Beispiel #1
        static void RunRetrivalTest2()
            ResourceSummary Input = new ResourceSummary();

            IEnumerable <object> Result = null;

            ConsoleKeyInfo KeyInfo;

                    PerformanceDbContext_NonVirtual DbContext = new PerformanceDbContext_NonVirtual();

                    var x = DbContext.ResourceSummaryDetails.CallStoredProc(Input);

                    Result = x[0].ToArray();

                    foreach (ResourceSummaryNonVirtual each in Result)
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", each.PersonId, each.PersonName, each.EmailAddress, each.CTC));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", ex.Message);

                Console.WriteLine("Would you like to perform it again ? (Y/N)");

                KeyInfo = Console.ReadKey();
            }while (KeyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Y);
Beispiel #2
        private double GetNetChange(ResourceSummary res)
            var net  = res.CurrentAmount - res.LastAmount;
            var time = res.CurrentTime - res.LastTime;

            return(net / time);
        public void ScopeTestRetrival()
            ResourceSummary Input = new ResourceSummary()
                PersonName = "SQL++.NET LIB PERFORMANCE TEST",

            IEnumerable <ResourceSummary> Result = null;

            using (ConnectionScope scope = new ConnectionScope())
                SpResourceSummaryDetails Sp = new SpResourceSummaryDetails();

                Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

                Sp.Execute(Input, scope);

                Result =
                    Sp.GetResult <ResourceSummary>();


                Console.Write(string.Format("Record Retrived : {0} in time : {1}", Result != null?Result.Count():0, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds));

            //Assert.IsTrue(Result.Count > 0);
        public void MultipleInstanceTest()
            ResourceSummary Input = new ResourceSummary()
                PersonName       = "SQL++.NET LIB PERFORMANCE TEST",
                Country          = "INDIA",
                State            = "GUJRAT",
                City             = "BARODA",
                District         = "UNSPECIFIED",
                Street           = "1 SHANTI NAGAR STREET",
                HouseNo          = "C8",
                Pin              = Hash,
                MobileNo         = "9051778445",
                HomePhoneNo      = "9051778445",
                EmailAddress     = "*****@*****.**",
                MothersName      = "VISUAL STUDIO",
                FathersName      = "PERFORMANCE TEST",
                Employer         = "COP",
                EmployerCountry  = "USA",
                EmployerCity     = "BALA CYNWYD",
                EmployerState    = "PENNSYLVANIA",
                EmployerDistrict = "PHILADELPHIA",
                EmployerPin      = "19015",
                EmployerStreet   = "1800 GREEN STREET",
                EmployerHouseNo  = "F2",
                CTC              = 100.56M,
                NET              = 10000.65M,
                Gross            = 10000.11M,
                MobileNo2        = Hash

            SpResourceSummary[] Multiple = new SpResourceSummary[10];
            for (int i = 0; i < Multiple.Length; i++)
                Multiple[i] = new SpResourceSummary();

            StringBuilder Log = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < Multiple.Length; i++)
                Input.CTC = Input.CTC + 1;
                Log.AppendLine(string.Format("Person ID : {0}", Input.PersonId));


            Assert.IsTrue(Input.PersonId > 0);
Beispiel #5
        public void CF_ResourseSummaryRetrivalTest()
            ResourceSummary Input = new ResourceSummary()
                PersonName       = "SQL++.NET LIB PERFORMANCE TEST",
                Country          = "INDIA",
                State            = "GUJRAT",
                City             = "BARODA",
                District         = "UNSPECIFIED",
                Street           = "1 SHANTI NAGAR STREET",
                HouseNo          = "C8",
                Pin              = Hash,
                MobileNo         = "9051778445",
                HomePhoneNo      = "9051778445",
                EmailAddress     = "*****@*****.**",
                MothersName      = "VISUAL STUDIO",
                FathersName      = "PERFORMANCE TEST",
                Employer         = "COP",
                EmployerCountry  = "USA",
                EmployerCity     = "BALA CYNWYD",
                EmployerState    = "PENNSYLVANIA",
                EmployerDistrict = "PHILADELPHIA",
                EmployerPin      = "19015",
                EmployerStreet   = "1800 GREEN STREET",
                EmployerHouseNo  = "F2",
                CTC              = 1000.56M,
                NET              = 10000.65M,
                Gross            = 10000.11M,
                MobileNo2        = Hash

