public override ResultInfo SendDelaySMS(List<string> listRecPhone, string strMsg, string strServName) { ResultInfo rvInfo = new ResultInfo(); try { if (listRecPhone == null) { rvInfo.isError = true; rvInfo.messageText = "Params Invalid : data list is null"; return rvInfo; } if (listRecPhone.Count == 0) { rvInfo.isError = true; rvInfo.messageText = "Params Invalid : data list is empty"; return rvInfo; } rvInfo.boolValue = this._MsgDelaySender.SendBatchSms(listRecPhone.ToArray(), strMsg, strServName); } catch (Exception ex) { rvInfo.messageText = ex.Message; rvInfo.isError = true; } return rvInfo; }
public override ResultInfo SendMessageText(List<string> toPhoneList, string messageText) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); string toPhones = string.Empty; if (toPhoneList != null && toPhoneList.Count > 0) { int count = 11; if (toPhoneList.Count < count) { count = toPhoneList.Count; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { toPhones += toPhones.Trim() == "" ? toPhoneList[i].Trim() : "," + toPhoneList[i].Trim(); } } else { resultInfo.boolValue = false; resultInfo.messageText = "To phone List is empty!"; return resultInfo; } resultInfo = Send(toPhones, messageText); return resultInfo; }
public ActionResult CatchAdd(Site site) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "验证不通过"); site.SaveUrl =string.Format("/Template/{0}",site.Title); string content = RemoteHelper.GetWebResult(site.SourceUrl); //string content = @"dsfgsdfg:url(../images/category-trangle-bg.png);"; //string thumbnail = @"(.*)\/tb\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/]+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)_(\d+)x(\d+)_(\d+)\.(jpg|gif|png|bmp)$"; string regu = @"url\((\.{0,2})\/img\/.{0,}\)"; MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(content, regu); foreach (var matche in matches) { var imgUrl = matche.ToString(); imgUrl = imgUrl.Replace("url(..", "").Replace(")", ""); var saveImgUrl = site.SaveUrl + imgUrl; imgUrl = string.Format("{0}", imgUrl); WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadFile(imgUrl, FileHelper.GetMapPath(saveImgUrl)); } //FileHelper.SaveHtml(site.SaveUrl, content); return Json(resultInfo); }
public void Test_ResultInfo_Equality() { ResultInfo<string> a = new ResultInfo<string>(true, "My Data 1"); ResultInfo<string> b = new ResultInfo<string>(true, "My Data 2"); Assert.That(a.Equals(b), "Equals() comparater returned wrong value"); Assert.That(a == (b),"== comparater returned wrong value"); Assert.That(a != (b), Is.EqualTo(false), "!= comparater returned wrong value"); }
public static ResultInfo SendEmail(string to, string subject, string body) { ResultInfo returnInfo = new ResultInfo(); try { //_emailService = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["EmailService"].Trim(); //_emailUserID = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["EmailUserID"].Trim(); //_emailUserPassWord = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["EmailUserPassWord"].Trim(); } catch (Exception Ex) { returnInfo.boolValue = false; returnInfo.messageText = Ex.Message; return returnInfo; } if (_emailService.Trim() == "") { returnInfo.boolValue = false; returnInfo.messageText = "不存在邮件服务地址!"; return returnInfo; } if (_emailUserID.Trim() == "") { returnInfo.boolValue = false; returnInfo.messageText = "不存在发件人地址!"; return returnInfo; } if (to.Trim() == "") { returnInfo.boolValue = false; returnInfo.messageText = "不存在接收邮件地址!"; return returnInfo; } AbstractSendEmail sendMessage = SendEmailFactory.GetSendSendEmail(_emailService, _emailUserID, _emailUserPassWord); ResultInfo resultInfo = null; string htmlBody = body.Replace("\r\n", "<br>"); resultInfo = sendMessage.Send(to, "", subject, htmlBody); if (resultInfo != null) { returnInfo.boolValue = resultInfo.boolValue; returnInfo.isError = resultInfo.isError; returnInfo.messageText = resultInfo.messageText; returnInfo.ValueObject = resultInfo.ValueObject; } return returnInfo; }
public ActionResult ProductAdd(Product product) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "验证不通过"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { resultInfo = _productService.Add(product); } return Json(resultInfo); }
public ActionResult AttrAdd(Attr attr) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "验证不通过"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { resultInfo = _attrService.Add(attr); } return Json(resultInfo); }
public ActionResult CateAdd(Cate cate) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "验证不通过"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { resultInfo = _cateService.Add(cate); } return Json(resultInfo); }
public ActionResult CustomAdd(CustomModel customModel) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "验证不通过"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { customModel.Custom.Sql = _customService.GetProductSql(customModel.Custom.Quantity,customModel.ProductSearch); resultInfo = _customService.Add(customModel.Custom); } return Json(resultInfo); }
/// <summary> /// This method should be used to call methods from site utils that might take a few seconds. /// It makes sure only one task at a time executes and has a timeout for the execution. /// It also catches Execeptions from the utils and writes errors to the log. /// </summary> /// <param name="task">a delegate pointing to the method to invoke in a background thread.</param> /// <param name="resultHandler">the method to invoke to handle the result of the background task</param> /// <param name="timeoutEnabled">default: true, watches the background task and tries to abort it when timeout has elapsed</param> /// <returns>true, if execution finished successfully before the timeout expired.</returns> public bool ExecuteInBackgroundAndCallback(Func<object> task, Action<ResultInfo> resultHandler, bool timeoutEnabled = true) { // make sure only one background task can be executed at a time if (!IsBusy && Monitor.TryEnter(this)) { try { IsBusy = true; resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); currentResultHandler = resultHandler; backgroundThread = new Thread(delegate() { try { resultInfo.ResultObject = task.Invoke(); resultInfo.TaskSuccess = true; } catch (ThreadAbortException) { if (!resultInfo.AbortedByUser) Log.Warn("Timeout waiting for results."); Thread.ResetAbort(); } catch (Exception threadException) { resultInfo.TaskError = threadException as OnlineVideosException; Log.Warn(threadException.ToString()); resultInfo.TaskSuccess = false; } timeoutTimer.Stop(); TaskFinishedCallback(); }) { Name = "OnlineVideos", IsBackground = true }; backgroundThread.Start(); // only timeout when parameter was set and not debugging if (timeoutEnabled && !System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) timeoutTimer.Start(); // successfully started the background task return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); IsBusy = false; resultInfo = null; return false; // could not start the background thread } } else { Log.Error("Another thread tried to execute a task in background."); return false; } }
public ActionResult Register(User user) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "传递的参数有误"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { resultInfo = _userServices.Register(user); //成功后登入并跳转 Response.Redirect("/member/"); } return View(resultInfo); }
public ActionResult AttrEdit(Attr attr) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "验证不通过"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Attr oldAttr = _attrService.GetById(attr.AttrId); oldAttr.AttrName = attr.AttrName; oldAttr.Oid = attr.Oid; resultInfo = _attrService.Edit(oldAttr); } return Json(resultInfo); }
public ActionResult Login(string username, string password) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "传递的参数有误"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { resultInfo = _userServices.Login(username,password); if (resultInfo.Status == 0) { //成功后登入并跳转 Response.Redirect("/member/user/"); } } return View(resultInfo); }
public static ResultInfo SendSMS(string toPhone, string messageText) { ResultInfo returnInfo = new ResultInfo(); try { //_userID = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SendMessageUserID"].Trim(); //_passWord = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SendMessagePassWord"].Trim(); } catch (Exception Ex) { returnInfo.boolValue = false; returnInfo.messageText = Ex.Message; return returnInfo; } if (toPhone.Trim() == "") { returnInfo.boolValue = false; returnInfo.messageText = "不存在接收的电话号码!"; return returnInfo; } //SendMessage.hsyzSoapClient hsc = new WinService.WebMonitor.SendMessage.hsyzSoapClient(); //String s = hsc.SendSms(_userID, _passWord, toPhone, messageText); //AbstractSendMessage sendMessage = SendMessageFactory.GetSendMessage(_userID, _passWord); //ResultInfo resultInfo = null; //resultInfo = sendMessage.SendMessageText(toPhone, messageText); ServiceManage.SendMessage.AbstractSendMessage msg = ServiceManage.SendMessage.SendMessageFactory.GetSendMessage(_userID, _passWord); ServiceManage.ResultInfo resultInfo = msg.SendMessageText(toPhone, messageText); //if (resultInfo != null) //{ // returnInfo.boolValue = resultInfo.boolValue; // returnInfo.isError = resultInfo.isError; // returnInfo.messageText = resultInfo.messageText; // returnInfo.ValueObject = resultInfo.ValueObject; //} return returnInfo; }
public ActionResult SetCartQuantity(Cart cart) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "传递的参数有误"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { //User user = new User(); //user.UserId = 1; //user.GuestId = ""; cart.UserId = 1; cart.GuestId = ""; resultInfo = _cartService.SetCartQuantity(cart); } return Json(resultInfo); }
public ActionResult CustomEdit(Custom custom) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "验证不通过"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Custom oldCustomItem = _customService.GetById(custom.CustomId); if (oldCustomItem == null) { return Json(new ResultInfo(1, "该信息已被删除或不存在,请刷新列表!")); } oldCustomItem = custom; resultInfo = _customService.Edit(custom); } return Json(resultInfo); }
public ActionResult Index() { ResultInfo ri = new ResultInfo(); try { if (IsLogin) { ri.Msg = "您已登录,打开此链接无效!将自动关闭!"; } else { string uri = Request.Url.ToString(); string uidStr = GetRequest("shareID"); string token = GetRequest("shareToken"); string openId = GetRequest("shareOpenId"); if (MatchHelper.IsNum.IsMatch(uidStr)) { long _userID = Convert.ToInt64(uidStr); ShareLink share = ShareLinkBLL.Instance.GetLinkByUserID(_userID); if (share == null) { ri.Msg = "您打开的链接不存在!"; } else { if (_userID == share.UserID) { if (token == share.ShareToken) { UserBase sharer = UserBaseBLL.Instance.GetUserInfo(_userID); if (sharer == null) { ri.Msg = "分享人帐号已被删除!"; } else { //记录链接打开次数 ShareLinkBLL.Instance.AddPVCount(share.ShareLinkID); ri.Ok = true; ShareViewModel vmodel = new ShareViewModel() { ShareLink = share, UserInfo = sharer, ShareID = _userID, ShareToken = token, }; ViewBag.ShareViewModel = vmodel; return(View()); } } else { ri.Msg = "分享链接异常!"; } } else { ri.Msg = "分享链接异常!"; } } } else { ri.Msg = "分享链接异常!"; } } } catch (Exception e) { ri.Msg = "打开分享链接过程中出现了异常,请重新打开分享链接!"; } if (ri.Ok) { return(View()); } else { return(Content("<script>alert('{0}'||'异常');close();</script>".FormatWith(ri.Msg))); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public override ExperimentResultInfo Execute(ExperimentSpecification experimentSpecification) { const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Execute"; Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName); // // Determine how long it actually take to execute // DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now; // Typecast the specification so that it can be used here Specification specification = (Specification)experimentSpecification; // // Log the specification // string strDistanceList = null; for (int i = 0; i < specification.DistanceList.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) { strDistanceList += Consts.CHR_CsvSplitter.ToString(); } strDistanceList += specification.DistanceList[i].ToString(); } string logMessage = STRLOG_Distance + strDistanceList; logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_Duration + specification.Duration.ToString(); logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_Repeat + specification.Repeat.ToString(); Logfile.Write(logMessage); // // Create an instance of the result info ready to fill in // ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Running; resultInfo.dataType = DataTypes.Real; // // Create data structures to hold the results // resultInfo.dataVectors = new int[specification.DistanceList.Length, specification.Repeat]; // // Initialise variables used in the state machine // int distanceIndex = 0; int repeatIndex = 0; int tubeHomeDistance = 0; char sourceHomeLocation = (char)0; char absorberHomeLocation = (char)0; try { // // First, check to see if the LabEquipment is online // LabEquipmentStatus labEquipmentStatus = this.equipmentServiceProxy.GetLabEquipmentStatus(); if ( == false) { throw new Exception(labEquipmentStatus.statusMessage); } // // Run the state machine to execute the experiment specification // States_Execute state = States_Execute.sCompleted; if (smTable_Execute.Length > 0) { state = smTable_Execute[0].currentState; } while (state != States_Execute.sCompleted) { // // Find table entry // int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < smTable_Execute.Length; i++) { if (smTable_Execute[i].currentState == state) { // Entry found index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(state.ToString(), STRERR_StateNotFound); } // // Get table entry and save next state // SMTableEntry_Execute entry = smTable_Execute[index]; States_Execute nextState = entry.nextState; logMessage = " [ " + STRLOG_MethodName + ": " + entry.currentState.ToString() + " ]"; Logfile.Write(logMessage); Trace.WriteLine(logMessage); // // Check if experiment was cancelled // if (this.cancelExperiment != null && this.cancelExperiment.IsCancelled == true && resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { // // Experiment was cancelled // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Cancelled; state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Process non-XML commands // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sSuspendPowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.SuspendPowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_SuspendPowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; case States_Execute.sResumePowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.ResumePowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_ResumePowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; default: break; } // // Add command arguments where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sSelectAbsorberMessageLine2: entry.commandArguments[1, 1] = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(specification.AbsorberList[0].name); break; case States_Execute.sSelectAbsorber: entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = specification.AbsorberList[0].location.ToString(); break; case States_Execute.sSelectSourceMessageLine2: entry.commandArguments[1, 1] = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(specification.SourceName); break; case States_Execute.sSelectSource: entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = specification.SourceLocation.ToString(); break; case States_Execute.sSetTubeDistanceMessageLine2: entry.commandArguments[1, 1] = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(specification.DistanceList[distanceIndex].ToString() + STRLCD_Millimetres); break; case States_Execute.sSetTubeDistance: entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = specification.DistanceList[distanceIndex].ToString(); break; case States_Execute.sCaptureDataMessageLine2: string lcdMessage = specification.DistanceList[distanceIndex].ToString() + STRLCD_Millimetres; lcdMessage += STRLCD_Break + specification.Duration.ToString() + STRLCD_Seconds; lcdMessage += STRLCD_Break + (repeatIndex + 1).ToString() + STRLCD_Of + specification.Repeat.ToString(); entry.commandArguments[1, 1] = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(lcdMessage); break; case States_Execute.sCaptureData: entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = specification.Duration.ToString(); break; case States_Execute.sReturnSource: entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = sourceHomeLocation.ToString(); break; case States_Execute.sReturnAbsorber: entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = absorberHomeLocation.ToString(); break; case States_Execute.sReturnTube: entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = tubeHomeDistance.ToString(); break; default: break; } // // Execute command and check response success // XmlDocument xmlRequestDocument = CreateXmlRequestDocument(entry.equipmentCommand, entry.commandArguments); string xmlResponse = this.equipmentServiceProxy.ExecuteRequest(xmlRequestDocument.InnerXml); XmlNode xmlResponseNode = CreateXmlResponseNode(xmlResponse); if (XmlUtilities.GetBoolValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspSuccess, false) == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspErrorMessage, true); state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Extract response values where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sCaptureData: resultInfo.dataVectors[distanceIndex, repeatIndex] = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspCount, 0); if (++repeatIndex == specification.Repeat) { if (++distanceIndex == specification.DistanceList.Length) { // All distances completed break; } // Next distance repeatIndex = 0; nextState = States_Execute.sSetTubeDistanceMessageLine1; break; } // Next repeat nextState = States_Execute.sCaptureDataMessageLine1; break; case States_Execute.sGetSourceHomeLocation: sourceHomeLocation = XmlUtilities.GetCharValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspSourceHomeLocation, (char)0); break; case States_Execute.sGetAbsorberHomeLocation: absorberHomeLocation = XmlUtilities.GetCharValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspAbsorberHomeLocation, (char)0); break; case States_Execute.sGetTubeHomeDistance: tubeHomeDistance = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspTubeHomeDistance, 0); break; default: break; } Trace.WriteLine("nextState: " + entry.nextState.ToString()); // // Next state // state = nextState; } // // Update status code // if (resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Completed; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = ex.Message; Logfile.WriteError(ex.Message); } // // Calculate actual execution time and round to the nearest integer // TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - startDateTime; int execTime = (int)(timeSpan.TotalSeconds + 0.5); logMessage = STRLOG_StatusCode + resultInfo.statusCode + Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + execTime.ToString(); Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage); return resultInfo; }
public ActionResult Talk(long id, string message) { ResultInfo <Chat> ri = new ResultInfo <Chat>(); if (id > 0) { if (id != UserID) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { int sendCount = ConfigHelper.AppSettings("SendMsgCount").ToInt32();//用户每天最大发送消息数 //判断是否超次数(管理员不受此限制) bool canSend = UserBaseBLL.Instance.IsMaster; if (!canSend) { canSend = sendCount > ChatBLL.Instance.SendMsgCount(UserID) || UserID == 10009; } if (canSend) { string toUserName = UserBaseBLL.Instance.GetUserNameByUserID(id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toUserName)) { Chat chat = new Chat(); chat.ToID = id; chat.ToUserName = toUserName; chat.FromID = UserID; chat.FromUserName = UserInfo.UserName; chat.IsRead = 0; chat.Message = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(message); chat.SendTime = DateTime.Now; chat.Batch = false; if (ChatBLL.Instance.Add(chat) > 0) { ri.Ok = true; ri.Msg = "消息发送成功"; ri.Data = new ChatBox() { FromID = UserID, FromUserName = UserInfo.UserName, Message = chat.Message, Head = UserInfo.HeadUrl }; } else { ri.Msg = "消息发送失败"; } } else { ri.Msg = "目标用户不存在"; } } else { ri.Msg = "您今日发送次数已达上限"; } } else { ri.Msg = "消息内容不能为空"; } } else { ri.Msg = "不能给自己发送消息"; } } else { ri.Msg = "接收人不存在!"; } return(Result(ri)); }
public ResultInfo UpdateTakeMailer(string user, UpdateTakeMailerReceive info) { var result = new ResultInfo() { error = 0, msg = "success" }; var checkUser = db.BS_Employees.Where(p => p.UserLogin == user).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkUser == null) { return(new ResultInfo() { error = 1, msg = "Sai thông tin" }); } try { var checkDocument = db.MM_TakeMailers.Find(info.documentId); if (checkDocument == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } var checkMailer = db.MM_Mailers.Find(info.mailers); var findDetail = db.MM_TakeDetails.Where(p => p.DocumentID == checkDocument.DocumentID && p.MailerID == info.mailers).FirstOrDefault(); if (findDetail == null || checkMailer == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } findDetail.StatusID = 8; findDetail.TimeTake = DateTime.Now; db.Entry(findDetail).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); checkMailer.CurrentStatusID = 8; checkMailer.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; checkMailer.Weight = info.weight; var price = db.CalPrice(checkMailer.Weight, checkMailer.SenderID, checkMailer.RecieverProvinceID, checkMailer.MailerTypeID, checkMailer.PostOfficeAcceptID, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).FirstOrDefault(); checkMailer.Price = price; checkMailer.PriceDefault = price; checkMailer.Amount = price + checkMailer.PriceCoD + checkMailer.PriceService; db.Entry(checkMailer).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); HandleHistory.AddTracking(8, info.mailers, checkMailer.CurrentPostOfficeID, "Đã lấy hàng, đang giao về kho. Cập nhật trọng lượng: " + info.weight + " Gram"); var checkCount = db.TAKEMAILER_GETDETAILs(checkDocument.DocumentID).Where(p => p.CurrentStatusID == 7).ToList(); if (checkCount.Count() == 0) { checkDocument.StatusID = 8; db.Entry(checkDocument).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception e) { result.msg = e.Message; result.error = 1; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 向idf文件中写入 /// </summary> /// <param name="citFilePath">cit文件路径----->来自里程快速校正中的选择cit文件的按钮</param /// <param name="numericUpDown1">跳变允许值----->来自里程快速校正中的 跳变容许值</param> /// <param name="innerdbpath">内部数据库-----></param> private string _writeIdf(String citFilePath, int numericUpDown1, string innerdbpath) { //String idfFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(citFilePath) + ".idf"; //String idfFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(citFilePath), idfFileName); //if (!File.Exists(idfFilePath)) //{ // //MessageBox.Show("找不到波形索引文件!"); // Console.WriteLine("找不到波形索引文件!"); // return; //} //公共方法 ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); //读取cit文件 List <AutoIndex> autoIndexClsList = _readCit(citFilePath, numericUpDown1); String idfFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(citFilePath) + "_MileageFix" + ".idf"; String idfFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(citFilePath), idfFileName); //设置附带数据库路径和链接字符串,流程修正使用 InnerFileOperator.InnerFilePath = innerdbpath; InnerFileOperator.InnerConnString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = {0}; Persist Security Info = True; Mode = Share Exclusive; Jet OLEDB:Database Password = iicdc; "; //InnerFileOperator.InnerConnString = "provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0;extended properties=excel 12.0; Data Source = {0}; Persist Security Info = True; Mode = Share Exclusive; Extended Properties=Excel 12.0:Database Password = iicdc; "; try { _op = new IndexOperator(); _op.IndexFilePath = idfFilePath; CITFileProcess cit = new CITFileProcess(); FileInformation fileforma = cit.GetFileInformation(citFilePath); UserFixedTable fixedTable = new UserFixedTable(_op, fileforma.iKmInc); fixedTable.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < autoIndexClsList.Count; i++) { float mile = autoIndexClsList[i].km_current + autoIndexClsList[i].meter_current; UserMarkedPoint markedPoint = new UserMarkedPoint(); markedPoint.ID = (i + 1).ToString(); markedPoint.FilePointer = autoIndexClsList[i].milePos; markedPoint.UserSetMileage = mile; fixedTable.MarkedPoints.Add(markedPoint); } fixedTable.Save(); try { MilestoneFix fix = new MilestoneFix(citFilePath, _op); fix.RunFixingAlgorithm(); fix.SaveMilestoneFixTable(); resultInfo.flag = 1; resultInfo.msg = ""; = idfFilePath; } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.flag = 0; resultInfo.msg = ex.Message; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.flag = 0; resultInfo.msg = ex.Message; } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resultInfo)); }
public ActionResult AppApiEntityAttachPV([Bind(Include = "AppID,SystemEntityID")] AppAPIEntity appAPIEntity) { ResultInfo.Result res = ResultInfo.GetResultByID(1); res = uof_repos.repoApps.AttachAppAPIEntity(appAPIEntity.AppID, appAPIEntity.SystemEntityID); return(Json(res)); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public override ExperimentResultInfo Execute(ExperimentSpecification experimentSpecification) { const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Execute"; Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName); // // Determine how long it actually take to execute // DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now; // Typecast the specification so that it can be used here Specification specification = (Specification)experimentSpecification; // // Log the specification // string logMessage = string.Empty; // // Create an instance of the result info ready to fill in // ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Running; // // Create data structures to hold the results // // // Initialise variables used in the state machine // try { // // First, check to see if the LabEquipment is online // LabEquipmentStatus labEquipmentStatus = this.equipmentServiceProxy.GetLabEquipmentStatus(); if ( == false) { throw new Exception(labEquipmentStatus.statusMessage); } // // Run the state machine to execute the experiment specification // States_Execute state = States_Execute.sCompleted; if (smTable_Execute.Length > 0) { state = smTable_Execute[0].currentState; } while (state != States_Execute.sCompleted) { // // Find table entry // int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < smTable_Execute.Length; i++) { if (smTable_Execute[i].currentState == state) { // Entry found index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(state.ToString(), STRERR_StateNotFound); } // // Get table entry and save next state // SMTableEntry_Execute entry = smTable_Execute[index]; States_Execute nextState = entry.nextState; logMessage = " [ " + STRLOG_MethodName + ": " + entry.currentState.ToString() + " ]"; Logfile.Write(logMessage); Trace.WriteLine(logMessage); // // Check if experiment was cancelled // if (this.cancelExperiment != null && this.cancelExperiment.IsCancelled == true && resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { // // Experiment was cancelled // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Cancelled; state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Process non-XML commands // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sSuspendPowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.SuspendPowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_SuspendPowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; case States_Execute.sResumePowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.ResumePowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_ResumePowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; default: break; } // // Add command arguments where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sGetTimeOfDay: entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = specification.ServerUrl; break; default: break; } // // Execute command and check response success // XmlDocument xmlRequestDocument = CreateXmlRequestDocument(entry.equipmentCommand, entry.commandArguments); string xmlResponse = this.equipmentServiceProxy.ExecuteRequest(xmlRequestDocument.InnerXml); XmlNode xmlResponseNode = CreateXmlResponseNode(xmlResponse); if (XmlUtilities.GetBoolValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspSuccess, false) == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspErrorMessage, true); state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Extract response values where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sGetTimeOfDay: string strTimeOfDayBinary = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspTimeOfDay, false); long timeOfDay = Convert.ToInt64(strTimeOfDayBinary); resultInfo.dateTime = DateTime.FromBinary(timeOfDay); // // Save the timestamp string in the specified format // if (specification.FormatName.Equals(Consts.STRXML_Format_12Hour)) { resultInfo.timeofday = resultInfo.dateTime.ToString(Consts.STR_DateTimeFormat_12Hour); } else if (specification.FormatName.Equals(Consts.STRXML_Format_24Hour)) { resultInfo.timeofday = resultInfo.dateTime.ToString(Consts.STR_DateTimeFormat_24Hour); } break; default: break; } // // Next state // state = nextState; } // // Update status code // if (resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Completed; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = ex.Message; Logfile.WriteError(ex.Message); } // // Calculate actual execution time // TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - startDateTime; logMessage = STRLOG_StatusCode + resultInfo.statusCode + Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + timeSpan.TotalSeconds.ToString(); Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage); return(resultInfo); }
