Beispiel #1
        private void RegisterFetchCap(UUID agentID, Caps caps, string capName, string url)
            string capUrl;

            if (url == "localhost")
                capUrl = "/CAPS/" + UUID.Random();

                IRequestHandler reqHandler
                    = new RestStreamHandler(

                caps.RegisterHandler(capName, reqHandler);
                capUrl = url;

                caps.RegisterHandler(capName, capUrl);

//            m_log.DebugFormat(
//                "[WEB FETCH INV DESC MODULE]: Registered capability {0} at {1} in region {2} for {3}",
//                capName, capUrl, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, agentID);
        public void OnRegisterCaps(UUID agentID, Caps caps)
            //            m_log.DebugFormat(
            //                "[MOAP]: Registering ObjectMedia and ObjectMediaNavigate capabilities for agent {0}", agentID);

            string omCapUrl = "/CAPS/" + UUID.Random();

            lock (m_omCapUsers)
                m_omCapUsers[omCapUrl] = agentID;
                m_omCapUrls[agentID]   = omCapUrl;

                // Even though we're registering for POST we're going to get GETS and UPDATES too
                IRequestHandler handler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", omCapUrl, HandleObjectMediaMessage);
                caps.RegisterHandler("ObjectMedia", handler);

            string omuCapUrl = "/CAPS/" + UUID.Random();

            lock (m_omuCapUsers)
                m_omuCapUsers[omuCapUrl] = agentID;
                m_omuCapUrls[agentID]    = omuCapUrl;

                // Even though we're registering for POST we're going to get GETS and UPDATES too
                IRequestHandler handler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", omuCapUrl, HandleObjectMediaNavigateMessage);
                caps.RegisterHandler("ObjectMediaNavigate", handler);
Beispiel #3
        public void RegisterRegionServiceHandlers(string capsBase)
                // the root of all evil
                    "SEED", new RestStreamHandler("POST", capsBase + m_requestPath, SeedCapRequest, "SEED", null));

                    "[CAPS]: Registered seed capability {0} for {1}", capsBase + m_requestPath, m_HostCapsObj.AgentID);

                //m_capsHandlers["MapLayer"] =
                //    new LLSDStreamhandler<OSDMapRequest, OSDMapLayerResponse>("POST",
                //                                                                capsBase + m_mapLayerPath,
                //                                                                GetMapLayer);
                IRequestHandler req
                    = new RestStreamHandler(
                          "POST", capsBase + m_notecardTaskUpdatePath, ScriptTaskInventory, "UpdateScript", null);

                m_HostCapsObj.RegisterHandler("UpdateScriptTaskInventory", req);
                m_HostCapsObj.RegisterHandler("UpdateScriptTask", req);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.Error("[CAPS]: " + e.ToString());
Beispiel #4
        private void OnRegisterCaps(OpenMetaverse.UUID agentID, OpenSim.Framework.Capabilities.Caps caps)
            string capsBase = "/CAPS/" + caps.CapsObjectPath;

            IRequestHandler renderMaterialsPostHandler
                = new RestStreamHandler("POST", capsBase + "/",
                                        (request, path, param, httpRequest, httpResponse)
                                        => RenderMaterialsPostCap(request, agentID),
                                        "RenderMaterials", null);

            caps.RegisterHandler("RenderMaterials", renderMaterialsPostHandler);

            // OpenSimulator CAPs infrastructure seems to be somewhat hostile towards any CAP that requires both GET
            // and POST handlers, (at least at the time this was originally written), so we first set up a POST
            // handler normally and then add a GET handler via MainServer

            IRequestHandler renderMaterialsGetHandler
                = new RestStreamHandler("GET", capsBase + "/",
                                        (request, path, param, httpRequest, httpResponse)
                                        => RenderMaterialsGetCap(request),
                                        "RenderMaterials", null);


            // materials viewer seems to use either POST or PUT, so assign POST handler for PUT as well
            IRequestHandler renderMaterialsPutHandler
                = new RestStreamHandler("PUT", capsBase + "/",
                                        (request, path, param, httpRequest, httpResponse)
                                        => RenderMaterialsPostCap(request, agentID),
                                        "RenderMaterials", null);

        private void OnRegisterCaps(UUID agentID, OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Capabilities.Caps caps)
            string renderCap = CapsUtil.CreateCAPS("RenderMaterials", String.Empty);

