Beispiel #1
        public void HalleyTest()
            foreach (TestData d in _FunctionData)
                double relTolerance = RootFinder.DefaultRelTolerance;
                double absTolerance = d.AbsTolerance;

                RootResults results  = RootFinder.Halley(d.FuncVal_Der1_Der2, d.Guess, d.Min, d.Max, relTolerance, absTolerance, RootFinder.DefaultIterations);
                double      solution = (results == null) ? double.NaN : results.SolutionX;
                if (!AreNear(solution, d.Expected, relTolerance, absTolerance))
                    throw new AssertFailedException(" Halley Solve: (" + d.Description + ") = " + d.Expected + "; got " + solution + " Tolerance: " + d.RelTolerance);

            foreach (TestData d in testUnbracketedData)
                double relTolerance = RootFinder.DefaultRelTolerance;
                double absTolerance = d.AbsTolerance;

                RootResults results  = RootFinder.Halley(d.FuncVal_Der1_Der2, d.Guess, d.Min, d.Max, relTolerance, absTolerance, RootFinder.DefaultIterations);
                double      solution = (results == null) ? double.NaN : results.SolutionX;
                if (!AreNear(solution, d.Expected, relTolerance, absTolerance))
                    throw new AssertFailedException(" Halley Solve: (" + d.Description + ") = " + d.Expected + "; got " + solution + " Tolerance: " + d.RelTolerance);
Beispiel #2
        public void BrentTest()
            foreach (TestData d in _FunctionData)
                double relTolerance = RootFinder.DefaultRelTolerance;
                double absTolerance = d.AbsTolerance;

                var tol = RootFinder.GetToleranceFunc(RootFinder.DefaultRelTolerance, d.AbsTolerance);

                RootResults results  = RootFinder.Brent(d.FuncValue, d.Min, d.Max, relTolerance, absTolerance, RootFinder.DefaultIterations);
                double      solution = (results == null) ? double.NaN : results.SolutionX;
                if (!AreNear(solution, d.Expected, relTolerance, absTolerance))
                    throw new AssertFailedException(" Brent Solve: (" + d.Description + ") = " + d.Expected + "; got " + solution + " Tolerance: " + d.RelTolerance);

                results  = RootFinder.BrentBracket(d.FuncValue, d.Guess, d.Step, FunctionShape.Unknown, d.Lmin, d.Lmax, relTolerance, absTolerance, RootFinder.DefaultIterations);
                solution = (results == null) ? double.NaN : results.SolutionX;
                if (!AreNear(solution, d.Expected, relTolerance, absTolerance))
                    throw new AssertFailedException(" Brent Solve: (" + d.Description + ") = " + d.Expected + "; got " + solution + " Tolerance: " + d.RelTolerance);
Beispiel #3
        public static double SolveB(double a, double x, double p, double q, double guess, double step, double lower, double upper)
            Func <double, double> f;

            if (p <= q)
                f = b => Math2.Ibeta(a, b, x) - p;
                f = b => Math2.Ibetac(a, b, x) - q;

            Debug.WriteLine("IBetaInvB(a={0}, guess?={1}, x={2}) == p({3}), q({4}); range = [{5}, {6}]", a, guess, x, p, q, lower, upper);

            RootResults r = RootFinder.Toms748Bracket(f, guess, step, FunctionShape.Unknown, lower, upper, _tol, Policies.MaxRootIterations);
            if (r == null)
                Policies.ReportRootNotFoundError("Invalid parameter in root solver");
            if (!r.Success)
                Policies.ReportRootNotFoundError("Root not found after {0} iterations", r.Iterations);

            Debug.WriteLine("Result = {0};  Toms748 iterations: {1}", r.SolutionX, r.Iterations);

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the root finder to solve Q(a,x) == q, for x
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="q"></param>
        /// <param name="guess"></param>
        /// <param name="min"></param>
        /// <param name="max"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double SolveGivenAQ(double a, double q, double guess, double min, double max)
            Func <double, ValueTuple <double, double, double> > halleyF = (double x) => {
                // Calculate Q(x) - q and the first two derivatives

                double f  = Math2.GammaQ(a, x) - q;
                double f1 = -Math2.GammaPDerivative(a, x);
                double f2 = -f1 * (1.0 + (1.0 - a) / x);
                return(f, f1, f2);

            const double relTolerance = RootFinder.DefaultRelTolerance;
            const double absTolerance = 0;
            RootResults  rr           = RootFinder.Halley(halleyF, guess, min, max, relTolerance, absTolerance, Policies.MaxRootIterations);

            if (rr == null)
                Policies.ReportRootNotFoundError("Invalid parameter in root solver");
            Debug.WriteLine("Halley iterations: {0}", rr.Iterations);
            if (!rr.Success)
                Policies.ReportRootNotFoundError("Root not found after {0} iterations", rr.Iterations);

Beispiel #5
        public void CanFindWhenExistsAndContentIsOk()
            Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.Combine(dir.FullName, "a/b/c/d/e");

