/// <summary>
        /// Checks supply required restaurants and supply required products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">supplyDate</param>
        public void Supply(DateTime date)
            var supplyRequiredRestaurants = _restaurantService.GetBySupplyDayOfWeek(new GetRestaurantsBySupplyDayOfWeekRequest {
                SupplyDayOfWeek = (byte)date.DayOfWeek
            var supplyRequiredRestaurantCount = supplyRequiredRestaurants.Count;

            //If today isn't a supply day for any restaurant
            if (supplyRequiredRestaurantCount == default(int))

            foreach (var restaurant in supplyRequiredRestaurants)
            {  //Parallel.ForEach(supplyRequiredRestaurants, restaurant =>
                //Get sales staff for current restaurant
                var responsibleStaff = GetResponsibleStaff(restaurant.ID);
                if (responsibleStaff == null)

                //Get Latest stock transactions
                var latestStockTransactionLookup = _productService.GetLatestStockTransactions(new GetLatestStockTransactionsRequest {
                    RestaurantId = restaurant.ID, StartDate = date.Date.AddDays(-7)
                }).LastStockTransactions.ToLookup(x => x.ProductID);

                //Get products that have stock transaction for current restaurant
                var productIdList = latestStockTransactionLookup.Select(x => x.Key);

                foreach (var productId in productIdList)
                    //Get latest transactions for current restaurant - product pair.
                    var latestProductTransactions = latestStockTransactionLookup[productId];

                    //Get Remaining Amount
                    var lastTransaction = latestProductTransactions.OrderBy(x => x.CreatedDatetime).LastOrDefault();
                    if (lastTransaction == null)
                        // There is no transaction for this seven days. So, no order is reqired.

                    //Get consumed amount for current restaurant - product pair.
                    var consumedAmount = latestProductTransactions.Where(x => x.TransactionAmount < 0).Sum(x => x.TransactionAmount);

                    //Check if stock is enough for next week
                    var requiredAmount = Math.Abs(consumedAmount) - lastTransaction.RemainingAmount;
                    if (requiredAmount > 0)
                        //Give an order for this product
                        var giveOrderResponse = _supplyService.GiveOrder(BuildGiveOrderRequest(restaurant.ID, responsibleStaff.ID, productId, requiredAmount, date));

                        //Given orders are provided by supplier.
                        _supplyService.Provide(new ProvideProductOrderRequest
                            OrderID          = giveOrderResponse.OrderID,
                            UnitsInStock     = lastTransaction.RemainingAmount,
                            ExpirationDate   = date.AddDays(RandomHelper.RandomInteger(Constants.ProductExpirationDayRange.Min, Constants.ProductExpirationDayRange.Max)),
                            ReceivedDateTime = date

                //Parallel.ForEach(productIdList, productId =>
                //   {
                //       //Get latest transactions for current restaurant - product pair.
                //       var latestProductTransactions = latestStockTransactionLookup[productId];

                //       //Get Remaining Amount
                //       var lastTransaction = latestProductTransactions.OrderBy(x => x.CreatedDatetime).LastOrDefault();
                //       if (lastTransaction == null)
                //       {
                //           // There is no transaction for this seven days. So, no order is reqired.
                //       }

                //       //Get consumed amount for current restaurant - product pair.
                //       var consumedAmount = latestProductTransactions.Where(x => x.TransactionAmount < 0).Sum(x => x.TransactionAmount);

                //       //Check if stock is enough for next week
                //       var requiredAmount = consumedAmount - lastTransaction.RemainingAmount;
                //       if (requiredAmount > 0)
                //       {
                //           //Give an order for this product
                //           var giveOrderResponse = _supplyService.GiveOrder(BuildGiveOrderRequest(restaurant.ID, responsibleStaff.ID, productId, requiredAmount));

                //           //Given orders are provided by supplier.
                //           _supplyService.Provide(new ProvideProductOrderRequest
                //           {
                //               OrderID = giveOrderResponse.OrderID,
                //               UnitsInStock = lastTransaction.RemainingAmount,
                //               ExpirationDate = date.AddDays(RandomHelper.RandomInteger(Constants.ProductExpirationDayRange.Min, Constants.ProductExpirationDayRange.Max))
                //           });
                //       }
                //   });
                //  });