Beispiel #1
        public Store(string path)
            var families = new ColumnFamilies();

                foreach (var family in RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(Options.Default, Path.GetFullPath(path)))
                    families.Add(new ColumnFamilies.Descriptor(family, new ColumnFamilyOptions()));
            catch { }

            db = RocksDb.Open(Options.Default, Path.GetFullPath(path), families);

            ColumnFamilyHandle defaultFamily = db.GetDefaultColumnFamily();

            byte[] value = db.Get(SYS_Version, defaultFamily, Options.ReadDefault);
            if (value != null && Version.TryParse(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(value), out Version version) && version >= Version.Parse("3.0.0"))

            if (value != null)
                // Clean all families only if the version are different

                Parallel.For(0, byte.MaxValue + 1, (x) => db.DropColumnFamily(x.ToString()));

            // Update version

            db.Put(SYS_Version, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()), defaultFamily, Options.WriteDefault);
Beispiel #2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override IEnumerable <Guid> ListChainIds()
            string path = Path.Combine(_path, ChainDbName);

            foreach (string name in RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(_options, path))
                Guid guid;

                    guid = Guid.Parse(name);
                    ColumnFamilyHandle cf = GetColumnFamily(_chainDb, guid);
                    if (IsDeletionMarked(cf) && HasFork(guid))
                catch (FormatException)

                yield return(guid);
 /// <summary>
 /// Lists the column families from <see cref="RocksDbSharp.RocksDb"/> located at <paramref name="rocksdbPath"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rocksdbPath">The path of <see cref="RocksDbSharp.RocksDb"/> to load.</param>
 public void List([Option] string? rocksdbPath = null)
     rocksdbPath ??= Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
     var options = new DbOptions();
     var columnFamilies = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(
     foreach (var columnFamily in columnFamilies)
Beispiel #4
        public DataContext(string path = "ether.db")
            _lastTxIdDictionary = new Dictionary <string, long>();

            var options = new DbOptions()

            // Create column families
            IEnumerable <string> cols           = null;
            ColumnFamilies       columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();

                cols = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(options, path);
                foreach (var col in cols)
                    columnFamilies.Add(col, new ColumnFamilyOptions());
            catch (Exception e)
                // Database not exist nothing todo
                _db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies);

                // Load column families to the dictionary
                _columnFamiliesDictionary = new Dictionary <string, ColumnFamilyHandle>();
                if (cols != null)
                    foreach (var col in cols)
                        _columnFamiliesDictionary.Add(col, _db.GetColumnFamily(col));
                    foreach (var col in cols)
                        // Load latest transaction Ids
                        if (!col.Contains(':') && col != "default")
                            var lastTxIdstr = _db.Get("lastTxId", GetColFamily(col + ":lastid"));
                                                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastTxIdstr) ? 0 : long.Parse(lastTxIdstr));
Beispiel #5
        private RocksDbStore(string fileName)
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (s, e) => Shutdown();
            logger.Message("RocksDBStore: " + fileName);
            this.fileName = fileName.Replace("\\", "/");

            var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))

            //TODO check options
            var options = new DbOptions()

            var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies
                { "default", new ColumnFamilyOptions().OptimizeForPointLookup(256) },
                //{ "test", new ColumnFamilyOptions()
                //    //.SetWriteBufferSize(writeBufferSize)
                //    //.SetMaxWriteBufferNumber(maxWriteBufferNumber)
                //    //.SetMinWriteBufferNumberToMerge(minWriteBufferNumberToMerge)
                //    .SetMemtableHugePageSize(2 * 1024 * 1024)
                //    .SetPrefixExtractor(SliceTransform.CreateFixedPrefix((ulong)8))
                //    .SetBlockBasedTableFactory(bbto)

                var partitionList = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(options, path);

                foreach (var partition in partitionList)
                    columnFamilies.Add(partition, new ColumnFamilyOptions());
                logger.Warning("Inital start, no partitions created yet!");

            logger.Message("Opening database at: " + path);
            _db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Lists all existing column families.
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable <string> ListColumnFamilies(string storeDirectory)
            IEnumerable <string> result = CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();

                result = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(new DbOptions(), storeDirectory);
#pragma warning disable ERP022 // Unobserved exception in generic exception handler
                // An exception is thrown if no store exists
#pragma warning restore ERP022 // Unobserved exception in generic exception handler

Beispiel #7
        static IEnumerable <string> ListColumnFamilies(DbOptions dbOptions, string path)
            Preconditions.CheckNonWhiteSpace(path, nameof(path));
            // ListColumnFamilies will throw if the DB doesn't exist yet, so wrap it in a try catch.
            IEnumerable <string> columnFamilies = null;

                columnFamilies = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(dbOptions, path);
                // ignored since ListColumnFamilies will throw if the DB doesn't exist yet.

            return(columnFamilies ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>());
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Open <see cref="RocksDb"/> from path in configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path of <see cref="RocksDb"/> to load.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="RocksDb"/> instance.</returns>
        public RocksDb Load(string path)
            var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();

            foreach (var columnFamily in RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(
                if (columnFamily is null)

                columnFamilies.Add(columnFamily, new ColumnFamilyOptions());

            return(RocksDb.Open(_options, path, columnFamilies !));
Beispiel #9
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override IEnumerable <Guid> ListChainIds()
            string path = Path.Combine(_path, ChainDbName);

            foreach (string name in RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(_options, path))
                Guid guid;

                    guid = Guid.Parse(name);
                catch (FormatException)

                yield return(guid);
Beispiel #10
        private RocksDbStore(string fileName, Logger logger)
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (s, e) => Shutdown();
            this.logger = logger;
            logger.Message("RocksDBStore: " + fileName);
            this.fileName = fileName.Replace("\\", "/");

            var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))

