// Return true if both files exist, are readable, and have the same content.
 static bool SameFileContent(string path1, string path2)
     if (!RobustFile.Exists(path1))
     if (!RobustFile.Exists(path2))
         var first  = RobustFile.ReadAllBytes(path1);
         var second = RobustFile.ReadAllBytes(path2);
         if (first.Length != second.Length)
         for (int i = 0; i < first.Length; i++)
             if (first[i] != second[i])
     catch (IOException)
         return(false);                // can't even read
        public void HandleModifiedFile_CheckedOutToMe_ContentChangedRemotely_RaisesCheckedOutByNoneAndErrorMessage()
            // Setup //
            // Simulate a book that was checked out and modified by me, but then we get a remote change
            // notification.
            const string bookFolderName = "My conflicting change book";
            var          bookBuilder    = new BookFolderBuilder()
                                          .WithHtm("We will be simulating a remote change to this.")

            string bookFolderPath = bookBuilder.BuiltBookFolderPath;
            string bookPath       = bookBuilder.BuiltBookHtmPath;

            var pathToBookFileInRepo = _collection.GetPathToBookFileInRepo(bookFolderName);
            // Save the data we will eventually write back to the .bloom file to simulate the remote change.
            var remoteContent = RobustFile.ReadAllBytes(pathToBookFileInRepo);

            RobustFile.WriteAllText(bookPath, "Pretend this was the state when we checked it out.");

            RobustFile.WriteAllText(bookPath, "This is a further change locally, not checked in anywhere");

            // But now it's been changed remotely to the other state. (Ignore the fact that it was a previous local state;
            // that was just a trick to get a valid alternative state.)
            RobustFile.WriteAllBytes(pathToBookFileInRepo, remoteContent);

            var prevMessages = _tcLog.Messages.Count;

            // System Under Test //
            _collection.HandleModifiedFile(new BookRepoChangeEventArgs()
                BookFileName = $"{bookFolderName}.bloom"

            // Verification
            var eventArgs = (BookStatusChangeEventArgs)_mockTcManager.Invocations[0].Arguments[0];

            Assert.That(eventArgs.CheckedOutByWhom, Is.EqualTo(CheckedOutBy.None));

            Assert.That(_tcLog.Messages[prevMessages].MessageType, Is.EqualTo(MessageAndMilestoneType.Error));
            Assert.That(_tcLog.Messages[prevMessages].L10NId, Is.EqualTo("TeamCollection.EditedFileChangedRemotely"));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// For electronic books, we want to minimize the actual size of images since they'll
        /// be displayed on small screens anyway.  So before zipping up the file, we replace its
        /// bytes with the bytes of a reduced copy of itself.  If the original image is already
        /// small enough, we return its bytes directly.
        /// We also make png images have transparent backgrounds. This is currently only necessary
        /// for cover pages, but it's an additional complication to detect which those are,
        /// and doesn't seem likely to cost much extra to do.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The bytes of the (possibly) reduced image.</returns>
        internal static byte[] GetBytesOfReducedImage(string filePath)
            using (var originalImage = PalasoImage.FromFileRobustly(filePath))
                var image           = originalImage.Image;
                int originalWidth   = image.Width;
                int originalHeight  = image.Height;
                var appearsToBeJpeg = ImageUtils.AppearsToBeJpeg(originalImage);
                if (originalWidth > kMaxWidth || originalHeight > kMaxHeight || !appearsToBeJpeg)
                    // Preserve the aspect ratio
                    float scaleX = (float)kMaxWidth / (float)originalWidth;
                    float scaleY = (float)kMaxHeight / (float)originalHeight;
                    // no point in ever expanding, even if we're making a new image just for transparency.
                    float scale = Math.Min(1.0f, Math.Min(scaleX, scaleY));

                    // New width and height maintaining the aspect ratio
                    int newWidth         = (int)(originalWidth * scale);
                    int newHeight        = (int)(originalHeight * scale);
                    var imagePixelFormat = image.PixelFormat;
                    switch (imagePixelFormat)
                    // These three formats are not supported for bitmaps to be drawn on using Graphics.FromImage.
                    // So use the default bitmap format.
                    // Enhance: if these are common it may be worth research to find out whether there are better options.
                    // - possibly the 'reduced' image might not be reduced...even though smaller, the indexed format
                    // might be so much more efficient that it is smaller. However, even if that is true, it doesn't
                    // necessarily follow that it takes less memory to render on the device. So it's not obvious that
                    // we should keep the original just because it's a smaller file.
                    // - possibly we don't need a 32-bit bitmap? Unfortunately the 1bpp/4bpp/8bpp only tells us
                    // that the image uses two, 16, or 256 distinct colors, not what they are or what precision they have.
                    case PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed:
                    case PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed:
                    case PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed:
                        imagePixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;
                    // OTOH, always using 32-bit format for .png files keeps us from having problems in BloomReader
                    // like BL-5740 (where 24bit format files came out in BR with black backgrounds).
                    if (!appearsToBeJpeg)
                        imagePixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;

                    using (var newImage = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight, imagePixelFormat))
                        // Draws the image in the specified size with quality mode set to HighQuality
                        using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage))
                            graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
                            graphics.InterpolationMode  = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                            graphics.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                            using (var imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes())
                                // See https://stackoverflow.com/a/11850971/7442826
                                // Fixes the 50% gray border issue on bright white or dark images

