public ASPXHandler(String fileName, Dictionary<String, String> envVariables)
            this.fileName = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
            this.fullFilePath = fileName;
            this.fileExtension = this.fileName.Substring(this.fileName.IndexOf('.'));

            if (File.Exists(fileName))
                // Create an instance of Host class
                var aspxHost = new Host();
                // Pass to it filename and query string
                this.responseBody = aspxHost.CreateHost(
                this.responseHeader = new ResponseHeader("Status: 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n");
                var error = new Error404();
                this.responseHeader = error.getResponseHeader();
                this.responseBody = error.getResponseBody();
 public static void SendDirectories(Stream stream, string dirs)
     Header header = new ResponseHeader();
     byte[] response = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dirs);
     header.SetHeader("ContentLength", response.Length.ToString());
     header.SetHeader("ContentType", @"text\html");
     SendContentHandler.SendHeader(header, stream);
     stream.Write(response, 0, response.Length);
 /// <summary>
 /// ReplicationDetailsResponse constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ResponseHeader"></param>
 /// <param name="IndexSize"></param>
 /// <param name="IndexPath"></param>
 /// <param name="IsMaster"></param>
 /// <param name="IsSlave"></param>
 /// <param name="IndexVersion"></param>
 /// <param name="Generation"></param>
 /// <param name="IsReplicating"></param>
 /// <param name="TotalPercent"></param>
 /// <param name="TimeRemaining"></param>
 public ReplicationDetailsResponse(ResponseHeader ResponseHeader, string IndexSize, string IndexPath, string IsMaster, string IsSlave, long IndexVersion, long Generation, string IsReplicating, string TotalPercent, string TimeRemaining)
     responseHeader = ResponseHeader;
     indexSize = IndexSize;
     indexPath = IndexPath;
     isMaster = IsMaster;
     isSlave = IsSlave;
     indexVersion = IndexVersion;
     generation = Generation;
     isReplicating = IsReplicating;
     totalPercent = TotalPercent;
     timeRemaining = TimeRemaining;
 public void SendErrorPage(Stream stream, int code)
     ResponseHeader header = new ResponseHeader();
     using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Statics.Root + @"/Errorpages/" + code + ".html"))
         String line;
         String content = "";
         while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
             content += line;
         byte[] response = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content);
         header.Status = code;
         header.SetHeader("ContentLength", response.Length.ToString());
         SendContentHandler.SendHeader(header, stream);
         stream.Write(response, 0, response.Length);
 public EchoMode Get_SetEchoMode()
     SendCommand('\u0005', false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'e')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     EchoMode e;
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         string s = TReader.ReadLine();
         e = s == "0" ? EchoMode.Off : EchoMode.On;
         if (currentHeader.Length != 4)
             throw new PolhemusException(0xF2);
         e = BReader.ReadInt32() == 0 ? EchoMode.Off : EchoMode.On;
     if (e != _echoMode)
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF4);
     return e;
 public Triple Get_SourceMountingFrame()
     SendCommand('G', false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'G')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     Triple mfa;
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         mfa = Triple.FromASCII(TReader, "Sxxx.xxxB");
         if (currentHeader.Length != 12)
             throw new PolhemusException(0xF2);
         mfa = new Triple(BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle());
     return mfa;
 public List<IDataFrameType> Get_OutputDataList(int station)
     SendCommand("O" + station.ToString("0"), false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'O')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     if (currentHeader.Station != station)
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF5);
     List<IDataFrameType> dfList=_responseFrameDescription[station - 1];
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         foreach (IDataFrameType dft in dfList)
             int aa = (int)parseASCIIStream(TReader, "xxB");
             if (dft.ParameterValue != aa)
                 throw new PolhemusException(0xF6); //incorrect value in list
         parseASCIIStream("<>"); //don't forget ending CR/LF!
         int c = currentHeader.Length / 4;
         for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) //should be twenty of them
             int p = BReader.ReadInt32();
             if (i < dfList.Count) //check actual list member
                 if (dfList[i].ParameterValue != p)
                     throw new PolhemusException(0xF6); //incorrect value in list
                 else ;
                 if (i == dfList.Count) //check end-of-list value
                     if (p != -1)
                         throw new PolhemusException(0xF6); //incorrect value in list
                     else ;
                 else //check empty site value
                     if (p != 0)
                         throw new PolhemusException(0xF6); //incorrect value in list
     return _responseFrameDescription[station - 1]; //internal list is correct! Return it.
 public Quadruple Get_PositionFilterParameters()
     SendCommand('X', false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'X')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     Quadruple fp = new Quadruple();
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         fp = Quadruple.FromASCII(TReader, "Sx.xxxB");
         if (currentHeader.Length != 16)
             throw new PolhemusException(0xF2);
         fp = new Quadruple(BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle());
     return fp;
        public FileHandler(String fileName)
            this.contentTypes.Add(".txt", "text/plain");
            this.contentTypes.Add(".html", "text/html");
            this.contentTypes.Add(".htm", "text/html");
            this.contentTypes.Add(".json", "application/json");
            this.contentTypes.Add(".xml", "application/xml");
            this.contentTypes.Add(".png", "image/png");
            this.contentTypes.Add(".gif", "image/gif");
            this.contentTypes.Add(".jpeg", "image/jpg");
            this.contentTypes.Add(".jpg", "image/jpg");
            this.contentTypes.Add(".css", "text/css");
            this.contentTypes.Add(".js", "application/javascript");

            this.fileName = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
            this.fullFilePath = fileName;
            this.fileExtension = this.fileName.Substring(this.fileName.LastIndexOf('.'));

            if (File.Exists(fileName))
                var fs = new FileStream(this.fullFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                this.responseBody = new byte[fs.Length];
                this.responseBodyLength = this.responseBody.Length;
                fs.Read(this.responseBody, 0, this.responseBodyLength);

                string tmpHeader = "Status: 200 OK\r\n";
                if (this.contentTypes.ContainsKey(this.fileExtension))
                    tmpHeader += "Content-Type: " + this.contentTypes[this.fileExtension] + "\r\n";

                this.responseHeader = new ResponseHeader(tmpHeader);
                var error = new Error404();
                this.responseHeader = error.getResponseHeader();
                this.responseBody = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(error.getResponseBody());
 public Triple Get_HemisphereOfOperation(int station)
     SendCommand("H" + station.ToString("0"), false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'H')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     Triple cc;
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         cc = Triple.FromASCII(TReader, "Sxx.xxxB");
         if (currentHeader.Length != 12)
             throw new PolhemusException(0xF2);
         cc = Triple.FromBinary(BReader);
     return cc;
Beispiel #11
        public TodoResponse DeleteToDo(int id)
            TodoResponse   todoResponse   = new TodoResponse();
            ResponseHeader responseHeader = new ResponseHeader();
            ResponseBody   responseBody   = new ResponseBody();
            string         statusMessage  = string.Empty;
            HttpStatusCode statusCode;
            List <Error>   errorlist = new List <Error>();

                ToDo toDo = _repository.getTodoById(id);