            // OpenSimulator CAPs infrastructure seems to be somewhat hostile towards any CAP that requires both GET
            // and POST handlers, so we first set up a POST handler normally and then add a GET/PUT handler via MainServer

            IRequestHandler renderMaterialsPostHandler
                = new RestStreamHandler(
                      "POST", renderCap,
                      (request, path, param, httpRequest, httpResponse) => RenderMaterialsPostCap(request, agentID),
                      "RenderMaterials", null);

            caps.RegisterHandler("RenderMaterials", renderMaterialsPostHandler);

            IRequestHandler renderMaterialsGetHandler
                = new RestStreamHandler("GET", renderCap,
                                        (request, path, param, httpRequest, httpResponse) => RenderMaterialsGetCap(request),
                                        "RenderMaterials", null);


            // materials viewer seems to use either POST or PUT, so assign POST handler for PUT as well
            IRequestHandler renderMaterialsPutHandler
                = new RestStreamHandler("PUT", renderCap,
                                        (request, path, param, httpRequest, httpResponse) => RenderMaterialsPostCap(request, agentID),
                                        "RenderMaterials", null);

Beispiel #6
        public void RegisterInventoryServiceHandlers(string capsBase)
                // I don't think this one works...
                    new LLSDStreamhandler <LLSDAssetUploadRequest, LLSDAssetUploadResponse>(
                        capsBase + m_newInventory,

                IRequestHandler req
                    = new RestStreamHandler(
                          "POST", capsBase + m_notecardUpdatePath, NoteCardAgentInventory, "Update*", null);

                m_HostCapsObj.RegisterHandler("UpdateNotecardAgentInventory", req);
                m_HostCapsObj.RegisterHandler("UpdateScriptAgentInventory", req);
                m_HostCapsObj.RegisterHandler("UpdateScriptAgent", req);

                    new RestStreamHandler(
                        "POST", capsBase + m_copyFromNotecardPath, CopyInventoryFromNotecard, "CopyInventoryFromNotecard", null));

                // As of RC 1.22.9 of the Linden client this is
                // supported

                //m_capsHandlers["WebFetchInventoryDescendents"] =new RestStreamHandler("POST", capsBase + m_fetchInventoryPath, FetchInventoryDescendentsRequest);

                // justincc: I've disabled the CAPS service for now to fix problems with selecting textures, and
                // subsequent inventory breakage, in the edit object pane (such as mantis 1085).  This requires
                // enhancements (probably filling out the folder part of the LLSD reply) to our CAPS service,
                // but when I went on the Linden grid, the
                // simulators I visited (version 1.21) were, surprisingly, no longer supplying this capability.  Instead,
                // the client appeared to be happily flowing inventory data over UDP
                // This is very probably just a temporary measure - once the CAPS service appears again on the Linden grid
                // we will be
                // able to get the data we need to implement the necessary part of the protocol to fix the issue above.
                //                m_capsHandlers["FetchInventoryDescendents"] =
                //                    new RestStreamHandler("POST", capsBase + m_fetchInventoryPath, FetchInventoryRequest);

                // m_capsHandlers["FetchInventoryDescendents"] =
                //     new LLSDStreamhandler<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents, LLSDInventoryDescendents>("POST",
                //                                                                                    capsBase + m_fetchInventory,
                //                                                                                    FetchInventory));
                // m_capsHandlers["RequestTextureDownload"] = new RestStreamHandler("POST",
                //                                                                  capsBase + m_requestTexture,
                //                                                                  RequestTexture);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.Error("[CAPS]: " + e.ToString());
        public void RegisterCaps(UUID agentID, Caps caps)
            SeedCapsHandler handler    = new SeedCapsHandler(m_scene, agentID, caps);
            IRequestHandler reqHandler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", caps.CapsBase + m_requestPath, handler.SeedCapRequest);

            caps.RegisterHandler("SEED", reqHandler);

            m_log.DebugFormat("[CAPS]: Registered seed capability {0} for {1}", caps.CapsBase + m_requestPath, agentID);
Beispiel #8
        public void RegisterCaps(UUID agentID, Caps caps)
            IRequestHandler SendUserReportHandler = new RestStreamHandler(
                "POST", "/CAPS/" + UUID.Random(), (v, w, x, y, z) => SendUserReport(v, w, x, y, z, caps), "SendUserReportHandler", null);

            caps.RegisterHandler("SendUserReport", SendUserReportHandler);