public override bool CanFetch(ResultInfo resultInfo) { return(true); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Post([FromBody] Param md) { var r = new ResultInfo <Param>(); try { #region param var open = openLogic(); open.setParmValue(ParmDefine.Email, md.Email); open.setParmValue(ParmDefine.AccountName, md.AccountName); open.setParmValue(ParmDefine.BankName, md.BankName); open.setParmValue(ParmDefine.BankCode, md.BankCode); open.setParmValue(ParmDefine.AccountNumber, md.AccountNumber); #endregion #region working using (var tx = defAsyncScope()) { using (var db0 = getDB0()) { #region 運費 var ships = md.ship; //每種付款方式,若有設定固定運費(isfixed=true)只能設一筆 foreach (var ship in ships) { var item = db0.Shipment.Find(ship.shipment_id); item.limit_money = ship.limit_money; item.shipment_fee = ship.shipment_fee; item.bank_charges = ship.bank_charges; item.isfixed = ship.isfixed; } #endregion #region 折扣 //目前db有的 var discounts = await db0.Discount.ToListAsync(); List <Discount> del_ditem = new List <Discount>(); foreach (var item in discounts) { var md_d = => x.discount_id == item.discount_id); if (md_d != null) { item.limit_money = md_d.limit_money; item.per = md_d.per; item.isuse = md_d.isuse; } else {//原本再資料庫,但找不到的須刪除資料 del_ditem.Add(item); } } //加入沒寫進資料庫的資料 var add_dlist = => x.edit_type == IEditType.Insert); foreach (var item in add_dlist) { db0.Discount.Add(item); } db0.Discount.RemoveRange(del_ditem); #endregion await db0.SaveChangesAsync(); tx.Complete(); } } r.result = true; return(Ok(r)); #endregion } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) //欄位驗證錯誤 { r.message = getDbEntityValidationException(ex); r.result = false; return(Ok(r)); } catch (Exception ex) { r.result = false; r.message = ex.Message + "\r\n" + getErrorMessage(ex); return(Ok(r)); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public override ExperimentResultInfo Execute(ExperimentSpecification experimentSpecification) { const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Execute"; Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName); // // Determine how long it actually take to execute // DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now; // Typecast the specification so that it can be used here Specification specification = (Specification)experimentSpecification; // // Log the specification // string logMessage = string.Empty; //Logfile.Write(logMessage); // // Create an instance of the result info ready to fill in // ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Running; // // Initialise variables used in the state machine // int repeatCount = 0; try { // // First, check to see if the LabEquipment is online // LabEquipmentStatus labEquipmentStatus = this.equipmentServiceProxy.GetLabEquipmentStatus(); if ( == false) { throw new Exception(labEquipmentStatus.statusMessage); } // // Run the state machine to execute the experiment specification // States_Execute state = States_Execute.sCompleted; if (smTable_Execute.Length > 0) { state = smTable_Execute[0].currentState; } while (state != States_Execute.sCompleted) { // // Find table entry // int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < smTable_Execute.Length; i++) { if (smTable_Execute[i].currentState == state) { // Entry found index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(state.ToString(), STRERR_StateNotFound); } // // Get table entry and save next state // SMTableEntry_Execute entry = smTable_Execute[index]; States_Execute nextState = entry.nextState; logMessage = " [ " + STRLOG_MethodName + ": " + entry.currentState.ToString() + " ]"; Logfile.Write(logMessage); Trace.WriteLine(logMessage); // // Check if experiment was cancelled // if (this.cancelExperiment != null && this.cancelExperiment.IsCancelled == true && resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { // // Experiment was cancelled // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Cancelled; state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Process non-XML commands // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sSuspendPowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.SuspendPowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_SuspendPowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; case States_Execute.sResumePowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.ResumePowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_ResumePowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; default: break; } // // Add command arguments where required // switch (entry.currentState) { // // Nothing to do here // default: break; } // // Execute command and check response success // XmlDocument xmlRequestDocument = CreateXmlRequestDocument(entry.equipmentCommand, entry.commandArguments); string xmlResponse = this.equipmentServiceProxy.ExecuteRequest(xmlRequestDocument.InnerXml); XmlNode xmlResponseNode = CreateXmlResponseNode(xmlResponse); if (XmlUtilities.GetBoolValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspSuccess, false) == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspErrorMessage, true); state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Extract response values where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sTakeMeasurement: // // Add in the values // resultInfo.voltage += (float)XmlUtilities.GetRealValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspVoltageMut, 0.0); resultInfo.current += (float)XmlUtilities.GetRealValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspCurrentMut, 0.0); resultInfo.powerFactor += (float)XmlUtilities.GetRealValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspPowerFactorMut, 0.0); resultInfo.speed += XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspSpeed, 0); resultInfo.torque += XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspTorque, 0); // // Check if all measurements have been taken // if (++repeatCount == this.measurementCount) { // // All measurements taken, average the values // resultInfo.voltage /= this.measurementCount; resultInfo.current /= this.measurementCount; resultInfo.powerFactor /= this.measurementCount; resultInfo.speed /= this.measurementCount; resultInfo.torque /= this.measurementCount; break; } // Next measurement nextState = States_Execute.sTakeMeasurement; break; default: break; } // // Next state // state = nextState; } // // Update status code // if (resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Completed; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = ex.Message; Logfile.WriteError(ex.Message); } // // Calculate actual execution time // TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - startDateTime; logMessage = STRLOG_StatusCode + resultInfo.statusCode + Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + timeSpan.TotalSeconds.ToString(); Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage); return(resultInfo); }
public ResultInfo UpdateDelivery(string orderId, string productId, int quantity, string user, string token) { var log = new MongoHistoryAPI() { APIUrl = "/api/order/updatedelivery", CreateTime = DateTime.Now, Sucess = 1 }; var result = new ResultInfo() { id = "1", msg = "success" }; try { if (!mongoHelper.checkLoginSession(user, token)) { throw new Exception("Wrong token and user login!"); } if (!isAdmin(user)) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } var checkOrder = db.MOrders.Find(orderId); if (checkOrder == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } if (checkOrder.StatusId == "create") { var oderProduct = checkOrder.ProductOrders.Where(p => p.ProductId == productId).FirstOrDefault(); if (oderProduct == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } oderProduct.QuantityReal = quantity; db.Entry(oderProduct).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); double?total = 0; foreach (var item in checkOrder.ProductOrders) { total += (item.QuantityReal * item.Price); } checkOrder.PriceReal = total; db.Entry(checkOrder).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); Util.Utils.send(checkOrder.MStaff.MUser, "Đơn hàng " + checkOrder.Code, "Đơn hàng " + checkOrder.Code + "\nĐã thay đổi số lượng thực: " + quantity + "\nSản phẩm: " + oderProduct.MProduct.PName, mongoHelper); } else { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Sucess = 0; } log.ReturnInfo = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result); mongoHelper.createHistoryAPI(log); return(result); }
public ResultInfo CreateOrder() { var log = new MongoHistoryAPI() { APIUrl = "/api/order/createorder", CreateTime = DateTime.Now, Sucess = 1 }; var result = new ResultInfo() { id = "1", msg = "success" }; try { var requestContent = Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var jsonserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var paser = jsonserializer.Deserialize <CreateOrderRequest>(requestContent); log.Content = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(paser); if (!mongoHelper.checkLoginSession(paser.user, paser.token)) { throw new Exception("Wrong token and user login!"); } var checkStaff = db.MStaffs.Where(p => p.MUser == paser.user).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkStaff == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } var checkAgency = db.MAgencies.Where(p => p.Code == paser.agencyId).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkAgency == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } var newCode = GetCode(checkAgency.Code); Nullable <System.DateTime> sugestTime = DateTime.ParseExact(paser.suggestDate, "d/M/yyyy", null); if (sugestTime == null) { sugestTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3); } var order = new MOrder() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), CreateTime = DateTime.Now, AgencyId = checkAgency.Id, CloseOrder = 0, ModifyTime = DateTime.Now, PriceReal = 0, StaffId = checkStaff.Id, StatusId = "create", Code = newCode, SuggestDate = sugestTime, Discount = checkAgency.Discount, CDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") }; db.MOrders.Add(order); db.SaveChanges(); double?priceTotal = 0; foreach (var item in paser.products) { var checkProduct = db.MProducts.Find(; if (checkProduct != null) { var price = checkProduct.Price * item.quantity; priceTotal += price; var productOder = new ProductOrder() { OrderId = order.Id, Price = checkProduct.Price, ProductId = checkProduct.Id, QuantityBuy = item.quantity, QuantityReal = item.quantity }; db.ProductOrders.Add(productOder); db.SaveChanges(); } } order.PriceOrder = priceTotal; order.PriceReal = priceTotal; db.Entry(order).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { = "0"; result.msg = e.Message; log.Sucess = 0; } log.ReturnInfo = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result); mongoHelper.createHistoryAPI(log); return(result); }
// cap nhat mailer public ResultInfo UpdateDelivery(UpdateDeliveryReceive info, string user) { var result = new ResultInfo() { error = 0, msg = "success" }; try { var checkUser = db.BS_Employees.Where(p => p.UserLogin == user).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkUser == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } // check Document of employee var document = db.MM_MailerDelivery.Where(p => p.DocumentID == info.DocumentID && p.EmployeeID == checkUser.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault(); if (document == null) { throw new Exception("Đơn này không được phân cho bạn phát"); } // find detail var findDetail = db.MM_MailerDeliveryDetail.Where(p => p.DocumentID == info.DocumentID && p.MailerID == info.MailerID && p.DeliveryStatus == 3).FirstOrDefault(); if (findDetail == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } DateTime deliverDate = DateTime.ParseExact(info.DeliveryDate, "dd/M/yyyy HH:mm", null); if (deliverDate == null) { deliverDate = DateTime.Now; } // var mailerInfo = db.MM_Mailers.Find(findDetail.MailerID); if (mailerInfo == null) { throw new Exception("Vận đơn sai"); } findDetail.DeliveryStatus = info.StatusID; mailerInfo.CurrentStatusID = info.StatusID; if (info.StatusID == 5) { // var findReason = db.BS_ReturnReasons.Where(p => p.ReasonID == info.ReturnReasonID).FirstOrDefault(); findDetail.DeliveryTo = ""; findDetail.DeliveryNotes = info.Note; findDetail.ReturnReasonID = info.ReturnReasonID; findDetail.DeliveryDate = deliverDate; mailerInfo.DeliveryTo = ""; mailerInfo.DeliveryDate = deliverDate; mailerInfo.DeliveryNotes = info.Note; mailerInfo.IsReturn = true; HandleHistory.AddTracking(5, info.MailerID, mailerInfo.CurrentPostOfficeID, "Trả lại hàng, vì lý do " + info.Note); } else if (info.StatusID == 6) { findDetail.DeliveryTo = ""; findDetail.DeliveryDate = deliverDate; findDetail.DeliveryNotes = info.Note; mailerInfo.DeliveryTo = ""; mailerInfo.DeliveryDate = deliverDate; mailerInfo.DeliveryNotes = info.Note; HandleHistory.AddTracking(6, info.MailerID, mailerInfo.CurrentPostOfficeID, "Chưa phát được vì " + info.Note); } else if (info.StatusID == 4) { findDetail.DeliveryTo = info.Reciever; findDetail.ReturnReasonID = null; findDetail.DeliveryNotes = "Đã phát"; findDetail.DeliveryDate = deliverDate; mailerInfo.DeliveryTo = info.Reciever; mailerInfo.DeliveryDate = deliverDate; mailerInfo.DeliveryNotes = "Đã phát"; if (mailerInfo.IsReturn == true) { findDetail.DeliveryNotes = "Đã hoàn"; mailerInfo.DeliveryNotes = "Đã hoàn"; findDetail.DeliveryStatus = 11; mailerInfo.CurrentStatusID = 11; HandleHistory.AddTracking(11, info.MailerID, mailerInfo.CurrentPostOfficeID, "Ngày hoàn " + deliverDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " lúc " + deliverDate.ToString("HH:mm") + ", người nhận: " + info.Reciever); } else { HandleHistory.AddTracking(4, info.MailerID, mailerInfo.CurrentPostOfficeID, "Ngày phát " + deliverDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " lúc " + deliverDate.ToString("HH:mm") + ", người nhận: " + info.Reciever); // save nhung don co thu tien COD if (mailerInfo.COD > 0) { var saveCoDDebit = new EmpployeeDebitCOD() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), AccountantConfirm = 0, COD = Convert.ToDouble(mailerInfo.COD), ConfirmDate = DateTime.Now, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, DocumentID = info.DocumentID, EmployeeID = checkUser.EmployeeID, MailerID = mailerInfo.MailerID }; db.EmpployeeDebitCODs.Add(saveCoDDebit); } } } if (info.images != null) { foreach (var image in info.images) { var saveImage = new MailerImage() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), CreateTime = DateTime.Now, MailerID = info.MailerID, PathImage = image, UserSend = user }; db.MailerImages.Add(saveImage); } db.SaveChanges(); } db.Entry(mailerInfo).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.Entry(findDetail).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); UpdateDeliveryStatus(document.DocumentID); } catch (Exception e) { result.msg = e.Message; result.error = 1; } return(result); }