            RootFinder.ChangeToPathOf("", "teste-teste-teste").Should().Be.True();
            Environment.CurrentDirectory.Should().Be(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, @"a\b"));
Beispiel #6
        public void CanFindWhenNotExists()
            Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.Combine(dir.FullName, "a/b/c/d/e");

            RootFinder.ChangeToPathOf("", "teste-teste-teste").Should().Be.False();
            Environment.CurrentDirectory.Should().Be(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, @"a\b\c\d\e"));
        public void GetNthRoot_Test()
            double number   = double.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["Number"].ToString());
            int    power    = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["N"].ToString());
            double eps      = double.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["Eps"].ToString());
            double expected = double.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["Result"].ToString());
            double actual   = RootFinder.FindNthRoot(number, power, eps);

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected, eps);
Beispiel #8
        public void Test()
            double left  = -100;
            double right = 100;

            double[] arguments = { 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1 };
            double   result    = RootFinder.Solution(left, right, arguments);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, result);
Beispiel #9
            public void Should_Return0_When_Input0number5degree()
                // arrange
                double number    = 0;
                int    degree    = 5;
                double precision = 0.0000001;
                double expected  = 0;

                // act
                double actual = RootFinder.Newton(number, degree, precision);

                // assert
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Beispiel #10
        public bool TryFactor(out FractionalFunction fractionalFunction)
            List <Complex> numRoots = RootFinder.DurandKerner(Num);
            List <Complex> denRoots = RootFinder.DurandKerner(Den);

            if (!numRoots.Intersect(denRoots).Any())
                // If factoring is impossible, return this same function
                fractionalFunction = new FractionalFunction(Num, Den);

            throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #11
 public void Bracket_Test()
     foreach (TestData d in _FunctionData)
         int iterations;
         RootBracketResult b = RootFinder.FindBracket(d.FuncValue, d.Guess, d.Step, FunctionShape.Unknown, d.Lmin, d.Lmax, RootFinder.DefaultIterations, out iterations);
         if (b == null)
             throw new AssertFailedException(" Bracket Solve: (" + d.Description + ") got null; Tolerance: " + d.RelTolerance);
         if (!b.IsValid)
             throw new AssertFailedException(" Bracket Solve: (" + d.Description + ") got " + b + " Tolerance: " + d.RelTolerance);
Beispiel #12
    public static void Main()
        //Part A
        Func <vector, vector> f = (z) => { return(new vector(-2.0 * (1 - z[0]) - 400 * (z[1] - Pow(z[0], 2)) * z[0], 200 * (z[1] - Pow(z[0], 2)))); };

        vector x = new vector(3, 4);

        vector result = RootFinder.Newton(f, x);

        Write("We are finding the minumum of the Rosenbrock's valley function, by Newton's method with numerical Jacobian and back-tracking linesearch");
        result.print("The minimum was found to be = ");
        Write("Which is the exact same as the analytical result.");

        //Part B

        StreamWriter outdata = new StreamWriter("", append: false);

        double rmax = 10;

        // Defining the function to find root of
        Func <vector, vector> fe_root = (vector m) => {
            double e       = m[0];
            double fe_rmax = hydrogen.find(e, rmax);
            return(new vector(fe_rmax));

        // Start condition
        vector m0     = new vector(-0.5);
        vector mroots = RootFinder.Newton(fe_root, m0);

        double e_found = mroots[0];

        //collecting data for plotting
        for (double i = 0; i < rmax; i += 0.1)
            outdata.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", i, hydrogen.find(e_found, i), i * Exp(-i));

        vector e_found_vec = new vector(e_found);

        Write(" In part B , the error was found at root = {0}.", fe_root(e_found_vec)[0]);

        public void DDT_RootFind()
            double number    = Convert.ToDouble(Convert.ToString(TestContext.DataRow["number"]));
            int    degree    = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(TestContext.DataRow["degree"]));
            double precision = Convert.ToDouble(Convert.ToString(TestContext.DataRow["precision"]));

            double expected = Convert.ToDouble(Convert.ToString(TestContext.DataRow["expected"]));

            if (precision <= 0 || (number < 0 && degree % 2 == 0))
                Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => RootFinder.FindNthRoot(number, degree, precision));
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, RootFinder.FindNthRoot(number, degree, precision), precision);
Beispiel #14
        public void BisectionTest()
            foreach (TestData d in _FunctionData)
                double relTolerance = RootFinder.DefaultRelTolerance;
                double absTolerance = d.AbsTolerance;

                // test bisection
                RootResults results = RootFinder.Bisection(d.FuncValue, d.Min, d.Max, relTolerance, absTolerance, RootFinder.DefaultIterations);

                double solution = (results == null) ? double.NaN : results.SolutionX;
                if (!AreNear(solution, d.Expected, relTolerance, absTolerance))
                    throw new AssertFailedException(" Bisection Solve: (" + d.Description + ") = " + d.Expected + "; got " + solution + " Tolerance: " + d.RelTolerance);
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            DrawFunc(Func, From, To);

