransform rot  = new RotateTransform();
                rot.Angle = 65.339;
                imageControl.RenderTransform = tr;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                await Task.Delay(1);

                pictureBox1.Margin = new Thickness(flag++, 0, 0, 0);
            pictureBox2.Opacity = 100;
            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                await Task.Delay(1);

                pictureBox1.Margin = new Thickness(flag++, 0, 0, 0);
                pictureBox2.Margin = new Thickness(flag3 -= 3, flag2--, 0, 0);
            pictureBox2.Opacity = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 45; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < 500; pov.Angle++, i++)
                await Task.Delay(1);

                pictureBox1.Margin = new Thickness(flag++, flag1--, 0, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                await Task.Delay(1);

                pictureBox1.Margin = new Thickness(flag, flag1, 0, flag4--);
Beispiel #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Does a recursive deep copy of the specified transform.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transform">The transform to clone.</param>
        /// <returns>A deep copy of the specified transform, or null if the specified transform is null.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown if the type of the Transform is not recognized.</exception>
        internal static Transform CloneTransform(Transform transform)
            ScaleTransform     scaleTransform     = null;
            RotateTransform    rotateTransform    = null;
            SkewTransform      skewTransform      = null;
            TranslateTransform translateTransform = null;
            MatrixTransform    matrixTransform    = null;
            TransformGroup     transformGroup     = null;

            if (transform == null)

            Type transformType = transform.GetType();

            if ((scaleTransform = transform as ScaleTransform) != null)
                return(new ScaleTransform()
                    CenterX = scaleTransform.CenterX,
                    CenterY = scaleTransform.CenterY,
                    ScaleX = scaleTransform.ScaleX,
                    ScaleY = scaleTransform.ScaleY,
            else if ((rotateTransform = transform as RotateTransform) != null)
                return(new RotateTransform()
                    Angle = rotateTransform.Angle,
                    CenterX = rotateTransform.CenterX,
                    CenterY = rotateTransform.CenterY,
            else if ((skewTransform = transform as SkewTransform) != null)
                return(new SkewTransform()
                    AngleX = skewTransform.AngleX,
                    AngleY = skewTransform.AngleY,
                    CenterX = skewTransform.CenterX,
                    CenterY = skewTransform.CenterY,
            else if ((translateTransform = transform as TranslateTransform) != null)
                return(new TranslateTransform()
                    X = translateTransform.X,
                    Y = translateTransform.Y,
            else if ((matrixTransform = transform as MatrixTransform) != null)
                return(new MatrixTransform()
                    Matrix = matrixTransform.Matrix,
            else if ((transformGroup = transform as TransformGroup) != null)
                TransformGroup group = new TransformGroup();
                foreach (Transform childTransform in transformGroup.Children)

            Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected Transform type encountered");
 public VerticalAxisTitle()
     LayoutTransform   = new RotateTransform(-90);
     VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
     FontSize          = 16;
Beispiel #36
        /// <summary>
        /// zdarzenie odpowiadajace za poruszanie sie pojazdu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Departure_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //punkt na srodku przedniej osi pojazdu
            Point mycarpoint = new Point(vehicleControl.Margin.Left + vehicleControl.ActualWidth / 2, vehicleControl.Margin.Top + vehicleControl.ActualHeight / 5);

            //odleglosc miedzy punktem X pojazdu a punktem X punktu docelowego
            double xDistance = Math.Abs(whereTo[0].X - mycarpoint.X);
            //odleglosc miedzy punktem Y pojazdu a punktem Y punktu docelowego
            double yDistance = Math.Abs(whereTo[0].Y - mycarpoint.Y);

            //proporcje przesuwania sie pojazdow na osi x i y
            double xVelocity = xDistance / (xDistance + yDistance);
            double yVelocity = yDistance / (xDistance + yDistance);

            //pobranie obecnego kata obrocenia pojazdu
            double angle = (vehicleControl.RenderTransform as RotateTransform).Angle;

            //obliczenie wartosci przesuniecia sie punktu X na osi uwzgledniajac kat pod jakim pojazd znajduje sie wlocie
            double xRotationValue = Math.Cos((angle * 2 * Math.PI) / 360) * vehicleControl.ActualWidth / 2;
            //obliczenie wartosci przesuniecia sie punktu Y na osi uwzgledniajac kat pod jakim pojazd znajduje sie wlocie
            double yRotationValue = Math.Sin((angle * 2 * Math.PI) / 360) * vehicleControl.ActualWidth / 2;