public JsonResult Login(string DeviceToken, Login Info) { ResultInfo <Login> ResultInfo = new ResultInfo <Login>() { Status = false, Description = "Failed|Login", }; Global Glb = new Global(); // Login lgn = new Login(); User_Backend PageObj = new User_Backend(); Login objDett = new Login(); string Token = ""; try { if (Info != null) { #region CHECK OBJECT IS NULL string CheckedOb = Glb.ObjectNullChecking(Info); Info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Login>(CheckedOb); #endregion Info = PageObj.Login(Info.Email, Info.Password); if (Info != null && Info.UID != 0) { objDett = PageObj.GetLoginDetails(Info.UID, Info.UserType_FK); //objDett.IsOnline = PageObj.UpdateIsOnline(Convert.ToInt32(Info.UID)); ResultInfo.Info = objDett; Token = Glb.GenerateToken(Info.UID, Info.Email, Info.Password); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token)) { Glb.UpdateTokenId(Info.UID, Token); } ResultInfo.TokenId = Token; ResultInfo.ErrorCode = 200; // ResultInfo.IsSuccess = true; ResultInfo.Description = "Success! User authenticated"; } else { if (Info.Email != Info.Email) { ResultInfo.Description = "Failed!Wrong email address or password"; } else if (Info.Password != Info.Password) { ResultInfo.Description = "Failed!Wrong password"; } else { ResultInfo.Description = "Failed!Wrong email address or password"; } } } else { ResultInfo.Description = "Failed!Invalid parameter"; } } catch (Exception ex) { ResultInfo.Description = "Failed!" + ex.Message; } return(Json(ResultInfo, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public static AddParticipantResultEvent AddParticipantResultEvent(ResultInfo resultInfo = default, string operationContext = default, OperationStatus status = default) { return(new AddParticipantResultEvent(resultInfo, operationContext, status)); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public override ExperimentResultInfo Execute(ExperimentSpecification experimentSpecification) { const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Execute"; Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName); // // Determine how long it actually take to execute // DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now; // Typecast the specification so that it can be used here Specification specification = (Specification)experimentSpecification; // // Log the specification // string logMessage = string.Empty; // // Create an instance of the result info ready to fill in // ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Running; // // Create data structures to hold the results // // // Initialise variables used in the state machine // try { // // First, check to see if the LabEquipment is online // LabEquipmentStatus labEquipmentStatus = this.equipmentServiceProxy.GetLabEquipmentStatus(); if ( == false) { throw new Exception(labEquipmentStatus.statusMessage); } // // Run the state machine to execute the experiment specification // States_Execute state = States_Execute.sCompleted; if (smTable_Execute.Length > 0) { state = smTable_Execute[0].currentState; } while (state != States_Execute.sCompleted) { // // Find table entry // int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < smTable_Execute.Length; i++) { if (smTable_Execute[i].currentState == state) { // Entry found index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(state.ToString(), STRERR_StateNotFound); } // // Get table entry and save next state // SMTableEntry_Execute entry = smTable_Execute[index]; States_Execute nextState = entry.nextState; logMessage = " [ " + STRLOG_MethodName + ": " + entry.currentState.ToString() + " ]"; Logfile.Write(logMessage); Trace.WriteLine(logMessage); // // Check if experiment was cancelled // if (this.cancelExperiment != null && this.cancelExperiment.IsCancelled == true && resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { // // Experiment was cancelled // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Cancelled; state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Process non-XML commands // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sSuspendPowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.SuspendPowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_SuspendPowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; case States_Execute.sResumePowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.ResumePowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_ResumePowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; default: break; } // // Add command arguments where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sGetTimeOfDay: entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = specification.ServerUrl; break; default: break; } // // Execute command and check response success // XmlDocument xmlRequestDocument = CreateXmlRequestDocument(entry.equipmentCommand, entry.commandArguments); string xmlResponse = this.equipmentServiceProxy.ExecuteRequest(xmlRequestDocument.InnerXml); XmlNode xmlResponseNode = CreateXmlResponseNode(xmlResponse); if (XmlUtilities.GetBoolValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspSuccess, false) == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspErrorMessage, true); state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Extract response values where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sGetTimeOfDay: string strTimeOfDayBinary = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspTimeOfDay, false); long timeOfDay = Convert.ToInt64(strTimeOfDayBinary); resultInfo.dateTime = DateTime.FromBinary(timeOfDay); // // Save the timestamp string in the specified format // if (specification.FormatName.Equals(Consts.STRXML_Format_12Hour)) { resultInfo.timeofday = resultInfo.dateTime.ToString(Consts.STR_DateTimeFormat_12Hour); } else if (specification.FormatName.Equals(Consts.STRXML_Format_24Hour)) { resultInfo.timeofday = resultInfo.dateTime.ToString(Consts.STR_DateTimeFormat_24Hour); } break; default: break; } // // Next state // state = nextState; } // // Update status code // if (resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Completed; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = ex.Message; Logfile.WriteError(ex.Message); } // // Calculate actual execution time // TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - startDateTime; logMessage = STRLOG_StatusCode + resultInfo.statusCode + Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + timeSpan.TotalSeconds.ToString(); Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage); return resultInfo; }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Post([FromBody] SendMsg md) { md.send_msg_id = GetNewId(ProcCore.Business.CodeTable.SendMsg); ResultInfo r = new ResultInfo(); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { r.message = ModelStateErrorPack(); r.result = false; return(Ok(r)); } try { #region working a db0 = getDB0(); #region 發送條件新增對應 if (md.send_type == (int)SendType.SendMsgByFactor) { List <int> customer_id = new List <int>(); var getItem = db0.ScheduleDetail .Where(x => x.tel_day == md.send_day) .Select(x => new m_ScheduleDetail { customer_id = x.customer_id, tel_reason = x.tel_reason }); if (md.send_factor == (int)SendFactor.FirstPayment) { customer_id = getItem.Where(x => x.tel_reason == (int)SendFactor.FirstPayment).Select(x => x.customer_id).Distinct().ToList(); } if (md.send_factor == (int)SendFactor.SesameOil) { customer_id = getItem.Where(x => x.tel_reason == (int)SendFactor.SesameOil).Select(x => x.customer_id).Distinct().ToList(); } if (md.send_factor == (int)SendFactor.BalancePayment) { customer_id = getItem.Where(x => x.tel_reason == (int)SendFactor.BalancePayment).Select(x => x.customer_id).Distinct().ToList(); } foreach (var id in customer_id) { var detailItem = new SendMsgOfCustomer() { customer_id = id, send_msg_id = md.send_msg_id, i_InsertUserID = this.UserId, i_InsertDateTime = DateTime.Now, i_InsertDeptID = this.departmentId, i_Lang = "zh-TW" }; db0.SendMsgOfCustomer.Add(detailItem); } } #endregion md.i_InsertUserID = this.UserId; md.i_InsertDateTime = DateTime.Now; md.i_InsertDeptID = this.departmentId; md.company_id = this.companyId; md.i_Lang = "zh-TW"; db0.SendMsg.Add(md); await db0.SaveChangesAsync(); r.result = true; = md.send_msg_id; return(Ok(r)); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { r.result = false; r.message = ex.Message; return(Ok(r)); } finally { db0.Dispose(); } }
private static DataGridResultViewer InitializeResultViewer() { var columnHeaders = new[] { new ColumnHeader { ColumnIndex = 0, DatabaseDataType = "Varchar2", DataType = typeof (string), Name = "DUMMY1" }, new ColumnHeader { ColumnIndex = 1, DatabaseDataType = "Date", DataType = typeof (DateTime), Name = "DUMMY_WITH_UNDERSCORES" }, //new ColumnHeader { ColumnIndex = 2, DatabaseDataType = "Varchar2", DataType = typeof (string), Name = "\"'\\\"><?,.;:{}[]%$#@!~^&*()_+-§'''||(1/2*3+4-CASEWHEN1<=2OR2>=1THEN5ELSE6END)" } }; var documentPage = new DocumentPage { CurrentConnection = ConfigurationProvider.ConnectionStrings[0] }; documentPage.DatabaseModel.Dispose(); var outputViewer = new OutputViewer(documentPage); var dataRows = new[] { new object[] {"Value \"1\" '2' <3>", new DateTime(2014, 8, 16, 22, 25, 34)}, new object[] {"\"2.\"Value", new DateTime(2014, 8, 16)}, //new object[] {"\"><?,.;:{}[]%$#@!~^&*()_+-§' ,5", new DateTime(2015, 5, 30) } }; var resultInfo = new ResultInfo(null, "Test result", ResultIdentifierType.UserDefined); var executionResult = new StatementExecutionResult { StatementModel = new StatementExecutionModel { StatementText = "SELECT * FROM DUAL" }, ResultInfoColumnHeaders = new Dictionary<ResultInfo, IReadOnlyList<ColumnHeader>> { { resultInfo, columnHeaders } } }; var resultViewer = new DataGridResultViewer(outputViewer, executionResult, resultInfo) { ResultGrid = { ItemsSource = dataRows } }; DataGridHelper.InitializeDataGridColumns(resultViewer.ResultGrid, columnHeaders, outputViewer.StatementValidator, outputViewer.ConnectionAdapter); return resultViewer; }
public JsonResult PatientSocialLogIn(string DeviceToken, SocialUserInfo Info) { ResultInfo <string> ResultInfo = new ResultInfo <string>(); ResultInfo.ErrorCode = 400; ResultInfo.Status = false; ResultInfo.Description = "Patient social login"; ResultInfo.Info = "Login Failed"; Global Glb = new Global(); User_Backend PageObj = new User_Backend(); try { if (Info != null && Info.SocialUserId != "" && Info.SocialUserId != null) { #region CHECK OBJECT IS NULL BY IMAD string CheckedOb = Glb.ObjectNullChecking(Info); Info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SocialUserInfo>(CheckedOb); #endregion ResultInfo.Info = PageObj.UserSocialRegistration(Info); // Function call for database store string[] arr = ResultInfo.Info.Split('!'); if (arr[0] == "Success") { long insertedId = 0; if (arr[1] != "") { insertedId = Convert.ToInt64(arr[1]); } if (ResultInfo.Info.Contains("NewUser")) { string Password = ""; if (arr[3] != "") { Password = arr[3]; } string Token = Glb.GenerateToken(insertedId, Info.Email, Password); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token)) { Glb.UpdateTokenId(insertedId, Token); ResultInfo.Info = "User Registration successfull."; } else { ResultInfo.Info = "Token is not generated."; } ResultInfo.TokenId = Token; ResultInfo.ErrorCode = 200; ResultInfo.Status = true; ResultInfo.LastModifiedId = insertedId; ResultInfo.Description = "Success! User authenticated"; } else { if (insertedId > 0) { string Token = Glb.GetTokenByID(insertedId); ResultInfo.TokenId = Token; ResultInfo.ErrorCode = 200; ResultInfo.Status = true; ResultInfo.LastModifiedId = insertedId; ResultInfo.Info = "User registration successfull."; } } } } else { ResultInfo.Info = "Details is not provided."; } } catch (Exception ex) { ResultInfo.Info = ex.Message; } return(Json(ResultInfo, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { ResultInfo result = new ResultInfo(); GCInfo gc1 = new GCInfo(); string action = context.Request["action"].ToString(); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; switch (action) { case "GetAll": context.Response.Write(GetAll()); break; case "GetGC": string jt = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(context.Request["jt"]); context.Response.Write(GetGC(jt)); break; case "Add": try { gc1.Name = context.Request.Form["Name"]; gc1.Address = context.Request.Form["Address"]; gc1.PostAddress = context.Request.Form["PostAddress"]; gc1.Introduce = context.Request.Form["Introduce"]; gc1.Phone = context.Request.Form["Phone"]; gc1.Email = context.Request.Form["Email"]; gc1.JTName = context.Request.Form["JTName"]; gc1.JW = context.Request.Form["JW"]; //保存数据到数据库中 result.Success = Add(gc1); result.Message = "插入工厂信息" + ((result.Success == true) ? "成功" : "失败") + "!"; } catch (Exception ex) { result.Success = false; result.Message = "异常:" + ex.Message; } //返回客户端信息 context.Response.Write(JsonHelper <ResultInfo> .ObjectToJsonString(result)); break; case "Update": try { gc1 = new GCInfo(); gc1.Name = context.Request.Form["Name"]; gc1.Address = context.Request.Form["Address"]; gc1.PostAddress = context.Request.Form["PostAddress"]; gc1.Introduce = context.Request.Form["Introduce"]; gc1.Phone = context.Request.Form["Phone"]; gc1.Email = context.Request.Form["Email"]; gc1.JTName = context.Request.Form["JTName"]; gc1.JW = context.Request.Form["JW"]; result.Success = Update(gc1); result.Message = "更新工厂[" + gc1.Name + "]信息" + ((result.Success == true) ? "成功" : "失败") + "!"; } catch (Exception ex) { result.Success = false; result.Message = "异常:" + ex.Message; } //返回客户端信息 context.Response.Write(JsonHelper <ResultInfo> .ObjectToJsonString(result)); break; case "Delete": try { int count = 0; string id = context.Request["Id"]; string[] ids = id.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++) { result.Success = Delete(ids[i]); if (result.Success == false) { break; } count++; } result.Message = ((result.Success == true) ? "操作成功:" : "操作失败:") + "共删除" + count + "条信息!"; } catch (Exception ex) { result.Success = false; result.Message = "异常:" + ex.Message; } //返回客户端信息 context.Response.Write(JsonHelper <ResultInfo> .ObjectToJsonString(result)); break; case "GetAllGCInfo": int page = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["page"]); int rows = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["rows"]); context.Response.Write(GetAllGCInfo(page, rows)); break; case "GetAllGCJZInfo": int menuid = int.Parse(CheckLoginStatus.node); string gcname = MenuHelper.GetMenuNameById(menuid); context.Response.Write(GetAllGCJZInfo(gcname)); break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// 确认投资接口--解志辉 /// </summary> /// <param name="reqst">The reqst.</param> /// <returns>ResultInfo<System.Int32>.