Beispiel #1
        public void Witsml131Context_Rig_Can_Query_For_All_Rigs()
            var rig = new Rig {
                Uid = DevKit.Uid(), Name = DevKit.Name("Rig"), UidWell = Well.Uid, NameWell = Well.Name, UidWellbore = Wellbore.Uid, NameWellbore = Wellbore.Name

            DevKit.Proxy.Write(DevKit.New <RigList>(x => x.Rig = DevKit.List(rig)));

            var witsmlQuery = Context.Rigs.With(OptionsIn.ReturnElements.IdOnly);
            var rigs        = witsmlQuery.ToList();

            Assert.IsTrue(rigs.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsNotNull(rigs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Uid == rig.Uid));
        public async Task Rig131_GetResources_Can_Get_All_Rig_Resources()
            DevKit.AddAndAssert <RigList, Rig>(Rig);
            await RequestSessionAndAssert();

            var uri       = Rig.GetUri();
            var parentUri = uri.Parent;

            await GetResourcesAndAssert(parentUri);

            var folderUri = parentUri.Append(uri.ObjectType);

            await GetResourcesAndAssert(folderUri);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task AddAsync(AddRigInputModel input, string userId)
            var rig = new Rig
                Name        = input.Name,
                Description = input.Description,
                OwnerId     = userId,

            var rigImgUrl = await this.cloudinaryService.UploadAsync(input.Image, input.Image.FileName);

            rig.Image = new Image
                OwnerId = userId,
                Url     = rigImgUrl,

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Materials.Count(); i++)
                rig.Materials.Add(new Material
                    Rig            = rig,
                    Description    = input.Materials[i].Description,
                    MaterialNumber = i + 1,

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Steps.Count(); i++)
                var stepImgUrl = await this.cloudinaryService.UploadAsync(input.Steps[i].Image, input.Steps[i].Image.FileName);

                rig.Steps.Add(new Step
                    Rig         = rig,
                    Description = input.Steps[i].Description,
                    StepNumber  = i + 1,
                    Image       = new Image
                        OwnerId = userId,
                        Url     = stepImgUrl,

            await this.rigsRepository.AddAsync(rig);

            await this.rigsRepository.SaveChangesAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates if the Editor and the provided Rig are in a correct state to do motion transfer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rig">The Rig that will be used for motion transfer.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if both the editor and the provided Rig are in a valid state for motion transfer. Returns false if the requirements are not met.</returns>
        public static bool TransferMotionValidate(Rig rig)
            if (!AnimationWindowUtils.isPreviewing || AnimationWindowUtils.activeAnimationClip == null)

            var selected = Selection.instanceIDs;

            if (selected.Length != 1)

            var selectedGO = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(selected[0]) as GameObject;

            if (selectedGO != rig.gameObject)

            var rigBuilder = rig.GetComponentInParent <RigBuilder>();

            if (rigBuilder == null)

            var animator = rigBuilder.GetComponent <Animator>();

            if (animator.isHuman)

            bool inRigBuilder = false;
            var  layers       = rigBuilder.layers;

            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Count; ++i)
                if (layers[i].rig == rig && layers[i].active)
                    inRigBuilder = true;

        public void TestSetUp()
            Logger.Debug($"Executing {TestContext.TestName}");
            DevKit = new DevKit200Aspect(TestContext);

            Rig = new Rig
                SchemaVersion = EtpUris.GetUriFamily(typeof(Rig)).Version,

                Uuid     = DevKit.Uid(),
                Citation = DevKit.Citation("Rig")

        public void CreateSequence(Rig rig, Recorder recorder, float[] rTimings)
            var path = _pathPlanner.GetRandomPath(rig);

            float[] timings = new float[rTimings.Length];
            float   t       = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < rTimings.Length; ++i)
                timings[i] = UnityEngine.Random.Range(t, rTimings[i]);
                t         += rTimings[i];

            recorder.Record(path, timings, _pathPlanner.GetRandomContactingFrames());
        private void ResetRigHandles()
            inputDownEventData = null;

            if (this.AffineType == BoundingBoxGizmoHandleTransformType.Scale)
                cachedRenderer.sharedMaterial = Rig.ScaleHandleMaterial;
                cachedRenderer.sharedMaterial = Rig.RotateHandleMaterial;