            //punkt lewego gornego rogu pojazdu z uwzglednieniem nowego katu
            Point vehicleLeftTop = new Point(vehicleControl.Margin.Left + vehicleControl.ActualWidth / 2 - xRotationValue, vehicleControl.Margin.Top - yRotationValue);
            //punkt prawego gornego rogu pojazdu z uwzglednieniem nowego katu
            Point vehicleRightTop = new Point(vehicleControl.Margin.Left + vehicleControl.ActualWidth / 2 + xRotationValue, vehicleControl.Margin.Top + yRotationValue);

            //odleglosc gornego lewego punktu pojazdu od punktu do ktorego zmierza
            double distanceFromTopLeft = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((whereTo[0].X - vehicleLeftTop.X), 2) + Math.Pow((whereTo[0].Y - vehicleLeftTop.Y), 2));
            //odleglosc gornego prawego punktu pojazdu od punktu do ktorego zmierza
            double distanceFromTopRight = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((whereTo[0].X - vehicleRightTop.X), 2) + Math.Pow((whereTo[0].Y - vehicleRightTop.Y), 2));

            //roznica pomiedzy rogami pojazdow a punktem docelowym
            double checkDistance = distanceFromTopRight - distanceFromTopLeft;

            //jesli lewy gorny punkt pojazdu jest dalej od punktu docelowego niz prawy gorny punkt pojazdu
            //wtedy pojazd obraca sie zgodnie ze wskazowkami zegara, aby odleglosci te zmierzaly do zera
            //a co za tym idzie, zeby pojazd jechaly prosto na wyznaczony punkt, a nie bokiem
            if (checkDistance > 2)
                double          turn          = speed > 3.9 ? 3.9 : speed;
                RotateTransform rotateVehicle = vehicleControl.RenderTransform as RotateTransform;

                //obrocenie pojazdu o 1.5 radiana
                RotateTransform rotate = new RotateTransform(rotateVehicle.Angle - turn);

                //przypisanie nowego kata obrotu pojazdu
                vehicleControl.RenderTransform = rotate;
            else if (checkDistance < -2)
                double          turn          = speed > 3.9 ? 3.9 : speed;
                RotateTransform rotateVehicle = vehicleControl.RenderTransform as RotateTransform;

                //obrocenie pojazdu o 1.5 radiana
                RotateTransform rotate = new RotateTransform(rotateVehicle.Angle + turn);

                //przypisanie nowego kata obrotu pojazdu
                vehicleControl.RenderTransform = rotate;

            //przesuniecie pojazdu do nowej pozycji w zaleznosci od tego z ktorej strony punktu docelowego byl na poczatku
            if (whereTo[0].X > mycarpoint.X)
                vehicleControl.Margin = new Thickness(vehicleControl.Margin.Left + xVelocity * speed, vehicleControl.Margin.Top, 0, 0);
            if (whereTo[0].X < mycarpoint.X)
                vehicleControl.Margin = new Thickness(vehicleControl.Margin.Left - xVelocity * speed, vehicleControl.Margin.Top, 0, 0);
            if (whereTo[0].Y > mycarpoint.Y)
                vehicleControl.Margin = new Thickness(vehicleControl.Margin.Left, vehicleControl.Margin.Top + yVelocity * speed, 0, 0);
            if (whereTo[0].Y < mycarpoint.Y)
                vehicleControl.Margin = new Thickness(vehicleControl.Margin.Left, vehicleControl.Margin.Top - yVelocity * speed, 0, 0);
            //jesli odleglosc pojazdu od punktu docelowego jest mniejsza niz dlugosc pojazdu...
            if ((whereTo[0].X - mycarpoint.X <vehicleControl.ActualHeight && whereTo[0].X - mycarpoint.X> -vehicleControl.ActualHeight) && (whereTo[0].Y - mycarpoint.Y <vehicleControl.ActualHeight && whereTo[0].Y - mycarpoint.Y> -vehicleControl.ActualHeight))
                //...wtedy usuwany jest obecny punkt do ktorego zmierzal