            //TODO check options
            var options = new DbOptions()

            var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies
                { "default", new ColumnFamilyOptions().OptimizeForPointLookup(256) },

                var partitionList = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(options, path);

                foreach (var partition in partitionList)
                    columnFamilies.Add(partition, new ColumnFamilyOptions());
                logger.Warning("Inital start, no partitions created yet!");

            logger.Message("Opening database at: " + path);
            _db.Add(fileName, RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies));
Beispiel #11
        private ColumnFamilies GetColumnFamilies(DbOptions options, string dbName)
            var           dbPath         = Path.Combine(_path, dbName);
            var           columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
            List <string> listColumnFamilies;

                listColumnFamilies = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(options, dbPath).ToList();
            catch (RocksDbException)
                listColumnFamilies = new List <string>();

            foreach (string name in listColumnFamilies)
                columnFamilies.Add(name, _options);

Beispiel #12
            /// <summary>
            /// Provides access to and/or creates a RocksDb persistent key-value store.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="storeDirectory">
            /// The directory containing the key-value store.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="defaultColumnKeyTracked">
            /// Whether the default column should be key-tracked.
            /// This will create two columns for the same data,
            /// one with just keys and the other with key and value.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="additionalColumns">
            /// The names of any additional column families in the key-value store.
            /// If no additional column families are provided, all entries will be stored
            /// in the default column.
            /// Column families are analogous to tables in relational databases.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="additionalKeyTrackedColumns">
            /// The names of any additional column families in the key-value store that
            /// should also be key-tracked. This will create two columns for the same data,
            /// one with just keys and the other with key and value.
            /// Column families are analogous to tables in relational databases.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="readOnly">
            /// Whether the database should be opened read-only. This prevents modifications and
            /// creating unnecessary metadata files related to write sessions.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="dropMismatchingColumns">
            /// If a store already exists at the given directory, whether any columns that mismatch the the columns that were passed into the constructor
            /// should be dropped. This will cause data loss and can only be applied in read-write mode.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="rotateLogs">
            /// Have RocksDb rotate logs, useful for debugging performance issues. It will rotate logs every 12 hours,
            /// up to a maximum of 60 logs (i.e. 30 days). When the maximum amount of logs is reached, the oldest logs
            /// are overwritten in a circular fashion.
            /// Every time the RocksDb instance is open, the current log file is truncated, which means that if you
            /// open the DB more than once in a 12 hour period, you will only have partial information.
            /// </param>
            public RocksDbStore(
                string storeDirectory,
                bool defaultColumnKeyTracked                     = false,
                IEnumerable <string> additionalColumns           = null,
                IEnumerable <string> additionalKeyTrackedColumns = null,
                bool readOnly = false,
                bool dropMismatchingColumns = false,
                bool rotateLogs             = false)
                m_storeDirectory = storeDirectory;

                m_defaults.DbOptions = new DbOptions()
                                       // The background compaction threads run in low priority, so they should not hamper the rest of
                                       // the system. The number of cores in the system is what we want here according to official docs,
                                       // and we are setting this to the number of logical processors, which may be higher.
                                       .IncreaseParallelism(Environment.ProcessorCount / 2)
                                       // Ensure we have performance statistics for profiling

                // A small comment on things tested that did not work:
                //  * SetAllowMmapReads(true) and SetAllowMmapWrites(true) produce a dramatic performance drop
                //  * SetUseDirectReads(true) disables the OS cache, and although that's good for random point lookups,
                //    it produces a dramatic performance drop otherwise.

                m_defaults.WriteOptions = new WriteOptions()
                                          // Disable the write ahead log to reduce disk IO. The write ahead log
                                          // is used to recover the store on crashes, so a crash will lose some writes.
                                          // Writes will be made in-memory only until the write buffer size
                                          // is reached and then they will be flushed to storage files.
                                          // This option is off by default, but just making sure that the C# wrapper
                                          // doesn't change anything. The idea is that the DB won't wait for fsync to
                                          // return before acknowledging the write as successful. This affects
                                          // correctness, because a write may be ACKd before it is actually on disk,
                                          // but it is much faster.

                var blockBasedTableOptions = new BlockBasedTableOptions()
                                             // Use a bloom filter to help reduce read amplification on point lookups. 10 bits per key yields a
                                             // ~1% false positive rate as per the RocksDB documentation. This builds one filter per SST, which
                                             // means its optimized for not having a key.
                                             .SetFilterPolicy(BloomFilterPolicy.Create(10, false))
                                             // Use a hash index in SST files to speed up point lookup.
                                             // Whether to use the whole key or a prefix of it (obtained through the prefix extractor below).
                                             // Since the prefix extractor is a no-op, better performance is achieved by turning this off (i.e.
                                             // setting it to true).

                m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions = new ColumnFamilyOptions()

                if (rotateLogs)
                    // Maximum number of information log files

                    // Do not rotate information logs based on file size

                    // How long before we rotate the current information log file

                m_columns = new Dictionary <string, ColumnFamilyInfo>();

                additionalColumns           = additionalColumns ?? CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();
                additionalKeyTrackedColumns = additionalKeyTrackedColumns ?? CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();

                // The columns that exist in the store on disk may not be in sync with the columns being passed into the constructor
                HashSet <string> existingColumns;

                    existingColumns = new HashSet <string>(RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory));
                catch (RocksDbException)
                    // If there is no existing store, an exception will be thrown, ignore it
                    existingColumns = new HashSet <string>();

                // In read-only mode, open all existing columns in the store without attempting to validate it against the expected column families
                if (readOnly)
                    var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
                    foreach (var name in existingColumns)
                        columnFamilies.Add(name, m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions);

                    m_store = RocksDb.OpenReadOnly(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory, columnFamilies, errIfLogFileExists: false);
                    // For read-write mode, column families may be added, so set up column families schema
                    var columnsSchema = new HashSet <string>(additionalColumns);

