Beispiel #1
        private void btTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string connectionString = textBox1.Text.Trim();

            if (connectionString.Length > 0)
                if (ReverseImageSearch.Test(connectionString))
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "Connection string is correct.", "Connection test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "Connection string is incorrect.", "Connection test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Beispiel #2
        private void reverseSearchToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int   index = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index;
            Image image = images[index];

            string[] urls = ReverseImageSearch.GetSearchUrl(image);
            if (urls == null)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Reverse image search require image blob connection string set in options.");
                foreach (string url in urls)
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FileStream fileStream = File.Create(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss") + ".log");

            log = new StreamWriter(fileStream);
            log.WriteLine("Log Started");

            #region Options
            //Should replace this with switches
            // Get Sort Type
            Console.WriteLine("Enter image directory (no trailing / ) or leave clear and just press enter to use current directory:");
            string directory = Console.ReadLine();

            if (directory != "" && !Directory.Exists(directory))
                Console.WriteLine(directory + " is not a valid directory, press any key to quit.");

            if (directory != "")
                baseDirectory = directory;
                baseDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            Console.WriteLine("\nAll operations will work on:\n" + baseDirectory + "\nnot on subdirectories.");
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress the matching letter key to select options:");
            Console.WriteLine("Sort by:\n s(eries) / c(haracter) / q(uit)");
            string key = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString().ToUpper();

            if (key == "S")
                CurrentSortBy = Sortby.Series;

            if (key == "C")
                CurrentSortBy = Sortby.Character;

            if (key == "Q" || CurrentSortBy == Sortby.Unknown)

            // Get FileOperation Type
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nCopy or move file to new destination operation? Already existing files are overwritten:\n m(ove) / c(opy) / q(uit)");
            string key2 = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString().ToUpper();

            if (key2 == "M")
                CurrentFileOperation = FileOperation.Move;

            if (key2 == "C")
                CurrentFileOperation = FileOperation.Copy;

            if (key2 == "Q" || CurrentFileOperation == FileOperation.Unknown)

            // Get MD5Option Type
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nHash calculation:\nHard always uses file hashes, lower success rate and speed but no false positives." +
                              "\nSoft first looks for hashes in filenames then in file hashes, faster and better success rate, but may have false positives and false negatives:" +
                              "\n h(ard) / s(oft) / q(uit)");
            string key3 = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString().ToUpper();

            if (key3 == "H")
                CurrentMD5Option = MD5Option.Hard;

            if (key3 == "S")
                CurrentMD5Option = MD5Option.Soft;

            if (key3 == "Q" || CurrentMD5Option == MD5Option.Unknown)

            // Get MultipleOption Type
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nHow to handle multiple tags/characters/series in the same image:\n c(opies, copy file in multiple folders) / m(ixed, mixed foldernames) / f(irst, first tag) / s(kip) / q(uit)");
            string key4 = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString().ToUpper();

            if (key4 == "C")
                CurrentMultipleOption = MultipleOption.Copies;

            if (key4 == "M")
                CurrentMultipleOption = MultipleOption.MixedFolder;

            if (key4 == "F")
                CurrentMultipleOption = MultipleOption.First;

            if (key4 == "S")
                CurrentMultipleOption = MultipleOption.Skip;

            if (key4 == "Q" || CurrentMultipleOption == MultipleOption.Unknown)

            // Get ReverseImageSearch Type
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nReverse Image Search images not found through hashing (this is slow and needs extra steps, details in github):\n y(es) / n(o) / q(uit)");
            string key5 = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString().ToUpper();

            if (key5 == "Y")
                CurrentReverseImageSearch = ReverseImageSearch.Yes;

            if (key5 == "N")
                CurrentReverseImageSearch = ReverseImageSearch.No;

            if (key5 == "Q" || CurrentReverseImageSearch == ReverseImageSearch.Unknown)

            if (CurrentReverseImageSearch == ReverseImageSearch.Yes)
                if (File.Exists("sauceNaoApiKey.txt"))
                    sauceNaoApiKey = File.ReadAllText("sauceNaoApiKey.txt");
                    Console.WriteLine("\n sauceNaoApiKey.txt missing. To fix this problem look into github. Press any key to quit.");

            log.WriteLine("Selected Options:" + key + key2 + key3 + key4 + key5);