                //jezeli juz dojechal do wszystkich punktow pokolei
                if (!whereTo.Any())
                    (vehicleControl.Parent as Grid).Children.Remove(vehicleControl);
                    (sender as DispatcherTimer).Tick -= Departure_Tick;
                    (sender as DispatcherTimer).Stop();

            //zwiekszenie predkosci pojazdu
            speed = speed + 0.11;
Beispiel #37
        private void ApplyTextStyle(TextBlock block, double y, bool applyTransforms, ExtTextOutOptions? options)
            block.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(_currentState.TextColor);
            if (_currentState.BackgroundMode == MixMode.OPAQUE ||
                (options.HasValue && (options.Value & ExtTextOutOptions.ETO_OPAQUE) == ExtTextOutOptions.ETO_OPAQUE))
            #if !NETFX_CORE
                block.Background = new SolidColorBrush(_currentState.BackgroundColour);

            var font = _currentState.CurrentFont;

            if (font != null)
                block.FontFamily = new FontFamily(font.FaceName);
                block.FontSize = 12; // TODO
                //block.FontStretch = FontStretches.UltraExpanded; // TODO
                if (font.Height != 0)
                    block.FontSize = Math.Abs(ScaleHeight(font.Height));

                if (font.IsItalic)
            #if NETFX_CORE
                    block.FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;
                    block.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;

            #if !NETFX_CORE
                if (font.IsStrikeout)

                if (font.IsUnderline)

                if (font.Weight > 0)
            #if NETFX_CORE
                    block.FontWeight = new FontWeight() { Weight = (ushort)font.Weight };
                    block.FontWeight = FontWeight.FromOpenTypeWeight(font.Weight);

                if (applyTransforms)
                    Canvas.SetTop(block, y - block.FontSize);

                    // Rotation
                    if (font.Escapement != 0)
                        var rotate = new RotateTransform
                                Angle = -1 * font.Escapement / 10.0
            #if !NETFX_CORE
                                , CenterY = block.FontSize * block.FontFamily.Baseline
                        block.RenderTransform = rotate;
Beispiel #38
        public static int CreateButton(ref ButtonProperty target)
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                if (!buff_button[i].reg)
                    buff_button[i].reg = true;
                if (buff_button[i].restore)
                    buff_button[i].restore           = false;
                    buff_button[i].button.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    buff_button[i].button.Click     -= buff_button[i];
                    goto label1;
            Button button = new Button();

            buff_button[i].button = button;
            label1 :;
            buff_button[i].bp  = target;
            button             = buff_button[i].button;
            target.margin.Left = target.x;
            // bp.margin.Right = screenX - bp.x - bp.Width;
            target.margin.Top    = target.y;
            target.margin.Bottom = screenY - target.y - target.Width;
            button.Margin        = target.margin;
            button.Content       = target.text;
            if (target.angle > 0)
                RotateTransform rtf = new RotateTransform();
                rtf.Angle = target.angle;
                button.RenderTransform = rtf;
            if (target.color.A > 0)
                button.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(target.color);
                button.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(font_color);
            if (target.bk_color.A > 0)
                button.Background = new SolidColorBrush(target.bk_color);
            if (target.size > 0)
                button.FontSize = target.size;
            if ( != null)
                button.Click +=;
            button.DataContext =;
            return(i + 256);
Beispiel #39
    public static void NOPH_Graphics_drawTextAngle(int c_graphics, int c_text, int x, int y, int flags, int angle)
        //        mre.Reset();
        int copy_graphics, copy_c_text, copy_x, copy_y, copy_flags, copy_angle;
        copy_graphics = c_graphics; copy_c_text = c_text; copy_x = x; copy_y = y; copy_flags = flags; copy_angle = angle;
        Color curr_pen = curr_color;
        int font_size = currFontSize;
        //todomt2 - what about flags?
        String text = CRunTime.charPtrToString(copy_c_text);

        System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
            Canvas graphics = (Canvas)CRunTime.getRegisteredObject(copy_graphics);

            if (copy_angle == 0)

                TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
                tb.FontFamily = new FontFamily("FreeSans");
                tb.FontSize = font_size;
                tb.FontStyle = FontStyles.Normal;
                tb.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(curr_pen);

                tb.Text = NBidi.NBidi.LogicalToVisual(text);
                tb.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (double)(copy_x));// - (tb.ActualWidth / 2)));
                tb.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, (double)(copy_y - tb.ActualHeight + 5 ));

                TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
                tb.FontFamily = new FontFamily("FreeSans");
                tb.FontSize = font_size;
                tb.FontStyle = FontStyles.Normal;
                tb.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(curr_pen);
                tb.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (double)(copy_x));// - (tb.ActualWidth / 2)));
                tb.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, (double)(copy_y - tb.ActualHeight - 20.0));
                tb.Text = NBidi.NBidi.LogicalToVisual(text);

                RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform();
                rt.Angle = copy_angle;

                tb.RenderTransform = rt;


Beispiel #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this instance.
        /// </summary>
        internal void Initialize()
            double desiredHeight = 0;
            double labelSize = 0;
            //if (m_MinValue == m_startValue + m_Interval)
            if (this.ActualHeight > 0 && this.ActualWidth > 0)

                double xAxisWidthStep = this.ActualWidth / ((MIntervalCount > 0) ? MIntervalCount : 1);
                double xAxisWidthPosition = this.DataToPoint(MStartValue);
                double minorstep = 0;
                //m_offset = this.DataToPoint(m_MinValue + m_Interval);
                Rect oldRect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
                AxisLine = new Line();
                AxisLine.X1 = 0;
                AxisLine.X2 = this.ActualWidth;
                AxisLine.Y1 = 0;
                AxisLine.Y2 = 0;
                Binding binding = new Binding();
                binding.Path = new PropertyPath("AxisLineStyle");
                binding.Source = this;
                AxisLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, binding);
                Labels = new List<ContentControl>();
                MajorTickLines = new List<Line>();
                MinorTickLines = new List<Line>();
                for (int i = 0; i < this.MLabels.Count; i++)
                    ContentControl label = new ContentControl();
                    label.Content = MLabels[i];
                    Binding labelTemplateBinding = new Binding();
                    labelTemplateBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("LabelTemplate");
                    labelTemplateBinding.Source = this;
                    label.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentTemplateProperty, labelTemplateBinding);
                    label.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                    RotateTransform labelRotation = new RotateTransform();
                    labelRotation.Angle = LabelAngle;
                    Rect rotatedRect = GetRotatedRect(new Rect(0, 0, label.DesiredSize.Width, label.DesiredSize.Height), labelRotation);
                    //label.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
                    label.RenderTransform = labelRotation;

                    Line tickLine = new Line();
                    double labelPadding = 0;
                    Binding styleBinding = new Binding();
                    styleBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineStyle");
                    styleBinding.Source = this;
                    tickLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, styleBinding);
                    tickLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                    tickLine.X1 = xAxisWidthPosition - (tickLine.DesiredSize.Width / 2);
                    tickLine.X2 = xAxisWidthPosition - (tickLine.DesiredSize.Width / 2);

                    switch (this.MajorTicksPosition)
                        case TickPosition.Inside:
                            tickLine.Y1 = 0;
                            Binding tickSizeInsideBinding = new Binding();
                            tickSizeInsideBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineSize");
                            tickSizeInsideBinding.Source = this;
                            tickSizeInsideBinding.Converter = new NegativeConverter();
                            tickLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, tickSizeInsideBinding);
                            if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                labelPadding = 0;
                                desiredHeight = 0;
                        case TickPosition.Cross:
                            Binding tickSizeNegativeCrossBinding = new Binding();
                            tickSizeNegativeCrossBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineSize");
                            tickSizeNegativeCrossBinding.Source = this;
                            tickSizeNegativeCrossBinding.Converter = new NegativeHalfConverter();
                            tickLine.SetBinding(Line.Y1Property, tickSizeNegativeCrossBinding);

                            Binding tickSizeCrossBinding = new Binding();
                            tickSizeCrossBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineSize");
                            tickSizeCrossBinding.Source = this;
                            tickSizeCrossBinding.Converter = new HalfValueConverter();
                            tickLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, tickSizeCrossBinding);
                            if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                labelPadding = tickLine.Y2;
                                desiredHeight = MajorLineSize / 2;
                        case TickPosition.Outside:
                            tickLine.Y1 = 0;
                            Binding tickSizeBinding = new Binding();
                            tickSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MajorLineSize");
                            tickSizeBinding.Source = this;
                            tickLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, tickSizeBinding);
                            if (this.ShowMajorTicks)
                                labelPadding = tickLine.Y2;
                                desiredHeight = MajorLineSize;