                    // Default column

                    // For key-tracked column familiies, create two columns:
                    // 1: Normal column of { key : value }
                    // 2: Key-tracking column of { key : empty-value }
                    if (defaultColumnKeyTracked)
                        // To be robust to the RocksDB-selected default column name changing,
                        // just name the default column's key-tracking column KeyColumnSuffix

                    foreach (var name in additionalKeyTrackedColumns)
                        columnsSchema.Add(name + KeyColumnSuffix);

                    // Figure out which columns are not part of the schema
                    var outsideSchemaColumns = new List <string>(existingColumns.Except(columnsSchema));

                    // RocksDB requires all columns in the store to be opened in read-write mode, so merge existing columns
                    // with the columns schema that was passed into the constructor

                    var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
                    foreach (var name in existingColumns)
                        columnFamilies.Add(name, m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions);

                    m_store = RocksDb.Open(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory, columnFamilies);

                    // Provide an opportunity to update the store to the new column family schema
                    if (dropMismatchingColumns)
                        foreach (var name in outsideSchemaColumns)

                var userFacingColumns = existingColumns.Where(name => !name.EndsWith(KeyColumnSuffix));

                foreach (var name in userFacingColumns)
                    var isKeyTracked = existingColumns.Contains(name + KeyColumnSuffix);
                    m_columns.Add(name, new ColumnFamilyInfo()
                        Handle         = m_store.GetColumnFamily(name),
                        UseKeyTracking = isKeyTracked,
                        KeyHandle      = isKeyTracked ? m_store.GetColumnFamily(name + KeyColumnSuffix) : null,

                m_columns.TryGetValue(ColumnFamilies.DefaultName, out m_defaultColumnFamilyInfo);
Beispiel #13
            /// <summary>
            /// Provides access to and/or creates a RocksDb persistent key-value store.
            /// </summary>
            public RocksDbStore(RocksDbStoreArguments arguments)
                m_storeDirectory = arguments.StoreDirectory;
                m_openBulkLoad   = arguments.OpenBulkLoad;

                m_defaults.DbOptions = new DbOptions()
                                       // The background compaction threads run in low priority, so they should not hamper the rest of
                                       // the system. The number of cores in the system is what we want here according to official docs,
                                       // and we are setting this to the number of logical processors, which may be higher.
                                       // See:
                                       // The memtable uses significant chunks of available system memory on macOS, we increase the number
                                       // of background flushing threads (low priority) and set the DB write buffer size. This allows for
                                       // up to 128 MB in memtables across all column families before we flush to disk.
                                       .SetMaxBackgroundCompactions(Environment.ProcessorCount / 4)
                                       .SetMaxBackgroundFlushes(Environment.ProcessorCount / 4)
                                       .SetDbWriteBufferSize(128 << 20)
                                       .IncreaseParallelism(Environment.ProcessorCount / 2);

                if (arguments.EnableStatistics)

                if (arguments.OpenBulkLoad)

                // Maximum number of information log files
                if (arguments.RotateLogsNumFiles != null)

                // Do not rotate information logs based on file size
                if (arguments.RotateLogsMaxFileSizeBytes != null)

                // How long before we rotate the current information log file
                if (arguments.RotateLogsMaxAge != null)

                if (arguments.FastOpen)
                    // max_file_opening_threads is defaulted to 16, so no need to update here.
                    RocksDbSharp.Native.Instance.rocksdb_options_set_skip_stats_update_on_db_open(m_defaults.DbOptions.Handle, true);

                if (arguments.DisableAutomaticCompactions)

                // A small comment on things tested that did not work:
                //  * SetAllowMmapReads(true) and SetAllowMmapWrites(true) produce a dramatic performance drop
                //  * SetUseDirectReads(true) disables the OS cache, and although that's good for random point lookups,
                //    it produces a dramatic performance drop otherwise.

                m_defaults.WriteOptions = new WriteOptions()
                                          // Disable the write ahead log to reduce disk IO. The write ahead log
                                          // is used to recover the store on crashes, so a crash will lose some writes.
                                          // Writes will be made in-memory only until the write buffer size
                                          // is reached and then they will be flushed to storage files.
                                          // This option is off by default, but just making sure that the C# wrapper
                                          // doesn't change anything. The idea is that the DB won't wait for fsync to
                                          // return before acknowledging the write as successful. This affects
                                          // correctness, because a write may be ACKd before it is actually on disk,
                                          // but it is much faster.

                var blockBasedTableOptions = new BlockBasedTableOptions()
                                             // Use a bloom filter to help reduce read amplification on point lookups. 10 bits per key yields a
                                             // ~1% false positive rate as per the RocksDB documentation. This builds one filter per SST, which
                                             // means its optimized for not having a key.
                                             .SetFilterPolicy(BloomFilterPolicy.Create(10, false))
                                             // Use a hash index in SST files to speed up point lookup.
                                             // Whether to use the whole key or a prefix of it (obtained through the prefix extractor below).
                                             // Since the prefix extractor is a no-op, better performance is achieved by turning this off (i.e.
                                             // setting it to true).

                m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions = new ColumnFamilyOptions()
                                                 // As advised by the official documentation, LZ4 is the preferred compression algorithm, our RocksDB
                                                 // dynamic library has been compiled to support this on macOS. Fallback to Snappy on other systems (default).

                m_columns = new Dictionary <string, ColumnFamilyInfo>();

                // The columns that exist in the store on disk may not be in sync with the columns being passed into the constructor
                HashSet <string> existingColumns;
                    existingColumns = new HashSet <string>(RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory));
                catch (RocksDbException)
                    // If there is no existing store, an exception will be thrown, ignore it
                    existingColumns = new HashSet <string>();