            IRequestHandler SendUserReportWithScreenshotHandler = new RestStreamHandler(
                "POST", "/CAPS/" + UUID.Random(), (v, w, x, y, z) => SendUserReportWithScreenshot(v, w, x, y, z, caps), "SendUserReportWithScreenshot", null);

            caps.RegisterHandler("SendUserReportWithScreenshot", SendUserReportWithScreenshotHandler);
 public void RegisterCaps(UUID agentID, Caps caps)
     if (m_Url == "localhost")
         IRequestHandler LSLSyntaxHandler = new RestStreamHandler(
             "GET", "/CAPS/" + UUID.Random(), LSLSyntax, "LSLSyntax", null);
         caps.RegisterHandler("LSLSyntax", LSLSyntaxHandler);
         caps.RegisterHandler("LSLSyntax", m_Url + m_SyntaxID);
Beispiel #10
 public void RegisterInventoryServiceHandlers(string capsBase)
         // I don't think this one works...
         m_capsHandlers["NewFileAgentInventory"]        = new LLSDStreamhandler <LLSDAssetUploadRequest, LLSDAssetUploadResponse>("POST", capsBase + m_newInventory, NewAgentInventoryRequest);
         m_capsHandlers["UpdateNotecardAgentInventory"] = new RestStreamHandler("POST", capsBase + m_notecardUpdatePath, NoteCardAgentInventory);
         m_capsHandlers["UpdateScriptAgentInventory"]   = m_capsHandlers["UpdateNotecardAgentInventory"];
         m_capsHandlers["UpdateScriptAgent"]            = m_capsHandlers["UpdateScriptAgentInventory"];
     catch (Exception e)
         m_log.Error("[Caps]: " + e.ToString());
Beispiel #11
        public void RegisterCaps(UUID agentID, Caps caps)
            string homeLocationCap = CapsUtil.CreateCAPS("HomeLocation", String.Empty);

            // OpenSimulator CAPs infrastructure seems to be somewhat hostile towards any CAP that requires both GET
            // and POST handlers, so we first set up a POST handler normally and then add a GET/PUT handler via MainServer

            IRequestHandler homeLocationRequestHandler
                = new RestStreamHandler(
                      "POST", homeLocationCap,
                      (request, path, param, httpRequest, httpResponse) => HomeLocation(request, agentID),
                      "HomeLocation", null);

            caps.RegisterHandler("HomeLocation", homeLocationRequestHandler);
Beispiel #12
        public FetchInvDescServerConnector(IConfigSource config, IHttpServer server, string configName) :
            base(config, server, configName)
            if (configName != String.Empty)
                m_ConfigName = configName;

            IConfig serverConfig = config.Configs[m_ConfigName];

            if (serverConfig == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("No section '{0}' in config file", m_ConfigName));

            string invService = serverConfig.GetString("InventoryService", String.Empty);

            if (invService == String.Empty)
                throw new Exception("No InventoryService in config file");

            Object[] args = new Object[] { config };
            m_InventoryService =
                ServerUtils.LoadPlugin <IInventoryService>(invService, args);

            if (m_InventoryService == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load InventoryService from {0}; config is {1}", invService, m_ConfigName));

            string libService = serverConfig.GetString("LibraryService", String.Empty);

            m_LibraryService =
                ServerUtils.LoadPlugin <ILibraryService>(libService, args);

            FetchInvDescHandler webFetchHandler = new FetchInvDescHandler(m_InventoryService, m_LibraryService, null);
            IRequestHandler     reqHandler
                = new RestStreamHandler(
                      "/CAPS/WebFetchInvDesc/" /*+ UUID.Random()*/,