Beispiel #8
        protected override void OneTimeSetUp()

            // Create rig
            m_Rig = new Rig {
                Value = CreateTestRigDefinition()

            var path = "MotionClip.blob";

            m_Clip = BlobFile.ReadBlobAsset <Clip>(path);

            ClipManager.Instance.GetClipFor(m_Rig, m_Clip);
Beispiel #9
    private void CreateDebugBoneRig(Entity entity, ref Rig rig)
        var ecb = EsBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer();

        var debugEntityRig = RigUtils.InstantiateDebugRigEntity(rig.Value, EntityManager,
                                                                new BoneRendererProperties
            BoneShape = BoneRendererUtils.BoneShape.Line, Color = new float4(0, 1, 0, 1), Size = 1

        ecb.AddComponent(debugEntityRig, new LocalToParent {
            Value = float4x4.identity
        ecb.AddComponent(debugEntityRig, new Parent {
            Value = entity
    private void Drawing(Rig rig)
        //Get Body Data
        SubRig R_hand = rig.GetSubRig("R_Hand");
        SubRig L_hand = rig.GetSubRig("L_Hand");
        SubRig L_leg  = rig.GetSubRig("L_Leg");
        SubRig R_leg  = rig.GetSubRig("R_Leg");

        SubRig[] body = rig.GetBodyRig();

        //Draw Line in 3D Space
        rig.DrawLine(R_hand, Lines3D[0]);
        rig.DrawLine(L_hand, Lines3D[1]);
        rig.DrawLine(R_leg, Lines3D[2]);
        rig.DrawLine(L_leg, Lines3D[3]);
        rig.DrawLine(body, Lines3D[4]);
Beispiel #11
        private static int[] GetPingTimes(Dictionary <string, string>[] poolInfo, Rig rig)
            if (poolInfo == null || poolInfo.Length == 0)
                return new[] { 333, 333, 333 }

            string[] stratum        = PruvotApi.GetDictValue <string>(poolInfo[0], "URL").Split('/');
            string[] stratumUrlPort = stratum[stratum.Length - 1].Split(':');

            int[]     pingTimes      = new int[3];
            Ping      pinger         = new Ping();
            PingReply miningUrlPing  = null;
            PingReply networkRigPing = null;

                miningUrlPing = stratumUrlPort[0] != "-1" ? pinger.Send(stratumUrlPort[0], 333) : null;

                networkRigPing = pinger.Send(rig.IpAddress, 333);

                // Will try to just ping the URL without subdomain if it failed,
                // May give bad results but it's just a small stat for fun ^^
                // Ping by Pruvotapi is more accurate
                // PS: Let's hope it's not a :D
                if (miningUrlPing != null && miningUrlPing.Status != IPStatus.Success)
                    string[] stratumDomains = stratumUrlPort[0].Split('.');
                    string   lastParts      = stratumDomains[stratumDomains.Length - 2] + '.' +
                                              stratumDomains[stratumDomains.Length - 1];
                    miningUrlPing = pinger.Send(lastParts, 333);

            pingTimes[0] = PruvotApi.GetDictValue <int>(poolInfo[0], "PING");
            pingTimes[1] = (int)(miningUrlPing != null && miningUrlPing.Status == IPStatus.Success
                            ? miningUrlPing.RoundtripTime : 333);
            pingTimes[2] = (int)(networkRigPing != null && networkRigPing.Status == IPStatus.Success
                            ? networkRigPing.RoundtripTime : 333);

Beispiel #12
        // Update is called once per frame.
        void Update()
            // If the rig and main camera are valid.
            if (Rig != null && MainCamera != null)
                // Calculate the travel vector based on the user's head and the rig.
                Vector3 travelVector = MainCamera.transform.position - Rig.transform.position;

                // Ignore any height value.
                travelVector.y = 0.0f;

                // Activate human joystick if the travel vector is larger than the radius.
                if (travelVector.magnitude >= Radius)
                    // Calculate the ratio of the travel vector compared to the radius.
                    float ratio = travelVector.magnitude / Radius;

                    // Normalize the travel vector for multiplication.

