public void RemoveSelfFromRopesByBalloonsController(bool p_canCreateNewInstanceFromController = true)
        //Clear All Nodes To Recalc
        List <RopesByBallons> v_structsThatContainBallon = RopesByBalloonsController.GetAllStructsWithBallon(this, p_canCreateNewInstanceFromController);

        foreach (RopesByBallons v_struct in v_structsThatContainBallon)
            if (v_struct != null && v_struct.Rope != null)
                List <BalloonProperty> v_newDirectBallonsList   = new List <BalloonProperty>();             // Used to Remove Nulls and Self;
                List <BalloonProperty> v_newIndirectBallonsList = new List <BalloonProperty>();             // Used to Remove Nulls and Self;
                foreach (BalloonProperty v_ballon in v_struct.DirectBallons)
                    if (v_ballon != null && v_ballon != this)
                foreach (BalloonProperty v_ballon in v_struct.IndirectBallons)
                    if (v_ballon != null && v_ballon != this)
                v_struct.DirectBallons   = v_newDirectBallonsList;
                v_struct.IndirectBallons = v_newIndirectBallonsList;
    public virtual void RecalcRopesMass()
        float v_indirectSum = 0;
        float v_directSum   = 0;
        List <RopesByBallons> v_structsThatContainBallon = RopesByBalloonsController.GetAllStructsWithBallon(this);

        foreach (RopesByBallons v_struct in v_structsThatContainBallon)
            if (v_struct != null && v_struct.Rope != null)
                if (v_struct.DirectBallons.Contains(this))
                    float v_sumOfDirectIntensitys = 0;
                    foreach (BalloonProperty v_ballon in v_struct.DirectBallons)
                        if (v_ballon != null)
                            v_sumOfDirectIntensitys += v_ballon.GetIndependentForceIntensity();
                    float v_percent = v_sumOfDirectIntensitys == 0? 1 / v_struct.DirectBallons.Count : GetIndependentForceIntensity() / v_sumOfDirectIntensitys;
                    v_directSum += v_struct.Rope.GetMassAttachedToObject(this.gameObject) * v_percent;                // Mass Of The Rope will be divided to all Direct Ballon
                else if (v_struct.DirectBallons.Count <= 0 && v_struct.IndirectBallons.Contains(this))                // Only if no direct ballons plugged in this rope
                    float v_sumOfIndirectIntensitys = 0;
                    foreach (BalloonProperty v_ballon in v_struct.IndirectBallons)
                        if (v_ballon != null)
                            v_sumOfIndirectIntensitys += v_ballon.GetIndependentForceIntensity();
                    float v_percent = v_sumOfIndirectIntensitys == 0? 1 / v_struct.IndirectBallons.Count : GetIndependentForceIntensity() / v_sumOfIndirectIntensitys;
                    v_indirectSum += v_struct.Rope.GetRopeMass(true) * v_percent;                  // Mass Of The Rope will be divided to all Indirect Ballon
        _sumOfPluggedRopesMass = v_directSum;
        if (m_includeIndirectRopesInMassCalc)
            _sumOfIndirectRopesMass = v_indirectSum;
            _sumOfIndirectRopesMass = 0;
    //Used To Calculate amount of Direct/Indirect Ballons plugged in Ropes(Need this to know correct amount of force needed to void ropes mass
    public virtual void UpdateRopesByBalloonsController()
        _waitOneCycle = true;
        List <RopesByBallons> v_structsThatContainBallon = RopesByBalloonsController.GetAllStructsWithBallon(this);

        foreach (RopesByBallons v_struct in v_structsThatContainBallon)
            if (v_struct != null && v_struct.Rope != null)
                if (!v_struct.DirectBallons.RemoveChecking(this))
        if (m_includeIndirectRopesInMassCalc)
            //Get Indirect Ropes and Add in Ballons indirect Plugged in this ropes
            foreach (Rope2D v_indirectRope in RopesAttachedComponent.IndirectRopes)
                if (v_indirectRope != null)
                    RopesByBallons v_struct = RopesByBalloonsController.GetRopeByBallonStructure(v_indirectRope, true);
                    if (v_struct != null)
        //Get direct Ropes and Add in Ballons Plugged in this ropes
        foreach (Rope2D v_directRope in RopesAttachedComponent.PluggedRopes)
            if (v_directRope != null)
                RopesByBallons v_struct = RopesByBalloonsController.GetRopeByBallonStructure(v_directRope, true);
                if (v_struct != null)