Beispiel #1
        // called by Expression<T>.Accept
        internal Expression <T> Rewrite <T>(Expression <T> lambda)

            // Lambda starts with an empty stack
            var body = RewriteExpressionFreeTemps(lambda.Body, _startingStack);

            _lambdaRewrite = body.Action;


            if (body.Action != RewriteAction.None)
                // Create a new scope for temps
                // (none of these will be hoisted so there is no closure impact)
                var newBody = body.Node;
                if (_tm.Temps.Count > 0)
                    newBody = Expression.Block(_tm.Temps, newBody);

                // Clone the lambda, replacing the body & variables
                return(new Expression <T>(newBody, lambda.Name, lambda.TailCall, lambda.Parameters));

Beispiel #2
        // Block
        private Result RewriteBlockExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
            BlockExpression node = (BlockExpression)expr;

            int           count  = node.ExpressionCount;
            RewriteAction action = RewriteAction.None;

            Expression[] clone = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Expression expression = node.GetExpression(i);
                // All statements within the block execute at the
                // same stack state.
                Result rewritten = RewriteExpression(expression, stack);
                action |= rewritten.Action;

                if (clone == null && rewritten.Action != RewriteAction.None)
                    clone = Clone(node.Expressions, i);

                if (clone != null)
                    clone[i] = rewritten.Node;

            if (action != RewriteAction.None)
                // okay to wrap since we know no one can mutate the clone array
                expr = node.Rewrite(null, clone);
            return(new Result(action, expr));
Beispiel #3
        private Result RewriteThrowUnaryExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
            var node = (UnaryExpression)expr;

            // Throw statement itself does not care about the stack
            // but it will empty the stack and it may cause stack imbalance
            // it so we need to restore stack after unconditional throw to make JIT happy
            // this has an effect of executing Throw on an empty stack.

            Result value = RewriteExpressionFreeTemps(node.Operand, Stack.Empty);

            RewriteAction action = value.Action;

            if (stack != Stack.Empty)
                action = RewriteAction.SpillStack;

            if (action != RewriteAction.None)
                expr = new UnaryExpression(ExpressionType.Throw, value.Node, node.Type, null);

            return(new Result(action, expr));
Beispiel #4
        // Called by Expression<T>.Accept(StackSpiller).
        internal Expression <T> Rewrite <T>(Expression <T> lambda)

            // Lambda starts with an empty stack.
            Result body = RewriteExpressionFreeTemps(lambda.Body, _startingStack);

            _lambdaRewrite = body.Action;


            if (body.Action != RewriteAction.None)
                // Create a new scope for temps.
                // Note that none of these will be hoisted so there is no closure impact.
                Expression newBody = body.Node;
                if (_tm.Temps.Count > 0)
                    newBody = Expression.Block(_tm.Temps, new TrueReadOnlyCollection <Expression>(newBody));

                // Clone the lambda, replacing the body & variables.
                return(Expression <T> .Create(newBody, lambda.Name, lambda.TailCall, new ParameterList(lambda)));

Beispiel #5
        // BinaryExpression: AndAlso, OrElse
        private Result RewriteLogicalBinaryExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
            BinaryExpression node = (BinaryExpression)expr;
            // Left expression runs on a stack as left by parent
            Result left = RewriteExpression(node.Left, stack);
            // ... and so does the right one
            Result right = RewriteExpression(node.Right, stack);
            //conversion is a lambda. stack state will be ignored.
            Result conversion = RewriteExpression(node.Conversion, stack);

            RewriteAction action = left.Action | right.Action | conversion.Action;

            if (action != RewriteAction.None)
                expr = BinaryExpression.Create(
            return(new Result(action, expr));
Beispiel #6
        // BinaryExpression: AndAlso, OrElse
        private Result RewriteLogicalBinaryExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
            var node = (BinaryExpression)expr;

            // Left expression runs on a stack as left by parent
            Result left = RewriteExpression(node.Left, stack);
            // ... and so does the right one
            Result right = RewriteExpression(node.Right, stack);
            //conversion is a lambda. stack state will be ignored.
            Result conversion = RewriteExpression(node.Conversion, stack);