                // In read-only mode, open all existing columns in the store without attempting to validate it against the expected column families
                if (arguments.ReadOnly)
                    var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
                    foreach (var name in existingColumns)
                        columnFamilies.Add(name, m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions);

                    m_store = RocksDb.OpenReadOnly(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory, columnFamilies, errIfLogFileExists: false);
                    // For read-write mode, column families may be added, so set up column families schema
                    var additionalColumns = arguments.AdditionalColumns ?? CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();
                    var columnsSchema     = new HashSet <string>(additionalColumns);

                    // Default column

                    // For key-tracked column familiies, create two columns:
                    // 1: Normal column of { key : value }
                    // 2: Key-tracking column of { key : empty-value }
                    if (arguments.DefaultColumnKeyTracked)
                        // To be robust to the RocksDB-selected default column name changing,
                        // just name the default column's key-tracking column KeyColumnSuffix

                    var additionalKeyTrackedColumns = arguments.AdditionalKeyTrackedColumns ?? CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();
                    foreach (var name in additionalKeyTrackedColumns)
                        columnsSchema.Add(name + KeyColumnSuffix);

                    // Figure out which columns are not part of the schema
                    var outsideSchemaColumns = new List <string>(existingColumns.Except(columnsSchema));

                    // RocksDB requires all columns in the store to be opened in read-write mode, so merge existing columns
                    // with the columns schema that was passed into the constructor

                    var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
                    foreach (var name in existingColumns)
                        columnFamilies.Add(name, m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions);

                    m_store = RocksDb.Open(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory, columnFamilies);

                    // Provide an opportunity to update the store to the new column family schema
                    if (arguments.DropMismatchingColumns)
                        foreach (var name in outsideSchemaColumns)

                var userFacingColumns = existingColumns.Where(name => !name.EndsWith(KeyColumnSuffix));

                foreach (var name in userFacingColumns)
                    var isKeyTracked = existingColumns.Contains(name + KeyColumnSuffix);
                    m_columns.Add(name, new ColumnFamilyInfo()
                        Handle         = m_store.GetColumnFamily(name),
                        UseKeyTracking = isKeyTracked,
                        KeyHandle      = isKeyTracked ? m_store.GetColumnFamily(name + KeyColumnSuffix) : null,

                m_columns.TryGetValue(ColumnFamilies.DefaultName, out m_defaultColumnFamilyInfo);
Beispiel #14
            /// <summary>
            /// Provides access to and/or creates a RocksDb persistent key-value store.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="storeDirectory">
            /// The directory containing the key-value store.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="defaultColumnKeyTracked">
            /// Whether the default column should be key-tracked.
            /// This will create two columns for the same data,
            /// one with just keys and the other with key and value.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="additionalColumns">
            /// The names of any additional column families in the key-value store.
            /// If no additional column families are provided, all entries will be stored
            /// in the default column.
            /// Column families are analogous to tables in relational databases.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="additionalKeyTrackedColumns">
            /// The names of any additional column families in the key-value store that
            /// should also be key-tracked. This will create two columns for the same data,
            /// one with just keys and the other with key and value.
            /// Column families are analogous to tables in relational databases.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="readOnly">
            /// Whether the database should be opened read-only. This prevents modifications and
            /// creating unnecessary metadata files related to write sessions.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="dropMismatchingColumns">
            /// If a store already exists at the given directory, whether any columns that mismatch the the columns that were passed into the constructor
            /// should be dropped. This will cause data loss and can only be applied in read-write mode.
            /// </param>
            public RocksDbStore(
                string storeDirectory,
                bool defaultColumnKeyTracked                     = false,
                IEnumerable <string> additionalColumns           = null,
                IEnumerable <string> additionalKeyTrackedColumns = null,
                bool readOnly = false,
                bool dropMismatchingColumns = false)
                m_storeDirectory = storeDirectory;

                m_defaults.DbOptions = new DbOptions()

                // Disable the write ahead log to reduce disk IO. The write ahead log
                // is used to recover the store on crashes, so a crash will lose some writes.
                // Writes will be made in-memory only until the write buffer size
                // is reached and then they will be flushed to storage files.
                m_defaults.WriteOptions = new WriteOptions().DisableWal(1);

                m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions = new ColumnFamilyOptions();

                m_columns = new Dictionary <string, ColumnFamilyInfo>();

                additionalColumns           = additionalColumns ?? CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();
                additionalKeyTrackedColumns = additionalKeyTrackedColumns ?? CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();

                // The columns that exist in the store on disk may not be in sync with the columns being passed into the constructor
                HashSet <string> existingColumns;

                    existingColumns = new HashSet <string>(RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory));
                catch (RocksDbException)
                    // If there is no existing store, an exception will be thrown, ignore it
                    existingColumns = new HashSet <string>();

                // In read-only mode, open all existing columns in the store without attempting to validate it against the expected column families
                if (readOnly)
                    var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
                    foreach (var name in existingColumns)
                        columnFamilies.Add(name, m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions);

                    m_store = RocksDb.OpenReadOnly(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory, columnFamilies, errIfLogFileExists: false);
                    // For read-write mode, column families may be added, so set up column families schema
                    var columnsSchema = new HashSet <string>(additionalColumns);

                    // Default column

                    // For key-tracked column familiies, create two columns:
                    // 1: Normal column of { key : value }
                    // 2: Key-tracking column of { key : empty-value }
                    if (defaultColumnKeyTracked)
                        // To be robust to the RocksDB-selected default column name changing,
                        // just name the default column's key-tracking column KeyColumnSuffix

                    foreach (var name in additionalKeyTrackedColumns)
                        columnsSchema.Add(name + KeyColumnSuffix);

