Beispiel #1
        public void DiffRuns()
            var styles = new AssembledStyles();
            var root   = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
            var mock1  = new MockData1(23, 23);

            mock1.SimpleThree = "new stuff";
            var mock2 = new MockData1(23, 23);

            mock2.SimpleThree = "old contents";
            var mock3 = new MockData1(23, 23);

            mock3.SimpleThree = "different things";
            var engine = new FakeRenderEngine()
                Ws = 23, SegmentHeight = 13
            var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();

            factory.SetRenderer(23, engine);
            root.Builder.Show(Paragraph.Containing(Display.Of(() => mock1.SimpleThree, 23), Display.Of(() => mock2.SimpleThree, 23), Display.Of(() => mock3.SimpleThree, 23)));
            var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);

            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
            MockSite       site   = new MockSite();

            site.m_transform  = ptrans;
            site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
            root.Site         = site;

            int            x        = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("new stuf") + 2;
            var            location = new Point(x, 8);
            EventArgs      e        = new EventArgs();
            MouseEventArgs m        = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);

            root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
            Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("stuff"));

            x        = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("new stuff") + 2;
            location = new Point(x, 8);
            m        = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
            root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
            Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("old "));

            x        = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("new stuff old contents") + 2;
            location = new Point(x, 8);
            m        = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
            root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
            Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("different "));
Beispiel #2
		public void Select()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var root = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
			var mock1 = new MockData1(23, 23);
			mock1.SimpleThree = "new old contents";
			var engine = new FakeRenderEngine() { Ws = 23, SegmentHeight = 13 };
			var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();
			factory.SetRenderer(23, engine);
			root.Builder.Show(Display.Of(() => mock1.SimpleThree, 23));
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			root.Site = site;

			int x = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("new ") + 2;
			var location = new Point(x, 8);
			EventArgs e = new EventArgs();
			MouseEventArgs m = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);

			root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
			Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("old "));

			mock1.SimpleThree = "new old:contents";
			x = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("new o") + 2;
			location = new Point(x, 8);
			m = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
			root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
			Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("old"));

			mock1.SimpleThree = "new(old contents";
			x = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("new ol") + 2;
			location = new Point(x, 8);
			m = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
			root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
			Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("old "));

			mock1.SimpleThree = "newo1dcontents";
			x = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("new o1d") + 2;
			location = new Point(x, 8);
			m = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
			root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
			Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("newo1dcontents"));
Beispiel #3
		public void DragStartsOnMoveInSelection()
			string contents = "This is the day.";
			var engine = new FakeRenderEngine() {Ws = 34, SegmentHeight = 13};
			var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();
			factory.SetRenderer(34, engine);
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(34);
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			var run = new StringClientRun(contents, styles);
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			var para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var extraBox = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 50, 72000); // tall, narrow spacer at top
			var root = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue/2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(96 + 13));
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth(contents)));

			var ip1 = run.SelectAt(para, 5, false);
			var ip2 = run.SelectAt(para, 7, true);
			var range = new RangeSelection(ip1, ip2);
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
			var sbox = para.FirstBox as StringBox;
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			root.Site = site;
			int indent = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("This ");
			root.OnMouseDown(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, indent + 5, 100, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			root.OnMouseMove(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, indent + 5, 100, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			Assert.That(GetStringDropData(site), Is.EqualTo("is"));
			Assert.That(site.LastDoDragDropArgs.AllowedEffects, Is.EqualTo(DragDropEffects.Copy),
				"editing not possible in this paragraph, we can only copy");
			Assert.That(root.Selection, Is.EqualTo(range), "selection should not be changed by drag drop");
			site.LastDoDragDropArgs = null;
			root.OnMouseDown(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, 3, 100, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			Assert.That(site.LastDoDragDropArgs, Is.Null, "click outside selection should not initiate drag");