            RewriteAction action = left.Action | right.Action | conversion.Action;

            if (action != RewriteAction.None)
                // We don't have to worry about byref parameters here, because the
                // factory doesn't allow it (it requires identical parameters and
                // return type from the AndAlso/OrElse method)

                expr = BinaryExpression.Create(

            return(new Result(action, expr));
Beispiel #7
        private Result RewriteMemberInitExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
            var node = (MemberInitExpression)expr;

            // Constructor runs on initial stack.
            Result        result       = RewriteExpression(node.NewExpression, stack);
            Expression    rewrittenNew = result.Node;
            RewriteAction action       = result.Action;

            ReadOnlyCollection <MemberBinding> bindings = node.Bindings;

            BindingRewriter[] bindingRewriters = new BindingRewriter[bindings.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Count; i++)
                MemberBinding binding = bindings[i];

                // Bindings run on non-empty stack (the object instance is on it).
                BindingRewriter rewriter = BindingRewriter.Create(binding, this, Stack.NonEmpty);
                bindingRewriters[i] = rewriter;

                action |= rewriter.Action;

            switch (action)
            case RewriteAction.None:

            case RewriteAction.Copy:
                MemberBinding[] newBindings = new MemberBinding[bindings.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Count; i++)
                    newBindings[i] = bindingRewriters[i].AsBinding();
                expr = new MemberInitExpression((NewExpression)rewrittenNew, new TrueReadOnlyCollection <MemberBinding>(newBindings));

            case RewriteAction.SpillStack:

                ParameterExpression tempNew = MakeTemp(rewrittenNew.Type);
                Expression[]        comma   = new Expression[bindings.Count + 2];
                comma[0] = new AssignBinaryExpression(tempNew, rewrittenNew);
                for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Count; i++)
                    BindingRewriter cr       = bindingRewriters[i];
                    Expression      initExpr = cr.AsExpression(tempNew);
                    comma[i + 1] = initExpr;
                comma[bindings.Count + 1] = tempNew;
                expr = MakeBlock(comma);

                throw ContractUtils.Unreachable;
            return(new Result(action, expr));
Beispiel #8
        public void Execute_WithNullContext_Throws()
            // Arrange
            RewriteAction   action  = new RewriteAction("/", RewriteProcessing.RestartProcessing);
            IRewriteContext context = null;

            // Act/Assert
            ExceptionAssert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => action.Execute(context));
        public void Execute_WithNullContext_Throws()
            // Arrange
            RewriteAction action = new RewriteAction("/", RewriteProcessing.RestartProcessing);
            IRewriteContext context = null;

            // Act/Assert
            ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => action.Execute(context));
Beispiel #10
 public RewriteAttribute(string typeName = null, string targetName = null, RewriteAction action = RewriteAction.None, string newName = null, string oldName = null, StubAction stubAction = StubAction.UseOld, string contentHandler = null)
     this.typeName       = typeName;
     this.targetName     = targetName;
     this.action         = action;
     this.newName        = newName;
     this.oldName        = oldName;
     this.stubAction     = stubAction;
     this.contentHandler = contentHandler;
Beispiel #11
        public async Task Invoke_GlobalRuleConditionMatchesAgainstFullUri_CodedRule(string conditionInputPattern, string expectedResult, int uriMatchPart)
            // arrange
            var inputParser = new InputParser();

            var ruleBuilder = new UrlRewriteRuleBuilder
                Name   = "test",
                Global = false


            var condition = new UriMatchCondition(
                ignoreCase: true,
                negate: false);

            ruleBuilder.ConfigureConditionBehavior(LogicalGrouping.MatchAll, trackAllCaptures: true);

            var action = new RewriteAction(
                inputParser.ParseInputString(@"{C:1}", (UriMatchPart)uriMatchPart),
                queryStringAppend: false);


            var options = new RewriteOptions().Add(ruleBuilder.Build());

            using var host = new HostBuilder()
                             .ConfigureWebHost(webHostBuilder =>
                .Configure(app =>
                    app.Run(context => context.Response.WriteAsync(context.Request.GetEncodedUrl()));

            await host.StartAsync();

            var server = host.GetTestServer();

