private UserAccountRecoveryController CreateFakeUserAccountRecoveryController(User loggedUser = null)
            //Create fake DBContext
            var context = new GlovoDbContext(ContextOptions);

            //Create fake HttpContextAccessor
            var httpContext         = new DefaultHttpContext();
            var httpContextAccessor = new HttpContextAccessor {
                HttpContext = httpContext

            //Add logged user to HttpContextAccessor in case it is needed
            if (loggedUser != null)
                httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Items["User"] = loggedUser;

            //Create RestApiUsersService instance with fake DBContext and HttpContextAccessor
            _usersService = new RestApiUsersService(context, httpContextAccessor);

            //Create mapper with UsersProfile
            var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
                cfg.AddProfile <LocationsProfile>();
                cfg.AddProfile <OrdersProductsProfile>();
                cfg.AddProfile <OrdersProfile>();
                cfg.AddProfile <ProductsProfile>();
                cfg.AddProfile <RestaurantsProfile>();
                cfg.AddProfile <UsersProfile>();

            //Create AppConfiguration options using fake secret string
            _testApiSecret = RandomString(1024);
            IOptions <AppConfiguration> appConfigOptions = new OptionsWrapper <AppConfiguration>(
                new AppConfiguration {
                Secret = _testApiSecret

            //Create UsersController instance with the RestApiUsersService instance, the mapper and the
            //fake AppConfiguration
            var usersController = new UserAccountRecoveryController(_usersService, mapper, appConfigOptions)
                ControllerContext = { HttpContext = httpContext }

        private UsersController CreateFakeUsersController(User loggedUser = null)
            //Create fake DBContext
            var context = new GlovoDbContext(ContextOptions);

            //Create fake HttpContextAccessor
            var httpContext         = new DefaultHttpContext();
            var httpContextAccessor = new HttpContextAccessor {
                HttpContext = httpContext

            //Add logged user to HttpContextAccessor in case it is needed
            if (loggedUser != null)
                httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Items["User"] = loggedUser;

            //Create RestApiUsersService instance with fake DBContext and HttpContextAccessor
            _usersService = new RestApiUsersService(context, httpContextAccessor);

            //Create mapper with UsersProfile
            var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
                cfg.AddProfile <LocationsProfile>();
                cfg.AddProfile <OrdersProductsProfile>();
                cfg.AddProfile <OrdersProfile>();
                cfg.AddProfile <ProductsProfile>();
                cfg.AddProfile <RestaurantsProfile>();
                cfg.AddProfile <UsersProfile>();

            //Create UsersController instance with the RestApiUsersService instance and the mapper
            var usersController = new UsersController(_usersService, mapper)
                ControllerContext = { HttpContext = httpContext }