                //If the item to delete is not present in database
                if (null == toDo)
                    statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
                    statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                    Error error = new Error(string.Format(AppConstants.TODO_NOT_FOUND_MSG, id), AppConstants.TODO_NOT_FOUND);
                    // return value and check the status and handle error
                    // Database delete takes place here
                    if (_repository.remove(toDo) > 0)
                        statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.OK;
                        statusMessage = AppConstants.Success;
                        statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                        statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                        errorlist.Add(new Error(AppConstants.DELETE_FAILED_MSG, AppConstants.DELETE_FAILED));
            catch (Exception ex)
                statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.NotModified;
                statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                string strErrorMsg = AppConstants.Error_Message + ex.Message;
                Error  error       = new Error(strErrorMsg, AppConstants.TODO_DELETE_ERROR);
                Logger.WriteLog(AppConstants.Error_Message + ex.Message + AppConstants.Inner_Exception + ex.InnerException +
                                AppConstants.Stack_Trace + ex.StackTrace + AppConstants.Soure + ex.Source);
            //Write to log file if error is present
            if (errorlist.Count > 0)
                errorlist.ForEach(error => Logger.WriteLog(AppConstants.Error + " in DeleteToDo() for ID : " + id + AppConstants.Error_Code
                                                           + error.errorCode + AppConstants.Error_Message + error.errorMessage));
            responseHeader.statusCode    = statusCode;
            responseHeader.statusMessage = statusMessage;
            responseHeader.error         = errorlist;
            todoResponse.responseHeader  = responseHeader;
            responseBody.todo            = _repository.getAllTodo();
            todoResponse.responseBody    = responseBody;
 /// <summary>
 /// ReplicationIndexVersionResponse constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ResponseHeader">response header</param>
 /// <param name="IndexVersion">index version</param>
 /// <param name="Generation">generation</param>
 public ReplicationIndexVersionResponse(ResponseHeader ResponseHeader, long IndexVersion, long Generation)
     responseHeader = ResponseHeader;
     indexversion = IndexVersion;
     generation = Generation;
Beispiel #13
        public TodoResponse PutToDo(int id, ToDo toDo)
            TodoResponse   todoResponse   = new TodoResponse();
            ResponseHeader responseHeader = new ResponseHeader();
            ResponseBody   responseBody   = new ResponseBody();
            List <Error>   errorlist      = new List <Error>();
            HttpStatusCode statusCode;
            string         statusMessage = string.Empty;

            errorlist = ValidateUtility.ValidateInput(toDo);

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                    statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                    errorlist.Add(new Error(AppConstants.MODAL_STATE_INVALID, AppConstants.BAD_REQUEST));

                //Check if any of the input parameters are empty
                else if (errorlist.Count > 0)
                    statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                    statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                    //add mulitple error if needed to errorlist
                    errorlist.ForEach(e => Logger.WriteLog(e.errorMessage));

                // check if the ids in the request match
                else if (id != toDo.SlNo)
                    statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                    statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                    //add mulitple error if needed to errorlist
                    errorlist.Add(new Error(AppConstants.TODO_ID_MISMATCH_MSG, AppConstants.TODO_ID_MISMATCH));

                // Perform the Edit operation
                    // Database update
                    int result =;
                    // return value and check the status and handle error
                    if (result > 0)
                        statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.OK;
                        statusMessage = AppConstants.Success;
                        statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                        statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                        errorlist.Add(new Error(AppConstants.SAVE_FAILED_MSG, AppConstants.SAVE_FAILED));
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException dbEx)
                // If the Id for Deletion is not present in the database
                if (!ToDoIdExists(id))
                    statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
                    statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                    string strErrorMsg = AppConstants.Error_Message + dbEx.Message;
                    errorlist.Add(new Error(strErrorMsg, AppConstants.TODO_NOT_FOUND));

                    Logger.WriteLog(AppConstants.Error_Message + strErrorMsg +
                                    AppConstants.Inner_Exception + dbEx.InnerException +
                                    AppConstants.Stack_Trace + dbEx.StackTrace + AppConstants.Soure + dbEx.Source);
                    // This will be caught and handled in the ToDoCustomException handler

            //Write to log file if error is present
            if (errorlist.Count > 0)
                errorlist.ForEach(error => Logger.WriteLog(AppConstants.Error + " in PutToDo() for ID : " + id + AppConstants.Error_Code
                                                           + error.errorCode + AppConstants.Error_Message + error.errorMessage));
            responseHeader.statusCode    = statusCode;
            responseHeader.statusMessage = statusMessage;
            responseHeader.error         = errorlist;
            todoResponse.responseHeader  = responseHeader;
            responseBody.todo            = _repository.getAllTodo();
            todoResponse.responseBody    = responseBody;
Beispiel #14
        [HttpPost] // Routing by explicitly specifying the HTTP Action type in the header
        public TodoResponse AddNewToDo(ToDo toDo)
            TodoResponse   todoResponse   = new TodoResponse();
            ResponseHeader responseHeader = new ResponseHeader();
            ResponseBody   responseBody   = new ResponseBody();
            HttpStatusCode statusCode;
            List <Error>   errorlist     = new List <Error>();
            string         statusMessage = string.Empty;

            errorlist = ValidateUtility.ValidateInput(toDo);

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                    statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                    errorlist.Add(new Error(AppConstants.MODAL_STATE_INVALID, AppConstants.BAD_REQUEST));

                //Check if any of the input parameters are empty
                else if (errorlist.Count > 0)
                    statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                    statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                    errorlist.ForEach(e => Logger.WriteLog(e.errorMessage));

                    // Check if the item with same descrition is already present
                    if (ValidateUtility.ToDoExists(_repository.getAllTodo(), toDo))
                        statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.Conflict;
                        statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                        Error error = new Error(AppConstants.TODO_ALREADY_EXIST_MSG, AppConstants.TODO_ALREADY_EXIST);

                    //If item not present, then insert new data
                        // return value and check the status and handle error
                        // Database insertion takes place here
                        if (_repository.insert(toDo) > 0)
                            statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.OK;
                            statusMessage = AppConstants.Success;

                        // If database insertion failed then handle the exception
                            statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                            statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                            errorlist.Add(new Error(AppConstants.INSERT_FAILED_MSG, AppConstants.INSERT_FAILED));
            catch (DbUpdateException dbEx)
                //If To Do item is already present in database with same id
                if (ToDoIdExists(toDo.SlNo))
                    statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.Conflict;
                    statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                    string strErrorMsg = AppConstants.Error_Message + dbEx.Message + AppConstants.Inner_Exception + dbEx.InnerException +
                                         AppConstants.Stack_Trace + dbEx.StackTrace + AppConstants.Soure + dbEx.Source;
                    Error error = new Error(AppConstants.TODO_ALREADY_EXIST_MSG, AppConstants.TODO_ALREADY_EXIST);
                    statusCode    = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                    statusMessage = AppConstants.Error;
                    string strErrorMsg = AppConstants.Error_Message + dbEx.Message;
                    errorlist.Add(new Error(AppConstants.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_MSG, AppConstants.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
                    Logger.WriteLog(AppConstants.Error_Message + strErrorMsg + AppConstants.Inner_Exception + dbEx.InnerException +
                                    AppConstants.Stack_Trace + dbEx.StackTrace + AppConstants.Soure + dbEx.Source);