                    // Scale the travel vector by the ratio and speed per second (which requires deltaTime).
                    Vector3 movement = travelVector * ratio * Speed * Time.deltaTime;

                    // Begin locomotion.
                    if (CanBeginLocomotion() && BeginLocomotion())
                        // Determine the camera's new world location.
                        Vector3 newLocation = MainCamera.transform.position + movement;
                        // Move the rig and camera to the character controller's world location.
                        // End locomotion.

                // If the no-travel zone is valid.
                if (NoTravelZone != null)
                    // Move the no-travel zone to match the rig.
                    NoTravelZone.transform.position = Rig.transform.position;
                    // Scale the NoTravelZone to match the radius.
                    float originalHeight = NoTravelZone.transform.localScale.y;
                    NoTravelZone.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Radius, originalHeight, Radius);
Beispiel #13
        public void GenerateRig_ReturnsGeneratedRig()
            RigTemplate rigTemplate = GetRigTemplate();

            A.CallTo(() => m_rigTemplateRepo.GetRigTemplate("Jackup")).Returns(rigTemplate);

            Rig expectedRig = new Rig()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            A.CallTo(() => m_rigRepo.Create("Jackup", string.Empty, string.Empty)).Returns(expectedRig);

            Rig rig = m_testSubject.GenerateRig("Jackup", string.Empty, string.Empty);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRig.Id, rig.Id);
Beispiel #14
    protected override FKGraphData CreateGraph(Entity entity, ref Rig rig, PreAnimationGraphSystem graphSystem, ref FKGraphSetup setup)
        var set = graphSystem.Set;

        var debugEntity = RigUtils.InstantiateDebugRigEntity(
            new BoneRendererProperties {
            BoneShape = BoneRendererUtils.BoneShape.Line, Color = math.float4(1f, 0f, 0f, 1f), Size = 1f

        if (EntityManager.HasComponent <Translation>(entity))
            float3 t = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(entity).Value;
                new Translation {
                Value = t - math.float3(0f, 0f, 0.5f)

        var data = new FKGraphData();

        data.DeltaTimeNode   = set.Create <DeltaTimeNode>();
        data.ClipNode        = set.Create <ClipPlayerNode>();
        data.EntityNode      = set.CreateComponentNode(entity);
        data.DebugEntityNode = set.CreateComponentNode(debugEntity);

        set.Connect(data.DeltaTimeNode, DeltaTimeNode.KernelPorts.DeltaTime, data.ClipNode, ClipPlayerNode.KernelPorts.DeltaTime);
        set.Connect(data.ClipNode, ClipPlayerNode.KernelPorts.Output, data.EntityNode);
        set.Connect(data.ClipNode, ClipPlayerNode.KernelPorts.Output, data.DebugEntityNode);

        set.SetData(data.ClipNode, ClipPlayerNode.KernelPorts.Speed, 1.0f);
        set.SendMessage(data.ClipNode, ClipPlayerNode.SimulationPorts.Configuration, new ClipConfiguration {
            Mask = ClipConfigurationMask.LoopTime | ClipConfigurationMask.LoopValues
        set.SendMessage(data.ClipNode, ClipPlayerNode.SimulationPorts.Rig, rig);
        set.SendMessage(data.ClipNode, ClipPlayerNode.SimulationPorts.Clip, setup.Clip);

        PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent(entity, graphSystem.Tag);

