Beispiel #1
        public void B_Get()
            RestController api = new RestController(GetConnectionString());

            ApplicationResultRecords result1 = api.Get();

            Assert.IsTrue(result1.Records.Count() >= 2);

            ApplicationResultRecord result2 = api.Get(result1.Records[0].ID);

            Assert.IsTrue(result2.Record.ID == result1.Records[0].ID);

            ApplicationResultRecords result3 = api.Get("Test", null);

            Assert.IsTrue(result3.Records.Count() == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(result3.Records[0].FirstName == "Test");

            ApplicationResultRecords result4 = api.Get(null, "Two");

            Assert.IsTrue(result4.Records.Count() == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(result4.Records[0].LastName == "Two");
Beispiel #2
         * Retrieves Chromedriver versions from the archive
         * Filters for the major versions of the specified browser and returns the latest driver with the same major version
        internal static string GetVersionFromGoogleAPIS(string url, Browser browser, OperatingSystem os)
            RestController restController = new RestController(url);
            var            response       = restController.Get("");
            var            data           = response.DeserialiseAsXML <ListBucketResult>();
            var            version        = data.Contents.Where(x => x.Key.Contains(browser.Version.Split(".")[0]));

            var  osPlatform   = Environment.OSVersion;
            bool sixtyfourBit = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem;

            if (!os.Equals(OperatingSystem.WINDOWS) && browser.Name.ToLower().Contains("explorer") && browser.Name.ToLower().Contains("internet"))
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (version.Count() == 0)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find a compatible driver for Chrome version " + browser.Version + ", please create a support issue.");

            if (os.Equals(OperatingSystem.WINDOWS))
                return(version.Where(x => x.Key.ToLower().Contains("win32")).FirstOrDefault().Key);
            else if (os.Equals(OperatingSystem.MAC))
                return(version.Where(x => x.Key.ToLower().Contains("mac" + (sixtyfourBit ? "64" : "32"))).FirstOrDefault().Key);
                return(version.Where(x => x.Key.ToLower().Contains("linux" + (sixtyfourBit ? "64" : "32"))).FirstOrDefault().Key);
Beispiel #3
         * Gets the latest Firefox release from Github using the Github API
         * The latest Geckodriver supports backwards to version 60 of Firefox
        internal static string GetFireFoxURL(Browser browser, OperatingSystem os)
                RestController restController = new RestController(firefox_url);
                var            response       = restController.Get("latest");
                GitHubRelease  responseData   = (GitHubRelease)response.DeserialiseResponseTo <GitHubRelease>();

                var  osPlatform   = Environment.OSVersion;
                bool sixtyfourBit = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem;

                if (os.Equals(OperatingSystem.WINDOWS))
                    var asset = responseData.Assets.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains("win32")).FirstOrDefault();
                else if (os.Equals(OperatingSystem.MAC))
                    var asset = responseData.Assets.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains("macos")).FirstOrDefault();
                    var asset = responseData.Assets.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains("linux" + (sixtyfourBit ? "64" : "32"))).FirstOrDefault();
            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #4
         * Gets all the Edge Driver versions
         * Microsoft does not use an XML structure which deserialises neatly - open to suggestions -
         * In order to extract the useful information we use Regex to find all the Name tags and then create Version objects to compare
        internal static string GetEdgeURL(Browser browser, OperatingSystem os)
            RestController restController       = new RestController(edge_base);
            Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            headers.Add("Accept", "application/xml");
            var response = restController.Get(edge_versions, headers);

            Regex versionRegex = new Regex("(?<=(<Name>))(.*?)(?=(</Name>))");
            var   versionData  = versionRegex.Matches(response.ResponseData);

            if (versionData.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Error retrieving Edge Versions - please create a support issue.");

            var versions = versionData.Where(x => x.Value.Split(".")[0].Contains(browser.Version.Split(".")[0]));

            if (versions.Count() == 0)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find a compatible driver for Edge version " + browser.Version + ", please create a support issue.");