            //Write to log file if error is present
            if (errorlist.Count > 0)
                //foreach (var error in errorlist)
                //    Logger.WriteLog(AppConstants.Error + " in PostToDo() " +AppConstants.Error_Code
                //                   + error.errorCode + AppConstants.Error_Message + error.errorMessage);
                errorlist.ForEach(error => Logger.WriteLog(AppConstants.Error + " in PostToDo() " + AppConstants.Error_Code
                                                           + error.errorCode + AppConstants.Error_Message + error.errorMessage));
            responseHeader.statusCode    = statusCode;
            responseHeader.statusMessage = statusMessage;
            responseHeader.error         = errorlist;
            todoResponse.responseHeader  = responseHeader;
            responseBody.todo            = _repository.getAllTodo();
            todoResponse.responseBody    = responseBody;
 /// <summary>
 /// ReplicationIndexVersionResponse constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ResponseHeader">response header</param>
 /// <param name="IndexVersion">index version</param>
 /// <param name="Generation">generation</param>
 public ReplicationIndexVersionResponse(ResponseHeader ResponseHeader, long IndexVersion, long Generation)
     responseHeader = ResponseHeader;
     indexversion   = IndexVersion;
     generation     = Generation;
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds an element identified by the path from the root.
        /// </summary>
        private AeBrowseElement Find(Session session, string itemId, AeBrowseElement root, Stack <string> names, bool isArea)
            string browseText = null;

            BrowsePath browsePath = new BrowsePath();

            browsePath.StartingNode = root.NodeId;

            while (names.Count > 0)
                RelativePathElement path = new RelativePathElement();

                path.ReferenceTypeId = Opc.Ua.ReferenceTypeIds.HasNotifier;
                path.IsInverse       = false;
                path.IncludeSubtypes = true;

                // final hop can be HasEventSource for sources.
                if (!isArea && names.Count == 1)
                    path.ReferenceTypeId = Opc.Ua.ReferenceTypeIds.HasEventSource;

                browseText      = names.Pop();
                path.TargetName = m_mapper.GetRemoteBrowseName(browseText);

            BrowsePathCollection browsePaths = new BrowsePathCollection();


            // make the call to the server.
            BrowsePathResultCollection results;
            DiagnosticInfoCollection   diagnosticInfos;

            ResponseHeader responseHeader = session.TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds(
                out results,
                out diagnosticInfos);

            // ensure that the server returned valid results.
            Session.ValidateResponse(results, browsePaths);
            Session.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, browsePaths);

            // check if the start node actually exists.
            if (StatusCode.IsBad(results[0].StatusCode))

            // must be exact one target.
            if (results[0].Targets.Count != 1)

            // can't be an external reference.
            BrowsePathTarget target = results[0].Targets[0];

            if (target.RemainingPathIndex != UInt32.MaxValue)

            // need to check if at the end of the tree.
            BrowseDescription nodeToBrowse = new BrowseDescription();

            nodeToBrowse.NodeId          = (NodeId)target.TargetId;
            nodeToBrowse.ReferenceTypeId = Opc.Ua.ReferenceTypeIds.HasEventSource;
            nodeToBrowse.BrowseDirection = BrowseDirection.Forward;
            nodeToBrowse.IncludeSubtypes = true;

            ReferenceDescriptionCollection children = ComAeUtils.Browse(session, nodeToBrowse, false);

            if (!isArea)
                if (children != null && children.Count > 0)
                if (children == null || children.Count == 0)

            // construct the element.
            AeBrowseElement element = new AeBrowseElement();

            element.NodeId     = (NodeId)target.TargetId;
            element.ItemId     = itemId;
            element.BrowseText = browseText;
            element.IsArea     = isArea;

        /// <summary>
        /// Worker function to browse the full address space of a server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="services">The service interface.</param>
        /// <param name="operationLimits">The operation limits.</param>
        public static ReferenceDescriptionCollection BrowseFullAddressSpaceWorker(
            IServerTestServices services,
            RequestHeader requestHeader,
            OperationLimits operationLimits     = null,
            BrowseDescription browseDescription = null)
            operationLimits         = operationLimits ?? new OperationLimits();
            requestHeader.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Browse template
            var startingNode   = Objects.RootFolder;
            var browseTemplate = browseDescription ?? new BrowseDescription {
                NodeId          = startingNode,
                BrowseDirection = BrowseDirection.Forward,
                ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypeIds.HierarchicalReferences,
                IncludeSubtypes = true,
                NodeClassMask   = 0,
                ResultMask      = (uint)BrowseResultMask.All
            var browseDescriptionCollection = ServerFixtureUtils.CreateBrowseDescriptionCollectionFromNodeId(
                new NodeIdCollection(new NodeId[] { Objects.RootFolder }),

            // Browse
            ResponseHeader response = null;
            uint           requestedMaxReferencesPerNode = operationLimits.MaxNodesPerBrowse;
            bool           verifyMaxNodesPerBrowse       = operationLimits.MaxNodesPerBrowse > 0;
            var            referenceDescriptions         = new ReferenceDescriptionCollection();

            // Test if server responds with BadNothingToDo
                var sre = Assert.Throws <ServiceResultException>(() =>
                                                                 _ = services.Browse(requestHeader, null,
                                                                                     0, browseDescriptionCollection.Take(0).ToArray(),
                                                                                     out var results, out var infos));
                Assert.AreEqual(StatusCodes.BadNothingToDo, sre.StatusCode);

            while (browseDescriptionCollection.Any())
                BrowseResultCollection allResults = new BrowseResultCollection();
                if (verifyMaxNodesPerBrowse &&
                    browseDescriptionCollection.Count > operationLimits.MaxNodesPerBrowse)
                    verifyMaxNodesPerBrowse = false;
                    // Test if server responds with BadTooManyOperations
                    var sre = Assert.Throws <ServiceResultException>(() =>
                                                                     _ = services.Browse(requestHeader, null,
                                                                                         0, browseDescriptionCollection,
                                                                                         out var results, out var infos));
                    Assert.AreEqual(StatusCodes.BadTooManyOperations, sre.StatusCode);

                    // Test if server responds with BadTooManyOperations
                    var tempBrowsePath = browseDescriptionCollection.Take((int)operationLimits.MaxNodesPerBrowse + 1).ToArray();
                    sre = Assert.Throws <ServiceResultException>(() =>
                                                                 _ = services.Browse(requestHeader, null,
                                                                                     0, tempBrowsePath,
                                                                                     out var results, out var infos));
                    Assert.AreEqual(StatusCodes.BadTooManyOperations, sre.StatusCode);

                bool repeatBrowse;
                var  maxNodesPerBrowse = operationLimits.MaxNodesPerBrowse;
                BrowseResultCollection   browseResultCollection = new BrowseResultCollection();
                DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticsInfoCollection;
                    var browseCollection = (maxNodesPerBrowse == 0) ?
                                           browseDescriptionCollection :
                    repeatBrowse = false;
                        requestHeader.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response = services.Browse(requestHeader, null,
                                                   requestedMaxReferencesPerNode, browseCollection,
                                                   out browseResultCollection, out diagnosticsInfoCollection);
                        ServerFixtureUtils.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticsInfoCollection, browseCollection);

                    catch (ServiceResultException sre)
                        if (sre.StatusCode == StatusCodes.BadEncodingLimitsExceeded ||
                            sre.StatusCode == StatusCodes.BadResponseTooLarge)
                            // try to address by overriding operation limit
                            maxNodesPerBrowse = maxNodesPerBrowse == 0 ?
                                                (uint)browseCollection.Count / 2 : maxNodesPerBrowse / 2;
                            repeatBrowse = true;
                } while (repeatBrowse);

                if (maxNodesPerBrowse == 0)
                    browseDescriptionCollection = browseDescriptionCollection.Skip((int)maxNodesPerBrowse).ToArray();

