private void btnDeploy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PartitionEnhancedDeployModes partMode = (PartitionEnhancedDeployModes)Enum.Parse(typeof(PartitionEnhancedDeployModes), this.grpPartitions.Tag.ToString());
            RoleEnhancedDeployModes      roleMode = (RoleEnhancedDeployModes)Enum.Parse(typeof(RoleEnhancedDeployModes), this.grpRoles.Tag.ToString());

            EnhancedDeployEngine.Deploy((Database)srcObj, partMode, roleMode);
        public static void Deploy(Database database, PartitionEnhancedDeployModes partMode, RoleEnhancedDeployModes roleMode)
            string script = BuildDeployScript(database, partMode, roleMode);
            // TODO execute Script

            //FileStream fs = new FileStream("c:\\data\\projects\\bidshelper\\bidshelper\\enhancedDeployTest.xmla",FileMode.Append);
            //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
        public static string BuildDeployScript(Database database, PartitionEnhancedDeployModes partMode, RoleEnhancedDeployModes roleMode)
            //string script = "";
            Database dbCopy = database.Clone();
            Scripter scr    = new Scripter();

            if (partMode == PartitionEnhancedDeployModes.NoPartitionsDeployed ||
                partMode == PartitionEnhancedDeployModes.DeployButKeepExisting)
                foreach (Cube c in  dbCopy.Cubes)
                    foreach (MeasureGroup mg in c.MeasureGroups)

            if (roleMode == RoleEnhancedDeployModes.NoRolesDeployed ||
                roleMode == RoleEnhancedDeployModes.DeployButKeepExisting)

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings();

            xws.Indent             = true;
            xws.Encoding           = Encoding.UTF8;
            xws.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;

            //XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(sb,xws);
            XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create("c:\\data\\EnhancedDeploy.xmla", xws);

            Scripter.WriteStartBatch(xw, true);
            // script roles first as the other objects may have a dependency on
            // a new role.
            if (roleMode == RoleEnhancedDeployModes.DeployButKeepExisting)
                foreach (Role r in database.Roles)
                    Scripter.WriteAlter(xw, r, true, true);

            // script out dbcopy
            Scripter.WriteAlter(xw, dbCopy, true, true);

            // script out partitions
            if (partMode == PartitionEnhancedDeployModes.DeployButKeepExisting)
                foreach (Cube c in database.Cubes)
                    foreach (MeasureGroup mg in c.MeasureGroups)
                        foreach (Partition p in mg.Partitions)
                            //script partition as create/AlterIfExists

            //TODO - need to replace object expansion tag if we are keeping existing

        public static void Deploy(Database database, PartitionEnhancedDeployModes partMode, RoleEnhancedDeployModes roleMode)
            string script = BuildDeployScript(database, partMode, roleMode);

            // TODO execute Script

            //FileStream fs = new FileStream("c:\\data\\projects\\bidshelper\\bidshelper\\enhancedDeployTest.xmla",FileMode.Append);
            //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
        public static string BuildDeployScript(Database database,PartitionEnhancedDeployModes partMode,RoleEnhancedDeployModes roleMode)

            //string script = "";
            Database dbCopy = database.Clone();
            Scripter scr = new Scripter();

            if (partMode == PartitionEnhancedDeployModes.NoPartitionsDeployed ||
                partMode == PartitionEnhancedDeployModes.DeployButKeepExisting)
                    foreach (Cube c in  dbCopy.Cubes)
                        foreach(MeasureGroup mg in c.MeasureGroups)

            if (roleMode == RoleEnhancedDeployModes.NoRolesDeployed ||
                roleMode == RoleEnhancedDeployModes.DeployButKeepExisting)

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings();
            xws.Indent = true;
            xws.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            xws.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;

            //XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(sb,xws);
            XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create("c:\\data\\EnhancedDeploy.xmla",xws);

            Scripter.WriteStartBatch(xw, true);
            // script roles first as the other objects may have a dependency on 
            // a new role.
            if (roleMode == RoleEnhancedDeployModes.DeployButKeepExisting)
                foreach (Role r in database.Roles)

            // script out dbcopy
            Scripter.WriteAlter(xw, dbCopy, true, true);

            // script out partitions
            if (partMode == PartitionEnhancedDeployModes.DeployButKeepExisting)
                foreach (Cube c in database.Cubes)
                    foreach (MeasureGroup mg in c.MeasureGroups)
                        foreach (Partition p in mg.Partitions)
                            //script partition as create/AlterIfExists

            //TODO - need to replace object expansion tag if we are keeping existing

            return sb.ToString();