                    // Figure out which columns are not part of the schema
                    var outsideSchemaColumns = new List <string>(existingColumns.Except(columnsSchema));

                    // RocksDB requires all columns in the store to be opened in read-write mode, so merge existing columns
                    // with the columns schema that was passed into the constructor

                    var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
                    foreach (var name in existingColumns)
                        columnFamilies.Add(name, m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions);

                    m_store = RocksDb.Open(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory, columnFamilies);

                    // Provide an opportunity to update the store to the new column family schema
                    if (dropMismatchingColumns)
                        foreach (var name in outsideSchemaColumns)

                var userFacingColumns = existingColumns.Where(name => !name.EndsWith(KeyColumnSuffix));

                foreach (var name in userFacingColumns)
                    var isKeyTracked = existingColumns.Contains(name + KeyColumnSuffix);
                    m_columns.Add(name, new ColumnFamilyInfo()
                        Handle         = m_store.GetColumnFamily(name),
                        UseKeyTracking = isKeyTracked,
                        KeyHandle      = isKeyTracked ? m_store.GetColumnFamily(name + KeyColumnSuffix) : null,

                m_columns.TryGetValue(ColumnFamilies.DefaultName, out m_defaultColumnFamilyInfo);
        public void FunctionalTest()
            string temp   = Path.GetTempPath();
            var    testdb = Path.Combine(temp, "functional_test");
            string path   = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(testdb);

            if (Directory.Exists(testdb))
                Directory.Delete(testdb, true);

            var options = new DbOptions()

            // Using standard open
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path))
                // With strings
                string value = db.Get("key");
                db.Put("key", "value");
                Assert.AreEqual("value", db.Get("key"));

                // With bytes
                db.Put(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("value"));
                Assert.IsTrue(BinaryComparer.Default.Equals(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("value"), db.Get(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"))));
                // non-existent kiey
                Assert.IsNull(db.Get(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 }));

                db.Put(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"), new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 });

                // With buffers
                var  buffer = new byte[100];
                long length = db.Get(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"), buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                Assert.AreEqual(8, length);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, buffer.Take((int)length).ToList());

                // Write batches
                // With strings
                using (WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch()
                                          .Put("one", "uno")
                                          .Put("two", "deuce")
                                          .Put("two", "dos")
                                          .Put("three", "tres"))
                Assert.AreEqual("uno", db.Get("one"));

                // With save point
                using (WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch())
                    .Put("hearts", "red")
                    .Put("diamonds", "red");
                    .Put("clubs", "black");
                    .Put("spades", "black");
                Assert.AreEqual("red", db.Get("diamonds"));
                Assert.AreEqual("black", db.Get("clubs"));

                // With bytes
                var utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;
                using (WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch()
                                          .Put(utf8.GetBytes("four"), new byte[] { 4, 4, 4 })
                                          .Put(utf8.GetBytes("five"), new byte[] { 5, 5, 5 }))
                Assert.IsTrue(BinaryComparer.Default.Equals(new byte[] { 4, 4, 4 }, db.Get(utf8.GetBytes("four"))));

                // Snapshots
                using (var snapshot = db.CreateSnapshot())
                    var before = db.Get("one");
                    db.Put("one", "1");

                    var useSnapshot = new ReadOptions()

                    // the database value was written
                    Assert.AreEqual("1", db.Get("one"));
                    // but the snapshot still sees the old version
                    var after = db.Get("one", readOptions: useSnapshot);
                    Assert.AreEqual(before, after);

                var two = db.Get("two");
                Assert.AreEqual("dos", two);

                // Iterators
                using (var iterator = db.NewIterator(
                           readOptions: new ReadOptions()
                    Assert.AreEqual("key", iterator.StringKey());
                    Assert.AreEqual("one", iterator.StringKey());
                    Assert.AreEqual("1", iterator.StringValue());

                // MultiGet
                var multiGetResult = db.MultiGet(new[] { "two", "three", "nine" });
                    expected: new[]
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("two", "dos"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("three", "tres"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("nine", null)
                    actual: multiGetResult

            // Test with column families
            var optionsCf = new DbOptions()

            var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies
                { "reverse", new ColumnFamilyOptions() },

            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(optionsCf, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");

                db.Put("one", "uno");
                db.Put("two", "dos");
                db.Put("three", "tres");

                db.Put("uno", "one", cf: reverse);
                db.Put("dos", "two", cf: reverse);
                db.Put("tres", "three", cf: reverse);

            // Test list
                var list = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(optionsCf, path);
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "default", "reverse" }, list.ToArray());

            // Test reopen with column families
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(optionsCf, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");

                Assert.AreEqual("uno", db.Get("one"));
                Assert.AreEqual("one", db.Get("uno", cf: reverse));
                Assert.IsNull(db.Get("one", cf: reverse));

            // Test dropping and creating column family
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.CreateColumnFamily(new ColumnFamilyOptions(), "reverse");
                Assert.IsNull(db.Get("uno", cf: reverse));
                db.Put("red", "rouge", cf: reverse);
                Assert.AreEqual("rouge", db.Get("red", cf: reverse));

            // Test reopen after drop and create
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");
                Assert.IsNull(db.Get("uno", cf: reverse));
                Assert.AreEqual("rouge", db.Get("red", cf: reverse));

            // Test read only
            using (var db = RocksDb.OpenReadOnly(options, path, columnFamilies, false))
                Assert.AreEqual("uno", db.Get("one"));
        public void FunctionalTest()
            string temp   = Path.GetTempPath();
            var    testdb = Path.Combine(temp, "functional_test");
            string path   = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(testdb);

            if (Directory.Exists(testdb))
                Directory.Delete(testdb, true);

            var options = new DbOptions()