                // Browse next
                var continuationPoints = ServerFixtureUtils.PrepareBrowseNext(browseResultCollection);
                while (continuationPoints.Any())
                    requestHeader.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response = services.BrowseNext(requestHeader, false, continuationPoints,
                                                   out var browseNextResultCollection, out diagnosticsInfoCollection);
                    ServerFixtureUtils.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticsInfoCollection, continuationPoints);
                    continuationPoints = ServerFixtureUtils.PrepareBrowseNext(browseNextResultCollection);

                // Build browse request for next level
                var browseTable = new NodeIdCollection();
                foreach (var result in allResults)
                    foreach (var reference in result.References)
                        browseTable.Add(ExpandedNodeId.ToNodeId(reference.NodeId, null));
                browseDescriptionCollection = ServerFixtureUtils.CreateBrowseDescriptionCollectionFromNodeId(browseTable, browseTemplate);

            referenceDescriptions.Sort((x, y) => (x.NodeId.CompareTo(y.NodeId)));

            TestContext.Out.WriteLine("Found {0} references on server.", referenceDescriptions.Count);
            foreach (var reference in referenceDescriptions)
                TestContext.Out.WriteLine("NodeId {0} {1} {2}", reference.NodeId, reference.NodeClass, reference.BrowseName);
 public Triple Get_TipOffsets(int station)
     SendCommand("N" + station.ToString("0"), false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'N')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     if (currentHeader.Station != station)
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF5);
     Triple co = new Triple();
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         co = Triple.FromASCII(TReader, "Sx.xxxB");
         if (currentHeader.Length != 12)
             throw new PolhemusException(0xF2);
         co = new Triple(BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle());
     return co;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the node ids for a set of relative paths.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session">An open session with the server to use.</param>
        /// <param name="startNodeId">The starting node for the relative paths.</param>
        /// <param name="namespacesUris">The namespace URIs referenced by the relative paths.</param>
        /// <param name="relativePaths">The relative paths.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of local nodes.</returns>
        public static List <NodeId> TranslateBrowsePaths(
            Session session,
            NodeId startNodeId,
            NamespaceTable namespacesUris,
            params string[] relativePaths)
            // build the list of browse paths to follow by parsing the relative paths.
            BrowsePathCollection browsePaths = new BrowsePathCollection();

            if (relativePaths != null)
                for (int ii = 0; ii < relativePaths.Length; ii++)
                    BrowsePath browsePath = new BrowsePath();

                    // The relative paths used indexes in the namespacesUris table. These must be
                    // converted to indexes used by the server. An error occurs if the relative path
                    // refers to a namespaceUri that the server does not recognize.

                    // The relative paths may refer to ReferenceType by their BrowseName. The TypeTree object
                    // allows the parser to look up the server's NodeId for the ReferenceType.

                    browsePath.RelativePath = RelativePath.Parse(

                    browsePath.StartingNode = startNodeId;


            // make the call to the server.
            BrowsePathResultCollection results;
            DiagnosticInfoCollection   diagnosticInfos;

            ResponseHeader responseHeader = session.TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds(
                out results,
                out diagnosticInfos);

            // ensure that the server returned valid results.
            Session.ValidateResponse(results, browsePaths);
            Session.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, browsePaths);

            // collect the list of node ids found.
            List <NodeId> nodes = new List <NodeId>();

            for (int ii = 0; ii < results.Count; ii++)
                // check if the start node actually exists.
                if (StatusCode.IsBad(results[ii].StatusCode))

                // an empty list is returned if no node was found.
                if (results[ii].Targets.Count == 0)

                // Multiple matches are possible, however, the node that matches the type model is the
                // one we are interested in here. The rest can be ignored.
                BrowsePathTarget target = results[ii].Targets[0];

                if (target.RemainingPathIndex != UInt32.MaxValue)

                // The targetId is an ExpandedNodeId because it could be node in another server.
                // The ToNodeId function is used to convert a local NodeId stored in a ExpandedNodeId to a NodeId.
                nodes.Add(ExpandedNodeId.ToNodeId(target.TargetId, session.NamespaceUris));

            // return whatever was found.
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the response from a publish request.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessPublishResponse(
            ResponseHeader      responseHeader,
            uint                subscriptionId,
            UInt32Collection    availableSequenceNumbers,
            bool                moreNotifications,
            NotificationMessage notificationMessage)
            Subscription subscription = null;
            // send notification that the server is alive.
            OnKeepAlive(m_serverState, responseHeader.Timestamp);

            // collect the current set if acknowledgements.
            lock (SyncRoot)
                // clear out acknowledgements for messages that the server does not have any more.
                SubscriptionAcknowledgementCollection acknowledgementsToSend = new SubscriptionAcknowledgementCollection();

                for (int ii = 0; ii < m_acknowledgementsToSend.Count; ii++)
                    SubscriptionAcknowledgement acknowledgement = m_acknowledgementsToSend[ii];

                    if (acknowledgement.SubscriptionId != subscriptionId)
                        if (availableSequenceNumbers == null || availableSequenceNumbers.Contains(acknowledgement.SequenceNumber))

                // create an acknowledgement to be sent back to the server.
                if (notificationMessage.NotificationData.Count > 0)
                    SubscriptionAcknowledgement acknowledgement = new SubscriptionAcknowledgement();

                    acknowledgement.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId;
                    acknowledgement.SequenceNumber = notificationMessage.SequenceNumber;


                uint lastSentSequenceNumber = 0;
                if (availableSequenceNumbers != null)
                    foreach (uint availableSequenceNumber in availableSequenceNumbers)
                        if (m_latestAcknowledgementsSent.ContainsKey(subscriptionId))
                            lastSentSequenceNumber = m_latestAcknowledgementsSent[subscriptionId];

                            // If the last sent sequence number is uint.Max do not display the warning; the counter rolled over
                            // If the last sent sequence number is greater or equal to the available sequence number (returned by the publish), a warning must be logged.
                            if (((lastSentSequenceNumber >= availableSequenceNumber) && (lastSentSequenceNumber != uint.MaxValue)) || (lastSentSequenceNumber == availableSequenceNumber) && (lastSentSequenceNumber == uint.MaxValue))
                                Utils.Trace("Received sequence number which was already acknowledged={0}", availableSequenceNumber);

                if (m_latestAcknowledgementsSent.ContainsKey(subscriptionId))
                    lastSentSequenceNumber = m_latestAcknowledgementsSent[subscriptionId];