Beispiel #13
        public void RegisterRegionServiceHandlers(string capsBase)
                // the root of all evil
                m_capsHandlers["SEED"] = new RestStreamHandler("POST", capsBase + m_requestPath, CapsRequest);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[Caps]: Registered seed capability {0} for {1}", capsBase + m_requestPath, m_agentID);

                m_capsHandlers["UpdateScriptTaskInventory"] = new RestStreamHandler("POST", capsBase + m_notecardTaskUpdatePath, ScriptTaskInventory);
                m_capsHandlers["UpdateScriptTask"]          = m_capsHandlers["UpdateScriptTaskInventory"];
                m_capsHandlers["UploadBakedTexture"]        = new RestStreamHandler("POST", capsBase + m_uploadBakedTexturePath, UploadBakedTexture);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.Error("[Caps]: " + e.ToString());
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        ///     Add a REST stream handler to the underlying HTTP server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpMethod">GET/PUT/POST/DELETE or
        /// similar</param>
        /// <param name="path">URL prefix</param>
        /// <param name="method">RestMethod handler doing the actual work</param>
        public virtual void AddRestStreamHandler(string httpMethod, string path, RestMethod method)
            if (!IsEnabled)

            if (!path.StartsWith(_prefix))
                path = String.Format("{0}{1}", _prefix, path);

            RestStreamHandler h = new RestStreamHandler(httpMethod, path, method);


            m_log.DebugFormat("{0} Added REST handler {1} {2}", MsgID, httpMethod, path);
        /// <summary>
        /// If there is a stream handler registered that can handle the
        /// request, then fine. If the request is not matched, do
        /// nothing.
        /// Note: The selection is case-insensitive
        /// </summary>

        private bool FindStreamHandler(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response)
            RequestData rdata = new RequestData(request, response, String.Empty);

            string bestMatch = String.Empty;
            string path      = String.Format("{0}:{1}", rdata.method, rdata.path).ToLower();

            Rest.Log.DebugFormat("{0} Checking for stream handler for <{1}>", MsgId, path);

            if (!IsEnabled)

            foreach (string pattern in streamHandlers.Keys)
                if (path.StartsWith(pattern))
                    if (pattern.Length > bestMatch.Length)
                        bestMatch = pattern;

            // Handle using the best match available

            if (bestMatch.Length > 0)
                Rest.Log.DebugFormat("{0} Stream-based handler matched with <{1}>", MsgId, bestMatch);
                RestStreamHandler handler = streamHandlers[bestMatch];
                rdata.buffer = handler.Handle(rdata.path, rdata.request.InputStream, rdata.request, rdata.response);
                rdata.AddHeader(rdata.response.ContentType, handler.ContentType);
                rdata.Respond("FindStreamHandler Completion");

Beispiel #16
        public FetchInventory2ServerConnector(IConfigSource config, IHttpServer server, string configName)
            : base(config, server, configName)
            if (configName != String.Empty)
                m_ConfigName = configName;

            IConfig serverConfig = config.Configs[m_ConfigName];

            if (serverConfig == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("No section '{0}' in config file", m_ConfigName));

            string invService = serverConfig.GetString("InventoryService", String.Empty);

            if (invService == String.Empty)
                throw new Exception("No InventoryService in config file");

            Object[] args = new Object[] { config };
            m_InventoryService = ServerUtils.LoadPlugin <IInventoryService>(invService, args);

            if (m_InventoryService == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load InventoryService from {0}; config is {1}", invService, m_ConfigName));

            FetchInventory2Handler fiHandler = new FetchInventory2Handler(m_InventoryService, UUID.Zero);
            IRequestHandler        reqHandler
                = new RestStreamHandler(
                      "POST", "/CAPS/FetchInventory/", fiHandler.FetchInventoryRequest, "FetchInventory", null);

        /// <summary>
        /// Register the Caps for inventory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agentID"></param>
        /// <param name="server"></param>
        private OSDMap EventManagerOnRegisterCaps(UUID agentID, IHttpServer server)
            OSDMap retVal = new OSDMap();
            retVal["UpdateScriptTaskInventory"] = CapsUtil.CreateCAPS("UpdateScriptTaskInventory", "");
            retVal["UpdateScriptTask"] = retVal["UpdateScriptTaskInventory"];

            //Region Server bound
            #if (!ISWIN)
            IRequestHandler handler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", retVal["UpdateScriptTask"],
                delegate(string request, string path, string param,
                                            OSHttpRequest httpRequest, OSHttpResponse httpResponse)
                    return ScriptTaskInventory(agentID, request, path, param,
                        httpRequest, httpResponse);
            IRequestHandler handler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", retVal["UpdateScriptTask"],
                                                            (request, path, param, httpRequest, httpResponse) =>
                                                            ScriptTaskInventory(agentID, request, path, param,
                                                                                httpRequest, httpResponse));