            // act
            var response = await server.CreateClient().GetStringAsync("http://localhost/foo/bar");

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, response);
Beispiel #12
        // RewriteMemberInitExpression
        private Result RewriteMemberInitExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
            MemberInitExpression node = (MemberInitExpression)expr;

            //ctor runs on original stack
            Result        result       = RewriteExpression(node.NewExpression, stack);
            Expression    rewrittenNew = result.Node;
            RewriteAction action       = result.Action;

            ReadOnlyCollection <MemberBinding> bindings = node.Bindings;

            BindingRewriter[] bindingRewriters = new BindingRewriter[bindings.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Count; i++)
                MemberBinding binding = bindings[i];
                //bindings run on nonempty stack
                BindingRewriter rewriter = BindingRewriter.Create(binding, this, Stack.NonEmpty);
                bindingRewriters[i] = rewriter;
                action |= rewriter.Action;

            switch (action)
            case RewriteAction.None:

            case RewriteAction.Copy:
                MemberBinding[] newBindings = new MemberBinding[bindings.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Count; i++)
                    newBindings[i] = bindingRewriters[i].AsBinding();
                expr = Expression.MemberInit((NewExpression)rewrittenNew, new ReadOnlyCollection <MemberBinding>(newBindings));

            case RewriteAction.SpillStack:
                ParameterExpression tempNew = MakeTemp(rewrittenNew.Type);
                Expression[]        comma   = new Expression[bindings.Count + 2];
                comma[0] = Expression.Assign(tempNew, rewrittenNew);
                for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Count; i++)
                    BindingRewriter cr       = bindingRewriters[i];
                    Expression      initExpr = cr.AsExpression(tempNew);
                    comma[i + 1] = initExpr;
                comma[bindings.Count + 1] = tempNew;
                expr = Expression.Block(comma);

                throw Assert.Unreachable;
            return(new Result(action, expr));
        public void TestSerializeRewriteCodeFolder()
            var rc       = new RewriteCodeFolder(".", "*.cs");
            var text     = rc.SerializeMe();
            var newClass = RewriteAction.UnSerializeMe(text) as RewriteCodeFolder;

            //File.WriteAllText("a.txt", text);
            //Process.Start("notepad.exe", "a.txt");
            Assert.AreEqual(rc.FolderName, newClass.FolderName);
Beispiel #14
        public void IsMatch_WhenNoConditions_ReturnsTrue()
            // Arrange
            RewriteAction   action  = new RewriteAction("/", RewriteProcessing.RestartProcessing);
            IRewriteContext context = new MockRewriteContext();

            // Act
            bool match = action.IsMatch(context);

            // Assert
Beispiel #15
        private static Result RewriteLambdaExpression(Expression expr)
            var node = (LambdaExpression)expr;

            // Call back into the rewriter
            expr = AnalyzeLambda(node);

            // If the lambda gets rewritten, we don't need to spill the stack,
            // but we do need to rebuild the tree above us so it includes the new node.
            RewriteAction action = (expr == node) ? RewriteAction.None : RewriteAction.Copy;

            return(new Result(action, expr));
        public void TestSerializeRewriteCodeFolderFormatter()
            var rc = new RewriteCodeFolder(".", "*.cs");

            rc.Formatter.FormatterFirstLine = "System.Console.WriteLine('andrei ignat')";
            var text     = rc.SerializeMe();
            var newClass = RewriteAction.UnSerializeMe(text) as RewriteCodeFolder;

            //File.WriteAllText("a.txt", text);
            //Process.Start("notepad.exe", "a.txt");
Beispiel #17
        public void IsMatch_WhenSingleConditionDoesNotMatch_ReturnsFalse()
            // Arrange
            RewriteAction   action  = new RewriteAction("/", RewriteProcessing.RestartProcessing);
            IRewriteContext context = new MockRewriteContext();

            action.Conditions.Add(new MockRewriteCondition(false));

