private RetCodes SetupOffline() { try { if (mOfflineService == null) { AppLog.Line("Setting up 'Offline Sync Service'"); // mOfflineService = mUpdateServiceManager.AddScanPackageService(mMyOfflineSvc, dlPath + @"\"); } mUpdateSearcher.ServerSelection = ServerSelection.ssOthers; mUpdateSearcher.ServiceID = mOfflineService.ServiceID; //mUpdateSearcher.Online = false; } catch (Exception err) { AppLog.Line(err.Message); RetCodes ret = RetCodes.InternalError; if (err.GetType() == typeof(System.IO.FileNotFoundException)) { ret = RetCodes.FileNotFound; } if (err.GetType() == typeof(System.UnauthorizedAccessException)) { ret = RetCodes.AccessError; } return(ret); } return(RetCodes.Success); }
protected void OnFinished(RetCodes ret, bool needReboot = false) { FinishedArgs args = new FinishedArgs(mCurOperation, ret, needReboot); mCurOperation = AgentOperation.None; Finished?.Invoke(this, args); }
private RetCodes OnWuError(Exception err) { bool access = err.GetType() == typeof(System.UnauthorizedAccessException); RetCodes ret = access ? RetCodes.AccessError : RetCodes.InternalError; mCallback = null; AppLog.Line(err.Message); OnFinished(ret); return(ret); }
protected void OnUpdatesDownloaded(IDownloadJob downloadJob, List <MsUpdate> Updates) { if (downloadJob != mDownloadJob) { return; } mDownloadJob = null; mCallback = null; IDownloadResult DownloadResults = null; try { DownloadResults = mDownloader.EndDownload(downloadJob); } catch (Exception err) { AppLog.Line("Downloading updates failed"); LogError(err); OnFinished(RetCodes.InternalError); return; } OnUpdatesChanged(); if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.PreparingUpdates) { RetCodes ret = InstallUpdates(Updates); if (ret <= 0) { OnFinished(ret); } } else { AppLog.Line("Updates downloaded to %windir%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download"); RetCodes ret = RetCodes.Undefined; if (DownloadResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceeded || DownloadResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceededWithErrors) { ret = RetCodes.Success; } else if (DownloadResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcAborted) { ret = RetCodes.Abborted; } else if (DownloadResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcFailed) { ret = RetCodes.InternalError; } OnFinished(ret); } }
void InstallFinished(object sender, UpdateInstaller.FinishedEventArgs args) // "manuall" mode { if (args.Success) { AppLog.Line("Updates (Un)Installed succesfully"); foreach (MsUpdate Update in args.Updates) { if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.InstallingUpdates) { if (RemoveFrom(mPendingUpdates, Update)) { Update.Attributes |= (int)MsUpdate.UpdateAttr.Installed; mInstalledUpdates.Add(Update); } } else if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.RemoveingUpdates) { if (RemoveFrom(mInstalledUpdates, Update)) { Update.Attributes &= ~(int)MsUpdate.UpdateAttr.Installed; mPendingUpdates.Add(Update); } } } } else { AppLog.Line("Updates failed to (Un)Install"); } if (args.Reboot) { AppLog.Line("Reboot is required for one of more updates"); } OnUpdatesChanged(); RetCodes ret = args.Success ? RetCodes.Success : RetCodes.InstallFailed; if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.CancelingOperation) { ret = RetCodes.Abborted; } OnFinished(ret, args.Reboot); }
public RetCodes SearchForUpdates(bool Download, bool IncludePotentiallySupersededUpdates = false) { if (mCallback != null) { return(RetCodes.Busy); } mUpdateSearcher.IncludePotentiallySupersededUpdates = IncludePotentiallySupersededUpdates; if (Download) { mCurOperation = AgentOperation.PreparingCheck; OnProgress(-1, 0, 0, 0); AppLog.Line("downloading"); List <UpdateDownloader.Task> downloads = new List <UpdateDownloader.Task>(); UpdateDownloader.Task download = new UpdateDownloader.Task(); download.Url = Program.IniReadValue("Options", "OfflineCab", ""); download.Path = dlPath; download.FileName = ""; downloads.Add(download); if (!mUpdateDownloader.Download(downloads)) { OnFinished(RetCodes.DownloadFailed); return(RetCodes.DownloadFailed); } return(RetCodes.InProgress); } RetCodes ret = SetupOffline(); if (ret < 0) { return(ret); } return(SearchForUpdates()); }