</returns> /// 创 建 者:解志辉 /// 创建日期:2016-05-31 18:01:28 public ResultInfo<int> SubmitTender(RequestParam<RequestTender> reqst) { ResultInfo<int> res = new ResultInfo<int>("99999"); var usrId = ConvertHelper.ParseValue(reqst.body.userId, 0); var targetId = ConvertHelper.ParseValue(reqst.body.targetId, 0); var bds = reqst.body.bonusIds; var investAmount = ConvertHelper.ParseValue(reqst.body.investAmount, 0M); // var code = reqst.body.invitedcode; if (usrId <= 0) { res.code = "1000000015"; res.message = Settings.Instance.GetErrorMsg(res.code); return res; } if (targetId <= 0) { res.code = "1000000014"; res.message = Settings.Instance.GetErrorMsg(res.code); return res; } try { var ent = _logic.SelectBorrowDetail(targetId); //最低可投金额应该从标的记录获取 if (investAmount < ent.minimum) { res.code = "2000000000"; res.message = Settings.Instance.GetErrorMsg(res.code); return res; } else if (investAmount + ent.fundraising_amount > ent.borrowing_balance) {//超过可投金额 res.code = "2000000002"; res.message = Settings.Instance.GetErrorMsg(res.code); return res; } InvestmentParameters mp = new InvestmentParameters { Amount = investAmount, Circle = ConvertHelper.ParseValue(ent.life_of_loan, 0), CircleType = ConvertHelper.ParseValue(ent.unit_day, 0), NominalYearRate = ConvertHelper.ParseValue(ent.annual_interest_rate, 0D), OverheadsRate = 0f, RepaymentMode = ConvertHelper.ParseValue(ent.payment_options, 0), RewardRate = 0f, IsThirtyDayMonth = false, InvestDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse(ent.release_date.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Investmentenddate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(ent.repayment_date.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), Payinterest = ConvertHelper.ParseValue(ent.month_payment_date, 0), InvestObject = 1 }; List<InvestmentReceiveRecordInfo> records = InvestCalculator.CalculateReceiveRecord(mp); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); if (records != null && records.Any()) { int i = 1; foreach (var item in records) { //current_investment_period,value_date,interest_payment_date,repayment_amount,interestpayment,Principal,TotalInstallments,interestDay sb.AppendFormat("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}|", i, item.interestvalue_date, item.NominalReceiveDate, item.Balance, item.Interest, item.Principal, item.TotalInstallments, item.TotalDays); i = i + 1; } } //(int usrId, int targetId, decimal investAmount, List<int> bds, string code, string ordCode, decimal withoutInterest, string frozenidNo, decimal frozenidAmount, int cPeriod) var resVal = _logic.SubmitTender(usrId, targetId, investAmount, bds, "", Settings.Instance.OrderCode , ((records != null && records.Any()) ? records.Sum(t => t.Interest) : 0M), Settings.Instance.OrderCode , 0M , ((records != null && records.Any()) ? records.Count : 0), sb.ToString()); if (resVal < 200) { switch (resVal) { case -100: { res.code = "2000000001"; } break; case -200: { res.code = "2000000002"; } break; case -300: { res.code = "2000000003"; } break; case -400: { res.code = "2000000004"; } break; case -500: { res.code = "2000000007"; } break; case -600: { res.code = "2000000006"; } break; } } else { res.code = "1"; res.body = resVal; } res.message = Settings.Instance.GetErrorMsg(res.code); return res; } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerHelper.Error(ex.ToString()); LoggerHelper.Error(JsonHelper.Entity2Json(reqst)); res.code = "500"; res.message = Settings.Instance.GetErrorMsg(res.code); return res; } }
public ResultInfo CancelTakeMailer(string user, UpdateTakeMailerReceive info) { var result = new ResultInfo() { error = 0, msg = "success" }; var checkUser = db.BS_Employees.Where(p => p.UserLogin == user).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkUser == null) { return(new ResultInfo() { error = 1, msg = "Sai thông tin" }); } try { var checkDocument = db.MM_TakeMailers.Find(info.documentId); if (checkDocument == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } var checkMailer = db.MM_Mailers.Find(info.mailers); var findDetail = db.MM_TakeDetails.Where(p => p.DocumentID == checkDocument.DocumentID && p.MailerID == info.mailers).FirstOrDefault(); if (findDetail == null || checkMailer == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } findDetail.StatusID = 10; db.Entry(findDetail).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; // checkMailer.CurrentStatusID = 10; checkMailer.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; db.Entry(checkMailer).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); HandleHistory.AddTracking(10, info.mailers, checkMailer.CurrentPostOfficeID, "KHÁCH HÀNG YÊU CẦU HỦY KHI ĐI LẤY HÀNG"); var checkCount = db.TAKEMAILER_GETDETAILs(checkDocument.DocumentID).Where(p => p.CurrentStatusID == 7).ToList(); if (checkCount.Count() == 0) { checkDocument.StatusID = 8; db.Entry(checkDocument).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception e) { result.msg = e.Message; result.error = 1; } return(result); }
public void NotifyOccured(NotifyType notifyType, Socket socket, BaseInfo baseInfo) { switch (notifyType) { case NotifyType.Reply_UpdateUser: { UserInfo userName = (UserInfo)baseInfo; Window1.main.nickName.Content = userName.Nickname; ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(); tt.Content = userName.Nickname; Window1.main.nickName.ToolTip = tt; IniFileEdit _IniFileEdit = new IniFileEdit(Window1._UserPath); ImageBrush updateImg = new ImageBrush(); updateImg.Stretch = Stretch.Fill; _IniFileEdit.SetIniValue("UserInfo", "userImage", userName.Icon); updateImg.ImageSource = ImageDownloader.GetInstance().GetImage(userName.Icon); myPicture.Fill = updateImg; Window1.main.memberImg.Fill = updateImg; ToolTip sign = new ToolTip(); sign.Content = Window1._UserInfo.Sign; Window1.main.singBox.ToolTip = sign; Window1.main.singBox.Text = Window1._UserInfo.Sign; if (selectGrid.Children.Count > 0 && selectGrid.Children[0] is MyInfoControl) { MyInfoControl myInfoControl = (MyInfoControl)selectGrid.Children[0]; myInfoControl.buttonSave.IsEnabled = false; } MessageBoxCommon.Show("更新成功", MessageBoxType.Ok); } break; case NotifyType.Reply_VideoUpload: { MessageBoxCommon.Show("更改成功.", MessageBoxType.Ok); } break; case NotifyType.Reply_NewID: { UserInfo newUserInfo = (UserInfo)baseInfo; MessageBoxCommon.Show("帐号申请通过." + newUserInfo.Id, MessageBoxType.Ok); userInfoList.Add(newUserInfo); selectGrid.Children.Clear(); NoticeMemberControl noticeMemberControl = new NoticeMemberControl(); noticeMemberControl.listMember(userInfoList); selectGrid.Children.Add(noticeMemberControl); } break; case NotifyType.Reply_IconUpload: { IconInfo newIcon = (IconInfo)baseInfo; iconInfoList.Add(newIcon); selectGrid.Children.Clear(); AlbermControl albermControl = new AlbermControl(); albermControl.pictureList(iconInfoList); selectGrid.Children.Add(albermControl); } break; case NotifyType.Reply_Give: { PresentHistoryInfo presentHistoryInfo = (PresentHistoryInfo)baseInfo; presentHistoryList.Add(presentHistoryInfo); selectGrid.Children.Clear(); InnerControl innerControl = new InnerControl(); innerControl.InnerChatting(chatHistoryList); selectGrid.Children.Add(innerControl); for (int i = 0; i < userInfoList.Count; i++) { if (userInfoList[i].Id == presentHistoryInfo.ReceiveId) { userInfoList[i].Cash = userInfoList[i].Cash + presentHistoryInfo.Cash; selectGrid.Children.Clear(); NoticeMemberControl noticeMemberControl = new NoticeMemberControl(); noticeMemberControl.listMember(userInfoList); selectGrid.Children.Add(noticeMemberControl); break; } } } break; case NotifyType.Reply_UpdatePercent: { UserInfo userPercent = (UserInfo)baseInfo; if (userPercent.Id == Window1._UserInfo.Id) { selectGrid.Children.Clear(); MyInfoControl myInfoControl = new MyInfoControl(); myInfoControl.InitMyInfo(Window1._UserInfo); selectGrid.Children.Add(myInfoControl); } } break; case NotifyType.Reply_IconRemove: { IconInfo newIcon = (IconInfo)baseInfo; for (int i = 0; i < iconInfoList.Count; i++) { if (iconInfoList[i].Icon == newIcon.Icon) { iconInfoList.Remove(iconInfoList[i]); } } selectGrid.Children.Clear(); AlbermControl albermControl = new AlbermControl(); albermControl.pictureList(iconInfoList); selectGrid.Children.Add(albermControl); } break; case NotifyType.Reply_Error: { ResultInfo errorInfo = (ResultInfo)baseInfo; ErrorType errorType = errorInfo.ErrorType; //Window1.ShowError(errorType); } break; } }
private void onDataArrived(object sender, ResultInfo e) { Logging(LogLevel.Info, String.Format("Device|{0}|{1}:{2}|Received message|{3}", DeviceType, IP, Port, e.ReadString)); var message = new { Id = SubscriptionName, Message = Regex.Replace(e.ReadString, @"[^\u0009^\u000A^\u000D^\u0020-\u007E]", ""), Timestamp = e.ResultArrivedAt }; DeviceBroadcastManager.Broadcast(SubscriptionName, message); Logging(LogLevel.Info, String.Format("Device|{0}|{1}:{2}|Broadcast|Group {3}|Message|{4}", DeviceType, IP, Port, SubscriptionName, message.ToString())); }
public bool ExportExecutionDetailsToRQM(BusinessFlow businessFlow, ref string result, bool exectutedFromAutomateTab = false, PublishToALMConfig publishToALMConfig = null) { result = string.Empty; string bfExportedID = GetExportedIDString(businessFlow.ExternalID, "RQMID"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bfExportedID) || bfExportedID.Equals("0")) { result = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + ": " + businessFlow.Name + " is missing ExternalID, cannot export RQM TestPlan execution results without External ID"; return(false); } if (businessFlow.ActivitiesGroups.Count == 0) { result = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + ": " + businessFlow.Name + " Must have at least one " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.ActivitiesGroup); return(false); } LoginDTO loginData = new LoginDTO() { User = ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMUserName, Password = ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMPassword, Server = ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMServerURL }; // // get data about execution records per current test plan - start RQMTestPlan testPlan = new RQMTestPlan(); string importConfigTemplate = System.IO.Path.Combine(RQMCore.ConfigPackageFolderPath, "RQM_Import", "RQM_ImportConfigs_Template.xml"); if (File.Exists(importConfigTemplate)) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(RQMProjectListConfiguration)); FileStream fs = new FileStream(importConfigTemplate, FileMode.Open); XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fs); RQMProjectListConfiguration RQMProjectList; RQMProjectList = (RQMProjectListConfiguration)serializer.Deserialize(reader); fs.Close(); RQMProject currentRQMProjectMapping; if (RQMProjectList.RQMProjects.Count > 0) { currentRQMProjectMapping = RQMProjectList.RQMProjects.Where(x => x.Name == ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMProjectName || x.Name == "DefaultProjectName").FirstOrDefault(); if (currentRQMProjectMapping != null) { testPlan = RQMConnect.Instance.GetRQMTestPlanByIdByProject(ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMServerURL, ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMUserName, ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMPassword, ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMProjectName, GetExportedIDString(businessFlow.ExternalID, "RQMID")); if (testPlan == null) { result = "Recent Testing Plan not exists in connected RQM project."; return(false); } testPlan.RQMExecutionRecords = RQMConnect.Instance.GetExecutionRecordsByTestPlan(loginData, reader, currentRQMProjectMapping, RQMCore.ALMProjectGroupName, RQMCore.ALMProjectGuid, testPlan.URLPathVersioned); } } } // get data about execution records per current test plan - finish List <ExecutionResult> exeResultList = new List <ExecutionResult>(); foreach (ActivitiesGroup activGroup in businessFlow.ActivitiesGroups) { if ((publishToALMConfig.FilterStatus == FilterByStatus.OnlyPassed && activGroup.RunStatus == eActivitiesGroupRunStatus.Passed) || (publishToALMConfig.FilterStatus == FilterByStatus.OnlyFailed && activGroup.RunStatus == eActivitiesGroupRunStatus.Failed) || publishToALMConfig.FilterStatus == FilterByStatus.All) { ExecutionResult exeResult = GetExeResultforAg(businessFlow, bfExportedID, activGroup, ref result, testPlan); if (exeResult != null) { exeResultList.Add(exeResult); } else { return(false); } } } ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); // // Updating of Execution Record Results (test plan level) try { resultInfo = RQMConnect.Instance.RQMRep.ExportExecutionResult(loginData, exeResultList, RQMCore.ALMProjectGuid, ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMProjectName, RQMCore.ALMProjectGroupName); } catch { Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, "Failed to Update Execution Record Results"); } // // Creating Test Suite Log (per test suite) try { foreach (RQMTestSuite rQMTestSuite in testPlan.TestSuites) { if ((rQMTestSuite.ACL_TestSuite_Copy != null) && (rQMTestSuite.TestSuiteExecutionRecord.CurrentTestSuiteResult.ACL_TestSuiteLog_Copy != null)) { resultInfo = RQMConnect.Instance.RQMRep.CreateTestSuiteLog(loginData, RQMCore.ALMProjectGuid, ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMProjectName, RQMCore.ALMProjectGroupName, rQMTestSuite.ACL_TestSuite_Copy, rQMTestSuite.TestSuiteExecutionRecord.CurrentTestSuiteResult.ACL_TestSuiteLog_Copy); } } } catch { Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, "Failed to Update Execution Record Results"); } // // Attaching of Activity Groups Reports try { // Attach ActivityGroup Report if needed if ((publishToALMConfig.ToAttachActivitiesGroupReport) || (exectutedFromAutomateTab)) { foreach (ActivitiesGroup activGroup in businessFlow.ActivitiesGroups) { try { ACL_Data_Contract.Activity currentActivity = GetTestCaseFromActivityGroup(activGroup); ACL_Data_Contract.Attachment reportAttachment = new ACL_Data_Contract.Attachment(); string activityGroupName = PathHelper.CleanInValidPathChars(activGroup.Name); if ((activGroup.TempReportFolder != null) && (activGroup.TempReportFolder != string.Empty) && (System.IO.Directory.Exists(activGroup.TempReportFolder))) { //Creating the Zip file - start string targetZipPath = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(activGroup.TempReportFolder).ToString(); string zipFileName = targetZipPath + "\\" + activityGroupName.ToString().Replace(" ", "_") + ""; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(zipFileName)) { ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(activGroup.TempReportFolder, zipFileName); } else { System.IO.File.Delete(zipFileName); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(activGroup.TempReportFolder, zipFileName); } System.IO.Directory.Delete(activGroup.TempReportFolder, true); //Creating the Zip file - finish //Attaching Zip file - start reportAttachment.ClientFileName = activityGroupName.ToString().Replace(" ", "_") + ""; reportAttachment.ServerLocation = targetZipPath + @"\" + reportAttachment.ClientFileName; reportAttachment.CreatedBy = Environment.UserName; currentActivity.EntityId = Convert.ToInt32(GetExportedIDString(activGroup.ExternalID.ToString(), "RQMID")); currentActivity.ExportedID = (long)currentActivity.EntityId; currentActivity.ActivityData.AttachmentsColl = new Attachments(); currentActivity.ActivityData.AttachmentsColl.Add(reportAttachment); string exportJarFilePath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.Replace(@"GingerCore.dll", "") + @"ALM\\RQM\\JAVA"; RQMConnect.Instance.RQMRep.UploadAttachmetToRQMAndGetIds(loginData, RQMCore.ALMProjectGuid, ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMProjectName, RQMCore.ALMProjectGroupName, currentActivity, exportJarFilePath); RQMConnect.Instance.RQMRep.UpdateTestCaseWithNewAttachmentID(loginData, RQMCore.ALMProjectGuid, ALMCore.DefaultAlmConfig.ALMProjectName, RQMCore.ALMProjectGroupName, currentActivity); //Attaching Zip file - finish System.IO.File.Delete(zipFileName); } } catch { Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, "Failed to attach report Per ActivityGroup - " + activGroup.Name); } } } } catch (Exception e) { resultInfo.ErrorCode = 1; result = e.ToString(); } if (resultInfo.ErrorCode == 0) { result = "Export execution details to RQM performed successfully."; return(true); } else { result = resultInfo.ErrorDesc; } Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, "Failed to export execution details to RQM/ALM"); return(false); }