			// Tack on an extra check that a read-only view does not handle drop.
			var dataObj = new DataObject(DataFormats.StringFormat, "new ");
			var dragArgs = new DragEventArgs(dataObj, (int)DragDropKeyStates.ControlKey, 10, 8,
				DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Move,
			root.OnDragEnter(dragArgs, new Point(14, 8), m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			Assert.That(dragArgs.Effect, Is.EqualTo(DragDropEffects.None));
			Assert.That(root.DragState, Is.EqualTo(WindowDragState.DraggingHere));
Beispiel #4
        public void MultiParaCopy()
            var styles = new AssembledStyles();
            var root   = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
            var owner  = new MockData1(23, 23);
            var mock1  = new MockData1(23, 23);
            var mock2  = new MockData1(23, 23);
            var mock3  = new MockData1(23, 23);

            owner.InsertIntoObjSeq1(0, mock1);
            owner.InsertIntoObjSeq1(1, mock2);
            owner.InsertIntoObjSeq1(2, mock3);
            mock1.SimpleThree = "This is the";
            mock2.SimpleThree = "day that the";
            mock3.SimpleThree = "Lord has made";
            var engine = new FakeRenderEngine()
                Ws = 23, SegmentHeight = 13
            var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();

            factory.SetRenderer(23, engine);
            var            layoutInfo = HookupTests.MakeLayoutInfo(int.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, 23);
            PaintTransform ptrans     = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
            MockSite       site       = new MockSite();

            site.m_transform  = ptrans;
            site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
            root.Site         = site;
            var po = new MockReceiveParagraphOperations();

            root.Builder.Show(Display.Of(() => owner.ObjSeq1).Using((bldr, md) => bldr.AddString(() => md.SimpleThree, 23))
            var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);


            int x        = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("This ") + 2;
            var location = new Point(x, 8);


            MouseEventArgs e = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);

            root.OnMouseDown(e, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            Assert.That(root.CanCopy(), Is.EqualTo(false), "Should not be able to copy");
            x        = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("Lord") + 2;
            location = new Point(x, 29);
            e        = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
            root.OnMouseMove(e, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);

            Assert.That(root.CanCopy(), Is.EqualTo(true), "Should be able to copy");
            Assert.That(owner.ObjSeq1[0].SimpleThree + owner.ObjSeq1[1].SimpleThree + owner.ObjSeq1[2].SimpleThree, Is.EqualTo("This is the" + "day that the" + "Lord has made"));
            Assert.That(Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetData(DataFormats.StringFormat), Is.EqualTo("is the\r\nday that the\r\nLord"), "Selected String should be \"is the\nday that the\nLord \"");
Beispiel #5
        public void BasicCopy()
            var styles = new AssembledStyles();
            var root   = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
            var mock1  = new MockData1(23, 23);

            mock1.SimpleThree = "old contents";
            var engine = new FakeRenderEngine()
                Ws = 23, SegmentHeight = 13
            var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();

            factory.SetRenderer(23, engine);
            root.Builder.Show(Display.Of(() => mock1.SimpleThree, 23));
            var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);

            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
            MockSite       site   = new MockSite();

            site.m_transform  = ptrans;
            site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
            root.Site         = site;

            int x        = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("old ") + 2;
            var location = new Point(x, 8);


            Assert.That(root.CanCopy(), Is.EqualTo(false), "Should not be able to copy");
            Assert.That(mock1.SimpleThree, Is.EqualTo("old contents"), "Nothing should have changed");
            Assert.That(Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetData(DataFormats.StringFormat), Is.EqualTo(""), "Nothing should have been copied");

            MouseEventArgs e = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, 2, location.Y, 0);

            root.OnMouseDown(e, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            Assert.That(root.CanCopy(), Is.EqualTo(false), "Should not be able to copy");
            e = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
            root.OnMouseMove(e, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);

            Assert.That(root.CanCopy(), Is.EqualTo(true), "Should be able to copy");
            Assert.That(mock1.SimpleThree, Is.EqualTo("old contents"), "Selected String should be \"old contents\"");
            Assert.That(Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetData(DataFormats.StringFormat), Is.EqualTo("old "), "Selected String should be \"old \"");
Beispiel #6
		public void DiffWS()
			var tsf = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var root = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
			var mock1 = new MockData1(23, 23);
			mock1.SimpleTwo = tsf.MakeString("newoldcontents", 23);
			var bldr = mock1.SimpleTwo.GetBldr();
			bldr.SetIntPropValues(3, 6, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs,
				(int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, 24);
			bldr.SetIntPropValues(6, 14, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs,
				(int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, 25);
			mock1.SimpleTwo = bldr.GetString();
			var engine = new FakeRenderEngine() { Ws = 23, SegmentHeight = 13 };
			var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();
			factory.SetRenderer(23, engine);
			root.Builder.Show(Display.Of(() => mock1.SimpleTwo));
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			root.Site = site;

			int x = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("ne") + 2;
			var location = new Point(x, 8);
			EventArgs e = new EventArgs();
			MouseEventArgs m = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);