             * // Get Sort Type
             * Console.WriteLine("\n\nSauceNao, or rather its subset Pixiv API for automatic tag retrieval on images deemed NSFW, require age verification,\nplease enter your date of birth in japanese format (yyyy-mm-dd):");
             * string birthday = Console.ReadLine();
             * try
             * {
             *  DateTime birthdayDT = DateTime.ParseExact(birthday, "yyyy-MM-dd", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
             *  if (birthdayDT < new DateTime(1918, 1, 1) || birthdayDT > DateTime.Now)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine(birthday + " is not a valid birthday for a living person (out of bounds), press any key to quit.");
             *      Console.ReadKey();
             *      return;
             *  }
             * }
             * catch(Exception e)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(birthday + " is not a valid birthday, press any key to quit.");
             *  Console.ReadKey();
             *  return;
             * }
             * log.WriteLine(birthday);


            // List all files in the current folder
            List <string> files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(baseDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
                                  .Where(x => x.EndsWith(".jpg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                         x.EndsWith(".png", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                         x.EndsWith(".gif", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
            Console.WriteLine("\n Found " + files.Count + " images.");

            //Work all files in the folder
            foreach (var file in files)
                //Extract filename etc
                int    filestart    = file.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1;
                string filename     = file.Substring(filestart, file.LastIndexOf('.') - filestart);
                string filenameLong = file.Substring(filestart);
                Console.WriteLine("\nWorking file: " + filename);
                //Calculate the MD5 Hash for each file
                string md5 = GetMD5(file, filename);

                    Console.WriteLine("Trying Danbooru for file: " + filename + " with hash: " + md5);

                    //Try get JSON Data off file, from hash
                    var danbooruResult = (new Booru()).GetFromMD5(md5);

                    //If booru search didn't find anything, try reverse search
                    if ((danbooruResult.jArray == null || danbooruResult.jArray.Count == 0))
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find Hash on Danbooru.");

                        if (CurrentReverseImageSearch == ReverseImageSearch.Yes)
                            #region rateLimits
                            //Adhere to all ratelimits
                            if (remainingSauces < 2)
                                Console.WriteLine("\nToo many Reverse Lookups, approaching SauceNao 20 requests per 30s limit. Waiting 30s.");

                            if (remainingSaucesLong < 2)
                                Console.WriteLine("\nToo many Reverse Lookups, approaching SauceNao 300 requests per 24hrs limit. Press any key to quit, monitor your usage at and start again.");

                            Console.WriteLine("Reverse Image Searching...");

                            //Search by file
                            FileStream     stream   = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open);
                            SauceNaoResult response = new SauceNao(sauceNaoApiKey).Request(stream);

                            //adjust limits
                            remainingSauces     = (int)response.header["short_remaining"];
                            remainingSaucesLong = (int)response.header["long_remaining"];

                            //Work results
                            var results = response.results;

                            //Remove all low similarity results
                            foreach (var element in results.ToArray().Where(x => (float)x.Key["similarity"] < 90.0))

                            //Get danbooru id, if any high similarity result has one, then get danbooru post from it
                            if (results.Any(x => x.Value["danbooru_id"] != null))
                                var result = results.First(x => x.Value["danbooru_id"] != null);
                                Console.WriteLine("Danbooru Result found with similarity of " + result.Key["similarity"].ToString() + "%.");
                                string danbooruId = result.Value["danbooru_id"].ToString();

                                //Get JSON Data on file
                                danbooruResult = (new Booru()).GetFromID(danbooruId);
                                Console.WriteLine("No Danbooru result found with similarity >90%.");

                    //Work JSON Data
                    if (danbooruResult.jArray != null && danbooruResult.jArray.Count > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Found file on Danbooru: " + filename);
                        //Create bImage object
                        var bImage = new BImage(danbooruResult.jArray[0]);
                        //CopyMove file
                        if ((bImage.charCount >= 1 && CurrentSortBy == Sortby.Character) || (bImage.copyRightCount >= 1 && CurrentSortBy == Sortby.Series))
                            CopyMoveFile(file, filenameLong, bImage);
                        Console.WriteLine("File could not be identified.");
                catch (Exception e)

            log.WriteLine("\nAll Operations finished. Press any key to exit.");
            Console.WriteLine("\nAll Operations finished. Press any key to exit.");