            Regex          versionNumberRegex = new Regex(@"\d+(\.\d+)*");
            var            versionNumbers     = versionNumberRegex.Matches(String.Join(' ', versions));
            List <Version> driverVersions     = new List <Version>();

            foreach (Match versionMatch in versionNumbers)
                Version versionNumber = null;
                Version.TryParse(versionMatch.Value, out versionNumber);

                if (versionNumber != null)

            var version = driverVersions.Max(x => x);

            var  osPlatform   = Environment.OSVersion;
            bool sixtyfourBit = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem;

            if (os.Equals(OperatingSystem.WINDOWS))
                return(edge_OS(version.ToString(), "win32"));
            else if (os.Equals(OperatingSystem.MAC))
                return(edge_OS(version.ToString(), "mac" + (sixtyfourBit ? "64" : "32")));
                return(edge_OS(version.ToString(), "arm" + (sixtyfourBit ? "64" : "32")));
Beispiel #5
        public void C_Delete()
            RestController api = new RestController(GetConnectionString());

            ApplicationResultRecords result1 = api.Get();

            ApplicationResultBase result2 = api.Delete(result1.Records[0].ID);


            ApplicationResultBase result3 = api.Delete(result1.Records[1].ID);


            ApplicationResultRecords result4 = api.Get();

Beispiel #6
        public static void Run(RestController client, string RestHomeUri, string filter, int itemsPerPage, bool pauseBetweenPages, string repositoryName, bool printResult, string userName)
            // get repository resource
            HomeDocument      home         = client.Get <HomeDocument>(RestHomeUri, null);
            Feed <Repository> repositories = home.GetRepositories <Repository>(new FeedGetOptions {
                Inline = true, Links = true
            Repository repository = repositories.FindInlineEntry(repositoryName);

            // get a collection of users
            GetUsers(repository, filter, itemsPerPage, pauseBetweenPages, printResult);

            OperationsOnUser(repository, userName, itemsPerPage, pauseBetweenPages, printResult);
Beispiel #7
        public static D2Repository GetRepository()
            if (Repository != null)
            if (UserName == null || Password == null || Docbase == null || RestServiceURL == null)
            RestController client;
            HomeDocument   home;

            if (RestServiceURL == null)
                RestServiceURL = "http://localhost:8080/dctm-rest/services";
            client     = new RestController(UserName, Password);
            home       = client.Get <HomeDocument>(RestServiceURL, null);
            Repository = home.GetRepository <D2Repository>(Docbase);
        public static void Run(RestController client, string RestHomeUri, string repositoryName, bool printResult,
                               string groupName, string subGroupName, string userName)
            // get repository resource
            HomeDocument      home         = client.Get <HomeDocument>(RestHomeUri, null);
            Feed <Repository> repositories = home.GetRepositories <Repository>(new FeedGetOptions {
                Inline = true, Links = true
            Repository repository = repositories.FindInlineEntry(repositoryName);

            //create or get group
            Group testGroup = CreateOrGetGroup(repository, groupName, printResult);

            //create or get group
            Group testSubGroup = CreateOrGetGroup(repository, subGroupName, printResult);

            //create or get user
            User testUser = CreateOrGetUser(repository, userName, printResult);

            //add user/sub-group to the parent group
            AddMembersOperations(repository, testGroup, testSubGroup, testUser, printResult);
            //remove user/sub-group from the parent group
            RemoveMembersOperations(repository, testGroup, testSubGroup, testUser, printResult);
        public static void Run(RestController client, string RestHomeUri, string filter, int itemsPerPage, bool pauseBetweenPages, string repositoryName, bool printResult)
            HomeDocument      home         = client.Get <HomeDocument>(RestHomeUri, null);
            Feed <Repository> repositories = home.GetRepositories <Repository>(new FeedGetOptions {
                Inline = true, Links = true
            Repository repository = repositories.FindInlineEntry(repositoryName);

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Getting formats for filter '{0}' on repository '{1}', with page size {2}", filter, repository.Name, itemsPerPage));

            // REST call to get the 1st page of formats for the specified filter
            FeedGetOptions options = new FeedGetOptions()
                ItemsPerPage = itemsPerPage, Inline = true, IncludeTotal = true, Filter = String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) ? null : filter
            Feed <Format> formats = repository.GetFormats <Format>(options);

            if (formats != null)
                int    totalResults = formats.Total;
                double totalPages   = formats.PageCount;
                int    docProcessed = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < totalPages; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("**************************** PAGE " + (i + 1) + " *******************************");
                    foreach (Entry <Format> obj in formats.Entries)
                        StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder();
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Name: {0}, \tExtension: {1}, \tMime: {2}",