			root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
			Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("new"));

			x = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("new") + 2;
			location = new Point(x, 8);
			m = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
			root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
			Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("old"));

			x = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("newold") + 2;
			location = new Point(x, 8);
			m = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
			root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
			Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("contents"));

			x = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("newold");
			location = new Point(x, 8); // at the right edge of the d at the end of newold
			m = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
			root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
			Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
			Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("old"));
Beispiel #7
		public void DragCopyRtf()
			var stylesheet = new MockStylesheet();
			var styleFirst = stylesheet.AddStyle("first", false);
			var styleSecond = stylesheet.AddStyle("second", false);
			var propsTrue = new MockStyleProp<bool>() {Value = true, ValueIsSet = true};
			var charInfo = new MockCharStyleInfo();
			styleFirst.DefaultCharacterStyleInfo = charInfo;
			charInfo.Bold = propsTrue;
			// Todo: make styleSecond have pretty much everything else.
			var charInfo2 = new MockCharStyleInfo();
			styleSecond.DefaultCharacterStyleInfo = charInfo2;
			charInfo2.FontColor = MakeColorProp(Color.Red);
			charInfo2.BackColor = MakeColorProp(Color.Yellow);
			charInfo2.UnderlineColor = MakeColorProp(Color.Green);
			charInfo2.Italic = propsTrue;
			charInfo2.FontName = new MockStyleProp<string>() {Value = "Arial", ValueIsSet = true};

			var styles = new AssembledStyles(stylesheet);
			var root = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
			var mock1 = new MockData1(23, 23);
			mock1.SimpleThree = "This is";
			var mock2 = new MockData1(23, 23);
			mock2.SimpleThree = " the day";
			var mock3 = new MockData1(23, 23);
			mock3.SimpleThree = " that the";
			var engine = new FakeRenderEngine() { Ws = 23, SegmentHeight = 13 };
			var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();
			var wsf = new MockWsf();
			engine.WritingSystemFactory = wsf;
			var wsEngine = wsf.MakeMockEngine(23, "en", engine);
			factory.SetRenderer(23, engine);
					Display.Of(() => mock1.SimpleThree, 23).Style("first"),
					Display.Of(() => mock2.SimpleThree, 23).Style("second"),
					Display.Of(() => mock3.SimpleThree, 23).Style("first")
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			root.Site = site;

			SelectionBuilder.In(root).Offset("This ".Length).To.Offset("This is the day that".Length).Install();
			int indent = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("This ");
			root.OnMouseDown(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, indent + 5, 4, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			root.OnMouseMove(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, indent + 5, 4, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			Assert.That(GetStringDropData(site), Is.EqualTo("is the day that"));
			// The order of the font and colors in the color table is arbitrary. This happens to be what the code does now. For some reason
			// Color.Green has green only 128.
			// The order of items in the definition of a style is arbitrary.
			// We're not doing anything yet for background color. \highlightN can specify background color for a character run,
			// but it can't be part of a style definition.
			Assert.That(GetRtfDropData(site), Is.EqualTo(
				+ @"{\fonttbl{\f0 MockFont;}{\f1 Arial;}}"
				+ @"{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;}"
				+ @"{\stylesheet{\*\cs1\b\additive first;\*\cs2\i\f1\cf3\ulc5\additive second;}}"
				+ RangeSelection.RtfDataPrefix
				+ @"{\*\cs1\b is}{\*\cs2\i\f1\cf3\ulc5\highlight4  the day}{\*\cs1\b  that\par}"
				+ @"}"));

			// Todo: handle styles that depend on WS
			// Todo: handle more than two runs
			// Todo: handle runs where actual formatting differs from style-specified formatting
			// Todo: handle multiple paragraphs
			// Todo: handle paragraph styles
Beispiel #8
        public void DragCopyRtf()
            var stylesheet  = new MockStylesheet();
            var styleFirst  = stylesheet.AddStyle("first", false);
            var styleSecond = stylesheet.AddStyle("second", false);
            var propsTrue   = new MockStyleProp <bool>()
                Value = true, ValueIsSet = true
            var charInfo = new MockCharStyleInfo();

            styleFirst.DefaultCharacterStyleInfo = charInfo;
            charInfo.Bold = propsTrue;
            // Todo: make styleSecond have pretty much everything else.
            var charInfo2 = new MockCharStyleInfo();