                                // In addition to possibly scaling, we want PNG images to have transparent backgrounds.
                                if (!appearsToBeJpeg)
                                    // This specifies that all white or very-near-white pixels (all color components at least 253/255)
                                    // will be made transparent.
                                    imageAttributes.SetColorKey(Color.FromArgb(253, 253, 253), Color.White);
                                var destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
                                graphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height,
                                                   GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttributes);
                        // Save the file in the same format as the original, and return its bytes.
                        using (var tempFile = TempFile.WithExtension(Path.GetExtension(filePath)))
                            // This uses default quality settings for jpgs...one site says this is
                            // 75 quality on a scale that runs from 0-100. For most images, this
                            // should give a quality barely distinguishable from uncompressed and still save
                            // about 7/8 of the file size. Lower quality settings rapidly lose quality
                            // while only saving a little space; higher ones rapidly use more space
                            // with only marginal quality improvement.
                            // See  https://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/30243/what-quality-to-choose-when-converting-to-jpg
                            // for more on quality and  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/winforms/advanced/how-to-set-jpeg-compression-level
                            // for how to control the quality setting if we decide to (RobustImageIO has
                            // suitable overloads).
                            RobustImageIO.SaveImage(newImage, tempFile.Path, image.RawFormat);
                            // Copy the metadata from the original file to the new file.
                            var metadata = SIL.Windows.Forms.ClearShare.Metadata.FromFile(filePath);
                            if (!metadata.IsEmpty)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a directory, along with all files and subdirectories, to the ZipStream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directoryToCompress">The directory to add recursively</param>
        /// <param name="zipStream">The ZipStream to which the files and directories will be added</param>
        /// <param name="dirNameOffset">This number of characters will be removed from the full directory or file name
        /// before creating the zip entry name</param>
        /// <param name="dirNamePrefix">string to prefix to the zip entry name</param>
        /// <param name="depthFromCollection">int with the number of folders away it is from the collection folder. The collection folder itself is 0,
        /// a book is 1, a subfolder of the book is 2, etc.</param>
        /// <param name="forReaderTools">If True, then some pre-processing will be done to the contents of decodable
        /// and leveled readers before they are added to the ZipStream</param>
        /// <param name="excludeAudio">If true, the contents of the audio directory will not be included</param>
        /// <param name="reduceImages">If true, image files are reduced in size to no larger than the max size before saving</para>
        /// <param name="omitMetaJson">If true, meta.json is excluded (typically for HTML readers).</param>
        private static void CompressDirectory(string directoryToCompress, ZipOutputStream zipStream, int dirNameOffset, string dirNamePrefix,
                                              int depthFromCollection, bool forReaderTools, bool excludeAudio, bool reduceImages, bool omitMetaJson = false, string pathToFileForSha = null)
            if (excludeAudio && Path.GetFileName(directoryToCompress).ToLowerInvariant() == "audio")
            var files = Directory.GetFiles(directoryToCompress);

            // Don't get distracted by HTML files in any folder other than the book folder.
            // These HTML files in other locations aren't generated by Bloom. They may not have the format Bloom expects,
            // causing needless parsing errors to be thrown if we attempt to read them using Bloom code.
            bool          shouldScanHtml = depthFromCollection == 1;    // 1 means 1 level below the collection level, i.e. this is the book level
            var           bookFile       = shouldScanHtml ? BookStorage.FindBookHtmlInFolder(directoryToCompress) : null;
            XmlDocument   dom            = null;
            List <string> imagesToGiveTransparentBackgrounds = null;
            List <string> imagesToPreserveResolution         = null;

            // Tests can also result in bookFile being null.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bookFile))
                var originalContent = File.ReadAllText(bookFile, Encoding.UTF8);
                dom = XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtml(originalContent);
                var fullScreenAttr = dom.GetElementsByTagName("body").Cast <XmlElement>().First().Attributes["data-bffullscreenpicture"]?.Value;
                if (fullScreenAttr != null && fullScreenAttr.IndexOf("bloomReader", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) >= 0)
                    // This feature (currently used for motion books in landscape mode) triggers an all-black background,
                    // due to a rule in bookFeatures.less.
                    // Making white pixels transparent on an all-black background makes line-art disappear,
                    // which is bad (BL-6564), so just make an empty list in this case.
                    imagesToGiveTransparentBackgrounds = new List <string>();
                    imagesToGiveTransparentBackgrounds = FindCoverImages(dom);
                imagesToPreserveResolution = FindImagesToPreserveResolution(dom);
                imagesToGiveTransparentBackgrounds = new List <string>();
                imagesToPreserveResolution         = new List <string>();