            // For method to work as desired, func parameter must have different signs on left and right interval ends
            BrentsRoot root;

            if (RootFinder.BrentsMethod(Func, From, To, out root))
                DrawPoint(new Vector2(root.X, 0));

                LogInfo("Root: " + root.X);
                LogInfo("No root");
Beispiel #16
        public static (double Result, int Iterations) SolveA(double z, double p, double q, double aGuess, double step, double min, double max)
            Debug.Assert(aGuess >= min && aGuess <= max, "Guess out of range");

            Func <double, double> f;

            if (p < q)
                f = a => Math2.GammaP(a, z) - p;
                f = a => Math2.GammaQ(a, z) - q;

            // Use our generic derivative-free root finding procedure.
            // We could use Newton steps here, taking the PDF of the
            // Poisson distribution as our derivative, but that's
            // even worse performance-wise than the generic method :-(

            // dQ/da is increasing, dP/da is decreasing
            FunctionShape fShape = (p < q) ? FunctionShape.Decreasing : FunctionShape.Increasing;
            RootResults   rr     = RootFinder.Toms748Bracket(f, aGuess, step, fShape, min, max);

            if (rr == null)
                Policies.ReportRootNotFoundError($"Invalid Parameter: PQInvA(z: {z}, p: {p}, q: {q}) [{min}, {max}] g: {aGuess}");
                return(double.NaN, 0);

            if (!rr.Success)
                Policies.ReportRootNotFoundError("Root not found after {0} iterations", rr.Iterations);
                return(double.NaN, rr.Iterations);

            return(rr.SolutionX, rr.Iterations);
Beispiel #17
 public void FindRoot_IsCorrect(double number, int power, double accuracy, double expectedResult) =>
 Assert.AreEqual(RootFinder.FindRoot(number, power, accuracy), expectedResult, accuracy);
Beispiel #18
 public void FindRoot_Throws_ArgumentException(double number, int power, double accuracy)
 => Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => RootFinder.FindRoot(number, power, accuracy));
Beispiel #19
        public double NewtonTest(double number, int root, double acc)
            var finder = new RootFinder();

            return(finder.NewtonMethod(number, root, acc));
Beispiel #20
 public void FindNthRootmethod_UserVariants_CorrectResults(double number, int n, double eps, double result)
     Assert.AreEqual(result, RootFinder.FindNthRoot(number, n, eps), 0.1);
Beispiel #21
 public void FindNthRootmethod_UncorrectData_ArgumentException(double number, int n, double eps)
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => RootFinder.FindNthRoot(number, n, eps));
Beispiel #22
            public void Should_ReturnException_When_InputZeroPrecision()
                double precision = 0;

                RootFinder.Newton(-32, 5, precision);
Beispiel #23
            public void Should_ReturnException_When_InputNegativePrecision()
                double precision = -5;

                RootFinder.Newton(-32, 5, precision);
Beispiel #24
            public void Should_ReturnException_When_InputNegativeNumber()
                double number = -32;

                RootFinder.Newton(number, 5, 1);
 public void FindNthRoot_TestsWithValues(double number, int degree, double precision, double result)
 => Assert.AreEqual(RootFinder.FindNthRoot(number, degree, precision), result, precision);
        private void Solve(float[] array, ref string message)
            switch (array.Length)
            case 2:
                float root;
                if (RootFinder.Linear(array[0], array[1], out root))
                    message = "X=" + root;

            case 3:
                QuadraticRoots roots;
                if (RootFinder.Quadratic(array[0], array[1], array[2], out roots))
                    message = "RootCount: " + roots.RootCount + "   X0=" + roots.X0 + "   X1=" + roots.X1;

            case 4:
                CubicRoots roots;
                if (RootFinder.Cubic(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], out roots))
                    message = "RootCount: " + roots.RootCount + "   X0=" + roots.X0 + "   X1=" + roots.X1 + "   X2=" + roots.X2;

            case 5:
                QuarticRoots roots;
                if (RootFinder.Quartic(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], out roots))
                    message = "RootCount: " + roots.RootCount + "   X0=" + roots.X0 + "   X1=" + roots.X1 + "   X2=" + roots.X2 + "   X3=" + roots.X3;

                int        degree = array.Length - 1;
                Polynomial poly   = new Polynomial(degree);
                for (int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)                                 // Notice i <= degree, as poly of order n has n+1 coeffs
                    poly[i] = array[i];

                float[] roots;
                if (RootFinder.Polynomial(poly, out roots))
                    message = "RootCount: " + roots.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < roots.Length; ++i)
                        message += "   X" + i.ToString() + "=" + roots[i].ToString();

            message = "Has no solution";
 public void FindNthRoot_WithNegativeA_ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
 => Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => RootFinder.FindNthRoot(-5, -2, 0.001));
 public void FindNthRoot_WithIncorrectEpsilon_ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
 => Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => RootFinder.FindNthRoot(5, 2, -0.001));