Beispiel #15
    public void CreateRig()
        if (rigBuilder == null)
            rigBuilder = transform.parent.gameObject.AddComponent <RigBuilder>();

        if (rigGameObject == null)
            rigGameObject = new GameObject("rig");

        if (rig == null)
            rig = rigGameObject.AddComponent <Rig>();
            rigBuilder.layers.Add(new RigLayer(rig));

        if (twoBoneManager == null)
            twoBoneManager = new GameObject("ik");

        twoBoneManager.transform.position = lowLegPosition.position;

        if (twoBoneIK == null)
            twoBoneIK             = twoBoneManager.AddComponent <TwoBoneIKConstraint>();
     = upLegPivot.transform;
      = midLegPivot.transform;
      = lowLegPivot.transform;
   = twoBoneManager.transform;

        if (hint == null)
            hint = new GameObject("hint");
   = hint.transform;

        hint.transform.position = midLegPosition.position + new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
        public void TestGetTotalBahtAutoBtcMiningPerDayFromZergPool()
            string json  = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("myrig.json");
            Rig    myRig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rig>(json);


            MiningCalculator calc = new MiningCalculator();

            foreach (string algorithmName in AlgoritmName.Symbols)
                calc.MyHashRate = HashPower.GetAlgorithmHashRate(algorithmName);
                double btcCurrentPerDay = calc.GetTotalFiatMoneyMiningPerday(algorithmName, PoolName.Zerg, true, FiatCurrency.THB);
                double btc24HoursPerDay = calc.GetTotalFiatMoneyMiningPerday(algorithmName, PoolName.Zerg, false, FiatCurrency.THB);
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} estimate_current: {1} baht estimate_24hour: {2} baht ", algorithmName, btcCurrentPerDay.ToString("N2"), btc24HoursPerDay.ToString("N2")));
                Assert.AreEqual(true, btcCurrentPerDay > -1);
Beispiel #17
    // This one is signed up to the UPGRADED A RIG delegate in the MapDelegateHolder
    void UpdateMyRigUI(int idOfUpdatedRig, Rig currentRigInfo)
        if (idOfUpdatedRig == myRigID.myControlID)
            // FIRST check whether this is the last upgrade
            if ( >= 9)
                title.text       = currentRigInfo.title;
                description.text = currentRigInfo.myDescription;
                miscText.text    = "MAX RIG LVL REACHED!";
                rigIcon.sprite   = currentRigInfo.icon;
                buttonText.text  = "MAX UPGRADE REACHED";

                tempEffectPercentage += currentRigInfo.myEffectOnMining;

                currentEffectText.text = "+ " + tempEffectPercentage.ToString() + "%";

                upgradeLvlUI.fillAmount = currentRigInfo.buildingID / currentMapController.itemDatabase.rigTypes.Count;

                // Set this button as disabled
                upgradeLvlUI.fillAmount = 1;
                upgradeButton.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.gray;
                upgradeButton.interactable = false;
                fullyUpgraded = true;
                myRig         = currentRigInfo;

            title.text       = currentRigInfo.title;
            description.text = currentRigInfo.myDescription;
            miscText.text    = "Next rig effect: \n" + "+" + currentRigInfo.myEffectOnMining + "% mining speed";
            rigIcon.sprite   = currentRigInfo.icon;

            tempEffectPercentage += currentRigInfo.myEffectOnMining;

            currentEffectText.text = "+ " + tempEffectPercentage.ToString() + "%";

            buttonText.text = "BUY BETTER RIG\n" + currentRigInfo.priceOfNextUpgradeLvl;
            //rigsControlled.text = "x1";
            upgradeLvlUI.fillAmount = (float) / itemDatabase.rigTypes.Count;
            myRig = currentRigInfo;
        public void OnInputDown(InputEventData eventData)
            inputDownEventData = eventData;

            initialHandPosition    = GetHandPosition(eventData.SourceId);
            lastHandWorldPos       = initialHandPosition;
            initialScale           = transformToAffect.localScale;
            initialPosition        = transformToAffect.position;
            initialOrientation     = transformToAffect.rotation.eulerAngles;
            initialRotation        = transformToAffect.rotation;
            initialHandOrientation = GetHandOrientation(eventData.SourceId);
            initialScaleOrigin     = transformToAffect.position - this.transform.position;