            // Act
            bool match = action.IsMatch(context);

            // Assert
 public void TestSerializeRewriteCodeFile()
     #region arrange
     var rc = new RewriteCodeFile("andrei.cs");
     #region act
     var text     = rc.SerializeMe();
     var newClass = RewriteAction.UnSerializeMe(text) as RewriteCodeFile;
     #region assert
     Assert.AreEqual(rc.FileName, newClass.FileName);
Beispiel #19
        // DebugInfoExpression
        private Result RewriteDebugInfoExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
            var node = (DebugInfoExpression)expr;

            Result body = RewriteExpression(node.Expression, stack);

            RewriteAction action = body.Action;

            if (action != RewriteAction.None)
                expr = new DebugInfoExpression(body.Node, node.Document, node.StartLine, node.StartColumn, node.EndLine, node.EndColumn);
            return(new Result(action, expr));
        public void IsMatch_WhenMultipleMatchingConditions_ReturnsTrue()
            // Arrange
            RewriteAction action = new RewriteAction("/", RewriteProcessing.RestartProcessing);
            IRewriteContext context = new MockRewriteContext();
            action.Conditions.Add(new MockRewriteCondition(true));
            action.Conditions.Add(new MockRewriteCondition(true));

            // Act
            bool match = action.IsMatch(context);

            // Assert
Beispiel #21
        private int OnExecute()
            Console.WriteLine($"processing files accordingly to settings from {Name}");
            var i       = new Interpret();
            var text    = i.InterpretText(File.ReadAllText(Name));
            var rewrite = RewriteAction.UnSerializeMe(text);

            //for (var i = 0; i < Count; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Hello {Name}!");
            //return 0;
Beispiel #22
        // SwitchStatement
        private Result RewriteSwitchExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
            SwitchExpression node = (SwitchExpression)expr;

            // The switch statement test is emitted on the stack in current state
            Result test = RewriteExpressionFreeTemps(node.Test, stack);

            RewriteAction action = test.Action;
            ReadOnlyCollection <SwitchCase> cases = node.SwitchCases;

            SwitchCase[] clone = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < cases.Count; i++)
                SwitchCase @case = cases[i];

                // And all the cases also run on the same stack level.
                Result body = RewriteExpression(@case.Body, stack);
                action |= body.Action;

                if (body.Action != RewriteAction.None)
                    @case = new SwitchCase(@case.IsDefault, @case.Value, body.Node);

                    if (clone == null)
                        clone = Clone(cases, i);

                if (clone != null)
                    clone[i] = @case;

            if (action != RewriteAction.None)
                if (clone != null)
                    // okay to wrap because we aren't modifying the array
                    cases = new ReadOnlyCollection <SwitchCase>(clone);

                expr = new SwitchExpression(test.Node, node.BreakLabel, cases);

            return(new Result(action, expr));
        public void Execute_SetsLocation_ReturnsCorrectValue()
            // Arrange
            string location = "/NewLocation";
            RewriteProcessing processing = RewriteProcessing.RestartProcessing;
            RewriteAction action = new RewriteAction(location, processing);
            action.Conditions.Add(new MockRewriteCondition(true));
            IRewriteContext context = new MockRewriteContext();

            // Act
            RewriteProcessing result = action.Execute(context);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(processing, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(location, context.Location);
Beispiel #24
        // BinaryExpression: AndAlso, OrElse
        private Result RewriteLogicalBinaryExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
            BinaryExpression node = (BinaryExpression)expr;

            // Left expression runs on a stack as left by parent
            Result left = RewriteExpression(node.Left, stack);
            // ... and so does the right one
            Result right = RewriteExpression(node.Right, stack);
            //conversion is a lambda. stack state will be ignored.
            Result conversion = RewriteExpression(node.Conversion, stack);

