private String BuildUpdateRiderCommand(Rider rdr, string username) { String command; String sb; String sb2; String prefix = "UPDATE [Users] "; sb = @"SET [UserEmail] = " + (rdr.RiderEmail != null ? "'" + rdr.RiderEmail + "'" : "[UserEmail]") + @" ,[City] = " + (rdr.City != null ? " (select city from Cities where CityName = '" + rdr.City + "' )" : "[City]") + @" ,[UserFname] = " + (rdr.RiderFname != null ? "'" + rdr.RiderFname + "'" : "[UserFname]") + @" ,[UserLname] = " + (rdr.RiderLname != null ? "'" + rdr.RiderLname + "'" : "[UserLname]") + @" ,[UserAddress] = " + (rdr.RiderAddress != null ? "'" + rdr.RiderAddress + "'" : "[UserAddress]") + @" ,[UserPhone] = " + (rdr.RiderPhone != null ? "'" + rdr.RiderPhone + "'" : "[UserPhone]") + @" ,[BicycleType] = " + (rdr.BicycleType != null ? "'" + rdr.BicycleType + "'" : "[BicycleType]") + @" ,[ImagePath] = " + (rdr.ImagePath != null ? "'" + rdr.ImagePath + "'" : "[ImagePath]") + @" ,[BirthDate] = " + (rdr.BirthDate != null ? "'" + rdr.BirthDate + "'" : "[BirthDate]") + @" ,[Gender] = " + (rdr.Gender != null ? "'" + rdr.Gender + "'" : "[Gender]") + @" ,[Captain] = 0 ,[Organization] = " + (rdr.Organization != null && rdr.Group != null ? "(select [Organization] from Organizations where OrganizationDES = '" + rdr.Organization + "' AND Exists ( Select G.Organization From Groups G Where G.[GroupName] = '" + rdr.Group + @"' AND G.Organization = Organization ))" : "[Organization]") + @" WHERE UserDes = '" + username + @"';"; sb2 = @" Update [UsersGroups] Set [Group] = " + (rdr.Group != null ? "( Select [Group] From Groups Where GroupName = '" + rdr.Group + "' )" : "[Group]") + @" Where [User] = ( Select [User] From [Users] Where UserDes = '" + username + @"'); UPDATE [Users] SET [GroupDes] = (Select g.GroupDes From Groups g, UsersGroups ug Where ug.[User] = Users.[User] And ug.[Group] = g.[group] ) ,[OrganizationDes] = (Select OrganizationDes From Organizations Where Organization = Users.Organization) ,[CityName] = (Select CityName From Cities Where City = Users.City) Where UserDes = '" + username + @"' "; command = prefix + sb + sb2; return command; }
// Insert new Rider public int insertRider(Rider rdr) { SqlConnection con; SqlCommand cmd; SqlCommand crmd; try { con = connect("DefaultConnection"); // create the connection } catch (Exception ex) { // write to log lf.Main("Users", ex.Message); return 0; } String cStr = BuildInsertRidersCommand(rdr); // helper method to build the insert string cmd = CreateCommand(cStr, con); // create the command try { int numEffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // execute the command int numEffected_2 = 0; if (numEffected > 0) { String ins = BuildInsertRidersGroup(rdr); crmd = CreateCommand(ins, con); numEffected_2 = crmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } if (numEffected_2 == 0) lf.Main("UsersGroups", "No record was inserted to the table check if the group " + rdr.Group + " or the username " + rdr.Username + " exists "); return numEffected + numEffected_2; } catch (Exception ex) { // write to log lf.Main("Users", ex.Message); return 0; //return 0; } finally { if (con != null) { // close the db connection con.Close(); } } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build the Insert command String //-------------------------------------------------------------------- private String BuildInsertRidersCommand(Rider rdr) { String command; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // use a string builder to create the dynamic string String prefix = "INSERT INTO Users( UserEmail, City, UserDes, UserFname, UserLname, UserAddress, UserPhone, Gender, BicycleType, ImagePath, BirthDate, [CurDate], [Id], Captain, [Organization] ) "; sb.AppendFormat("Values('{0}', (select [city] from Cities where CityName = '{1}' ), '{2}', '{3}' ,'{4}', '{5}','{6}','{7}', '{8}','{9}', '{10}', '{11}', (select id from AspNetUsers where UserName = '******'), {13}, (select Organization from Organizations where OrganizationDes = '{14}'))", rdr.RiderEmail, rdr.City, rdr.RiderDes, rdr.RiderFname, rdr.RiderLname, rdr.RiderAddress, rdr.RiderPhone, rdr.Gender, rdr.BicycleType, rdr.ImagePath, rdr.BirthDate, DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), rdr.Username, rdr.Captain, rdr.Organization); command = prefix + sb.ToString(); return command; }