                    // REST call to get next page
                    if (totalResults != docProcessed)
                        formats = formats.NextPage();
                    Console.WriteLine("Page:" + (i + 1) + " Results: " + docProcessed + " out of " + totalResults + " Processed");
                    if (pauseBetweenPages)
                        Console.WriteLine("Press 'q' to quit, 'g' to run to end, or any other key to run next page..");
                        ConsoleKeyInfo next = Console.ReadKey();
                        if (next.KeyChar.Equals('q'))
                        if (next.KeyChar.Equals('g'))
                            pauseBetweenPages = false;
            if (printResult)
                Console.WriteLine(formats == null ? "NULL" : formats.ToString());
        public void TestGet(int id, string expected)
            var restController = new RestController();

            Assert.Equal(expected, restController.Get(id));
        public static void Run(RestController client, string RestHomeUri, string query, int itemsPerPage, bool pauseBetweenPages, string repositoryName, bool printResult)
            HomeDocument      home         = client.Get <HomeDocument>(RestHomeUri, null);
            Feed <Repository> repositories = home.GetRepositories <Repository>(new FeedGetOptions {
                Inline = true, Links = true
            Repository repository = repositories.FindInlineEntry(repositoryName);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Running DQL query '{0}' on repository '{1}', with page size {2}", query, repository.Name, itemsPerPage));

            // REST call to get the 1st page of the dql query
            Feed <PersistentObject> queryResult = repository.ExecuteDQL <PersistentObject>(query, new FeedGetOptions()
                ItemsPerPage = itemsPerPage

            if (queryResult != null)
                int    totalResults = queryResult.Total;
                double totalPages   = queryResult.PageCount;
                int    docProcessed = 0;
                //int pageCount = queryResult.Entries.c
                for (int i = 0; i < totalPages && queryResult != null; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("**************************** PAGE " + (i + 1) + " *******************************");
                    foreach (Entry <PersistentObject> obj in queryResult.Entries)
                        StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder();
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("  ID: {0} \t\tName: {1}",
                                                        GetAttr(obj.Content, new string[] { "r_object_id" }),
                                                        GetAttr(obj.Content, new string[] { "object_name", "user_name", "group_name", "name" })));

                    // REST call to get next page of the dql query
                    if (totalResults != docProcessed)
                        queryResult = queryResult.NextPage();
                    Console.WriteLine("Page:" + (i + 1) + " Results: " + docProcessed + " out of " + totalResults + " Processed");
                    if (pauseBetweenPages)
                        Console.WriteLine("Press 'q' to quit, 'g' to run to end, or any other key to run next page..");
                        ConsoleKeyInfo next = Console.ReadKey();
                        if (next.KeyChar.Equals('q'))
                        if (next.KeyChar.Equals('g'))
                            pauseBetweenPages = false;
            if (printResult)
                Console.WriteLine(queryResult == null ? "NULL" : queryResult.ToString());
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            currentId = ROOT;

            long testStart = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            RestController client = new RestController("dmadmin", "xxxxxxx");
            RestService    home   = client.Get <RestService>("", null);

            if (home == null)
                //WriteOutput("\nUnable to get Rest Service at: " + RestHomeUri + " check to see if the service is available.");
            ProductInfo productInfo = home.GetProductInfo();

            repository = home.GetRepository("McCollough");
            if (repository == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to login to the repository, please see server logs for more details.");
                "select r_object_id, object_name, r_object_type from dm_cabinet", DEFAULT_OPTIONS);

            WriteOutput("Took " + ((DateTime.Now.Ticks - testStart) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) + "ms to get RestService and cabinet list");


            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource
            // SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main);

            // Get our UI controls from the loaded layout:
            //EditText phoneNumberText = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.PhoneNumberText);
            //Button translateButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.TranslateButton);
            //Button callButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.CallButton);

            //// Disable the "Call" button
            //callButton.Enabled = false;

            //// Add code to translate number
            //string translatedNumber = string.Empty;