            // Using standard open
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path))
                // With strings
                string value = db.Get("key");
                db.Put("key", "value");
                Assert.Equal("value", db.Get("key"));

                // With bytes
                db.Put(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("value"));
                Assert.True(BinaryComparer.Default.Equals(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("value"), db.Get(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"))));
                // non-existent kiey
                Assert.Null(db.Get(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 }));

                db.Put(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"), new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 });

                // With buffers
                var  buffer = new byte[100];
                long length = db.Get(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"), buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                Assert.Equal(8, length);
                Assert.Equal(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, buffer.Take((int)length).ToList());

                // Write batches
                // With strings
                using (WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch()
                                          .Put("one", "uno")
                                          .Put("two", "deuce")
                                          .Put("two", "dos")
                                          .Put("three", "tres"))
                Assert.Equal("uno", db.Get("one"));

                // With save point
                using (WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch())
                    .Put("hearts", "red")
                    .Put("diamonds", "red");
                    .Put("clubs", "black");
                    .Put("spades", "black");
                Assert.Equal("red", db.Get("diamonds"));
                Assert.Equal("black", db.Get("clubs"));

                // With bytes
                var utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;
                using (WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch()
                                          .Put(utf8.GetBytes("four"), new byte[] { 4, 4, 4 })
                                          .Put(utf8.GetBytes("five"), new byte[] { 5, 5, 5 }))
                Assert.True(BinaryComparer.Default.Equals(new byte[] { 4, 4, 4 }, db.Get(utf8.GetBytes("four"))));

                // Snapshots
                using (var snapshot = db.CreateSnapshot())
                    var before = db.Get("one");
                    db.Put("one", "1");

                    var useSnapshot = new ReadOptions()

                    // the database value was written
                    Assert.Equal("1", db.Get("one"));
                    // but the snapshot still sees the old version
                    var after = db.Get("one", readOptions: useSnapshot);
                    Assert.Equal(before, after);

                var two = db.Get("two");
                Assert.Equal("dos", two);

                // Iterators
                using (var iterator = db.NewIterator(
                           readOptions: new ReadOptions()
                    Assert.Equal("key", iterator.StringKey());
                    Assert.Equal("one", iterator.StringKey());
                    Assert.Equal("1", iterator.StringValue());

                // MultiGet
                var multiGetResult = db.MultiGet(new[] { "two", "three", "nine" });
                    expected: new[]
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("two", "dos"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("three", "tres"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("nine", null)
                    actual: multiGetResult

            // Test with column families
            var optionsCf = new DbOptions()

            var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies
                { "reverse", new ColumnFamilyOptions() },

            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(optionsCf, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");

                db.Put("one", "uno");
                db.Put("two", "dos");
                db.Put("three", "tres");

                db.Put("uno", "one", cf: reverse);
                db.Put("dos", "two", cf: reverse);
                db.Put("tres", "three", cf: reverse);

            // Test Cf Delete
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(optionsCf, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");

                db.Put("cuatro", "four", cf: reverse);
                db.Put("cinco", "five", cf: reverse);

                Assert.Equal("four", db.Get("cuatro", cf: reverse));
                Assert.Equal("five", db.Get("cinco", cf: reverse));

                byte[] keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("cuatro");
                db.Remove(keyBytes, reverse);
                db.Remove("cinco", reverse);

                Assert.Null(db.Get("cuatro", cf: reverse));
                Assert.Null(db.Get("cinco", cf: reverse));

            // Test list
                var list = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(optionsCf, path);
                Assert.Equal(new[] { "default", "reverse" }, list.ToArray());

            // Test reopen with column families
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(optionsCf, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");

                Assert.Equal("uno", db.Get("one"));
                Assert.Equal("one", db.Get("uno", cf: reverse));
                Assert.Null(db.Get("one", cf: reverse));

            // Test dropping and creating column family
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.CreateColumnFamily(new ColumnFamilyOptions(), "reverse");
                Assert.Null(db.Get("uno", cf: reverse));
                db.Put("red", "rouge", cf: reverse);
                Assert.Equal("rouge", db.Get("red", cf: reverse));

            // Test reopen after drop and create
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");
                Assert.Null(db.Get("uno", cf: reverse));
                Assert.Equal("rouge", db.Get("red", cf: reverse));

            // Test read only
            using (var db = RocksDb.OpenReadOnly(options, path, columnFamilies, false))
                Assert.Equal("uno", db.Get("one"));

            // Test SstFileWriter
                var envOpts  = new EnvOptions();
                var ioOpts   = new ColumnFamilyOptions();
                var sst      = new SstFileWriter(envOpts, ioOpts);
                var filename = Path.Combine(temp, "test.sst");
                if (File.Exists(filename))
                sst.Add("four", "quatro");
                sst.Add("one", "uno");
                sst.Add("two", "dos");

                using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                    Assert.NotEqual("four", db.Get("four"));
                    var ingestOptions = new IngestExternalFileOptions()
                    db.IngestExternalFiles(new string[] { filename }, ingestOptions);
                    Assert.Equal("quatro", db.Get("four"));

            // test comparator
            unsafe {
                var comparator = new IntegerStringComparator();

                var opts = new ColumnFamilyOptions()

                var filename = Path.Combine(temp, "test.sst");
                if (File.Exists(filename))
                var sst = new SstFileWriter(ioOptions: opts);
                sst.Add("111", "111");
                sst.Add("1001", "1001"); // this order is only allowed using an integer comparator