                    // If the last sent sequence number is uint.Max do not display the warning; the counter rolled over
                    // If the last sent sequence number is greater or equal to the notificationMessage's sequence number (returned by the publish), a warning must be logged.
                    if (((lastSentSequenceNumber >= notificationMessage.SequenceNumber) && (lastSentSequenceNumber != uint.MaxValue)) || (lastSentSequenceNumber == notificationMessage.SequenceNumber) && (lastSentSequenceNumber == uint.MaxValue))
                        Utils.Trace("Received sequence number which was already acknowledged={0}", notificationMessage.SequenceNumber);

                if (availableSequenceNumbers != null)
                    foreach (var acknowledgement in acknowledgementsToSend)
                        if (acknowledgement.SubscriptionId == subscriptionId && !availableSequenceNumbers.Contains(acknowledgement.SequenceNumber))
                            Utils.Trace("Sequence number={0} was not received in the available sequence numbers.", acknowledgement.SequenceNumber);

                m_acknowledgementsToSend = acknowledgementsToSend;

                if (notificationMessage.IsEmpty)
                    Utils.Trace("Empty notification message received for SessionId {0} with PublishTime {1}", SessionId, notificationMessage.PublishTime.ToLocalTime());

                // find the subscription.
                foreach (Subscription current in m_subscriptions)
                    if (current.Id == subscriptionId)
                        subscription = current;                            

            // ignore messages with a subscription that has been deleted.
            if (subscription != null)
                // Validate publish time and reject old values.
                if (notificationMessage.PublishTime.AddMilliseconds(subscription.CurrentPublishingInterval * subscription.CurrentLifetimeCount) < DateTime.UtcNow)
                    Utils.Trace("PublishTime {0} in publish response is too old for SubscriptionId {1}.", notificationMessage.PublishTime.ToLocalTime(), subscription.Id);

                // Validate publish time and reject old values.
                if (notificationMessage.PublishTime > DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(subscription.CurrentPublishingInterval * subscription.CurrentLifetimeCount))
                    Utils.Trace("PublishTime {0} in publish response is newer than actual time for SubscriptionId {1}.", notificationMessage.PublishTime.ToLocalTime(), subscription.Id);

                // update subscription cache.                                 

                // raise the notification.
                lock (m_eventLock)
                    NotificationEventArgs args = new NotificationEventArgs(subscription, notificationMessage, responseHeader.StringTable);

                    if (m_Publish != null)
                        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(OnRaisePublishNotification, args);
                Utils.Trace("Received Publish Response for Unknown SubscriptionId={0}", subscriptionId);
Beispiel #21
        private async Task <Packet> ProcessPacket(byte[] data)
            string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

            if (Regex.IsMatch(str, "^GET"))
                requestHeader          = new RequestHeader(str);
                requestHeader.resource = requestHeader.resource.Replace("/csf-websocket-url", "");
                Logger.Info($"Requesting resource: {requestHeader.resource}");

                string ip1 = tcpclient.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString();

                string[] ip_parts = ip1.Split(".");

                Logger.Info($"IP: {ip1}");
                Logger.Debug($"Recieved header: {str}");

                if (ip_parts[0] != "172" && ip_parts[0] != "127")
                    ResponseHeader respheader = new ResponseHeader {
                        responseCode = HttpCodes.OK
                    await Send(respheader);
                    await Send("Hello World!");

                    stillOk = false;
                else if (requestHeader.parameters.ContainsKey("Sec-WebSocket-Key"))
                    ResponseHeader respheader = new ResponseHeader {
                        responseCode = HttpCodes.SwitchingProtocols
                    respheader.parameters["Server"]               = "CSF-Websocket";
                    respheader.parameters["Connection"]           = "Upgrade";
                    respheader.parameters["Upgrade"]              = "websocket";
                    respheader.parameters["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"] = GenerateSecWebSocketKey(requestHeader.parameters["Sec-WebSocket-Key"]);

                    try {
                        if (requestHeader.parameters.ContainsKey("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"))
                            Logger.Info($"Supported extensions: {requestHeader.parameters["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"]}");
                            Chiper = StreamCipher.Factory(requestHeader.parameters["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"]);
                            Chiper = StreamCipher.Factory("permessage-deflate");

                        if (requestHeader.parameters.ContainsKey("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"))
                            string[] options = requestHeader.parameters["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"].Split(",");
                            foreach (string option_raw in options)
                                string option = option_raw.Trim();
                                if (option.Contains("csf-socket-"))
                                    respheader.parameters["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = option;
                        await Send(respheader);
                        await SendHello();
                    } catch (UnsupportedExtension) {
                        ResponseHeader invext = new ResponseHeader {
                            responseCode = HttpCodes.NotAcceptable
                        await Send(invext);
                        await Send("The requested websokcet extension is not supported");

                        stillOk = false;
                    ResponseHeader respheader = new ResponseHeader {
                        responseCode = HttpCodes.UpgradeRequired
                    await Send(respheader);
                    await Send("This is not a website! Upgrade your connection to WebSocket");

                    stillOk = false;
                WsPacket WebSocketPacket = Chiper.Decode(data);
                OpCode   opcode          = WebSocketPacket.GetOpCode();
                if (opcode == OpCode.TextFrame)
                    string pstr = WebSocketPacket.GetPayload();
                    try {
                        Packet     p    = new Packet(pstr);
                        PacketType type = p.GetPacketType();

                        if (type == PacketType.Heartbeat)
                            Packet ack = new Packet(PacketType.HeartbeatACK);
                            await Send(ack);

                        else if (type == PacketType.Reconnect)
                            Reconnect rp = p.GetPacketData <Reconnect>();
                            if (UsedSessions.Contains(rp.session_id))
                                this.session = rp.session_id;
                                await SendHello();
                                Packet invsess = new Packet(PacketType.InvalidSession);
                                await Send(invsess);

                                stillOk = false;
                        else if (type == PacketType.Identify)
                            identity = p.GetPacketData <Identity>();
                            if (identity == null)
                                stillOk = false;

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Logger.Error($"Packet conversion error: {e.Message}");
                        Logger.Error($"Receied data: {string.Join(" ", data)}");
                        Logger.Error($"Decoded: {pstr}");
                else if (opcode == OpCode.Ping)
                    Logger.Debug("Ping Pong");
                    WsPacket pong = new WsPacket(OpCode.Pong);
                    await Send(pong);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the MIME type in the response header based on the file requested.  See
 /// <see cref=" "/> for
 /// a list of MIME types
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file"></param>
 /// <param name="header"></param>
 private void SetMimeType(string file, ResponseHeader header)
     //PA3 TODO: Set mime type based on file extension
     header.ContentType = ContentType.HTML;
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// This method executes a scalar values test.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channelContext">This parameter stores the channel related data.</param>
        /// <param name="testCaseContext">This parameter stores the test case parameter values.</param>
        /// <param name="testCase">This parameter stores the test case related data.</param>
        /// <param name="iteration">This parameter stores the current iteration number.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The test parameters required for this test case are of the
        /// following types:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        ///     <item>MinTimeout <see cref="TestCaseContext.MinTimeout"/></item>
        ///     <item>MaxTimeout <see cref="TestCaseContext.MaxTimeout"/></item>
        ///     <item>MaxStringLength <see cref="TestCaseContext.MaxStringLength"/></item>
        ///     <item>MaxTransportDelay <see cref="TestCaseContext.MaxTransportDelay"/></item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        private void ExecuteTest_ServerTimout(ChannelContext channelContext, TestCaseContext testCaseContext, TestCase testCase, int iteration)
            bool isSetupStep = TestUtils.IsSetupIteration(iteration);

            if (!isSetupStep)
                channelContext.EventLogger.LogStartEvent(testCase, iteration);

            isSetupStep = TestUtils.IsSetupIteration(iteration);