            RewriteAction action = left.Action | right.Action | conversion.Action;

            if (action != RewriteAction.None)
                // We don't have to worry about byref parameters here, because the
                // factory doesn't allow it (it requires identical parameters and
                // return type from the AndAlso/OrElse method)

                expr = BinaryExpressionStubs.Create(

#if !LINQ
                 * CONSIDER: Move logic to reduce logical binary nodes from the Reducer to the stack spiller.
                 * switch (expr.NodeType)
                 * {
                 *  case ExpressionType.AndAlso:
                 *  case ExpressionType.OrElse:
                 *      expr = Microsoft.CSharp.Expressions.Compiler.Reducer.ReduceLogical((BinaryExpression)expr);
                 *      break;
                 *  case ExpressionType.Coalesce:
                 *      expr = Microsoft.CSharp.Expressions.Compiler.Reducer.ReduceCoalesce((BinaryExpression)expr);
                 *      break;
                 * }
            return(new Result(action, expr));
            /// <summary>
            ///     Adds a child <paramref name="expression" /> to the rewriter, causing
            ///     it to be rewritten using the parent stack spiller, and the evaluation
            ///     stack state and rewrite action to be updated accordingly.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="expression">The child expression to add.</param>
            internal void Add(Expression expression)

                var exp = _self.RewriteExpression(expression, _stack);

                Action |= exp.Action;
                _stack  = Stack.NonEmpty;

                if (exp.Action == RewriteAction.SpillStack)
                    _lastSpillIndex = _expressionsCount;

                // Track items in case we need to copy or spill stack.
                _expressions[_expressionsCount++] = exp.Node;
            internal void Add(Expression node)

                if (node == null)
                    _expressions[_expressionsCount++] = null;

                Result exp = _self.RewriteExpression(node, _stack);
                _action |= exp.Action;
                _stack = Stack.NonEmpty;

                // track items in case we need to copy or spill stack
                _expressions[_expressionsCount++] = exp.Node;
Beispiel #27
        public void Execute_SetsLocation_ReturnsCorrectValue()
            // Arrange
            string            location   = "/NewLocation";
            RewriteProcessing processing = RewriteProcessing.RestartProcessing;
            RewriteAction     action     = new RewriteAction(location, processing);

            action.Conditions.Add(new MockRewriteCondition(true));
            IRewriteContext context = new MockRewriteContext();

            // Act
            RewriteProcessing result = action.Execute(context);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(processing, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(location, context.Location);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="config">The rewriter configuration.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed action, or null if no action parsed.</returns>
        public override IRewriteAction Parse(XmlNode node, object config)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("node");

            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            XmlNode toNode = node.Attributes[Constants.AttrTo];

            if (toNode.Value == null)
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(MessageProvider.FormatString(Message.AttributeRequired, Constants.AttrTo), node);

            XmlNode processingNode = node.Attributes[Constants.AttrProcessing];

            var processing = RewriteProcessing.ContinueProcessing;

            if (processingNode != null)
                if (processingNode.Value == Constants.AttrValueRestart)
                    processing = RewriteProcessing.RestartProcessing;
                else if (processingNode.Value == Constants.AttrValueStop)
                    processing = RewriteProcessing.StopProcessing;
                else if (processingNode.Value != Constants.AttrValueContinue)
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(MessageProvider.FormatString(Message.ValueOfProcessingAttribute, processingNode.Value, Constants.AttrValueContinue, Constants.AttrValueRestart, Constants.AttrValueStop), node);

            var action = new RewriteAction(toNode.Value, processing);

            this.ParseConditions(node, action.Conditions, false, config);
Beispiel #29
        // ConditionalExpression
        private Result RewriteConditionalExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
            ConditionalExpression node = (ConditionalExpression)expr;
            // Test executes at the stack as left by parent
            Result test = RewriteExpression(node.Test, stack);
            // The test is popped by conditional jump so branches execute
            // at the stack as left by parent too.
            Result ifTrue  = RewriteExpression(node.IfTrue, stack);
            Result ifFalse = RewriteExpression(node.IfFalse, stack);