            retVal["UpdateScriptAgentInventory"] = CapsUtil.CreateCAPS("UpdateScriptAgentInventory", "");
            retVal["UpdateNotecardAgentInventory"] = retVal["UpdateScriptAgentInventory"];
            retVal["UpdateScriptAgent"] = retVal["UpdateNotecardAgentInventory"];
            //Unless the script engine goes, region server bound
            #if (!ISWIN)
            handler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", retVal["UpdateNotecardAgentInventory"], delegate(string request, string path, string param,
                                                      OSHttpRequest httpRequest, OSHttpResponse httpResponse)
                return NoteCardAgentInventory(agentID, request, path, param,
                    httpRequest, httpResponse);
            handler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", retVal["UpdateNotecardAgentInventory"],
                                            (request, path, param, httpRequest, httpResponse) =>
                                            NoteCardAgentInventory(agentID, request, path, param,
                                                                   httpRequest, httpResponse));
            return retVal;
        public void RegisterCaps(UUID agentID, Caps caps)
            UUID capID = UUID.Random();

                if (m_useAperture == true)
                    string externalBaseURL = GetApertureBaseURL(caps);
                    string externalURL     = GetApertureHttUrl(caps, capID);
                    string addCapURL       = externalBaseURL + ADD_CAPS_TOKEN_URL + m_apToken + "/" + capID.ToString();

                    WebRequest      req      = WebRequest.Create(addCapURL);
                    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();

                    if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        throw new Exception("Got response '" + response.StatusDescription + "' while trying to register CAPS with HTT");

                    //register this cap url with the server
                    caps.RegisterHandler("GetTexture", externalURL,
                                         () => this.PauseAperture(caps, capID),
                                         () => this.ResumeAperture(caps, capID),
                                         (int bwMax) => this.SetApertureBandwidth(caps, capID, bwMax));
            catch (Exception e)
                    "[APERTURE] Could not contact the aperture texture server to register caps on region {0}. Server returned error {1}",
                    caps.RegionName, e.Message);

            IRequestHandler requestHandler;

            ISimulatorFeaturesModule SimulatorFeatures = m_Scene.RequestModuleInterface <ISimulatorFeaturesModule>();

            if ((SimulatorFeatures != null) && (SimulatorFeatures.MeshEnabled == true))
                //use the same cap ID for mesh and HTT. That way the token bucket in aperture will balance the
                //available bandwidth between mesh and http textures
                //capID = UUID.Random();

                bool getMeshCapRegistered = false;

                    if (m_useAperture == true)
                        string externalBaseURL = GetApertureBaseURL(caps);
                        string externalURL     = GetApertureHttUrl(caps, capID);

                        //register this cap url with the server
                        caps.RegisterHandler("GetMesh", externalURL); //caps control for the texture server will apply to pause mesh as well
                        getMeshCapRegistered = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                        "[APERTURE] Could not contact the aperture texture server to register caps on region {0}. Server returned error {1}",
                        caps.RegionName, e.Message);

                if (getMeshCapRegistered == false)
                    // m_log.DebugFormat("[GETMESH]: /CAPS/{0} in region {1}", capID, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
                    GetMeshHandler gmeshHandler = new GetMeshHandler(m_Scene, agentID, caps);
                    requestHandler = new RestHTTPHandler(
                        "GET", "/CAPS/" + UUID.Random(),
                        httpMethod => gmeshHandler.ProcessGetMesh(httpMethod, UUID.Zero, null));
                    caps.RegisterHandler("GetMesh", requestHandler);

            // Upload Baked Texture
            UploadBakedTextureHandler uploadHandler = new UploadBakedTextureHandler(m_Scene, caps);

            requestHandler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", "/CAPS/" + caps.CapsObjectPath + m_uploadBakedTexturePath, uploadHandler.UploadBakedTexture);
            caps.RegisterHandler("UploadBakedTexture", requestHandler);

            requestHandler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", caps.CapsBase + "/" + UUID.Random(), GetObjectCostHandler);
            caps.RegisterHandler("GetObjectCost", requestHandler);

            requestHandler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", caps.CapsBase + "/" + UUID.Random(), ResourceCostsSelected);
            caps.RegisterHandler("ResourceCostSelected", requestHandler);

            requestHandler = new RestStreamHandler("POST", caps.CapsBase + "/" + UUID.Random(), GetObjectPhysicsDataHandler);
            caps.RegisterHandler("GetObjectPhysicsData", requestHandler);