            //translateButton.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
            //    // Translate user's alphanumeric phone number to numeric
            //    translatedNumber = Core.PhonewordTranslator.ToNumber(phoneNumberText.Text);
            //    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(translatedNumber))
            //    {
            //        callButton.Text = "Call";
            //        callButton.Enabled = false;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        callButton.Text = "Call " + translatedNumber;
            //        callButton.Enabled = true;
            //    }

            //callButton.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
            //    // On "Call" button click, try to dial phone number.
            //    var callDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            //    callDialog.SetMessage("Call " + translatedNumber + "?");
            //    callDialog.SetNeutralButton("Call", delegate {
            //        // Create intent to dial phone
            //        var callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionCall);
            //        callIntent.SetData(Android.Net.Uri.Parse("tel:" + translatedNumber));
            //        StartActivity(callIntent);
            //    });
            //    callDialog.SetNegativeButton("Cancel", delegate { });

            //    // Show the alert dialog to the user and wait for response.
            //    callDialog.Show();
        public static void Run(RestController client, string RestHomeUri, string parent, int itemsPerPage, bool pauseBetweenPages, string repositoryName, bool printResult)
            HomeDocument      home         = client.Get <HomeDocument>(RestHomeUri, null);
            Feed <Repository> repositories = home.GetRepositories <Repository>(new FeedGetOptions {
                Inline = true, Links = true
            Repository repository = repositories.FindInlineEntry(repositoryName);

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Getting types for parent '{0}' on repository '{1}', with page size {2}", parent, repository.Name, itemsPerPage));

            // REST call to get the 1st page of the types
            FeedGetOptions options = new FeedGetOptions()
                ItemsPerPage = itemsPerPage, Inline = true, IncludeTotal = true

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parent))
                options.SetQuery("parent-type", parent);
            options.SetQuery("inherited", false);
            Feed <DmType> types = repository.GetTypes(options);

            if (types != null)
                int    totalResults = types.Total;
                double totalPages   = types.PageCount;
                int    docProcessed = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < totalPages; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("**************************** PAGE " + (i + 1) + " *******************************");
                    foreach (Entry <DmType> obj in types.Entries)
                        StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder();
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Name: {0}, \t\tParent: {1}, \tNon-inherited Attrs: {2}",
                                                        String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Content.Parent) ? "" : obj.Content.Parent.Substring(obj.Content.Parent.LastIndexOf("/") + 1),
                                                        obj.Content.TypeProperties == null ? 0 : obj.Content.TypeProperties.Count));

                    // REST call to get next page of the types
                    if (totalResults != docProcessed)
                        types = types.NextPage();
                    Console.WriteLine("Page:" + (i + 1) + " Results: " + docProcessed + " out of " + totalResults + " Processed");
                    if (pauseBetweenPages)
                        Console.WriteLine("Press 'q' to quit, 'g' to run to end, or any other key to run next page..");
                        ConsoleKeyInfo next = Console.ReadKey();
                        if (next.KeyChar.Equals('q'))
                        if (next.KeyChar.Equals('g'))
                            pauseBetweenPages = false;
            if (printResult)
                Console.WriteLine(types == null ? "NULL" : types.ToString());
        public static void Run(RestController client, string RestHomeUri, string repositoryName)
            HomeDocument      home         = client.Get <HomeDocument>(RestHomeUri, null);
            Feed <Repository> repositories = home.GetRepositories <Repository>(new FeedGetOptions {
                Inline = true, Links = true
            Repository repository = repositories.FindInlineEntry(repositoryName);

            BatchCapabilities batchCapabilities = repository.GetBatchCapabilities();

            Console.WriteLine("Batch capabilities for this repository:");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            Console.WriteLine("  - transactional or non-transactional? {0}", batchCapabilities.Transactions);
            Console.WriteLine("  - sequential or non-sequential?       {0}", batchCapabilities.Sequence);
            Console.WriteLine("  - fail on error or continue on error? {0}", batchCapabilities.OnError);
            Console.WriteLine("  - all resources are batch-able except these [{0}] ", String.Join(",", batchCapabilities.NonBatchableResources.ToArray <string>()));
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue batch test..");

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\r\nPreparing data for the batch.."));
            User currentUser = repository.GetCurrentUser(new SingleGetOptions());