            styleSecond.DefaultCharacterStyleInfo = charInfo2;
            charInfo2.FontColor      = MakeColorProp(Color.Red);
            charInfo2.BackColor      = MakeColorProp(Color.Yellow);
            charInfo2.UnderlineColor = MakeColorProp(Color.Green);
            charInfo2.Italic         = propsTrue;
            charInfo2.FontName       = new MockStyleProp <string>()
                Value = "Arial", ValueIsSet = true

            var styles = new AssembledStyles(stylesheet);
            var root   = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
            var mock1  = new MockData1(23, 23);

            mock1.SimpleThree = "This is";
            var mock2 = new MockData1(23, 23);

            mock2.SimpleThree = " the day";
            var mock3 = new MockData1(23, 23);

            mock3.SimpleThree = " that the";
            var engine = new FakeRenderEngine()
                Ws = 23, SegmentHeight = 13
            var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();
            var wsf     = new MockWsf();

            engine.WritingSystemFactory = wsf;
            var wsEngine = wsf.MakeMockEngine(23, "en", engine);

            factory.SetRenderer(23, engine);
                    Display.Of(() => mock1.SimpleThree, 23).Style("first"),
                    Display.Of(() => mock2.SimpleThree, 23).Style("second"),
                    Display.Of(() => mock3.SimpleThree, 23).Style("first")
            var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);

            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
            MockSite       site   = new MockSite();

            site.m_transform  = ptrans;
            site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
            root.Site         = site;

            SelectionBuilder.In(root).Offset("This ".Length).To.Offset("This is the day that".Length).Install();
            int indent = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("This ");

            root.OnMouseDown(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, indent + 5, 4, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            root.OnMouseMove(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, indent + 5, 4, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            Assert.That(GetStringDropData(site), Is.EqualTo("is the day that"));
            // The order of the font and colors in the color table is arbitrary. This happens to be what the code does now. For some reason
            // Color.Green has green only 128.
            // The order of items in the definition of a style is arbitrary.
            // We're not doing anything yet for background color. \highlightN can specify background color for a character run,
            // but it can't be part of a style definition.
            Assert.That(GetRtfDropData(site), Is.EqualTo(
                            + @"{\fonttbl{\f0 MockFont;}{\f1 Arial;}}"
                            + @"{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;}"
                            + @"{\stylesheet{\*\cs1\b\additive first;\*\cs2\i\f1\cf3\ulc5\additive second;}}"
                            + RangeSelection.RtfDataPrefix
                            + @"{\*\cs1\b is}{\*\cs2\i\f1\cf3\ulc5\highlight4  the day}{\*\cs1\b  that\par}"
                            + @"}"));

            // Todo: handle styles that depend on WS
            // Todo: handle more than two runs
            // Todo: handle runs where actual formatting differs from style-specified formatting
            // Todo: handle multiple paragraphs
            // Todo: handle paragraph styles
Beispiel #9
        public void DragStartsOnMoveInSelection()
            string contents = "This is the day.";
            var    engine   = new FakeRenderEngine()
                Ws = 34, SegmentHeight = 13
            var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();

            factory.SetRenderer(34, engine);
            var styles     = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(34);
            var clientRuns = new List <IClientRun>();
            var run        = new StringClientRun(contents, styles);

            var source   = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
            var para     = new ParaBox(styles, source);
            var extraBox = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 50, 72000);             // tall, narrow spacer at top
            var root     = new RootBoxFdo(styles);

            var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);

            Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(96 + 13));
            Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth(contents)));

            var ip1   = run.SelectAt(para, 5, false);
            var ip2   = run.SelectAt(para, 7, true);
            var range = new RangeSelection(ip1, ip2);

            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
            var            sbox   = para.FirstBox as StringBox;
            MockSite       site   = new MockSite();

            site.m_transform  = ptrans;
            site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
            root.Site         = site;
            int indent = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("This ");

            root.OnMouseDown(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, indent + 5, 100, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            root.OnMouseMove(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, indent + 5, 100, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            Assert.That(GetStringDropData(site), Is.EqualTo("is"));
            Assert.That(site.LastDoDragDropArgs.AllowedEffects, Is.EqualTo(DragDropEffects.Copy),
                        "editing not possible in this paragraph, we can only copy");
            Assert.That(root.Selection, Is.EqualTo(range), "selection should not be changed by drag drop");
            site.LastDoDragDropArgs = null;
            root.OnMouseDown(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, 3, 100, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            Assert.That(site.LastDoDragDropArgs, Is.Null, "click outside selection should not initiate drag");

