public async Task <RosterResponse> FunctionHandler(RosterRequest request, ILambdaContext _)
            LambdaLogger.Log($"REQUEST:  {request}\r\n");

            var response = new RosterResponse();

            //if (request.resource == "/convert")
            //    await ConversionHelper.DoConversion("csvjson.turtle_tag.json");
            //    response.body.message = $"{request.resource} at: {DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()}";
            //    return response;

            var jwt = request.headers["jwt"];
            var jwtSecurityTokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();

            if (!jwtSecurityTokenHandler.CanReadToken(jwt))
                throw new SecurityTokenValidationException("Unable to read JWT.");

            var decodedJwt     = jwtSecurityTokenHandler.ReadJwtToken(jwt);
            var organizationId = Convert.ToString(decodedJwt.Payload["custom:organizationId"]);

            response.body = request.resource.StartsWith("/reports")
                ? await HandleReportRequest(organizationId, request)
                : await HandleDataRequest(organizationId, request);

Beispiel #2
 //Event received from the SessionManager when a RosterResponse is received.
 //When a RosterReponse is received we need to update the tree
 //Since we're creating new GUI objects, all of that work must
 //be done on the main thread.  We'll go ahead and build the collection
 //of groups in this background thread and then marshall back over.
 private void OnIncomingRoster(RosterResponse incomingRosterPacket)
     //work performed in here should be done on the main GUI thread
     //since it will be updating the treeview
     this.Invoke(new Session.PacketReceivedDelegate(IncomingRosterThreadSafe), new object[] { incomingRosterPacket });