            // test write batch with index
                var wbwi = new WriteBatchWithIndex(reservedBytes: 1024);
                wbwi.Put("one", "un");
                wbwi.Put("two", "deux");
                var oneValueIn  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("one");
                var oneValueOut = wbwi.Get("one");
                Assert.Equal("un", oneValueOut);
                using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                    var oneCombinedOut   = wbwi.Get(db, "one");
                    var threeCombinedOut = wbwi.Get(db, "three");
                    Assert.Equal("un", oneCombinedOut);
                    Assert.Equal("tres", threeCombinedOut);

                    using (var wbIterator = wbwi.NewIterator(db.NewIterator()))
                        var itkey = wbIterator.StringKey();
                        Assert.Equal("one", itkey);
                        var itval = wbIterator.StringValue();
                        Assert.Equal("un", itval);

                        itkey = wbIterator.StringKey();
                        Assert.Equal("three", itkey);
                        itval = wbIterator.StringValue();
                        Assert.Equal("tres", itval);

                        itkey = wbIterator.StringKey();
                        Assert.Equal("two", itkey);
                        itval = wbIterator.StringValue();
                        Assert.Equal("deux", itval);



                    var oneDbOut = wbwi.Get("one");
                    Assert.Equal("un", oneDbOut);

            // compact range
                using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                    db.CompactRange("o", "tw");
        public void FunctionalTest()
            string temp    = Path.GetTempPath();
            var    testdir = Path.Combine(temp, "functional_test");
            var    testdb  = Path.Combine(testdir, "main");
            var    testcp  = Path.Combine(testdir, "cp");
            var    path    = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(testdb);
            var    cppath  = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(testcp);

            if (Directory.Exists(testdir))
                Directory.Delete(testdir, true);

            var options = new DbOptions()

            // Using standard open
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path))
                // With strings
                string value = db.Get("key");
                db.Put("key", "value");
                Assert.Equal("value", db.Get("key"));

                // With bytes
                db.Put(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("value"));
                Assert.True(BinaryComparer.Default.Equals(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("value"), db.Get(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"))));
                // non-existent kiey
                Assert.Null(db.Get(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 }));

                db.Put(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"), new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 });

                // With buffers
                var  buffer = new byte[100];
                long length = db.Get(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"), buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                Assert.Equal(8, length);
                Assert.Equal(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, buffer.Take((int)length).ToList());

                buffer = new byte[5];
                length = db.Get(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("key"), buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                Assert.Equal(8, length);
                Assert.Equal(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, buffer.Take((int)Math.Min(buffer.Length, length)));

                length = db.Get(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("bogus"), buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                Assert.Equal(-1, length);

                // Write batches
                // With strings
                using (WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch()
                                          .Put("one", "uno")
                                          .Put("two", "deuce")
                                          .Put("two", "dos")
                                          .Put("three", "tres"))
                Assert.Equal("uno", db.Get("one"));

                // With save point
                using (WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch())
                    .Put("hearts", "red")
                    .Put("diamonds", "red");
                    .Put("clubs", "black");
                    .Put("spades", "black");
                Assert.Equal("red", db.Get("diamonds"));
                Assert.Equal("black", db.Get("clubs"));

                // Save a checkpoint
                using (var cp = db.Checkpoint())

                // With bytes
                var utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;
                using (WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch()
                                          .Put(utf8.GetBytes("four"), new byte[] { 4, 4, 4 })
                                          .Put(utf8.GetBytes("five"), new byte[] { 5, 5, 5 }))
                Assert.True(BinaryComparer.Default.Equals(new byte[] { 4, 4, 4 }, db.Get(utf8.GetBytes("four"))));

                // Snapshots
                using (var snapshot = db.CreateSnapshot())
                    var before = db.Get("one");
                    db.Put("one", "1");

                    var useSnapshot = new ReadOptions()

                    // the database value was written
                    Assert.Equal("1", db.Get("one"));
                    // but the snapshot still sees the old version
                    var after = db.Get("one", readOptions: useSnapshot);
                    Assert.Equal(before, after);

                var two = db.Get("two");
                Assert.Equal("dos", two);

                // Iterators
                using (var iterator = db.NewIterator(
                           readOptions: new ReadOptions()
                    Assert.Equal("key", iterator.StringKey());
                    Assert.Equal("one", iterator.StringKey());
                    Assert.Equal("1", iterator.StringValue());

                // MultiGet
                var multiGetResult = db.MultiGet(new[] { "two", "three", "nine" });
                    expected: new[]
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("two", "dos"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("three", "tres"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("nine", null)
                    actual: multiGetResult

            // Test reading checkpointed db
            using (var cpdb = RocksDb.Open(options, cppath))
                Assert.Equal("red", cpdb.Get("diamonds"));
                Assert.Equal("black", cpdb.Get("clubs"));
                // Checkpoint occurred before these changes:

            // Test with column families
            var optionsCf = new DbOptions()

            var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies
                { "reverse", new ColumnFamilyOptions() },

            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(optionsCf, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");

                db.Put("one", "uno");
                db.Put("two", "dos");
                db.Put("three", "tres");

                db.Put("uno", "one", cf: reverse);
                db.Put("dos", "two", cf: reverse);
                db.Put("tres", "three", cf: reverse);

            // Test Cf Delete
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(optionsCf, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");

                db.Put("cuatro", "four", cf: reverse);
                db.Put("cinco", "five", cf: reverse);

                Assert.Equal("four", db.Get("cuatro", cf: reverse));
                Assert.Equal("five", db.Get("cinco", cf: reverse));

                byte[] keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("cuatro");
                db.Remove(keyBytes, reverse);
                db.Remove("cinco", reverse);

                Assert.Null(db.Get("cuatro", cf: reverse));
                Assert.Null(db.Get("cinco", cf: reverse));

            // Test list
                var list = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(optionsCf, path);
                Assert.Equal(new[] { "default", "reverse" }, list.ToArray());