            // Tack on an extra check that a read-only view does not handle drop.
            var dataObj  = new DataObject(DataFormats.StringFormat, "new ");
            var dragArgs = new DragEventArgs(dataObj, (int)DragDropKeyStates.ControlKey, 10, 8,
                                             DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Move,

            root.OnDragEnter(dragArgs, new Point(14, 8), m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            Assert.That(dragArgs.Effect, Is.EqualTo(DragDropEffects.None));
            Assert.That(root.DragState, Is.EqualTo(WindowDragState.DraggingHere));
Beispiel #10
        public void DiffWS()
            var tsf    = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
            var styles = new AssembledStyles();
            var root   = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
            var mock1  = new MockData1(23, 23);

            mock1.SimpleTwo = tsf.MakeString("newoldcontents", 23);
            var bldr = mock1.SimpleTwo.GetBldr();

            bldr.SetIntPropValues(3, 6, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs,
                                  (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, 24);
            bldr.SetIntPropValues(6, 14, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs,
                                  (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, 25);
            mock1.SimpleTwo = bldr.GetString();
            var engine = new FakeRenderEngine()
                Ws = 23, SegmentHeight = 13
            var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();

            factory.SetRenderer(23, engine);
            root.Builder.Show(Display.Of(() => mock1.SimpleTwo));
            var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);

            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
            MockSite       site   = new MockSite();

            site.m_transform  = ptrans;
            site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
            root.Site         = site;

            int            x        = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("ne") + 2;
            var            location = new Point(x, 8);
            EventArgs      e        = new EventArgs();
            MouseEventArgs m        = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);

            root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
            Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("new"));

            x        = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("new") + 2;
            location = new Point(x, 8);
            m        = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
            root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
            Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("old"));

            x        = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("newold") + 2;
            location = new Point(x, 8);
            m        = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
            root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
            Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("contents"));

            x        = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("newold");
            location = new Point(x, 8);             // at the right edge of the d at the end of newold
            m        = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, location.X, location.Y, 0);
            root.OnMouseDown(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            root.OnMouseClick(m, Keys.None, site.m_vwGraphics, site.m_transform);
            Assert.That(!root.Selection.IsInsertionPoint, "Should be ranged selection");
            Assert.That((root.Selection as RangeSelection).SelectedText(), Is.EqualTo("old"));
		private void BodyofUserPromptTest(MockData1 data1, Flow promptField, Func<string> reader)
			var engine = new FakeRenderEngine() { Ws = 34, SegmentHeight = 13 };
			var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();
			factory.SetRenderer(34, engine);
			factory.SetRenderer(35, engine);
			factory.SetRenderer(0, engine); // for literals
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(34);

			var root = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
					Display.Of("lead in ", 34),
					Display.Of("trailing", 34)
			var para = (ParaBox)root.FirstBox;
			Assert.That(para.Source.RenderText, Is.EqualTo("lead in type here trailing"));

			int width = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("lead in type her"); // should make it take 2 lines and split prompt.
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(width, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 96, 0, 10, 96, 96);
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			root.Site = site;

			// Click on "type here" produces an IP in the empty string.
			int leadWidth = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("lead in ");
			var mouseArgs = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, 2 + leadWidth + 3, 0, 0);
			root.OnMouseDown(mouseArgs, Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			var ip = root.Selection as InsertionPoint;
			Assert.That(ip, Is.Not.Null);
			Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in ".Length));
			Assert.That(ip.StringPosition, Is.EqualTo(0));