private String BuildInsertRidersGroup(Rider rdr) { String command; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // use a string builder to create the dynamic string String prefix1 = @"Declare @Group_val int; Declare @User_val int; Set @Group_val = 0; Set @User_val = 0; Set @Group_val = ( Select [Group] From Groups Where GroupName = '" + rdr.Group + @"'); Set @User_val = ( Select [User] From Users Where UserDes = '" + rdr.Username + @"' ) ;"; String prefix = @" if ( @Group_val <> 0 AND @User_val <> 0 ) begin if exists ( select 'x' from [UsersGroups] Where [GROUP] = @Group_val And [USER] = 0 ) begin UPDATE [UsersGroups] SET [User] = @User_val WHERE [Group] = @Group_val And [User] = 0 end else INSERT INTO [UsersGroups]([Group],[User]) Values( @Group_val, @User_val ) UPDATE [Users] SET [GroupDes] = (Select g.GroupDes From Groups g, UsersGroups ug Where ug.[User] = Users.[User] And ug.[Group] = g.[group] ) ,[OrganizationDes] = (Select OrganizationDes From Organizations Where Organization = Users.Organization) ,[CityName] = (Select CityName From Cities Where City = Users.City) Where [Users].[User] = @User_val end"; command = prefix1 + prefix; return command; }
private Rider screenToModel() { Rider rider = new Rider(); rider.RiderId = Convert.ToInt32(tbRiderId.Text.Trim()); rider.FamilyName = tbSurname.Text.Trim(); rider.GivenName = tbGivenName.Text.Trim(); rider.Phone = tbPhone.Text.Trim(); rider.Email = tbEmail.Text.Trim(); rider.Password = tbPass.Text.Trim(); rider.Username = tbUserName.Text.Trim(); rider.Gender = RadioButtonListGender.SelectedValue.ToString(); rider.ClubId = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListClubName.SelectedValue.ToString()); rider.Role = RadioButtonListRole.SelectedValue.ToString(); return rider; }
// Update An Existing Rider public int updateRiderInDatabase(Rider rdr, string username, string new_cap_user = "") { SqlConnection con; SqlCommand cmd, cmd1; try { con = connect("DefaultConnection"); // create the connection } catch (Exception ex) { // write to log lf.Main("Users", ex.Message); return 0; } String cStr = (new_cap_user == "" ? BuildUpdateRiderCommand(rdr, username) : BuildUpdateCaptainCommand(username, new_cap_user)); // helper method to build the insert string cmd = CreateCommand(cStr, con); // create the command try { int numEffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // execute the command if (numEffected == 2 && new_cap_user == "") { String cStr1 = @"Update [Users] Set [Captain] = 1 Where UserDes = '" + username + @"' AND not exists (SELECT 'x' FROM Groups G, Organizations O, Users U Where G.[group] <> 77 AND G.Groupname = '" + rdr.Group + @"' AND G.Organization = O.Organization AND O.OrganizationName = '" + rdr.Organization + @"' AND U.Captain = 1 AND U.[User] in ( SELECT UG.[User] FROM UsersGroups UG WHERE G.[Group] = UG.[Group]) )"; cmd1 = CreateCommand(cStr1, con); int numEffected1 = cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); } return numEffected; } catch (Exception ex) { // write to log lf.Main("Users", ex.Message); return 0; //return 0; } finally { if (con != null) { // close the db connection con.Close(); } } }
private void DeleteRider(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Rider r = (sender as Button).Tag as Rider; r.Removed(); }
/* * *************** * RIDER DETAILS* * *************** * */ private void modelToScreen(Rider rider) { tbRiderId.Text = "" + rider.RiderId; tbSurname.Text = "" + rider.FamilyName; tbGivenName.Text = "" + rider.GivenName; tbPhone.Text = "" + rider.Phone; tbEmail.Text = "" + rider.Email; tbUserName.Text = "" + rider.Username; RadioButtonListGender.SelectedValue = "" + rider.Gender; RadioButtonListRole.SelectedValue = "" + rider.Role; DropDownListClubName.SelectedValue = "" + rider.ClubId; }
