Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            RockPage.AddCSSLink("~/Themes/Rock/Styles/group-scheduler.css", true);

            if (!this.IsPostBack)

                RosterConfiguration rosterConfiguration = this.GetBlockUserPreference(UserPreferenceKey.RosterConfigurationJSON)
                                                          .FromJsonOrNull <RosterConfiguration>() ?? new RosterConfiguration();

                if (!rosterConfiguration.IsConfigured())
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the roster.
        /// In cases where there won't be a postback, we can disable view state. The only time we need viewstate is when the Configuration Dialog
        /// is showing.
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateRoster(ViewStateMode viewStateMode = ViewStateMode.Disabled)
            RosterConfiguration rosterConfiguration = this.GetBlockUserPreference(UserPreferenceKey.RosterConfigurationJSON)
                                                      .FromJsonOrNull <RosterConfiguration>() ?? new RosterConfiguration();

            if (!rosterConfiguration.IsConfigured())

            int[]      scheduleIds    = rosterConfiguration.ScheduleIds;
            int[]      locationIds    = rosterConfiguration.LocationIds;
            List <int> pickedGroupIds = rosterConfiguration.PickedGroupIds.ToList();

            var allGroupIds = new List <int>();


            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            // Only use teh ShowChildGroups option when there is 1 group selected
            if (rosterConfiguration.IncludeChildGroups && pickedGroupIds.Count == 1)
                // if there is exactly one groupId we can avoid a 'Contains' (Contains has a small performance impact)
                var parentGroupId = pickedGroupIds[0];
                var groupService  = new GroupService(rockContext);

                // just the first level of child groups, not all decendants
                var childGroupIds = groupService.Queryable().Where(a => a.ParentGroupId == parentGroupId).Select(a => a.Id).ToList();

            allGroupIds = allGroupIds.Distinct().ToList();

            var attendanceOccurrenceService = new AttendanceOccurrenceService(rockContext);

            // An OccurrenceDate probably won't be included in the URL, but just in case
            DateTime?occurrenceDate = this.PageParameter(PageParameterKey.OccurrenceDate).AsDateTime();

            if (!occurrenceDate.HasValue)
                occurrenceDate = RockDateTime.Today;

            // only show occurrences for the current day
            var attendanceOccurrenceQuery = attendanceOccurrenceService
                                            .Where(a => a.ScheduleId.HasValue && a.LocationId.HasValue && a.GroupId.HasValue)
                                            .Where(a =>
                                                   allGroupIds.Contains(a.GroupId.Value) &&
                                                   a.OccurrenceDate == occurrenceDate &&

            // if specific locations are specified, use those, otherwise just show all
            if (locationIds.Any())
                attendanceOccurrenceQuery = attendanceOccurrenceQuery.Where(a => locationIds.Contains(a.LocationId.Value));

            // limit attendees to ones that schedules (or are checked-in regardless of being scheduled)
            var confirmedAttendancesForOccurrenceQuery = attendanceOccurrenceQuery
                                                         .SelectMany(a => a.Attendees)
                                                         .Include(a => a.PersonAlias.Person)
                                                         .Include(a => a.Occurrence.Group.Members)

            var confirmedScheduledIndividualsForOccurrenceId = confirmedAttendancesForOccurrenceQuery
                                                               .GroupBy(a => a.OccurrenceId)
                k => k.Key,
                v => v.Select(a => new ScheduledIndividual
                ScheduledAttendanceItemStatus = Attendance.GetScheduledAttendanceItemStatus(a.RSVP, a.ScheduledToAttend),
                Person             = a.PersonAlias.Person,
                GroupMember        = a.Occurrence.Group.Members.FirstOrDefault(gm => gm.PersonId == a.PersonAlias.PersonId),
                CurrentlyCheckedIn = a.DidAttend == true

            List <AttendanceOccurrence> attendanceOccurrenceList = attendanceOccurrenceQuery
                                                                   .Include(a => a.Schedule)
                                                                   .Include(a => a.Attendees)
                                                                   .Include(a => a.Group)
                                                                   .Include(a => a.Location)
                                                                   .OrderBy(a => a.OccurrenceDate)
                                                                   .ThenBy(a => a.Schedule.Order)
                                                                   .ThenBy(a => a.Schedule.GetNextStartDateTime(a.OccurrenceDate))
                                                                   .ThenBy(a => a.Location.Name)

            var occurrenceRosterInfoList = new List <OccurrenceRosterInfo>();

            foreach (var attendanceOccurrence in attendanceOccurrenceList)
                var scheduleDate         = attendanceOccurrence.Schedule.GetNextStartDateTime(attendanceOccurrence.OccurrenceDate);
                var scheduledIndividuals = confirmedScheduledIndividualsForOccurrenceId.GetValueOrNull(attendanceOccurrence.Id);

                if ((scheduleDate == null) || (scheduleDate.Value.Date != attendanceOccurrence.OccurrenceDate))
                    // scheduleDate can be later than the OccurrenceDate (or null) if there are exclusions that cause the schedule
                    // to not occur on the occurrence date. In this case, don't show the roster unless there are somehow individuals
                    // scheduled for this occurrence.
                    if (scheduledIndividuals == null || !scheduledIndividuals.Any())
                        // no scheduleDate and no scheduled individuals, so continue on to the next attendanceOccurrence

                var occurrenceRosterInfo = new OccurrenceRosterInfo
                    Group                = attendanceOccurrence.Group,
                    Location             = attendanceOccurrence.Location,
                    Schedule             = attendanceOccurrence.Schedule,
                    ScheduleDate         = scheduleDate,
                    ScheduledIndividuals = scheduledIndividuals


            var mergeFields = LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(this.RockPage);

            mergeFields.Add("OccurrenceList", occurrenceRosterInfoList);
            mergeFields.Add("DisplayRole", rosterConfiguration.DisplayRole);
            mergeFields.Add("OccurrenceDate", occurrenceDate);
            var rosterLavaTemplate = this.GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.RosterLavaTemplate);

            var rosterHtml = rosterLavaTemplate.ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields);

            // by default, let's disable viewstate (except for when the configuration dialog is showing)
            lOccurrenceRosterHTML.ViewStateMode = viewStateMode;
            lOccurrenceRosterHTML.Text          = rosterHtml;