            RequestHeader requestHeader = new RequestHeader();

            requestHeader.Timestamp         = DateTime.UtcNow;
            requestHeader.ReturnDiagnostics = (uint)DiagnosticsMasks.All;

            Variant input;
            Variant output;

            if (isSetupStep)
                input = Variant.Null;

                ResponseHeader responseHeader = channelContext.ClientSession.TestStack(
                    out output);
                int      serverSleepTime = 0;
                DateTime startTime       = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        (int)(testCase.Seed + iteration),

                    input = channelContext.Random.GetScalarVariant(false);

                    // Server's sleep time
                    serverSleepTime = channelContext.Random.GetTimeout();
                    channelContext.ClientSession.OperationTimeout = serverSleepTime - 100;

                    ResponseHeader responseHeader = channelContext.ClientSession.TestStack(
                        out output);

                    channelContext.EventLogger.LogErrorEvent(testCase, iteration, new Exception("Test failed. Expected a TimeoutException, but did not occur."));
                catch (Exception e)
                    ServiceResultException sre = e as ServiceResultException;

                    if (e is TimeoutException || (sre != null && sre.StatusCode == StatusCodes.BadRequestTimeout))
                        // This indicates that Stack did timeout the request.
                        throw e;

                TimeSpan timeSpent = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(startTime);

                if (timeSpent.TotalMilliseconds > serverSleepTime * 1.10)
                    channelContext.EventLogger.LogErrorEvent(testCase, iteration, new Exception("Test failed. Timeout took too long."));

            if (!isSetupStep)
                channelContext.EventLogger.LogCompleteEvent(testCase, iteration);
Beispiel #24
        public void SubscribeToStream(string streamName, Type feedClass, int feedPayload, int feedInterval, string feedDefaultId)
            var clientContext = Context?.ClientContext;

            clientContext?.WhenClosing(UnsubscribeRequest() !);

            var correlationId = Context?.Request?.HeaderValueOr(RequestHeader.XCorrelationID, string.Empty);

            var subscriber = new SseSubscriber(
                new SseClient(clientContext),
                Context?.Request?.HeaderValueOr(RequestHeader.LastEventID, string.Empty));

            PublisherFor(streamName, feedClass, feedPayload, feedInterval, feedDefaultId).Subscribe(subscriber);

            Completes?.With(Response.Of(ResponseStatus.Ok, ResponseHeader.WithHeaders(ResponseHeader.WithCorrelationId(correlationId))));
Beispiel #25
 public HttpResponse(ResponseHeader responseHeader) : base(responseHeader ?? new ResponseHeader())
     content = new Content();
 public string[] Get_OperationalConfigurationID()
     SendCommand('\u0018', false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'x')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         string[] ret = new string[4];
         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
             ret[i] = ((string)parseASCIIStream("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB")).Trim();
         return ret;
         string[] ret = new string[6];
         char[] c = new char[16];
         for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
             c = BReader.ReadChars(16);
             ret[i] = (new string(c)).Trim();
         return ret;
Beispiel #27
 public HttpResponse(ResponseHeader responseHeader, Content content) : base(responseHeader ?? new ResponseHeader())
     this.content = content ?? new Content();
 public Format Get_OutputFormat()
     SendCommand('F', false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'F')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     Format f;
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         string s = TReader.ReadLine();
         f = s == "0" ? Format.ASCII : Format.Binary;
         if (currentHeader.Length != 4)
             throw new PolhemusException(0xF2);
         f = BReader.ReadInt32() == 0 ? Format.ASCII : Format.Binary;
     if (f != _format)
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF4);
     return f;
Beispiel #29
 public static byte[] Serialize(Content content, ResponseHeader responseHeader)
     return(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(HeaderToString(responseHeader) + $"content-length: {content.ContentLength}\r\n\r\n").Append(content.ContentBytes));
 public void Get_RS232PortConfiguration(out int baudRate, out Parity parity)
     SendCommand('\u000F', false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'o')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         baudRate = Convert.ToInt32((string)parseASCIIStream("AAAAAAB")) * 100;
         parity = (Parity)Convert.ToInt32((string)parseASCIIStream("A<>"));
         baudRate = BREncoding[BReader.ReadInt32() - 1];
         parity = (Parity)BReader.ReadInt32();
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches the references for the node.
        /// </summary>
        private List <ReferenceDescription> Browse(Session session, NodeId nodeId)
            List <ReferenceDescription> references = new List <ReferenceDescription>();

            // specify the references to follow and the fields to return.
            BrowseDescription nodeToBrowse = new BrowseDescription();

            nodeToBrowse.NodeId          = nodeId;
            nodeToBrowse.ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypeIds.References;
            nodeToBrowse.IncludeSubtypes = true;
            nodeToBrowse.BrowseDirection = BrowseDirection.Both;
            nodeToBrowse.NodeClassMask   = 0;
            nodeToBrowse.ResultMask      = (uint)BrowseResultMask.All;

            BrowseDescriptionCollection nodesToBrowse = new BrowseDescriptionCollection();


            // start the browse operation.
            BrowseResultCollection   results         = null;
            DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null;

            ResponseHeader responseHeader = session.Browse(
                out results,
                out diagnosticInfos);

            // these do sanity checks on the result - make sure response matched the request.
            ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, nodesToBrowse);
            ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, nodesToBrowse);

            // check status.
            if (StatusCode.IsBad(results[0].StatusCode))
                // embed the diagnostic information in a exception.
                throw ServiceResultException.Create(results[0].StatusCode, 0, diagnosticInfos, responseHeader.StringTable);

            // add first batch.

            // check if server limited the results.
            while (results[0].ContinuationPoint != null && results[0].ContinuationPoint.Length > 0)
                ByteStringCollection continuationPoints = new ByteStringCollection();

                // continue browse operation.
                responseHeader = session.BrowseNext(
                    out results,
                    out diagnosticInfos);

                ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, continuationPoints);
                ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, continuationPoints);

                // check status.
                if (StatusCode.IsBad(results[0].StatusCode))
                    // embed the diagnostic information in a exception.
                    throw ServiceResultException.Create(results[0].StatusCode, 0, diagnosticInfos, responseHeader.StringTable);

                // add next batch.

 public Units Get_SetUnits()
     SendCommand('U', false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'U')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     Units u;
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         string s = TReader.ReadLine();
         u = s == "0" ? Units.English : Units.Metric;
         if (currentHeader.Length != 4)
             throw new PolhemusException(0xF2);
         u = BReader.ReadInt32() == 0 ? Units.English : Units.Metric;
     if (u != _units)
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF4);
     return u;
Beispiel #33
        public async Task HandlePushFileAsync(IAsyncStreamReader <PushFileRequest> requestStream, IServerStreamWriter <PushFileResponse> responseStream, ServerCallContext callContext)