                    Binding ticklineVisibilityBinding = new Binding();
                    ticklineVisibilityBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("ShowMajorTicks");
                    ticklineVisibilityBinding.Source = this;
                    ticklineVisibilityBinding.Converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
                    tickLine.SetBinding(Line.VisibilityProperty, ticklineVisibilityBinding);
                    if (!(i == this.MLabels.Count - 1))
                        double minorWidth = xAxisWidthStep;
                        minorstep = minorWidth / (MinorTicksCount + 1);
                        for (int j = 0; j < this.MinorTicksCount; j++)
                            Line minorLine = new Line();
                            Binding minorstyleBinding = new Binding();
                            minorstyleBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineStyle");
                            minorstyleBinding.Source = this;
                            minorLine.SetBinding(Line.StyleProperty, minorstyleBinding);
                            minorLine.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                            minorLine.X1 = (xAxisWidthPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));
                            minorLine.X2 = (xAxisWidthPosition + minorstep * (j + 1));

                            switch (MinorTicksPosition)
                                case TickPosition.Inside:
                                    minorLine.Y1 = 0;
                                    Binding minortickInsideSizeBinding = new Binding();
                                    minortickInsideSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineSize");
                                    minortickInsideSizeBinding.Source = this;
                                    minortickInsideSizeBinding.Converter = new NegativeConverter();
                                    minorLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, minortickInsideSizeBinding);
                                case TickPosition.Cross:
                                    Binding minortickNegativeCrossSizeBinding = new Binding();
                                    minortickNegativeCrossSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineSize");
                                    minortickNegativeCrossSizeBinding.Source = this;
                                    minortickNegativeCrossSizeBinding.Converter = new NegativeHalfConverter();
                                    minorLine.SetBinding(Line.Y1Property, minortickNegativeCrossSizeBinding);

                                    Binding minortickCrossSizeBinding = new Binding();
                                    minortickCrossSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineSize");
                                    minortickCrossSizeBinding.Source = this;
                                    minortickCrossSizeBinding.Converter = new HalfValueConverter();
                                    minorLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, minortickCrossSizeBinding);
                                case TickPosition.Outside:
                                    minorLine.Y1 = 0;
                                    Binding minortickSizeBinding = new Binding();
                                    minortickSizeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("MinorLineSize");
                                    minortickSizeBinding.Source = this;
                                    minorLine.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, minortickSizeBinding);

                    if (this.LabelAngle == 0)
                        Canvas.SetLeft(label, xAxisWidthPosition - (label.DesiredSize.Width / 2));
                        Canvas.SetTop(label, desiredHeight);
                        labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, label.DesiredSize.Height);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(label, xAxisWidthPosition - (rotatedRect.Width / 2) - rotatedRect.X);
                        Canvas.SetTop(label, desiredHeight - rotatedRect.Y);
                        labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, rotatedRect.Height);

                    //labelSize = Math.Max(labelSize, label.ActualHeight);
                    xAxisWidthPosition += xAxisWidthStep;
                header = new ContentControl();
                header.DataContext = null;
                Binding contentBinding = new Binding();
                contentBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("Header");
                contentBinding.Source = this;
                header.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, contentBinding);
                Binding headerTemplateBinding = new Binding();
                headerTemplateBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("HeaderTemplate");
                headerTemplateBinding.Source = this;
                header.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentTemplateProperty, headerTemplateBinding);
                header.Measure(new Size(this.ActualHeight, this.ActualWidth));
                Canvas.SetLeft(header, (this.ActualWidth / 2) - (header.DesiredSize.Width / 2));
                Canvas.SetTop(header, (this.ActualHeight / 2) - (header.DesiredSize.Height / 2) + desiredHeight);
                desiredHeight += header.DesiredSize.Height ;
                IsInitialized = true;
                this.Chart.AxisHeight = desiredHeight;
               // if (this.Chart.AxisHeight < desiredHeight)