Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a Boolean value indicating of the given command is allowed to execute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command of interest.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the command should be allowed to execute, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        protected override bool HandleCanExecuteChangedForCommand(VisualRelayCommand command)
            var context = Context;

            if (command.UniqueId == CancelRomsImportCommand.UniqueId)
                context = ProgressIndicatorViewModel;
            var canExecute = command.CanExecute(context);

            if (command.UniqueId == RemoveRomsCommand.UniqueId)
                if (canExecute)
                    NSResponder firstResponder = null;
                    if ((NSApplication.SharedApplication != null) && (NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow != null))
                        firstResponder = NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow.FirstResponder;
                        canExecute     = firstResponder is NSTableView;
                        if (canExecute)
                            canExecute = (RomListView != null) && (RomListView.FindChild <NSTableView>() == firstResponder);
                        command.MenuItem.NativeMenuItem.KeyEquivalent             = canExecute ? RemoveRomsCommand.KeyboardShortcutKey : string.Empty;
                        command.MenuItem.NativeMenuItem.KeyEquivalentModifierMask = (NSEventModifierMask)(canExecute ? RemoveRomsCommand.KeyboardShortcutModifiers : OSModifierKeys.None);
Beispiel #2
        private OSVisual OSInitializeVisual()
            var visual = new RomListView();

            visual.DataContext = this; // not sure if this needs to be done...
Beispiel #3
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public IEnumerable <ComponentVisual> GetVisuals()
            // TODO: This is wrong... ViewModel should not create the visual - it should be the other way around
            if (_visual == null)
                var view = OSInitializeVisual().AsType <RomListView>();
                _visual = new System.WeakReference(view);
            RomListView romListView     = _visual.IsAlive ? _visual.Target as RomListView : null; // ugh... .NET 4.0 doesn't have better Generic version of WeakReference<T> :(
            var         componentVisual = new ComponentVisual(RomListView.Id, romListView, Resources.Strings.RomListSettingsPage_Title);

            yield return(componentVisual);
        private OSVisual OSInitializeVisual()
            var visual = new RomListView(this);