            cachedRenderer.sharedMaterial = Rig.InteractingMaterial;
Beispiel #19
 private void onPropAccessoryLoaded(string path, GameObject prefab)
     if (base.gameObject.IsDestroyed())
     if (prefab != null)
         propAccessory = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(prefab);
         Prop component = GetComponent <Prop>();
         if (component != null && component.PropUserRef != null)
             Rig component2 = component.PropUserRef.GetComponent <Rig>();
             CameraCullingMaskHelper.SetLayerRecursive(component.transform, LayerMask.LayerToName(component.gameObject.layer));
     isLoadingComplete = true;
    protected override void CreateGraph(Entity e, ref Rig rig, ref RigRemapRuntime setup)
        var ecb = EcbSystem.CreateCommandBuffer();
        var set = GraphSystem.Set;

        var data = new RigRemapKernelRuntime
            ClipPlayerNode = set.Create <ClipPlayerNode>(),
            DeltaTimeNode  = set.Create <ConvertDeltaTimeToFloatNode>(),
            EntityNode     = set.CreateComponentNode(e),
            RemapperNode   = set.Create <RigRemapperNode>()

        set.SetData(data.ClipPlayerNode, ClipPlayerNode.KernelPorts.Speed, 1.0f);

        set.Connect(data.EntityNode, data.DeltaTimeNode, ConvertDeltaTimeToFloatNode.KernelPorts.Input);
        set.Connect(data.DeltaTimeNode, ConvertDeltaTimeToFloatNode.KernelPorts.Float, data.ClipPlayerNode,
        set.Connect(data.ClipPlayerNode, ClipPlayerNode.KernelPorts.Output, data.RemapperNode,
        set.Connect(data.RemapperNode, RigRemapperNode.KernelPorts.Output, data.EntityNode,

        set.SendMessage(data.ClipPlayerNode, ClipPlayerNode.SimulationPorts.Configuration,
                        new ClipConfiguration {
            Mask = ClipConfigurationMask.LoopTime

        //The playerClipNode Rig input will retrieve the srcRig that we want to copy since the animation clip is mapped to that rig.
        set.SendMessage(data.ClipPlayerNode, ClipPlayerNode.SimulationPorts.Rig, new Rig {
            Value = setup.SrcRig
        set.SendMessage(data.ClipPlayerNode, ClipPlayerNode.SimulationPorts.Clip, setup.SrcClip);
        //The Rig we want to remap to
        set.SendMessage(data.RemapperNode, RigRemapperNode.SimulationPorts.SourceRig, new Rig {
            Value = setup.SrcRig
        //The Rig that we are currently mapped to
        set.SendMessage(data.RemapperNode, RigRemapperNode.SimulationPorts.DestinationRig, rig);
        set.SendMessage(data.RemapperNode, RigRemapperNode.SimulationPorts.RemapTable, setup.RemapTable);

        ecb.AddComponent(e, data);
    void Update()
        Texture2D texture = GetTexture2D();

        if (texture == null)

        Mat imgmat = GetTextureMat(texture);

        JointPoint[] rigs = GetRigData(imgmat);

        Rig rig = new Rig(rigs, 30);


Beispiel #22
        public void GenerateRig_CreatesEquipment_For_Every_EquipmentTemplate_In_RigTemplate()
            RigTemplate rigTemplate = GetRigTemplate();

            A.CallTo(() => m_rigTemplateRepo.GetRigTemplate("Jackup")).Returns(rigTemplate);