public ResultInfo MainPostNumberSave(string fuPostNumber, string mainPostNumber) { ResultInfo result = new ResultInfo(); MailTotalPackageInfo m = new MailTotalPackageInfo(); string mainCountryCode = ""; string fuCountryCode = ""; string fourBagNumberStr = GetMainPackageNumber(mainPostNumber); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fourBagNumberStr)) { result.Status = false; result.Message = "[总包号]不合法."; return(result); } int fourBagNumber; int.TryParse(fourBagNumberStr, out fourBagNumber); m.MailTotalPackageNumber = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + fourBagNumberStr; m.TotalPackageNumber = mainPostNumber; m.ShortNumber = fourBagNumber; m.ScanTime = DateTime.Now; m.TrackStatus = 0; m.CreatedBy = _workContext.User.UserUame; m.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; DateTime?dt = null; m.TaiWanArrivedTime = dt; m.TaiWanDepartureTime = dt; m.ToArrivedTime = dt; m.FuZhouDepartureTime = dt; m.LastUpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; m.LastUpdatedBy = _workContext.User.UserUame; MailTotalPackageOrPostBagRelational re = new MailTotalPackageOrPostBagRelational(); re.CreatedBy = _workContext.User.UserUame; re.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; //re.MailTotalPackageNumber //获取客袋带牌号信息 var mailPostBagInfo = _mailPostBagInfoRepository.GetYunExpressBagNumber(fuPostNumber); if (mailPostBagInfo != null) { re.PostBagNumber = mailPostBagInfo.PostBagNumber; fuCountryCode = mailPostBagInfo.CountryCode.ToUpperInvariant(); } re.ScanTime = DateTime.Now; re.LastUpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; re.LastUpdatedBy = _workContext.User.UserUame; if (mainPostNumber.Length > 8) { mainCountryCode = mainPostNumber.Substring(6, 2).ToUpperInvariant(); } // 国际小包U+ 总包号扫描校验客户袋牌与总包号对应国家是否一致。 // Add by zhengsong if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mainCountryCode) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fuCountryCode) || mainCountryCode != fuCountryCode) { result.Status = false; result.Message = "客户袋牌与总包号对应国家不一致,请检查是否贴错!关联不成功!"; return(result); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(re.PostBagNumber)) { result.Status = false; result.Message = "未找到[福邮袋牌]或者[总包号]."; return(result); } try { if (_mailTotalPackageInfoRepository.SaveMainPostBagTag(m, re)) { result.Status = true; return(result); } } catch (BusinessLogicException ex) { result.Message = ex.Message; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex); } result.Status = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.Message)) { result.Message = "服务器内部错误."; } return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Debug.WriteLine("Page_Load()"); if (WebUtil.PrepareEnvironment(this, ref app, ref sessioninfo) == false) return; string strError = ""; // 是否登录? if (sessioninfo.UserID == "") { if (this.Page.Request["forcelogin"] == "on") { sessioninfo.LoginCallStack.Push(Request.RawUrl); Response.Redirect("login.aspx", true); return; } if (this.Page.Request["forcelogin"] == "userid") { sessioninfo.LoginCallStack.Push(Request.RawUrl); Response.Redirect("login.aspx?loginstyle=librarian", true); return; } sessioninfo.LoginCallStack.Push(Request.RawUrl); Response.Redirect("login.aspx", true); return; } LoginState loginstate = GlobalUtil.GetLoginState(this.Page); if (loginstate != LoginState.Librarian) { strError = "只有工作人员身份才能使用本模块"; goto ERROR1; } string strAction = this.Request["action"]; string strName = this.Request["name"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strName) == true) strName = "CacheBuilder"; this.Label_taskName.Text = strName; ResultInfo result_info = new ResultInfo(); if (strAction == "getinfo") { string strResultOffset = this.Request["result_offset"]; string strMaxResultBytes = this.Request["max_result_bytes"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strResultOffset) == true) { result_info.ErrorString = "未指定 result_offset 参数"; goto END1; } long lResultOffset = 0; Int64.TryParse(strResultOffset, out lResultOffset); int nMaxResultBytes = 4096; Int32.TryParse(strMaxResultBytes, out nMaxResultBytes); BatchTaskInfo param = new BatchTaskInfo(); BatchTaskInfo info = null; param.ResultOffset = lResultOffset; param.MaxResultBytes = nMaxResultBytes; Debug.WriteLine("GetBatchTaskInfo()"); int nRet = app.GetBatchTaskInfo(strName, param, out info, out strError); if (nRet == -1) { result_info.ErrorString = strError; goto END1; } result_info.Name = info.Name; result_info.MaxResultBytes = info.MaxResultBytes; result_info.ResultText = GetResultText(info.ResultText); result_info.ProgressText = info.ProgressText; result_info.ResultOffset = info.ResultOffset; result_info.ResultTotalLength = info.ResultTotalLength; result_info.ResultVersion = info.ResultVersion; END1: DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(ResultInfo)); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); ser.WriteObject(ms, result_info); string strResult = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()); ms.Close(); this.Response.Write(strResult); this.Response.End(); return; } return; ERROR1: this.Response.Write(strError); this.Response.End(); }
public JsonResult AddProject(ProjectRegister account) { ResultInfo info = new ResultInfo(); int companyId = CommonMethod.GetInt(ConfigSetting.eeeYoooId); string companyName = ConfigSetting.eeeYoooName; account.PassWord = CommonMethod.PasswordMD5(account.PassWord); if (AccountDBOperate.GetAccountByMobile(account.Telephone, account.Role)) { info.Message = "手机号已注册"; return(Json(info)); } if (AccountDBOperate.GetAccountByEmail(account.Email, account.Role)) { info.Message = "邮箱已注册"; return(Json(info)); } var list = new List <PersonSetting>() { }; var roles = account.RoleId.Split(','); var joblist = JobListDBOperate.GetPublishList(); foreach (var item in roles) { var job = joblist.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == Convert.ToInt32(item)); if (job == null) { continue; } var personSetting = new PersonSetting() { CreateBy = account.Name, DepartId = Convert.ToInt32(item), DepartName = job.Name, Discount = 100, Month = account.Month, Price = job.Price, TotalPrice = job.Price * account.Month }; list.Add(personSetting); } info.IsSuccess = AccountDBOperate.AddAccount(new Dto.CustomerCompany() { CompanyId = companyId, CompanyName = companyName, Address = account.CompanyAddress, City = account.City, Infos = account.CompanyInfo, Name = account.CompanyName, Status = CustomerCompanyStatusEnum.NotStart.ToString(), CreateBy = account.Name, TeamDesc = account.TeamDesc, CompanyStatus = account.CompanyStatus, PartInfo = account.PartInfo }, new CustomerMember() { CompanyId = companyId, CompanyName = companyName, Email = account.Email, Mobile = account.Telephone, Name = account.Name, CreateBy = account.Name, Address = account.MemberAddress }, new Account() { AccountName = account.Name, Mobile = account.Telephone, Password = account.PassWord, Email = account.Email, Role = account.Role, CreateBy = account.Name, }, new ProjectManage() { CompanyId = companyId, FullName = account.ProjectName, Name = account.ProjectName, CusCompanyName = account.CompanyName, CusMemberName = account.Name, //LastPayDate = account.EndTime, Infos = account.Info, IsDeleted = 0, Money = 0, PayWay = ProjectPayWayEnum.UnKnown.ToString(), //RelStartTime = account.StartTime, //StartTime = account.StartTime, EndTime = account.EndTime, Source = SourceEnum.PC.ToString(), //RelEndTime = account.EndTime, Status = CustomerCompanyStatusEnum.NotStart.ToString(), OpereateType = account.OpereateType, DevLanguate = account.DevLanguate, DevType = account.DevType, NowStatus = account.NowStatus, MarketProspect = account.MarketProspect, Month = account.Month }, new HardWare() { CreateBy = account.Name, Infos = account.HardWare }, list); //AccountDBOperate.LoginByMobileOrEmail(account.Telephone); return(Json(info)); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public override ExperimentResultInfo Execute(ExperimentSpecification experimentSpecification) { const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Execute"; Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName); // // Determine how long it actually take to execute // DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now; // Typecast the specification so that it can be used here Specification specification = (Specification)experimentSpecification; // // Log the specification // string logMessage = string.Empty; // // YOUR CODE HERE // Logfile.Write(logMessage); // // Create an instance of the result info ready to fill in // ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Running; // // Initialise variables used in the state machine // try { // // Run the state machine to execute the experiment specification // States_Execute state = States_Execute.sCompleted; if (smTable_Execute.Length > 0) { state = smTable_Execute[0].currentState; } while (state != States_Execute.sCompleted) { // // Find table entry // int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < smTable_Execute.Length; i++) { if (smTable_Execute[i].currentState == state) { // Entry found index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(state.ToString(), STRERR_StateNotFound); } // // Get table entry and save next state // SMTableEntry_Execute entry = smTable_Execute[index]; States_Execute nextState = entry.nextState; logMessage = " [ " + STRLOG_MethodName + ": " + entry.currentState.ToString() + " ]"; Logfile.Write(logMessage); Trace.WriteLine(logMessage); // // Check if experiment was cancelled // if (this.cancelExperiment != null && this.cancelExperiment.IsCancelled == true && resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { // // Experiment was cancelled // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Cancelled; state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Process commands // switch (entry.currentState) { // // YOUR CODE HERE // default: break; } Trace.WriteLine("nextState: " + entry.nextState.ToString()); // // Next state // state = nextState; } // // Update status code // if (resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Completed; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = ex.Message; Logfile.WriteError(ex.Message); } TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - startDateTime; logMessage = STRLOG_ExecutionTime + timeSpan.TotalSeconds.ToString(); Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage); return resultInfo; }
public ResultInfo AddMailer() { ResultInfo result = new ResultInfo() { error = 0, msg = "Them moi thanh cong" }; try { var requestContent = Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var jsonserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var paser = jsonserializer.Deserialize <MailerIdentity>(requestContent); var findCus = db.BS_Customers.Where(p => p.CustomerCode == paser.SenderID).FirstOrDefault(); if (findCus == null) { throw new Exception("Sai thông tin"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(findCus.Address) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(findCus.ProvinceID) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(findCus.DistrictID) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(findCus.CustomerName)) { throw new Exception("Cập nhật lại thông tin cá nhân"); } MailerHandleCommon mailerHandle = new MailerHandleCommon(db); var code = mailerHandle.GeneralMailerCode(findCus.PostOfficeID); // var price = db.CalPrice(paser.Weight, findCus.CustomerID, paser.RecieverProvinceID, paser.MailerTypeID, findCus.PostOfficeID, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).FirstOrDefault(); var codPrice = 0; decimal?price = 0; if (paser.COD > 0) { var findDitrict = db.BS_Districts.Where(p => p.DistrictID == paser.RecieverDistrictID).FirstOrDefault(); int?vsvx = findDitrict == null ? 1 : (findDitrict.VSVS == true ? 1 : 0); price = db.CalPriceCOD(paser.Weight, findCus.CustomerID, paser.RecieverProvinceID, "CD", findCus.PostOfficeID, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), vsvx, paser.MailerTypeID == "ST" ? "CODTK" : "CODN").FirstOrDefault(); } else { price = db.CalPrice(paser.Weight, findCus.CustomerID, paser.RecieverProvinceID, paser.MailerTypeID, findCus.PostOfficeID, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).FirstOrDefault(); } // var checkRece = db.BS_Districts.Where(p => p.DistrictID == paser.RecieverDistrictID).FirstOrDefault(); decimal?priceService = 0; if (checkRece != null) { if (checkRece.VSVS == true) { var findService = db.BS_Services.Where(p => p.ServiceID == "VSVX").FirstOrDefault(); if (findService.IsPercent == true) { priceService = (price * findService.Price) / 100; } else { priceService = findService.Price; } var mailerService = new MM_MailerServices() { MailerID = code, CreationDate = DateTime.Now, SellingPrice = (decimal)priceService, PriceDefault = (decimal)priceService, ServiceID = "VSVX" }; db.MM_MailerServices.Add(mailerService); } } // theem var mailerIns = new MM_Mailers() { MailerID = code, AcceptTime = DateTime.Now, AcceptDate = DateTime.Now, COD = paser.COD, CreationDate = DateTime.Now, CurrentStatusID = 0, HeightSize = paser.HeightSize, Weight = paser.Weight, LengthSize = paser.LengthSize, WidthSize = paser.WidthSize, Quantity = paser.Quantity, PostOfficeAcceptID = findCus.PostOfficeID, CurrentPostOfficeID = findCus.PostOfficeID, EmployeeAcceptID = "", MailerDescription = paser.MailerDescription, MailerTypeID = paser.MailerTypeID, MerchandiseValue = paser.MerchandiseValue, MerchandiseID = paser.MerchandiseID, PriceDefault = price, Price = price, PriceService = priceService, Amount = price + codPrice + priceService, PriceCoD = codPrice, Notes = paser.Notes, PaymentMethodID = paser.PaymentMethodID, RecieverAddress = paser.RecieverAddress, RecieverName = paser.RecieverName, RecieverPhone = paser.RecieverPhone, RecieverDistrictID = paser.RecieverDistrictID, RecieverWardID = paser.RecieverWardID, RecieverProvinceID = paser.RecieverProvinceID, SenderID = findCus.CustomerCode, SenderAddress = findCus.Address, SenderDistrictID = findCus.DistrictID, SenderName = findCus.CustomerName, SenderPhone = findCus.Phone, SenderProvinceID = findCus.ProvinceID, SenderWardID = findCus.WardID, PaidCoD = 0, CreateType = 1, IsReturn = false, IsPayment = 0 }; // db.MM_Mailers.Add(mailerIns); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { result.error = 1; result.msg = e.Message; } return(result); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public override ExperimentResultInfo Execute(ExperimentSpecification experimentSpecification) { const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Execute"; Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName); // // Determine how long it actually take to execute // DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now; // Typecast the specification so that it can be used here Specification specification = (Specification)experimentSpecification; // // Log the specification // string strDistanceList = null; for (int i = 0; i < specification.DistanceList.