            // Some of the knowledge about ExcludedFileExtensions might one day move into this method.
            // But we'd have to check carefully the other places it is used.
            var localOnlyFiles = BookStorage.LocalOnlyFiles(directoryToCompress);

            foreach (var filePath in files)
                if (ExcludedFileExtensionsLowerCase.Contains(Path.GetExtension(filePath.ToLowerInvariant())))
                    continue;                     // BL-2246: skip putting this one into the BloomPack
                if (IsUnneededWaveFile(filePath, depthFromCollection))
                if (localOnlyFiles.Contains(filePath))
                var fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath).ToLowerInvariant();
                if (fileName.StartsWith(BookStorage.PrefixForCorruptHtmFiles))
                // Various stuff we keep in the book folder that is useful for editing or bloom library
                // or displaying collections but not needed by the reader. The most important is probably
                // eliminating the pdf, which can be very large. Note that we do NOT eliminate the
                // basic thumbnail.png, as we want eventually to extract that to use in the Reader UI.
                if (fileName == "thumbnail-70.png" || fileName == "thumbnail-256.png")
                if (fileName == "meta.json" && omitMetaJson)

                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filePath);

                var entryName = dirNamePrefix + filePath.Substring(dirNameOffset);  // Makes the name in zip based on the folder
                entryName = ZipEntry.CleanName(entryName);                          // Removes drive from name and fixes slash direction
                ZipEntry newEntry = new ZipEntry(entryName)
                    DateTime      = fi.LastWriteTime,
                    IsUnicodeText = true
                // encode filename and comment in UTF8
                byte[] modifiedContent = {};

                // if this is a ReaderTools book, call GetBookReplacedWithTemplate() to get the contents
                if (forReaderTools && (bookFile == filePath))
                    modifiedContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetBookReplacedWithTemplate(filePath));
                    newEntry.Size   = modifiedContent.Length;
                else if (forReaderTools && (Path.GetFileName(filePath) == "meta.json"))
                    modifiedContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetMetaJsonModfiedForTemplate(filePath));
                    newEntry.Size   = modifiedContent.Length;
                else if (reduceImages && ImageFileExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(filePath.ToLowerInvariant())))
                    fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);                      // restore original capitalization
                    if (imagesToPreserveResolution.Contains(fileName))
                        modifiedContent = RobustFile.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
                        // Cover images should be transparent if possible.  Others don't need to be.
                        var makeBackgroundTransparent = imagesToGiveTransparentBackgrounds.Contains(fileName);
                        modifiedContent = GetImageBytesForElectronicPub(filePath, makeBackgroundTransparent);
                    newEntry.Size = modifiedContent.Length;
                else if (Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLowerInvariant() == ".bloomcollection")
                    modifiedContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetBloomCollectionModifiedForTemplate(filePath));
                    newEntry.Size   = modifiedContent.Length;
                // CompressBookForDevice is always called with reduceImages set.
                else if (reduceImages && bookFile == filePath)
                    SignLanguageApi.ProcessVideos(HtmlDom.SelectChildVideoElements(dom.DocumentElement).Cast <XmlElement>(), directoryToCompress);
                    var newContent = XmlHtmlConverter.ConvertDomToHtml5(dom);
                    modifiedContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newContent);
                    newEntry.Size   = modifiedContent.Length;

                    if (pathToFileForSha != null)
                        // Make an extra entry containing the sha
                        var sha  = Book.ComputeHashForAllBookRelatedFiles(pathToFileForSha);
                        var name = "version.txt";                         // must match what BloomReader is looking for in NewBookListenerService.IsBookUpToDate()
                        MakeExtraEntry(zipStream, name, sha);
                        LastVersionCode = sha;
                    newEntry.Size = fi.Length;


                if (modifiedContent.Length > 0)
                    using (var memStream = new MemoryStream(modifiedContent))
                        // There is some minimum buffer size (44 was too small); I don't know exactly what it is,
                        // but 1024 makes it happy.
                        StreamUtils.Copy(memStream, zipStream, new byte[Math.Max(modifiedContent.Length, 1024)]);
                    // Zip the file in buffered chunks
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                    using (var streamReader = RobustFile.OpenRead(filePath))
                        StreamUtils.Copy(streamReader, zipStream, buffer);


            var folders = Directory.GetDirectories(directoryToCompress);

            foreach (var folder in folders)
                var dirName = Path.GetFileName(folder);
                if ((dirName == null) || (dirName.ToLowerInvariant() == "sample texts"))
                    continue;                     // Don't want to bundle these up
                CompressDirectory(folder, zipStream, dirNameOffset, dirNamePrefix, depthFromCollection + 1, forReaderTools, excludeAudio, reduceImages);