            // Test reopen with column families
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(optionsCf, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");

                Assert.Equal("uno", db.Get("one"));
                Assert.Equal("one", db.Get("uno", cf: reverse));
                Assert.Null(db.Get("one", cf: reverse));

            // Test dropping and creating column family
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.CreateColumnFamily(new ColumnFamilyOptions(), "reverse");
                Assert.Null(db.Get("uno", cf: reverse));
                db.Put("red", "rouge", cf: reverse);
                Assert.Equal("rouge", db.Get("red", cf: reverse));

            // Test reopen after drop and create
            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                var reverse = db.GetColumnFamily("reverse");
                Assert.Null(db.Get("uno", cf: reverse));
                Assert.Equal("rouge", db.Get("red", cf: reverse));

            // Test read only
            using (var db = RocksDb.OpenReadOnly(options, path, columnFamilies, false))
                Assert.Equal("uno", db.Get("one"));

            // Test SstFileWriter
                using (var writer = new SstFileWriter())

                var envOpts = new EnvOptions();
                var ioOpts  = new ColumnFamilyOptions();
                using (var sst = new SstFileWriter(envOpts, ioOpts))
                    var filename = Path.Combine(temp, "test.sst");
                    if (File.Exists(filename))
                    sst.Add("four", "quatro");
                    sst.Add("one", "uno");
                    sst.Add("two", "dos");

                    using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                        Assert.NotEqual("four", db.Get("four"));
                        var ingestOptions = new IngestExternalFileOptions()
                        db.IngestExternalFiles(new string[] { filename }, ingestOptions);
                        Assert.Equal("quatro", db.Get("four"));

            // test comparator
            unsafe {
                var opts = new ColumnFamilyOptions()
                           .SetComparator(new IntegerStringComparator());

                var filename = Path.Combine(temp, "test.sst");
                if (File.Exists(filename))
                using (var sst = new SstFileWriter(ioOptions: opts))
                    sst.Add("111", "111");
                    sst.Add("1001", "1001"); // this order is only allowed using an integer comparator

            // test write batch with index
                var wbwi = new WriteBatchWithIndex(reservedBytes: 1024);
                wbwi.Put("one", "un");
                wbwi.Put("two", "deux");
                var oneValueIn  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("one");
                var oneValueOut = wbwi.Get("one");
                Assert.Equal("un", oneValueOut);
                using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                    var oneCombinedOut   = wbwi.Get(db, "one");
                    var threeCombinedOut = wbwi.Get(db, "three");
                    Assert.Equal("un", oneCombinedOut);
                    Assert.Equal("tres", threeCombinedOut);

                    using (var wbIterator = wbwi.NewIterator(db.NewIterator()))
                        var itkey = wbIterator.StringKey();
                        Assert.Equal("one", itkey);
                        var itval = wbIterator.StringValue();
                        Assert.Equal("un", itval);

                        itkey = wbIterator.StringKey();
                        Assert.Equal("three", itkey);
                        itval = wbIterator.StringValue();
                        Assert.Equal("tres", itval);

                        itkey = wbIterator.StringKey();
                        Assert.Equal("two", itkey);
                        itval = wbIterator.StringValue();
                        Assert.Equal("deux", itval);



                    var oneDbOut = wbwi.Get("one");
                    Assert.Equal("un", oneDbOut);

            // compact range
                using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                    db.CompactRange("o", "tw");

            // Smoke test various options
                var dbname = "test-options";
                if (Directory.Exists(dbname))
                    Directory.Delete(dbname, true);
                var optsTest = (DbOptions) new RocksDbSharp.DbOptions()
                               .SetBlockBasedTableFactory(new BlockBasedTableOptions().SetBlockCache(Cache.CreateLru(1024 * 1024)));
                using (var db = RocksDbSharp.RocksDb.Open(optsTest, dbname))
                if (Directory.Exists(dbname))
                    Directory.Delete(dbname, true);

            // Smoke test OpenWithTtl
                var dbname = "test-with-ttl";
                if (Directory.Exists(dbname))
                    Directory.Delete(dbname, true);
                var optsTest = (DbOptions) new RocksDbSharp.DbOptions()
                using (var db = RocksDbSharp.RocksDb.OpenWithTtl(optsTest, dbname, 1))
                if (Directory.Exists(dbname))
                    Directory.Delete(dbname, true);

            // Smoke test MergeOperator
                var dbname = "test-merge-operator";
                if (Directory.Exists(dbname))
                    Directory.Delete(dbname, true);
                var optsTest = (DbOptions) new RocksDbSharp.DbOptions()
                                                     name: "test-merge-operator",
                                                     partialMerge: (key, keyLength, operandsList, operandsListLength, numOperands, success, newValueLength) => IntPtr.Zero,
                                                     fullMerge: (key, keyLength, existingValue, existingValueLength, operandsList, operandsListLength, numOperands, success, newValueLength) => IntPtr.Zero,
                                                     deleteValue: (value, valueLength) => { }
                using (var db = RocksDbSharp.RocksDb.Open(optsTest, dbname))
                if (Directory.Exists(dbname))
                    Directory.Delete(dbname, true);

            // Test that GC does not cause access violation on Comparers
                var dbname = "test-av-error";
                if (Directory.Exists(dbname))
                    Directory.Delete(dbname, true);
                options = new RocksDbSharp.DbOptions()
                var sc = new RocksDbSharp.StringComparator(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                columnFamilies = new RocksDbSharp.ColumnFamilies
                    { "cf1", new RocksDbSharp.ColumnFamilyOptions()
                      .SetComparator(sc) },
                using (var db = RocksDbSharp.RocksDb.Open(options, dbname, columnFamilies))
                if (Directory.Exists(dbname))
                    Directory.Delete(dbname, true);