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) { strDistanceList += Consts.CHR_CsvSplitter.ToString(); } strDistanceList += specification.DistanceList[i].ToString(); } string logMessage = STRLOG_Distance + strDistanceList; logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_Duration + specification.Duration.ToString(); logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_Repeat + specification.Repeat.ToString(); Logfile.Write(logMessage); // // Create an instance of the result info ready to fill in // ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Running; if (this.simActivity.SimulateDelays == true) { resultInfo.dataType = DataTypes.Simulated; } else { resultInfo.dataType = DataTypes.Calculated; } // // Create data structures to hold the results // resultInfo.dataVectors = new int[specification.DistanceList.Length, specification.Repeat]; // // Initialise variables used in the state machine // int distanceIndex = 0; int repeatIndex = 0; int[] generatedData = null; try { // // Run the state machine to execute the experiment specification // States_Execute state = States_Execute.sCompleted; if (smTable_Execute.Length > 0) { state = smTable_Execute[0].currentState; } while (state != States_Execute.sCompleted) { // // Find table entry // int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < smTable_Execute.Length; i++) { if (smTable_Execute[i].currentState == state) { // Entry found index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(state.ToString(), STRERR_StateNotFound); } // // Get table entry and save next state // SMTableEntry_Execute entry = smTable_Execute[index]; States_Execute nextState = entry.nextState; logMessage = " [ " + STRLOG_MethodName + ": " + entry.currentState.ToString() + " ]"; Logfile.Write(logMessage); Trace.WriteLine(logMessage); // // Check if experiment was cancelled // if (this.cancelExperiment != null && this.cancelExperiment.IsCancelled == true && resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { // // Experiment was cancelled // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Cancelled; state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Process commands // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sSelectAbsorber: // // Get absorber location from specification // char absorberLocation = specification.AbsorberList[0].location; Logfile.Write(STRLOG_AbsorberLocation + absorberLocation.ToString()); // // Set absorber location // this.simActivity.SetAbsorberLocation(absorberLocation); break; case States_Execute.sSelectSource: // // Get source location from specification // char sourceLocation = specification.SourceLocation; Logfile.Write(STRLOG_SourceLocation + sourceLocation.ToString()); // // Set source location // this.simActivity.SetSourceLocation(sourceLocation); break; case States_Execute.sSetTubeDistance: // // Get tube distance from specification // int tubeDistance = specification.DistanceList[distanceIndex]; Logfile.Write(STRLOG_TubeDistance + tubeDistance.ToString()); // // Set tube distance // this.simActivity.SetTubeDistance(tubeDistance); break; case States_Execute.sCaptureData: if (repeatIndex == 0) { // // Generate data for repeat counts at this distance // generatedData = this.simActivity.GenerateData( specification.DistanceList[distanceIndex], specification.Duration, specification.Repeat); } // // Get capture data for this repeat count // int[] counts = new int[1]; this.simActivity.CaptureData(specification.Duration, counts, generatedData, repeatIndex); resultInfo.dataVectors[distanceIndex, repeatIndex] = counts[0]; Logfile.Write(STRLOG_Duration + specification.Duration.ToString() + Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_Count + counts[0].ToString()); // // Determine next state // if (++repeatIndex == specification.Repeat) { if (++distanceIndex == specification.DistanceList.Length) { // All distances completed break; } // Next distance repeatIndex = 0; nextState = States_Execute.sSetTubeDistance; break; } // Next repeat nextState = States_Execute.sCaptureData; break; case States_Execute.sReturnSource: // // Get source home location // sourceLocation = this.simActivity.SourceHomeLocation; Logfile.Write(STRLOG_SourceLocation + sourceLocation.ToString()); // // Set source location // this.simActivity.SetSourceLocation(sourceLocation); break; case States_Execute.sReturnAbsorber: // // Get absorber home location // absorberLocation = this.simActivity.AbsorberHomeLocation; Logfile.Write(STRLOG_AbsorberLocation + absorberLocation.ToString()); // // Set absorber location // this.simActivity.SetAbsorberLocation(absorberLocation); break; case States_Execute.sReturnTube: // // Get tube home distance // tubeDistance = this.simActivity.TubeHomeDistance; Logfile.Write(STRLOG_TubeDistance + tubeDistance.ToString()); // // Set tube distance // this.simActivity.SetTubeDistance(tubeDistance); break; default: break; } Trace.WriteLine("nextState: " + entry.nextState.ToString()); // // Next state // state = nextState; } // // Update status code // if (resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Completed; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = ex.Message; Logfile.WriteError(ex.Message); } TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - startDateTime; logMessage = STRLOG_ExecutionTime + timeSpan.TotalSeconds.ToString(); Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage); return resultInfo; }
public ResultInfo GetMailers() { ResultInfo result = new ResultInfo() { error = 0, msg = "Them moi thanh cong" }; try { var requestContent = Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var jsonserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var paser = jsonserializer.Deserialize <MailerShowRequest>(requestContent); int pageSize = 50; int pageNumber = ( ?? 1); DateTime paserFromDate = DateTime.Now; DateTime paserToDate = DateTime.Now; try { paserFromDate = DateTime.ParseExact(paser.fromDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", null); paserToDate = DateTime.ParseExact(paser.toDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", null); } catch { paserFromDate = DateTime.Now; paserToDate = DateTime.Now; } var findCus = db.BS_Customers.Where(p => p.CustomerCode == paser.customerId).FirstOrDefault(); if (findCus == null) { throw new Exception("sai thông tin"); } var data = db.MAILER_GETALL(paserFromDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), paserToDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), "%" + findCus.PostOfficeID + "%", "%" + + "%").Where(p => p.SenderID.Contains(paser.customerId)).ToList(); if (paser.status != -1) { data = data.Where(p => p.CurrentStatusID == paser.status).ToList(); } result = new ResultWithPaging() { error = 0, msg = "", page = pageNumber, pageSize = pageSize, toltalSize = data.Count(), data = data.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList() }; } catch (Exception e) { result.error = 1; result.msg = e.Message; } return(result); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public override ExperimentResultInfo Execute(ExperimentSpecification experimentSpecification) { const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Execute"; Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName); // Typecast the specification so that it can be used here Specification specification = (Specification)experimentSpecification; // // Log the specification // string logMessage = string.Empty; //Logfile.Write(logMessage); // // Create an instance of the result info ready to fill in // ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Running; // // Initialise variables used in the state machine // int repeatCount = 0; try { // // First, check to see if the LabEquipment is online // LabEquipmentStatus labEquipmentStatus = this.equipmentServiceProxy.GetLabEquipmentStatus(); if ( == false) { throw new Exception(labEquipmentStatus.statusMessage); } // // Run the state machine to execute the experiment specification // States_Execute state = States_Execute.sCompleted; if (smTable_Execute.Length > 0) { state = smTable_Execute[0].currentState; } while (state != States_Execute.sCompleted) { // // Find table entry // int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < smTable_Execute.Length; i++) { if (smTable_Execute[i].currentState == state) { // Entry found index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(state.ToString(), STRERR_StateNotFound); } // // Get table entry and save next state // SMTableEntry_Execute entry = smTable_Execute[index]; States_Execute nextState = entry.nextState; logMessage = " [ " + STRLOG_MethodName + ": " + entry.currentState.ToString() + " ]"; Logfile.Write(logMessage); Trace.WriteLine(logMessage); // // Check if experiment was cancelled // if (this.cancelExperiment != null && this.cancelExperiment.IsCancelled == true && resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { // // Experiment was cancelled // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Cancelled; state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Process non-XML commands // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sSuspendPowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.SuspendPowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_SuspendPowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; case States_Execute.sResumePowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.ResumePowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_ResumePowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; default: break; } // // Add command arguments where required // switch (entry.currentState) { // // Nothing to do here // default: break; } // // Execute command and check response success // XmlDocument xmlRequestDocument = CreateXmlRequestDocument(entry.equipmentCommand, entry.commandArguments); string xmlResponse = this.equipmentServiceProxy.ExecuteRequest(xmlRequestDocument.InnerXml); XmlNode xmlResponseNode = CreateXmlResponseNode(xmlResponse); if (XmlUtilities.GetBoolValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspSuccess, false) == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspErrorMessage, true); state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Extract response values where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sTakeMeasurement: // // Add in the values // resultInfo.voltage += (float)XmlUtilities.GetRealValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspVoltageMut, 0.0); resultInfo.current += (float)XmlUtilities.GetRealValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspCurrentMut, 0.0); resultInfo.powerFactor += (float)XmlUtilities.GetRealValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspPowerFactorMut, 0.0); resultInfo.speed += XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspSpeed, 0); resultInfo.torque += XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspTorque, 0); // // Check if all measurements have been taken // if (++repeatCount == this.measurementCount) { // // All measurements taken, average the values // resultInfo.voltage /= this.measurementCount; resultInfo.current /= this.measurementCount; resultInfo.powerFactor /= this.measurementCount; resultInfo.speed /= this.measurementCount; resultInfo.torque /= this.measurementCount; break; } // Next measurement nextState = States_Execute.sTakeMeasurement; break; default: break; } // // Next state // state = nextState; } // // Update status code // if (resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Completed; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = ex.Message; Logfile.WriteError(ex.Message); } logMessage = STRLOG_StatusCode + resultInfo.statusCode; Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage); return resultInfo; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public override ExperimentResultInfo Execute(ExperimentSpecification experimentSpecification) { const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Execute"; Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName); // // Determine how long it actually take to execute // DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now; // Typecast the specification so that it can be used here Specification specification = (Specification)experimentSpecification; // // Log the specification // string logMessage = STRLOG_SetupId + specification.SetupId; Logfile.Write(logMessage); // // Create an instance of the result info ready to fill in // ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Running; // // Initialise variables used in the state machine // try { // // First, check to see if the LabEquipment is online // LabEquipmentStatus labEquipmentStatus = this.equipmentServiceProxy.GetLabEquipmentStatus(); if ( == false) { throw new Exception(labEquipmentStatus.statusMessage); } // // Run the state machine to execute the experiment specification // States_Execute state = States_Execute.sCompleted; if (smTable_Execute.Length > 0) { state = smTable_Execute[0].currentState; } while (state != States_Execute.sCompleted) { // // Find table entry // int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < smTable_Execute.Length; i++) { if (smTable_Execute[i].currentState == state) { // Entry found index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(state.ToString(), STRERR_StateNotFound); } // // Get table entry and save next state // SMTableEntry_Execute entry = smTable_Execute[index]; States_Execute nextState = entry.nextState; logMessage = " [ " + STRLOG_MethodName + ": " + entry.currentState.ToString() + " ]"; Logfile.Write(logMessage); Trace.WriteLine(logMessage); // // Check if experiment was cancelled // if (this.cancelExperiment != null && this.cancelExperiment.IsCancelled == true && resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { // // Experiment was cancelled // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Cancelled; state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Process non-XML commands // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sSuspendPowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.SuspendPowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_SuspendPowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; case States_Execute.sResumePowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.ResumePowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_ResumePowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; default: break; } // // Add command arguments where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sStartExecution: entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = specification.ToString(); break; default: break; } // // Execute command and check response success // XmlDocument xmlRequestDocument = CreateXmlRequestDocument(entry.equipmentCommand, entry.commandArguments); string xmlResponse = this.equipmentServiceProxy.ExecuteRequest(xmlRequestDocument.InnerXml); XmlNode xmlResponseNode = CreateXmlResponseNode(xmlResponse); if (XmlUtilities.GetBoolValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspSuccess, false) == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspErrorMessage, true); state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Extract response values where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sGetExecutionStatus: // // Get the execution status // string strExecutionStatus = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspExecutionStatus, false); Trace.WriteLine("ExecutionStatus: " + strExecutionStatus); // // Get the execution time remaining // int executionTimeRemaining = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspExecutionTimeRemaining, -1); Trace.WriteLine("ExecutionTimeRemaining: " + executionTimeRemaining.ToString()); // // Convert to an ExecutionStatus enum type // ExecutionStatus executionStatus = (ExecutionStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExecutionStatus), strExecutionStatus); // // Check if execution has completed // if (executionStatus != ExecutionStatus.Completed) { // // Not yet, wait a bit and then check again // int secondsToWait = 1; if (executionTimeRemaining > 40) { secondsToWait = 20; } else if (executionTimeRemaining > 5) { secondsToWait = executionTimeRemaining / 2; } else { secondsToWait = 2; } for (int i = 0; i < secondsToWait; i++) { Trace.