            Rig rig = new Rig()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            A.CallTo(() => m_rigRepo.Create("Jackup", string.Empty, string.Empty)).Returns(rig);

            m_testSubject.GenerateRig("Jackup", string.Empty, string.Empty);

            foreach (EquipmentTemplate equipmentTemplate in rigTemplate.EquipmentTemplates)
                A.CallTo(() => m_equipmentRepo.Create(rig.Id, null, equipmentTemplate.Name, equipmentTemplate.Type, false)).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();
Beispiel #23
        // Update is called once per frame.
        void Update()
            // If the rig, main camera, and character controller are valid.
            if (Rig != null && MainCamera != null && Character != null)
                // Update the character controller's height.
                Character.height = MainCamera.transform.position.y - Rig.transform.position.y;

                // Update the character controller's center.
                Vector3 center =;
                center.y         = -Character.height / 2.0f;
       = center;

                // Calculate the movement of the character controller based on the main camera (i.e., user's head).
                Vector3 movement = MainCamera.transform.position - Character.transform.position;

                if (movement.x != 0)
                // Apply gravity if indicated.
                if (UseGravity)
                    movement.y = Physics.gravity.y * Time.deltaTime;
                // Apply the movement.

                // Begin locomotion.
                if (CanBeginLocomotion() && BeginLocomotion())
                    // Determine the character controller's world location.
                    Vector3 characterLocation = Character.transform.position;

                    // Move the rig and camera to the character controller's world location.
                    // End locomotion.
        public void TestSetUp()
            Logger.Debug($"Executing {TestContext.TestName}");
            DevKit = new DevKit141Aspect(TestContext);

            DevKit.Store.CapServerProviders = DevKit.Store.CapServerProviders
                                              .Where(x => x.DataSchemaVersion == OptionsIn.DataVersion.Version141.Value)

            Well = new Well
                Uid  = DevKit.Uid(),
                Name = DevKit.Name("Well"),

                TimeZone = DevKit.TimeZone
            Wellbore = new Wellbore
                Uid  = DevKit.Uid(),
                Name = DevKit.Name("Wellbore"),

                UidWell  = Well.Uid,
                NameWell = Well.Name,
                MD       = new MeasuredDepthCoord(0, MeasuredDepthUom.ft)
            Rig = new Rig
                Uid  = DevKit.Uid(),
                Name = DevKit.Name("Rig"),

                UidWell      = Well.Uid,
                NameWell     = Well.Name,
                UidWellbore  = Wellbore.Uid,
                NameWellbore = Wellbore.Name

            QueryEmptyList = DevKit.List(new Rig());

Beispiel #25
        // Update is called once per frame.
        void Update()
            // If the rig, main camera, and character controller are valid.
            if (Rig != null && MainCamera != null && Character != null)
                // Update the character controller's height.
                Character.height = MainCamera.transform.position.y - Rig.transform.position.y + offset;

                // Update the character controller's center.
                Vector3 center =;
                center.y         = -Character.height / 2.0f;
       = center;

                Vector3 newPos = MainCamera.transform.position;

                // Maintain Old RigidBody Y Position
                newPos.y = RigidBodyCharacter.position.y;


                // Begin locomotion.
                if (CanBeginLocomotion() && BeginLocomotion())
                    // Determine the character controller's world location.
                    Vector3 characterLocation = Character.transform.position;

                    characterLocation.y -= offset;

                    if (!VirtualBodyScript.CollisionFlag)
                        characterLocation.x = MainCamera.transform.position.x;
                        characterLocation.z = MainCamera.transform.position.z;

                    // Move the rig and camera to the character controller's world location.
                    // End locomotion.
Beispiel #26
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        currentMapController = FindObjectOfType <MapController>();
        itemDatabase         = FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>();
        rigController        = FindObjectOfType <RigController>();
        miningController     = FindObjectOfType <MiningController>();
        mapDelegateHolder    = FindObjectOfType <MapDelegateHolder>();

        if (controllingRack)
        {   // If this UI element controls a rack, then make the button call upgrade a rack function from the rig controller
            upgradeButton.onClick.AddListener(() => rigController.UpgradeARack(GetComponent <RackID>().myControlID));
            myRackID = GetComponent <RackID>();
            upgradeButton.onClick.AddListener(() => rigController.UpgradeARig(GetComponent <RigID>().myControlID));
            myRigID = GetComponent <RigID>();
            myRig   = FindObjectOfType <ItemDatabase>().rigTypes[0];