public void OnEndId_WithMatchingTiming_ShouldCompleteLap(bool includeUnmatchedTime, bool includeUnmatchedId, bool flipEndEvents) { Beacon martijnBeacon = new Beacon(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, 0); Rider martijn = new Rider("Martijn", martijnBeacon); subject.AddRider(martijn); Beacon richardBeacon = new Beacon(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 }, 0); Rider richard = new Rider("Richard", richardBeacon); subject.AddRider(richard); //rider enters start box startId.EmitIdEvent(martijn, new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); //rider triggers timing gate timer.EmitTriggerEvent(100, "Timer", 0, new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2)); //somebody walks through end timing gate 10 secs after rider has started if (includeUnmatchedTime) { timer.EmitTriggerEvent(400, "Timer", 1, new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 12)); } //a different rider gets too close to the stop box if (includeUnmatchedId) { endId.EmitIdEvent(richard, new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 30)); } List <Action> endEvents = new List <Action> { //rider triggers id in stop box () => endId.EmitIdEvent(martijn, new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1)), //rider triggers timing in stop box () => timer.EmitTriggerEvent(500, "Timer", 1, new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2)) }; if (flipEndEvents) { endEvents.Reverse(); } foreach (Action a in endEvents) { a.Invoke(); } source.Cancel(); RaceSummary summary = race.Result; var state = subject.GetState; FinishedEvent finish = race.Result.Events.Last() as FinishedEvent; //Martijn should have done a lightning fast 400 microsecond lap Assert.AreEqual("Martijn", finish.Rider.Name); Assert.AreEqual(400L, finish.LapTime); //There should be nothing going on in the race at this point Assert.AreEqual(0, state.waiting.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, state.unmatchedIds.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, state.unmatchedTimes.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, state.onTrack.Count); }
/// <summary> /// Makes events for a lap finish at start + 1 minute /// </summary> /// <param name="riderName"></param> /// <param name="sensorId"></param> /// <param name="end"></param> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="time"></param> private void MakeEndEvents(Rider rider, DateTime end, MockRiderIdUnit id, MockTimingUnit time) { id.EmitIdEvent(rider, end); time.EmitTriggerEvent(100, "Timer", 1, end); id.EmitExitEvent(rider, end); }
/// <summary> /// Makes events for a lap begin at start /// </summary> /// <param name="riderName"></param> /// <param name="sensorId"></param> /// <param name="start"></param> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="time"></param> private void MakeStartEvents(Rider rider, DateTime start, MockRiderIdUnit id, MockTimingUnit time) { id.EmitIdEvent(rider, start); time.EmitTriggerEvent(100, "Timer", 0, start); id.EmitExitEvent(rider, start); }
public object GetRideDetails(string rideId) { try { Ride ride = carpoolDb.Rides.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(rideId)); Driver driver = carpoolDb.Drivers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(ride.DriverId)); ApplicationUser user = carpoolDb.ApplicationUsers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(driver.ApplicationUserId)); if (ride != null) { Location source = carpoolDb.Locations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(ride.SourceId)); Location destination = carpoolDb.Locations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(ride.DestinationId)); List <Booking> bookings = carpoolDb.Bookings.Where(c => c.RideId.Equals(rideId) && c.BookingState.Equals(BookingState.Ongoing)).ToList(); List <RideRequest> requests = carpoolDb.RideRequests.Where(c => c.RideId.Equals(rideId) && c.Status.Equals(RequestState.Pending)).ToList(); List <Seat> seats = carpoolDb.Seats.Where(c => c.RideId.Equals(rideId) && c.State.Equals(SeatState.Free)).ToList(); RideDetailsResponse model = new RideDetailsResponse( ride.Id, user.Name, source.Name, destination.Name, ride.Time, Convert.ToString(ride.Date), seats.Count(), bookings.Count(), requests.Count() ); List <MatchResponse> bookingsResponse = new List <MatchResponse>(); List <MatchResponse> requestsResponse = new List <MatchResponse>(); foreach (Booking booking in bookings) { Location boardingPoint = carpoolDb.Locations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(booking.BoardingPointId)); Location dropoffPoint = carpoolDb.Locations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(booking.DropOffPointId)); Bill bill = carpoolDb.Bills.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(booking.BillId)); Rider rider = carpoolDb.Riders.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(booking.RiderId)); ApplicationUser userBooking = carpoolDb.ApplicationUsers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(rider.ApplicationUserId)); MatchResponse data = new MatchResponse { Name = userBooking.Name, Source = boardingPoint.Name, Destination = dropoffPoint.Name, Id = booking.Id, Price = bill.TotalAmount() }; bookingsResponse.Add(data); } foreach (RideRequest request in requests) { Location boardingPoint = carpoolDb.Locations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(request.BoardingPointId)); Location dropoffPoint = carpoolDb.Locations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(request.DropoffPointId)); Bill bill = carpoolDb.Bills.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(request.BillId)); Rider rider = carpoolDb.Riders.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(request.RiderId)); ApplicationUser userBooking = carpoolDb.ApplicationUsers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(rider.ApplicationUserId)); MatchResponse data = new MatchResponse() { Name = userBooking.Name, Source = boardingPoint.Name, Destination = dropoffPoint.Name, Id = request.Id, Price = bill.TotalAmount() }; requestsResponse.Add(data); } return(new { Status = 200, Ride = model, Bookings = bookingsResponse, Requests = requestsResponse }); } return(null); } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } }
public static Payment deposit(Rider rider, decimal amount, string description) { Payment payment = new Payment(); //TO DO: lots of hard-coding here. Also this really should transact with the bank app rather //than poking values into the database directly. At the momen the bank app does not support //this sort of interaction try { //first get the account and check it is the drurys branch Customer holder = getCustomer(rider.bank_customer_id.Value); Account destAccount = getAccount(rider.bank_account_id.Value); //Check that the account belongs to the user. Remove if other branches are to be allowed. //Also need to implement getBranch() and use dynamic data for branch info. if (destAccount.holderId != { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot pay into bank. User is not an account holder."); } Account ledger = getLedger(holder.branchId); //hard coded check that were are using drurys branch ledger, //remove this check if the app is to be used for other branches if ( != DrurysLedgerId) { throw new ApplicationException("Attempt to post transaction to non-drurys branch"); } //post the transaction to the bank database postTran(,, (int)Math.Floor(amount * 100), description); payment.success = true; try { //create a record of the transaction in the bikes database payment.rider =; payment.amount = amount; payment.paid_date = DateTime.Now; payment.bank_branch = "Drumtochty Branch"; payment.bank_username =; payment.bank_account =;; } catch { //still report success even if we have failed to log the payment, otherwise //it will keep on getting paid again on any further retries } } catch (Exception e) { payment.success = false; } return payment; }