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(1000); } nextState = States_Execute.sGetExecutionStatus; } break; case States_Execute.sGetExecutionResultStatus: // // Get the execution result status // string strExecutionResultStatus = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspExecutionResultStatus, false); Trace.WriteLine("ExecutionResultStatus: " + strExecutionResultStatus); // // Convert to an ExecutionStatus enum type // ExecutionStatus executionResultStatus = (ExecutionStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExecutionStatus), strExecutionResultStatus); // // Check if results are available // if (executionResultStatus != ExecutionStatus.Completed) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; //resultInfo.errorMessage = ; } break; case States_Execute.sGetExecutionResults: // // Get the execution results // resultInfo.xmlMeasurements = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspExecutionResults, false); Trace.WriteLine("ExecutionResults: " + resultInfo.xmlMeasurements); break; default: break; } // // Next state // state = nextState; } // // Update status code // if (resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Completed; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = ex.Message; Logfile.WriteError(ex.Message); } // // Calculate actual execution time // TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - startDateTime; logMessage = STRLOG_StatusCode + resultInfo.statusCode + Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + timeSpan.TotalSeconds.ToString(); Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage); return resultInfo; }
//private string UserName = "******"; //private string Pwd = ""; private AsyncCompletedEventArgs GetEventArgs(string result, object userToken) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result)) { return new AsyncCompletedEventArgs(new ApplicationException("调用远程短信发送接口,返回未知的状态错误"), false, userToken); } int index; if (int.TryParse(result, out index)) { var info = new ResultInfo(); if (index == 1) { return new AsyncCompletedEventArgs(null, false, userToken); } return new AsyncCompletedEventArgs(new ApplicationException(info.GetErrorInfo(index)), false, userToken); } return new AsyncCompletedEventArgs(new ApplicationException("未知错误"), false, userToken); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public override ExperimentResultInfo Execute(ExperimentSpecification experimentSpecification) { const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Execute"; Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName); // // Determine how long it actually take to execute // DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now; // Typecast the specification so that it can be used here Specification specification = (Specification)experimentSpecification; // // Log the specification // string logMessage = STRLOG_SpeedMin + specification.Speed.min.ToString() + Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_SpeedMax + specification.Speed.max.ToString() + Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_SpeedStep + specification.Speed.step.ToString(); Logfile.Write(logMessage); // // Create an instance of the result info ready to fill in // ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(); resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Running; // // Create data structures to hold the results // int vectorLength = ((specification.Speed.max - specification.Speed.min) / specification.Speed.step) + 1; resultInfo.speedVector = new int[vectorLength]; resultInfo.voltageVector = new int[vectorLength]; resultInfo.loadVector = new int[vectorLength]; resultInfo.fieldVector = new float[vectorLength]; // // Initialise variables used in the state machine // int vectorIndex = 0; int repeatCount = 0; try { // // First, check to see if the LabEquipment is online // LabEquipmentStatus labEquipmentStatus = this.equipmentServiceProxy.GetLabEquipmentStatus(); if ( == false) { throw new Exception(labEquipmentStatus.statusMessage); } // // Run the state machine to execute the experiment specification // States_Execute state = States_Execute.sCompleted; if (smTable_Execute.Length > 0) { state = smTable_Execute[0].currentState; } while (state != States_Execute.sCompleted) { // // Find table entry // int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < smTable_Execute.Length; i++) { if (smTable_Execute[i].currentState == state) { // Entry found index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(state.ToString(), STRERR_StateNotFound); } // // Get table entry and save next state // SMTableEntry_Execute entry = smTable_Execute[index]; States_Execute nextState = entry.nextState; logMessage = " [ " + STRLOG_MethodName + ": " + entry.currentState.ToString() + " ]"; Logfile.Write(logMessage); Trace.WriteLine(logMessage); // // Check if experiment was cancelled // if (this.cancelExperiment != null && this.cancelExperiment.IsCancelled == true && resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { // // Experiment was cancelled // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Cancelled; state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Process non-XML commands // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sSuspendPowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.SuspendPowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_SuspendPowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; case States_Execute.sResumePowerdown: if (this.equipmentServiceProxy.ResumePowerdown() == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = STRERR_ResumePowerdown; state = entry.exitState; } else { state = nextState; } continue; default: break; } // // Add command arguments where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sSetSpeedACDrive: int speedACDrive = specification.Speed.min + (vectorIndex * specification.Speed.step); entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = speedACDrive.ToString(); break; case States_Execute.sResetSpeedACDrive: speedACDrive = 0; entry.commandArguments[0, 1] = speedACDrive.ToString(); break; default: break; } // // Execute command and check response success // XmlDocument xmlRequestDocument = CreateXmlRequestDocument(entry.equipmentCommand, entry.commandArguments); string xmlResponse = this.equipmentServiceProxy.ExecuteRequest(xmlRequestDocument.InnerXml); XmlNode xmlResponseNode = CreateXmlResponseNode(xmlResponse); if (XmlUtilities.GetBoolValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspSuccess, false) == false) { // // Command execution failed // resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlResponseNode, LabServerEngine.Consts.STRXML_RspErrorMessage, true); state = entry.exitState; continue; } // // Extract response values where required // switch (entry.currentState) { case States_Execute.sTakeMeasurement: // // Add in the values // resultInfo.speedVector[vectorIndex] += XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspSpeed, 0); resultInfo.voltageVector[vectorIndex] += XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspVoltage, 0); resultInfo.loadVector[vectorIndex] += XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspLoad, 0); resultInfo.fieldVector[vectorIndex] += (float)XmlUtilities.GetRealValue(xmlResponseNode, Consts.STRXML_RspFieldCurrent, 0.0); // // Check if all measurements have been taken for this field value // if (++repeatCount == this.measurementCount) { // // All measurements have been taken for this field value, average the values // resultInfo.speedVector[vectorIndex] /= measurementCount; resultInfo.voltageVector[vectorIndex] /= measurementCount; resultInfo.fieldVector[vectorIndex] /= measurementCount; resultInfo.loadVector[vectorIndex] /= measurementCount; // // Check if field values have been completed // if (++vectorIndex == vectorLength) { // // All measurements have been taken // break; } // // Next field value // repeatCount = 0; nextState = States_Execute.sSetSpeedACDrive; break; } // Next measurement at the same field value nextState = States_Execute.sTakeMeasurement; break; default: break; } // // Next state // state = nextState; } // // Update status code // if (resultInfo.statusCode == StatusCodes.Running) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Completed; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultInfo.statusCode = StatusCodes.Failed; resultInfo.errorMessage = ex.Message; Logfile.WriteError(ex.Message); } // // Calculate actual execution time // TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - startDateTime; logMessage = STRLOG_StatusCode + resultInfo.statusCode + Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + timeSpan.TotalSeconds.ToString(); Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage); return resultInfo; }
public ResultInfo CoDBill() { ResultInfo result = new ResultInfo() { error = 0, msg = "Them moi thanh cong" }; try { var requestContent = Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var jsonserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var paser = jsonserializer.Deserialize <CoDShowRequest>(requestContent); int pageSize = 50; int pageNumber = ( ?? 1); DateTime paserFromDate = DateTime.Now; DateTime paserToDate = DateTime.Now; try { paserFromDate = DateTime.ParseExact(paser.fromDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", null); paserToDate = DateTime.ParseExact(paser.toDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", null); } catch { paserFromDate = DateTime.Now; paserToDate = DateTime.Now; } var findCus = db.BS_Customers.Where(p => p.CustomerCode == paser.customerId).FirstOrDefault(); if (findCus == null) { throw new Exception("sai thông tin"); } var findGroup = db.BS_CustomerGroups.Find(findCus.CustomerGroupID); if (findGroup == null) { throw new Exception("sai thông tin"); } var data = db.CUSTOMER_COD_DEBIT_GETDOCUMENTS(paserFromDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), paserToDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), "%" + findGroup.CustomerGroupCode + "%").ToList(); result = new ResultWithPaging() { error = 0, msg = "", page = pageNumber, pageSize = pageSize, toltalSize = data.Count(), data = data.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList() }; } catch (Exception e) { result.error = 1; result.msg = e.Message; } return(result); }
public ActionResult GetShareCoin(int coin = 0, long coinID = 0) { ResultInfo ri = new ResultInfo(); if (coin > 0) { if (coinID > 0) { //查找对应奖励 var sharecoin = BBSEnumBLL.Instance.GetItem(coinID); if (sharecoin == null) { ri.Msg = "您领取的对应奖励不存在!"; } else { if (sharecoin.EnumDesc == coin.ToString()) { //判断当前用户分享的注册用户数是否已达标 int registCount = ShareRegistLogBLL.Instance.GetRegistCount(UserID); if (registCount >= sharecoin.SortIndex) { BeginTran(); if (UserExtBLL.Instance.AddScore(UserID, coin, 1, Tran)) { if (ScoreCoinLogBLL.Instance.Log(coin, 1, CoinSourceEnum.ShareCoin, UserID, UserInfo.UserName, Tran, coinID)) { ri.Ok = true; Commit(); } else { RollBack(); } } else { RollBack(); } } else { ri.Msg = "您未达标,无法领取奖励"; } } else { ri.Msg = "奖励分数异常"; } } } else { ri.Msg = "奖励分数异常"; } } else { ri.Msg = "奖励分数异常"; } return(Result(ri)); }
public Gen(ResultInfo resultInfo) { _resultInfo = resultInfo; }
public static PlayAudioResultEvent PlayAudioResultEvent(ResultInfo resultInfo = default, string operationContext = default, OperationStatus status = default) { return(new PlayAudioResultEvent(resultInfo, operationContext, status)); }
public ActionResult CateOperate() { ResultInfo resultInfo; string action = RequestHelper.All("action").ToLower(); string ids = RequestHelper.All("ids").ToLower(); if (action == "") { resultInfo = new ResultInfo((int)ResultStatus.Error, "未选择任何操作!"); return Json(resultInfo); } if (ids == "") { resultInfo = new ResultInfo((int)ResultStatus.Error, "未选择任何操作项!"); return Json(resultInfo); } switch (action) { case "delete": _cateService.Delete(Utils.StrToInt(ids)); break; } return Json(new ResultInfo("操作成功")); }
public static PlayAudioResult PlayAudioResult(string operationId = default, OperationStatus status = default, string operationContext = default, ResultInfo resultInfo = default) { return(new PlayAudioResult(operationId, status, operationContext, resultInfo)); }
public ActionResult CateEdit(Cate cate) { ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "验证不通过"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Cate oldCate = _cateService.GetById(cate.CateId); if (oldCate == null) { resultInfo = new ResultInfo(1, "该信息已被删除或不存在,请刷新列表!"); return Json(resultInfo); } int oldPid = oldCate.Pid; oldCate.CateId = cate.CateId; oldCate.CateName = cate.CateName; oldCate.Pid = cate.Pid; resultInfo = _cateService.Update(oldCate, oldPid); } return Json(resultInfo); }
public static CancelAllMediaOperationsResult CancelAllMediaOperationsResult(string operationId = default, OperationStatus status = default, string operationContext = default, ResultInfo resultInfo = default) { return(new CancelAllMediaOperationsResult(operationId, status, operationContext, resultInfo)); }