            RewriteAction action = test.Action | ifTrue.Action | ifFalse.Action;

            if (action != RewriteAction.None)
                expr = Expression.Condition(test.Node, ifTrue.Node, ifFalse.Node, node.Type);

            return(new Result(action, expr));
Beispiel #30
        private static Result RewriteLambdaExpression(Expression expr, Stack stack)
#if LINQ
            LambdaExpression node = (LambdaExpression)expr;

            // Call back into the rewriter
            expr = AnalyzeLambda(node);

            // If the lambda gets rewritten, we don't need to spill the stack,
            // but we do need to rebuild the tree above us so it includes the new node.
            RewriteAction action = (expr == node) ? RewriteAction.None : RewriteAction.Copy;

            return(new Result(action, expr));
            // NB: We're only spilling for await sites (unlike LINQ where the whole tree is analyzed recursively).
            //     Nested async lambdas will be reduced prior to spilling, so we don't have to recurse here. We
            //     don't care about nested synchronous lambdas because those don't have await sites.
            return(new Result(RewriteAction.None, expr));
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="config">The rewriter configuration.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed action, or null if no action parsed.</returns>
        public override IRewriteAction Parse(XmlNode node, IRewriterConfiguration config)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("node");
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            var to = node.GetRequiredAttribute(Constants.AttrTo, true);

            var processing = ParseProcessing(node);

            var action = new RewriteAction(to, processing);

            ParseConditions(node, action.Conditions, false, config);

Beispiel #32
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())






            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
Beispiel #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="config">The rewriter configuration.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed action, or null if no action parsed.</returns>
        public override IRewriteAction Parse(XmlNode node, RewriterConfiguration config)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("node");
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            string to = node.GetRequiredAttribute(Constants.AttrTo, true);

            XmlNode processingNode = node.Attributes[Constants.AttrProcessing];

            RewriteProcessing processing = RewriteProcessing.ContinueProcessing;

            if (processingNode != null)
                if (processingNode.Value == Constants.AttrValueRestart)
                    processing = RewriteProcessing.RestartProcessing;
                else if (processingNode.Value == Constants.AttrValueStop)
                    processing = RewriteProcessing.StopProcessing;
                else if (processingNode.Value != Constants.AttrValueContinue)
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(MessageProvider.FormatString(Message.ValueOfProcessingAttribute, processingNode.Value, Constants.AttrValueContinue, Constants.AttrValueRestart, Constants.AttrValueStop), node);

            RewriteAction action = new RewriteAction(to, processing);

            ParseConditions(node, action.Conditions, false, config);
        public void IsMatch_WhenSingleConditionDoesNotMatch_ReturnsFalse()
            // Arrange
            RewriteAction action = new RewriteAction("/", RewriteProcessing.RestartProcessing);
            IRewriteContext context = new MockRewriteContext();
            action.Conditions.Add(new MockRewriteCondition(false));

            // Act
            bool match = action.IsMatch(context);

            // Assert
Beispiel #35
            internal void Add(Expression node) {

                if (node == null) {
                    _expressions[_expressionsCount++] = null;

                Result exp = _self.RewriteExpression(node, _stack);
                _action |= exp.Action;
                _stack = Stack.NonEmpty;

                // track items in case we need to copy or spill stack
                _expressions[_expressionsCount++] = exp.Node;
            /// <summary>
            /// Adds a child <paramref name="expression"/> to the rewriter, causing
            /// it to be rewritten using the parent stack spiller, and the evaluation
            /// stack state and rewrite action to be updated accordingly.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="expression">The child expression to add.</param>
            internal void Add(Expression expression)

                if (expression == null)
                    _expressions[_expressionsCount++] = null;

                Result exp = _self.RewriteExpression(expression, _stack);
                _action |= exp.Action;
                _stack = Stack.NonEmpty;

                if (exp.Action == RewriteAction.SpillStack)
                    _lastSpillIndex = _expressionsCount;

                // Track items in case we need to copy or spill stack.
                _expressions[_expressionsCount++] = exp.Node;