			// IP is drawn as range covering "type here"
			ip.Draw(m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			var first = (StringBox)para.FirstBox;
			VerifyRangeSegmentDrawing(para, first, (FakeSegment)first.Segment, "lead in ".Length, "lead in type here ".Length,
				-4, 4 - 10, 4 - 10 + 13);
			var second = (StringBox)first.Next;
			VerifyRangeSegmentDrawing(para, second, (FakeSegment)second.Segment, "lead in ".Length, "lead in type here ".Length,
				-4 - 13, 4 - 10 + 13, 4 - 10 + 13 * 2);
			// Check that we get a sensible answer for the selection's containing rectangle.
			((FakeSegment) first.Segment).LeftPositionOfRangeResult = 17;
			((FakeSegment)first.Segment).RightPositionOfRangeResult = 29;
			((FakeSegment)second.Segment).LeftPositionOfRangeResult = 5;
			((FakeSegment)second.Segment).RightPositionOfRangeResult = 13;
			var rect = ip.GetSelectionLocation(m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			Assert.That(rect.Top, Is.EqualTo(4 - 10));
			Assert.That(rect.Bottom, Is.EqualTo(4 - 10 + 13*2));
			Assert.That(rect.Left, Is.EqualTo(5));
			Assert.That(rect.Right, Is.EqualTo(29));
			VerifyRangeSegmentQuery(para, first, (FakeSegment)first.Segment, "lead in ".Length, "lead in type here ".Length,
				-4, 4 - 10, 4 - 10 + 13);
			VerifyRangeSegmentQuery(para, second, (FakeSegment)second.Segment, "lead in ".Length, "lead in type here ".Length,
				-4 - 13, 4 - 10 + 13, 4 - 10 + 13 * 2);
			Assert.That(second.IchMin, Is.EqualTo("lead in type ".Length));
			// When the IP is drawn like this, it doesn't flash!
			root.FlashInsertionPoint(); // Call twice just in case somehow only some invalidates worked.
			Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidated, Is.Empty);
			Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Is.Empty);
			// Typing something else makes "type here" go away and produces a normal IP after it.
			Assert.That(reader(), Is.EqualTo("x"));
			Assert.That(para.Source.RenderText, Is.EqualTo("lead in xtrailing"));
			ip = root.Selection as InsertionPoint;
			Assert.That(ip, Is.Not.Null);
			Assert.That(ip.ShouldFlash, Is.True);
			Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in x".Length));
			// Deleting back to empty string makes "type here" reappear.
			Assert.That(reader(), Is.EqualTo(""));
			Assert.That(para.Source.RenderText, Is.EqualTo("lead in type here trailing"));
			ip = root.Selection as InsertionPoint;
			Assert.That(ip, Is.Not.Null);
			Assert.That(ip.ShouldFlash, Is.False);
			Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in ".Length));
			Assert.That(ip.LastRenderParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in type here ".Length));
			second = (StringBox)para.FirstBox.Next;
			Assert.That(second.IchMin, Is.EqualTo("lead in type ".Length));
			// Click after "type here" produces an IP at the right place in the following string.
			// We've arranged for the prompt to be split, so this is after the word 'here' on the second line.
			int hereTWidth = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("here t");
			mouseArgs = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, 2 + hereTWidth - 1, 4 - 10 + 13 + 2, 0);
			root.OnMouseDown(mouseArgs, Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			ip = root.Selection as InsertionPoint;
			Assert.That(ip, Is.Not.Null);
			Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in t".Length));
			Assert.That(ip.AssociatePrevious, Is.True);
			Assert.That(ip.StringPosition, Is.EqualTo(1));
			Assert.That(ip.RenderParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in type here t".Length));
			// Also try a click in the second-line part of the prompt.
			int herWidth = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("her");
			mouseArgs = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, 2 + herWidth - 1, 4 - 10 + 13 + 2, 0);
			root.OnMouseDown(mouseArgs, Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			ip = root.Selection as InsertionPoint;
			Assert.That(ip, Is.Not.Null);
			Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in ".Length));
			Assert.That(ip.StringPosition, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(ip.RenderParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in ".Length));
			Assert.That(ip.LastRenderParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in type here ".Length));
Beispiel #12
        private void BodyofUserPromptTest(MockData1 data1, Flow promptField, Func <string> reader)
            var engine = new FakeRenderEngine()
                Ws = 34, SegmentHeight = 13
            var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();

            factory.SetRenderer(34, engine);
            factory.SetRenderer(35, engine);
            factory.SetRenderer(0, engine);             // for literals
            var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(34);

            var root = new RootBoxFdo(styles);

                    Display.Of("lead in ", 34),
                    Display.Of("trailing", 34)
            var para = (ParaBox)root.FirstBox;

            Assert.That(para.Source.RenderText, Is.EqualTo("lead in type here trailing"));

            int width      = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("lead in type her");        // should make it take 2 lines and split prompt.
            var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(width, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);

            MockSite       site   = new MockSite();
            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 96, 0, 10, 96, 96);

            site.m_transform  = ptrans;
            site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
            root.Site         = site;