            // Detaching from the calling thread to (potentially) avoid IO Completion port thread exhaustion
            await Task.Yield();

            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var pushRequest = PushRequest.FromMetadata(callContext.RequestHeaders);

            var hash         = pushRequest.Hash;
            var cacheContext = new Context(pushRequest.TraceId, Logger);
            var token        = callContext.CancellationToken;

            var store = _contentStoreByCacheName.Values.OfType <IPushFileHandler>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (!CanHandlePushRequest(cacheContext, hash, store))
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.DoNotCopy.Metadata);


                // Running the logic inside try/finally block to remove the hash being processed regardless of the result of this method.
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.Copy.Metadata);

                PutResult?result = null;
                using (var disposableFile = new DisposableFile(cacheContext, _fileSystem, _temporaryDirectory !.CreateRandomFileName()))
                    // NOTE(jubayard): DeleteOnClose not used here because the file needs to be placed into the CAS.
                    // Opening a file for read/write and then doing pretty much anything to it leads to weird behavior
                    // that needs to be tested on a case by case basis. Since we don't know what the underlying store
                    // plans to do with the file, it is more robust to just use the DisposableFile construct.
                    using (var tempFile = await _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(disposableFile.Path, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.CreateNew, FileShare.None))
                        while (await requestStream.MoveNext())
                            if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                            var request = requestStream.Current;
                            var bytes   = request.Content.ToByteArray();
                            await tempFile.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, token);

                    result = await store.HandlePushFileAsync(cacheContext, hash, disposableFile.Path, token);

                var response = result
                    ? new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Success(startTime)
                    : new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Failure(startTime, result.ErrorMessage)

                await responseStream.WriteAsync(response);
 public StylusMode Get_StylusButtonFunction(int station)
     SendCommand("L" + station.ToString("0"), false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'L')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     if (currentHeader.Station != station)
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF5);
     StylusMode sm;
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         sm = TReader.ReadLine() == "0" ? StylusMode.Marker : StylusMode.PointTrack;
         if (currentHeader.Length != 4)
             throw new PolhemusException(0xF2);
         sm = BReader.ReadInt32() == 0 ? StylusMode.Marker : StylusMode.PointTrack;
     if (sm != CurrentStylusMode(station))
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF4);
     return sm;
Beispiel #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the response header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestHeader">The object that contains description for the RequestHeader DataType.</param>
        /// <param name="exception">The exception used to create DiagnosticInfo assigned to the ServiceDiagnostics.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a description for the ResponseHeader DataType. </returns>
        protected virtual ResponseHeader CreateResponse(RequestHeader requestHeader, Exception exception)
            ResponseHeader responseHeader = new ResponseHeader();

            responseHeader.Timestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow;
            responseHeader.RequestHandle = requestHeader.RequestHandle;
            StringTable stringTable = new StringTable();
            responseHeader.ServiceDiagnostics = new DiagnosticInfo(exception, (DiagnosticsMasks)requestHeader.ReturnDiagnostics, true, stringTable);
            responseHeader.StringTable = stringTable.ToArray();
            return responseHeader;
Beispiel #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the result of a publish
        /// </summary>
        private bool VerifyPublishResponse(
            ResponseHeader responseHeader,
            Subscription subscription,
            UInt32Collection availableSequenceNumbers,
            bool moreNotifications,
            NotificationMessage notificationMessage,
            StatusCodeCollection results,
            DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
                "PublishReceived: SubId={0} SeqNo={1}, PublishTime={2:mm:ss.fff}, Time={3:mm:ss.fff}",

            // check if there is an odd delay.
            if (responseHeader.Timestamp > notificationMessage.PublishTime.AddMilliseconds(100))
                    "WARNING. Unexpected delay between PublishTime and ResponseTime. SeqNo={0}, PublishTime={1:hh:mm:ss.fff}, ResponseTime={2:hh:mm:ss.fff}",

            // save results.
            subscription.AvailableSequenceNumbers = availableSequenceNumbers;

            if (notificationMessage.NotificationData.Count == 0)
                // keep alives do not increment the sequence number.
                if (subscription.NextExpectedSequenceNumber != notificationMessage.SequenceNumber)
                        "Incorrect sequence number for keep alive. SubscriptionId = {0}, Actual = {1}, Expected = {2}", 

                    subscription.Failed = true;
                    return false;

                // save the message.                
                DateTime timestamp = responseHeader.Timestamp;
                DateTime start = subscription.States[subscription.States.Count - 1].Start;

                // check if this is an old request being processed late.
                if (start > timestamp && subscription.States.Count > 1)
                    subscription.States[subscription.States.Count - 2].KeepAlives.Add(timestamp);
                    subscription.States[subscription.States.Count - 1].KeepAlives.Add(timestamp);
                // check for replays.
                if (subscription.NextExpectedSequenceNumber > notificationMessage.SequenceNumber)
                    // check for out of order responses.
                    bool found = false;

                    for (int ii = 0; ii < subscription.MissingSequenceNumbers.Count; ii++)
                        if (subscription.MissingSequenceNumbers[ii] == notificationMessage.SequenceNumber)
                            found = true;

                    // oops - duplicate.
                    if (!found)
                            "Duplicate sequence number for message. SubscriptionId = {0}, Actual = {1}, Expected = {2}",

                        subscription.Failed = true;
                        return false;
                // increment message counter.
                if (notificationMessage.SequenceNumber >= subscription.NextExpectedSequenceNumber)
                    for (uint ii = subscription.NextExpectedSequenceNumber; ii < notificationMessage.SequenceNumber; ii++)
                        if (!subscription.MissingSequenceNumbers.Contains(ii))

                    subscription.NextExpectedSequenceNumber = notificationMessage.SequenceNumber+1;
                // save the largest received message number (gap exist because of client side threading issues).
                if (subscription.LastReceivedSequenceNumber < notificationMessage.SequenceNumber)
                    subscription.LastReceivedSequenceNumber = notificationMessage.SequenceNumber;

                // save the message.                
                DateTime timestamp = responseHeader.Timestamp;
                DateTime start = subscription.States[subscription.States.Count-1].Start;

                // check if this is an old request being processed late.
                if (start > timestamp && subscription.States.Count > 1)
                    subscription.States[subscription.States.Count - 2].KeepAlives.Add(timestamp);
                    subscription.States[subscription.States.Count - 1].KeepAlives.Add(timestamp);


                // change to keep alive mode.
                if (subscription.StaticData)
                    PublishingState state = new PublishingState();

                    state.KeepAliveCount = subscription.KeepAliveCount;
                    state.PublishingInterval = subscription.PublishingInterval;
                    state.Start = timestamp;
                    state.KeepAliveMode = true;

                    subscription.States[subscription.States.Count-1].End = state.Start;

                // save the acknowlegements.
                SaveAcknowledgement(subscription.SubscriptionId, notificationMessage.SequenceNumber);

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the method.
        /// </summary>
        public void Call()
            // build list of methods to call.
            CallMethodRequestCollection methodsToCall = new CallMethodRequestCollection();

            CallMethodRequest methodToCall = new CallMethodRequest();

            methodToCall.ObjectId = m_objectId;
            methodToCall.MethodId = m_methodId;

            foreach (DataRow row in m_dataset.Tables[0].Rows)
                Argument argument = (Argument)row[0];
                Variant  value    = (Variant)row[4];
                argument.Value = value.Value;