            Console.WriteLine("\t - Fetched current user: "******"user_name"));
            Cabinet homeCabinet = currentUser.GetHomeCabinet(new SingleGetOptions());

            Console.WriteLine("\t - Fetched home cabinet: " + homeCabinet.GetPropertyString("object_name"));

            // start a batch - create 1 folder & 1 document under home cabinet + get dql + create a new relation
            Console.WriteLine("\r\nReady to create a batch with 5 operations:");
            string folderNamePrefix = "BatchTestFolder-";

            Console.WriteLine("\t - (1) create a new folder under home cabinet with name prefix: " + folderNamePrefix);
            string docNamePrefix = "BatchTestDoc-";

            Console.WriteLine("\t - (2) create a new document under home cabinet with name: " + docNamePrefix);
            string dql = "select * from dm_group";

            Console.WriteLine("\t - (3) execute a dql query: " + dql);
            Console.WriteLine("\t - (4) get all relations");
            Console.WriteLine("\t - (5) create a new cabinet with empty name (should fail)");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to run batch..");

            List <KeyValuePair <string, object> > dqlParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >();

            dqlParams.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>("dql", dql));
            string dqlUri = UriUtil.BuildUri(LinkRelations.FindLinkAsString(repository.Links, LinkRelations.DQL.Rel), dqlParams);

            Batch batch = Batch.CreateFromBuilder()
                          .Description("a sample batch with 4 operations")
                          .BatchSpec(new BatchSpec {
                Transactional = false, Sequential = false, FailOnError = false, ReturnRequest = false
                          .AddOperation <Folder>(
                "batch-opt-1", homeCabinet, LinkRelations.FOLDERS.Rel, "POST", ObjectUtil.NewRandomFolder(folderNamePrefix, "dm_folder")
                          .AddOperation <Document>(
                "batch-opt-2", homeCabinet, LinkRelations.DOCUMENTS.Rel, "POST", ObjectUtil.NewRandomDocument(docNamePrefix, "dm_document")
                "batch-opt-3", dqlUri, "GET"
                "batch-opt-4", homeCabinet, LinkRelations.RELATIONS.Rel, "GET"
                "batch-opt-5", repository, LinkRelations.CABINETS.Rel, "POST", new Cabinet()

            Batch result = repository.CreateBatch(batch);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nPrinting batch result..");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" - description [{0}]", result.Description));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" - owner       [{0}]", result.Owner));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" - state       [{0}]", result.State));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" - submitted   [{0}]", result.Submitted));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" - started     [{0}]", result.Started));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" - finished    [{0}]", result.Finished));

            foreach (BatchOperation operation in result.Operations)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\r\n - operation    [{0}]", operation.Id));
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\t--> state        [{0}]", operation.State));
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\t--> started      [{0}]", operation.Started));
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\t--> finished     [{0}]", operation.Finished));
                Console.WriteLine("\t--> response");
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\t-----------> status  [{0}]", operation.Response.Status));

                if (operation.Response.HasError())
                    Error error = operation.Response.GetError();
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\t-----------> entity  [{0}:{1}]", error.Code, error.Message));
                    if (operation.Id.Equals("batch-opt-1") || operation.Id.Equals("batch-opt-2"))
                        PersistentObject po = operation.Response.GetObject <PersistentObject>();
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\t-----------> entity  [object of URI {0}]", LinkRelations.FindLinkAsString(po.Links, LinkRelations.SELF.Rel)));
                    else if (operation.Id.Equals("batch-opt-3") || operation.Id.Equals("batch-opt-4"))
                        Feed <PersistentObject> feed = operation.Response.GetObject <Feed <PersistentObject> >();
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\t-----------> entity  [feed with title {0} and entry count {1}]", feed.Title, feed.Entries.Count));
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
        public static void Run(RestController client, string RestHomeUri, string terms, int itemsPerPage, bool pauseBetweenPages, string repositoryName, bool printResult)
            HomeDocument      home         = client.Get <HomeDocument>(RestHomeUri, null);
            Feed <Repository> repositories = home.GetRepositories <Repository>(new FeedGetOptions {
                Inline = true, Links = true
            Repository repository = repositories.FindInlineEntry(repositoryName);