            // Click on "type here" produces an IP in the empty string.
            int leadWidth = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("lead in ");
            var mouseArgs = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, 2 + leadWidth + 3, 0, 0);

            root.OnMouseDown(mouseArgs, Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            var ip = root.Selection as InsertionPoint;

            Assert.That(ip, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in ".Length));
            Assert.That(ip.StringPosition, Is.EqualTo(0));

            // IP is drawn as range covering "type here"
            ip.Draw(m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            var first = (StringBox)para.FirstBox;

            VerifyRangeSegmentDrawing(para, first, (FakeSegment)first.Segment, "lead in ".Length, "lead in type here ".Length,
                                      -4, 4 - 10, 4 - 10 + 13);
            var second = (StringBox)first.Next;

            VerifyRangeSegmentDrawing(para, second, (FakeSegment)second.Segment, "lead in ".Length, "lead in type here ".Length,
                                      -4 - 13, 4 - 10 + 13, 4 - 10 + 13 * 2);
            // Check that we get a sensible answer for the selection's containing rectangle.
            ((FakeSegment)first.Segment).LeftPositionOfRangeResult   = 17;
            ((FakeSegment)first.Segment).RightPositionOfRangeResult  = 29;
            ((FakeSegment)second.Segment).LeftPositionOfRangeResult  = 5;
            ((FakeSegment)second.Segment).RightPositionOfRangeResult = 13;
            var rect = ip.GetSelectionLocation(m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);

            Assert.That(rect.Top, Is.EqualTo(4 - 10));
            Assert.That(rect.Bottom, Is.EqualTo(4 - 10 + 13 * 2));
            Assert.That(rect.Left, Is.EqualTo(5));
            Assert.That(rect.Right, Is.EqualTo(29));
            VerifyRangeSegmentQuery(para, first, (FakeSegment)first.Segment, "lead in ".Length, "lead in type here ".Length,
                                    -4, 4 - 10, 4 - 10 + 13);
            VerifyRangeSegmentQuery(para, second, (FakeSegment)second.Segment, "lead in ".Length, "lead in type here ".Length,
                                    -4 - 13, 4 - 10 + 13, 4 - 10 + 13 * 2);
            Assert.That(second.IchMin, Is.EqualTo("lead in type ".Length));
            // When the IP is drawn like this, it doesn't flash!
            root.FlashInsertionPoint();             // Call twice just in case somehow only some invalidates worked.
            Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidated, Is.Empty);
            Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Is.Empty);
            // Typing something else makes "type here" go away and produces a normal IP after it.
            Assert.That(reader(), Is.EqualTo("x"));
            Assert.That(para.Source.RenderText, Is.EqualTo("lead in xtrailing"));
            ip = root.Selection as InsertionPoint;
            Assert.That(ip, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(ip.ShouldFlash, Is.True);
            Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in x".Length));
            // Deleting back to empty string makes "type here" reappear.
            Assert.That(reader(), Is.EqualTo(""));
            Assert.That(para.Source.RenderText, Is.EqualTo("lead in type here trailing"));
            ip = root.Selection as InsertionPoint;
            Assert.That(ip, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(ip.ShouldFlash, Is.False);
            Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in ".Length));
            Assert.That(ip.LastRenderParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in type here ".Length));
            second = (StringBox)para.FirstBox.Next;
            Assert.That(second.IchMin, Is.EqualTo("lead in type ".Length));
            // Click after "type here" produces an IP at the right place in the following string.
            // We've arranged for the prompt to be split, so this is after the word 'here' on the second line.
            int hereTWidth = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("here t");

            mouseArgs = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, 2 + hereTWidth - 1, 4 - 10 + 13 + 2, 0);
            root.OnMouseDown(mouseArgs, Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            ip = root.Selection as InsertionPoint;
            Assert.That(ip, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in t".Length));
            Assert.That(ip.AssociatePrevious, Is.True);
            Assert.That(ip.StringPosition, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(ip.RenderParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in type here t".Length));
            // Also try a click in the second-line part of the prompt.
            int herWidth = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("her");

            mouseArgs = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, 2 + herWidth - 1, 4 - 10 + 13 + 2, 0);
            root.OnMouseDown(mouseArgs, Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            ip = root.Selection as InsertionPoint;
            Assert.That(ip, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in ".Length));
            Assert.That(ip.StringPosition, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(ip.RenderParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in ".Length));
            Assert.That(ip.LastRenderParaPosition, Is.EqualTo("lead in type here ".Length));