        // If the center activate button is ON then give it a function of buying a brand new rig
        if (activateButton && !controllingRack)
            activateButton.onClick.AddListener(() => BuyARigFromScratch());

        if (!controllingRack)
            mapDelegateHolder.upgradedRigActions += UpdateMyRigUI;
            mapDelegateHolder.upgradedRackActions += UpdateMyRackUI;

Beispiel #27
        public Rig Create(string rigType, string name, string description)
            Rig createdRig = new Rig()
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Name        = name,
                Description = description,
                Type        = rigType


            string rigData = m_serializer.SerializeObject(m_rigs);

            lock (m_rigStoreLock)
                m_fileSystem.File.WriteAllText(m_rigStorePath, rigData);

Beispiel #28
    protected override ConfigurableClipData CreateGraph(Entity entity, ref Rig rig, ProcessDefaultAnimationGraph graphSystem, ref ConfigurableClipSetup setup)
        var data = new ConfigurableClipData();

        data.Graph                = graphSystem.CreateGraph();
        data.MotionID             = setup.MotionID;
        data.UpdateConfiguration  = true;
        data.ConfigurableClipNode = graphSystem.CreateNode <ConfigurableClipNode>(data.Graph);

        var entityNode = graphSystem.CreateNode(data.Graph, entity);

        var set = graphSystem.Set;

        set.Connect(data.ConfigurableClipNode, ConfigurableClipNode.KernelPorts.Output, entityNode);

        set.SendMessage(data.ConfigurableClipNode, ConfigurableClipNode.SimulationPorts.Rig, rig);
        set.SendMessage(data.ConfigurableClipNode, ConfigurableClipNode.SimulationPorts.Clip, setup.Clip);
        set.SetData(data.ConfigurableClipNode, ConfigurableClipNode.KernelPorts.Time, setup.ClipTime);

Beispiel #29
        public async Task Rig200_DeleteObject_Can_Delete_Rig()
            await RequestSessionAndAssert();

            var handler = _client.Handler <IStoreCustomer>();
            var uri     = Rig.GetUri();

            var dataObject = CreateDataObject(uri, Rig);

            // Get Object
            var args = await GetAndAssert(handler, uri);

            // Check for message flag indicating No Data
            Assert.AreEqual((int)MessageFlags.NoData, args.Header.MessageFlags);

            // Put Object
            await PutAndAssert(handler, dataObject);

            // Get Object
            args = await GetAndAssert(handler, uri);

            // Check Data Object XML
            var xml = args.Message.DataObject.GetString();

            var result = Parse <Rig>(xml);


            // Delete Object
            await DeleteAndAssert(handler, uri);

            // Get Object
            args = await GetAndAssert(handler, uri);

            // Check Data Object doesn't exist
            Assert.AreEqual(0, args?.Message?.DataObject?.Data?.Length ?? 0);
    private RotateCube_PlayStateRuntime CreateGraph(Entity entity,
                                                    ref Rig rig, ref RotateCube_PlayClipRuntime animation)
        //Retrieve node set from graph system.
        var set = _animationGraphSystem.Set;

        var data = new RotateCube_PlayStateRuntime
            NodeHandle    = set.Create <ClipPlayerNode>(),
            DeltaTimeNode = set.Create <ConvertDeltaTimeToFloatNode>(),
            EntityNode    = set.CreateComponentNode(entity)

        //Connect kernel ports.