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Running full-text search for terms '{0}' on repository '{1}', with page size {2}", terms, repository.Name, itemsPerPage));

            // REST call to get the 1st page of the search result
            SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions()
                ItemsPerPage = itemsPerPage, Inline = false, IncludeTotal = true, SearchQuery = terms
            Feed <PersistentObject> searchResult = repository.ExecuteSimpleSearch <PersistentObject>(options);

            if (searchResult != null)
                int    totalResults = searchResult.Total;
                double totalPages   = searchResult.PageCount;
                int    docProcessed = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < totalPages; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("**************************** PAGE " + (i + 1) + " *******************************");
                    foreach (Entry <PersistentObject> obj in searchResult.Entries)
                        StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder();
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Score: {0:0.000},   ID: {1},   Name: {2},    Highlight:\n {3}",

                    // REST call to get next page of the search
                    if (totalResults != docProcessed)
                        searchResult = searchResult.NextPage();
                    Console.WriteLine("Page:" + (i + 1) + " Results: " + docProcessed + " out of " + totalResults + " Processed");
                    if (pauseBetweenPages)
                        Console.WriteLine("Press 'q' to quit, 'g' to run to end, or any other key to run next page..");
                        ConsoleKeyInfo next = Console.ReadKey();
                        if (next.KeyChar.Equals('q'))
                        if (next.KeyChar.Equals('g'))
                            pauseBetweenPages = false;
            if (printResult)
                Console.WriteLine(searchResult == null ? "NULL" : searchResult.ToString());
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            long testStart = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            long tStart    = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            HomeDocument home = client.Get <HomeDocument>(RestHomeUri, null);

            if (home == null)
                WriteOutput("\nUnable to get Rest Service at: " + RestHomeUri + " check to see if the service is available.");
            WriteOutput("Took " + ((DateTime.Now.Ticks - testStart) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) + "ms to get RestService");
            CurrentRepository = GetCurrentRepository(home, repositoryName);

            ProductInfo productInfo = home.GetProductInfo();

            if (CurrentRepository == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to login to the CurrentRepository, please see server logs for more details.");
            // Set our default folder and document types.
            CurrentRepository.DocumentType = "dm_document";
            CurrentRepository.FolderType   = "dm_folder";
            NameValueCollection restTests = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("resttests") as NameValueCollection;

            if (!(Boolean.Parse(restTests["CreateTempDocs"].ToString()) || Boolean.Parse(restTests["CreateTempDocs"].ToString())))
                throw new System.Exception("On of the tests that create Documents is required for other tests to run. "
                                           + "You must enable either the CreateTempDocs test and/or the CreateTempDocs test in order to create "
                                           + "documents that can be used in subsequent tests.");

            Tracker = new List <DocumentTracker>();
            foreach (String key in restTests)
                bool preCheckOk = true;
                // This test is not available in versions earlier than 7.2
                double restVersion = Double.Parse((productInfo.Properties.Major.Equals("NA") ? "7.2" : productInfo.Properties.Major));

                if (key.Equals("Search"))
                    if (!(restVersion >= 7.2d))
                        preCheckOk = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("Documentum Rest Version 7.2 or higher is required to use Search, your version is: "
                                          + restVersion + " Skipping...");

                // These features do not work on Mono yet, should be fine when .NetCore is released though
                if (key.Equals("ExportParent") || key.Equals("ExportListOfFiles"))
                    if (Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null)
                        preCheckOk = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("The zip libraries required for [" + key + " ] have failed under Mono, skipping this  test. If you "
                                          + "want to test for yourself, you will have to modify the source to allow it udner (UseCaseTests");

                if (preCheckOk)
                    if (Boolean.Parse(restTests[key].ToString()))

                if (pauseBetweenOperations)
                    Console.WriteLine("Press 'q' to quit, 'g' to run to end, or any other key to run next page..");
                    ConsoleKeyInfo next = Console.ReadKey();
                    if (next.KeyChar.Equals('q'))
                    if (next.KeyChar.Equals('g'))
                        pauseBetweenOperations = false;

            WriteOutput("COMPLETED TESTS IN: " + ((DateTime.Now.Ticks - testStart) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) / 1000 / 60 + "minutes");

            if (loggerForm != null)
                while (loggerForm.Visible)