protected void OnUpdatesFound(ISearchJob searchJob) { if (searchJob != mSearchJob) { return; } mSearchJob = null; mCallback = null; ISearchResult SearchResults = null; try { SearchResults = mUpdateSearcher.EndSearch(searchJob); } catch (Exception err) { AppLog.Line("Search for updates failed"); LogError(err); OnFinished(RetCodes.InternalError); return; } mPendingUpdates.Clear(); mInstalledUpdates.Clear(); mHiddenUpdates.Clear(); mIsValid = true; foreach (IUpdate update in SearchResults.Updates) { if (update.IsHidden) { mHiddenUpdates.Add(new MsUpdate(update, MsUpdate.UpdateState.Hidden)); } else if (update.IsInstalled) { mInstalledUpdates.Add(new MsUpdate(update, MsUpdate.UpdateState.Installed)); } else { mPendingUpdates.Add(new MsUpdate(update, MsUpdate.UpdateState.Pending)); } Console.WriteLine(update.Title); } AppLog.Line("Found {0} pending updates.", mPendingUpdates.Count); OnUpdatesChanged(true); RetCodes ret = RetCodes.Undefined; if (SearchResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceeded || SearchResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceededWithErrors) { ret = RetCodes.Success; } else if (SearchResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcAborted) { ret = RetCodes.Abborted; } else if (SearchResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcFailed) { ret = RetCodes.InternalError; } OnFinished(ret); }
void DownloadsFinished(object sender, UpdateDownloader.FinishedEventArgs args) // "manuall" mode { if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.PreparingCheck) { AppLog.Line(" downloaded"); RetCodes ret = ClearOffline(); if (ret == RetCodes.Success) { ret = SetupOffline(); } if (ret == RetCodes.Success) { ret = SearchForUpdates(); } if (ret <= 0) { OnFinished(ret); } } else { MultiValueDictionary <string, string> AllFiles = new MultiValueDictionary <string, string>(); foreach (UpdateDownloader.Task task in args.Downloads) { if (task.Failed && task.FileName != null) { continue; } AllFiles.Add(task.KB, task.Path + @"\" + task.FileName); } // TODO /*string INIPath = dlPath + @"\updates.ini"; * foreach (string KB in AllFiles.Keys) * { * string Files = ""; * foreach (string FileName in AllFiles.GetValues(KB)) * { * if (Files.Length > 0) * Files += "|"; * Files += FileName; * } * Program.IniWriteValue(KB, "Files", Files, INIPath); * }*/ AppLog.Line("Downloaded {0} out of {1} to {2}", AllFiles.GetCount(), args.Downloads.Count, dlPath); if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.PreparingUpdates) { RetCodes ret = InstallUpdatesManually(args.Updates, AllFiles); if (ret <= 0) { OnFinished(ret); } } else { RetCodes ret = AllFiles.GetCount() == args.Downloads.Count ? RetCodes.Success : RetCodes.DownloadFailed; if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.CancelingOperation) { ret = RetCodes.Abborted; } OnFinished(ret); } } }
public FinishedArgs(AgentOperation op, RetCodes ret, bool needReboot = false) { Op = op; Ret = ret; RebootNeeded = needReboot; }
protected void OnInstalationCompleted(IInstallationJob installationJob, List <MsUpdate> Updates) { if (installationJob != mInstalationJob) { return; } mInstalationJob = null; mCallback = null; IInstallationResult InstallationResults = null; try { if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.InstallingUpdates) { InstallationResults = mInstaller.EndInstall(installationJob); } else if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.RemoveingUpdates) { InstallationResults = mInstaller.EndUninstall(installationJob); } } catch (Exception err) { AppLog.Line("(Un)Installing updates failed"); LogError(err); OnFinished(RetCodes.InternalError); return; } if (InstallationResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceeded) { AppLog.Line("Updates (Un)Installed succesfully"); foreach (MsUpdate Update in Updates) { if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.InstallingUpdates) { if (RemoveFrom(mPendingUpdates, Update)) { Update.Attributes |= (int)MsUpdate.UpdateAttr.Installed; mInstalledUpdates.Add(Update); } } else if (mCurOperation == AgentOperation.RemoveingUpdates) { if (RemoveFrom(mInstalledUpdates, Update)) { Update.Attributes &= ~(int)MsUpdate.UpdateAttr.Installed; mPendingUpdates.Add(Update); } } } if (InstallationResults.RebootRequired == true) { AppLog.Line("Reboot is required for one of more updates"); } } else { AppLog.Line("Updates failed to (Un)Install"); } OnUpdatesChanged(); RetCodes ret = RetCodes.Undefined; if (InstallationResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceeded || InstallationResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceededWithErrors) { ret = RetCodes.Success; } else if (InstallationResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcAborted) { ret = RetCodes.Abborted; } else if (InstallationResults.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcFailed) { ret = RetCodes.InternalError; } OnFinished(ret, InstallationResults.RebootRequired); }