        //Connect the entityNode to the deltaNode and pass the DeltaTime Input (struct) to the deltaNode.
        set.Connect(data.EntityNode, data.DeltaTimeNode, ConvertDeltaTimeToFloatNode.KernelPorts.Input);
        //Connect the deltaNode to the ClipPlayerNode and pass the DeltaTime output (float) to the ClipPlayerNode and assign it to the DeltaTime in the ClipPlayerNode.
        set.Connect(data.DeltaTimeNode, ConvertDeltaTimeToFloatNode.KernelPorts.Float, data.NodeHandle,
        //Connect the clipPlayer node to the EntityNode and passes the Output of the ClipPlayerNode
        //We must pass a enum under NodeSet API Connection type which allows feeding information back to an upstream node without forming a cycle
        set.Connect(data.NodeHandle, ClipPlayerNode.KernelPorts.Output, data.EntityNode,

        //EntityNode -> ConvertDeltaTimeToFloatNode -> ClipPlayerNode -> Repeat.

        //Send message to set parameters on the CliPlayerNode

        //Set data for ClipPlayer Kernal Port
        set.SetData(data.NodeHandle, ClipPlayerNode.KernelPorts.Speed, 1.0f);
        //Send Message to ClipPlayer SimulationPort.
        set.SendMessage(data.NodeHandle, ClipPlayerNode.SimulationPorts.Configuration,
                        new ClipConfiguration {
            Mask = ClipConfigurationMask.LoopTime
        set.SendMessage(data.NodeHandle, ClipPlayerNode.SimulationPorts.Rig, rig);
        set.SendMessage(data.NodeHandle, ClipPlayerNode.SimulationPorts.Clip, animation.clip);
Beispiel #31
	// finds the correct bones and maps them to the joints
	// returns true if register is succesful
	//(if not, check if your transforms have the correct names and are children of the riggedObject)
	public bool RegisterRig(GameObject riggedObject) {
		// initialize the new rig
		Rig rig = new Rig();
		rig.riggedObject = riggedObject;
		// find all the body joint transforms
		rig.torsoCenter = riggedObject.transform.Find("Torso_Center");
		rig.neck = riggedObject.transform.Find("Torso_Center/Neck");
		rig.leftShoulder = riggedObject.transform.Find("Torso_Center/Left_Shoulder");
		rig.leftElbow = riggedObject.transform.Find("Torso_Center/Left_Shoulder/Left_Elbow");
		rig.rightShoulder = riggedObject.transform.Find("Torso_Center/Right_Shoulder");
		rig.rightElbow = riggedObject.transform.Find("Torso_Center/Right_Shoulder/Right_Elbow");
		rig.leftHip = riggedObject.transform.Find("Torso_Center/Left_Hip");
		rig.leftKnee = riggedObject.transform.Find("Torso_Center/Left_Hip/Left_Knee");
		rig.rightHip = riggedObject.transform.Find("Torso_Center/Right_Hip");
		rig.rightKnee = riggedObject.transform.Find("Torso_Center/Right_Hip/Right_Knee");
		// map the transforms to the Nite joints
		rig.jointMapping = new Dictionary<NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint, Transform>();
		rig.jointMapping.Add(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.NECK, rig.neck);
		rig.jointMapping.Add(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_SHOULDER, rig.leftShoulder);
		rig.jointMapping.Add(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_ELBOW, rig.leftElbow);
		rig.jointMapping.Add(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER, rig.rightShoulder);
		rig.jointMapping.Add(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_ELBOW, rig.rightElbow);
		rig.jointMapping.Add(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.TORSO_CENTER, rig.torsoCenter);
		rig.jointMapping.Add(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_HIP, rig.leftHip);
		rig.jointMapping.Add(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_KNEE, rig.leftKnee);
		rig.jointMapping.Add(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HIP, rig.rightHip);
		rig.jointMapping.Add(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_KNEE, rig.rightKnee);
		// the orientation to take as origin for the joints
		rig.referenceOrientation = new Dictionary<NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint, Quaternion>();
		// check if all the transforms have been found and set their reference orientation
		bool succes = true;
		foreach (KeyValuePair<NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint, Transform> pair in rig.jointMapping) {
			if (pair.Value == null) {
				succes = false;
			} else {
				rig.referenceOrientation.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value.rotation);
		if (succes) {
		return succes;