            PerformanceDbContext_NonVirtual DbContext = new PerformanceDbContext_NonVirtual();

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            var x = DbContext.ResourceSummaryDetails.CallStoredProc(Input);

            object[] xxx = x[0].ToArray();


            Console.Write(string.Format("Record Retrived : {0} in time : {1}", xxx != null ? xxx.Length : 0, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds));
        public void ScopeTestDefault()
            ResourceSummary Input = new ResourceSummary()
                PersonName       = "SQL++.NET LIB PERFORMANCE TEST",
                Country          = "INDIA",
                State            = "GUJRAT",
                City             = "BARODA",
                District         = "UNSPECIFIED",
                Street           = "1 SHANTI NAGAR STREET",
                HouseNo          = "C8",
                Pin              = Hash,
                MobileNo         = "9051778445",
                HomePhoneNo      = "9051778445",
                EmailAddress     = "*****@*****.**",
                MothersName      = "VISUAL STUDIO",
                FathersName      = "PERFORMANCE TEST",
                Employer         = "COP",
                EmployerCountry  = "USA",
                EmployerCity     = "BALA CYNWYD",
                EmployerState    = "PENNSYLVANIA",
                EmployerDistrict = "PHILADELPHIA",
                EmployerPin      = "19015",
                EmployerStreet   = "1800 GREEN STREET",
                EmployerHouseNo  = "F2",
                CTC              = 1000.56M,
                NET              = 10000.65M,
                Gross            = 10000.11M,
                MobileNo2        = Hash

            using (ConnectionScope scope = new ConnectionScope())
                SpResourceSummary Sp = new SpResourceSummary();

                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    Sp.Execute(Input, scope);


            Assert.IsTrue(Input.PersonId > 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the assigned to where clause.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionId">The session identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldFilter">The field filter.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Assigned to WhereClause
        /// </returns>
        private static string GetAssignedToWhereClause(string sessionId, FieldFilter fieldFilter, BurnRetrievalOptions retrievalOptions)
            string assignedToClause = " ";
            ResourceSummaryCollection reesourceSummaryCollection = null;

            if (fieldFilter.AssignedTo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldFilter.AssignedTo.Name))
                if (fieldFilter.AssignedTo.Name.Contains("Team"))
                    // Get Group Members
                    ResourceService  resourceService      = new ResourceService();
                    ResourceIdentity groupresourceIdenity = new ResourceIdentity()
                        Id = fieldFilter.AssignedTo.Id, Name = fieldFilter.AssignedTo.Name
                    reesourceSummaryCollection = resourceService.GetMembersOfGroup(sessionId, groupresourceIdenity, false);
                    if (reesourceSummaryCollection != null && reesourceSummaryCollection.Count > 0)
                        assignedToClause = assignedToClause + string.Format("({0})", BuildResourceString(reesourceSummaryCollection));
                    // Individual resource we can use directly as below.
                    assignedToClause = assignedToClause + string.Format("('{0}')", fieldFilter.AssignedTo.Name);

                    reesourceSummaryCollection = new ResourceSummaryCollection();
                    ResourceSummary resourceSummary = new ResourceSummary();
                    resourceSummary.Identity      = new ResourceIdentity();
                    resourceSummary.Identity.Name = fieldFilter.AssignedTo.Name;

                PopulateTeamMembers(retrievalOptions, reesourceSummaryCollection);

Beispiel #8
        static void RunRetrivalTest1()
            ResourceSummary Input = new ResourceSummary();

            IEnumerable <ResourceSummary> Result = null;

            ConsoleKeyInfo KeyInfo;

                    using (ConnectionScope scope = new ConnectionScope())
                        SpResourceSummaryDetails Sp = new SpResourceSummaryDetails();

                        Sp.Execute(Input, scope);

                        Result = Sp.GetResult <ResourceSummary>();

                    foreach (ResourceSummary each in Result)
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", each.PersonId, each.PersonName, each.EmailAddress, each.CTC));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", ex.Message);

                Console.WriteLine("Would you like to perform it again ? (Y/N)");

                KeyInfo = Console.ReadKey();
            }while (KeyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Y);