            // call the method.
            CallMethodResultCollection results         = null;
            DiagnosticInfoCollection   diagnosticInfos = null;

            ResponseHeader responseHeader = m_session.Call(
                out results,
                out diagnosticInfos);

            ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, methodsToCall);
            ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, methodsToCall);

            for (int ii = 0; ii < results.Count; ii++)
                // display any input argument errors.
                if (results[ii].InputArgumentResults != null)
                    for (int jj = 0; jj < results[ii].InputArgumentResults.Count; jj++)
                        if (StatusCode.IsBad(results[ii].InputArgumentResults[jj]))
                            DataRow row = m_dataset.Tables[0].Rows[jj];
                            row[5]           = results[ii].InputArgumentResults[jj].ToString();
                            ResultCH.Visible = true;

                // throw an exception on error.
                if (StatusCode.IsBad(results[ii].StatusCode))
                    throw ServiceResultException.Create(results[ii].StatusCode, ii, diagnosticInfos, responseHeader.StringTable);

                // display the output arguments
                ResultCH.Visible      = false;
                NoArgumentsLB.Visible = m_outputArguments == null || m_outputArguments.Length == 0;
                NoArgumentsLB.Text    = "Method invoked successfully.\r\nNo output arguments to display.";

                if (m_outputArguments != null)
                    for (int jj = 0; jj < m_outputArguments.Length; jj++)
                        DataRow row = m_dataset.Tables[0].NewRow();

                        if (results[ii].OutputArguments.Count > jj)
                            UpdateRow(row, m_outputArguments[jj], results[ii].OutputArguments[jj], true);
                            UpdateRow(row, m_outputArguments[jj], Variant.Null, true);

 /// <summary>
 /// ReplicationStatusResponse constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ResponseHeader">response header</param>
 /// <param name="Status">status</param>
 /// <param name="Message">message</param>
 public ReplicationStatusResponse(ResponseHeader ResponseHeader, string Status, string Message)
     responseHeader = ResponseHeader;
     status = Status;
     message = Message;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the object with the results of a modify monitored item request.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetModifyResult(            
            MonitoredItemModifyRequest request,
            MonitoredItemModifyResult  result,
            int                        index,
            DiagnosticInfoCollection   diagnosticInfos,            
            ResponseHeader             responseHeader)
            ServiceResult error = null;

            if (StatusCode.IsBad(result.StatusCode))
                error = ClientBase.GetResult(result.StatusCode, index, diagnosticInfos, responseHeader);

            m_status.SetModifyResult(request, result, error);
            m_attributesModified = false;
Beispiel #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the response header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestHeader">The object that contains description for the RequestHeader DataType.</param>
        /// <param name="statusCode">The status code.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ServiceResultException">If statusCode is bad.</exception>
        /// <returns>Returns a description for the ResponseHeader DataType. </returns>
        protected virtual ResponseHeader CreateResponse(RequestHeader requestHeader, uint statusCode)
            if (StatusCode.IsBad(statusCode))
                throw new ServiceResultException(statusCode);

            ResponseHeader responseHeader = new ResponseHeader();

            responseHeader.Timestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow;
            responseHeader.RequestHandle = requestHeader.RequestHandle;

            return responseHeader;
Beispiel #41
 /// <summary>
 /// ReplicationStatusResponse constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ResponseHeader">response header</param>
 /// <param name="Status">status</param>
 /// <param name="Message">message</param>
 public ReplicationStatusResponse(ResponseHeader ResponseHeader, string Status, string Message)
     responseHeader = ResponseHeader;
     status         = Status;
     message        = Message;
Beispiel #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the response header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestHeader">The object that contains description for the RequestHeader DataType.</param>
        /// <param name="stringTable">The thread safe table of string constants.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a description for the ResponseHeader DataType. </returns>
        protected virtual ResponseHeader CreateResponse(RequestHeader requestHeader, StringTable stringTable)
            ResponseHeader responseHeader = new ResponseHeader();

            responseHeader.Timestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow;
            responseHeader.RequestHandle = requestHeader.RequestHandle;

            return responseHeader;
 public void Get_ActiveStationState(int station, out byte return1, out byte return2)
     SendCommand('\u0015' + station.ToString("0"), false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'u')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         return1 = (byte)parseASCIIStream(station == 0 ? "XXXX" : "X");
         return2 = (byte)parseASCIIStream(station == 0 ? "XXXX<>" : "X<>");
         uint v = BReader.ReadUInt32();
         return1 = (byte)(v & 0xFF);
         return2 = (byte)(v >> 16);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the object with the results of a translate browse path request.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetResolvePathResult( 
            BrowsePathResult          result,
            int                       index,
            DiagnosticInfoCollection  diagnosticInfos,         
            ResponseHeader            responseHeader)
            ServiceResult error = null;

            if (StatusCode.IsBad(result.StatusCode))
                error = ClientBase.GetResult(result.StatusCode, index, diagnosticInfos, responseHeader);
                ResolvedNodeId = NodeId.Null;

                // update the node id.
                if (result.Targets.Count > 0)
                    ResolvedNodeId = ExpandedNodeId.ToNodeId(result.Targets[0].TargetId, m_subscription.Session.NamespaceUris);

            m_status.SetResolvePathResult(result, error);
 public Triple[] Get_AlignmentReferenceFrame()
     SendCommand('A', false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'A')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     Triple[] cc = new Triple[3];
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
             cc[i] = Triple.FromASCII(TReader, "Sxxx.xx");
         if (currentHeader.Length != 36)
             throw new PolhemusException(0xF2);
         for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
             cc[i] = new Triple(BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle());
     return cc;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the object with the results of a modify monitored item request.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetDeleteResult(            
            StatusCode               result,
            int                      index,
            DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos,            
            ResponseHeader           responseHeader)
            ServiceResult error = null;

            if (StatusCode.IsBad(result))
                error = ClientBase.GetResult(result, index, diagnosticInfos, responseHeader);

 public Triple Get_Boresight(int station)
     SendCommand("B" + station.ToString("0"), false);
     currentHeader = ReadHeader();
     if (currentHeader.Command != 'B')
         throw new PolhemusException(0xF3);
     Triple ra;
     if (_format == Format.ASCII)
         ra = Triple.FromASCII(TReader, "Sxxx.xxB");
         PolhemusController.parseASCIIStream(TReader, "<>");
         if (currentHeader.Length != 12)
             throw new PolhemusException(0xF2);
         ra = new Triple(BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle(), BReader.ReadSingle());
     return ra;
    private bool ProcessResponseErrors(ResponseHeader objResponseHeader)
        bool bErrors = false;

        if (!objResponseHeader.Success)
            for (int i = 0; i < objResponseHeader.Errors.Length; i++)
                ((XnGR_WBS_Page)Page).AddPageError(XnGR_WBS_Page.PageErrorType.WbsApiError, objResponseHeader.Errors[i].Code);
                bErrors = true;


        return bErrors;
Beispiel #49
 public void Log(ResponseHeader header, object?body, bool isSending) =>
 Log("Response", header.RequestNo, header.MessageId, header.Flags.ToString(), body, isSending);