public void LocalCRMDeferredInitUsingApplyResources()
            ResourceResolveResult rrr = Resolve(CodeLocalCRMDeferredInitUsingApplyResources, 8, 20, null);

            TestHelper.CheckReference(rrr, "A", null, "A", "A.B");
            Assert.That(rrr, Is.InstanceOf(typeof(ResourcePrefixResolveResult)));
            ResourcePrefixResolveResult rprr = (ResourcePrefixResolveResult)rrr;

            Assert.That(rprr.Prefix, Is.EqualTo("$this"), "Resource key prefix not detected correctly.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all unused resource keys in all resource files that are referenced
        /// in code at least once in the whole solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monitor">An object implementing <see cref="IProgressMonitor"/> to report the progress of the operation. Can be <c>null</c>.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of <see cref="ResourceItem"/> classes that represent the unused resource keys.</returns>
        public static ICollection <ResourceItem> FindUnusedKeys(IProgressMonitor monitor)
            List <Reference> references = FindAllReferences(monitor, SearchScope.WholeSolution);

            if (references == null)

            if (monitor != null)
                monitor.BeginTask(null, 0, false);

            List <ResourceItem> unused = new List <ResourceItem>();

            // Get a list of all referenced resource files.
            // Generate a dictonary of resource file names and the
            // corresponding referenced keys.
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > referencedKeys     = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > referencedPrefixes = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            foreach (Reference reference in references)
                ResourceResolveResult rrr = (ResourceResolveResult)reference.ResolveResult;
                if (rrr.ResourceFileContent != null)
                    string fileName = rrr.FileName;
                    if (!referencedKeys.ContainsKey(fileName))
                        referencedKeys.Add(fileName, new List <string>());
                        referencedPrefixes.Add(fileName, new List <string>());
                    if (rrr.Key != null && !referencedKeys[fileName].Contains(rrr.Key))
                        ResourcePrefixResolveResult rprr = rrr as ResourcePrefixResolveResult;
                        if (rprr != null && rprr.Prefix != null && !referencedPrefixes[fileName].Contains(rprr.Prefix))
                    if (monitor != null)
                        monitor.ShowingDialog = true;
                    MessageService.ShowWarning("Found a resource reference that could not be resolved." + Environment.NewLine + (reference.FileName ?? "<null>") + ":" + reference.Offset + Environment.NewLine + "Expression: " + (reference.Expression ?? "<null>"));
                    if (monitor != null)
                        monitor.ShowingDialog = false;

            // Find keys that are not referenced anywhere.
            foreach (string fileName in referencedKeys.Keys)
                                #if DEBUG
                LoggingService.Debug("ResourceToolkit: FindUnusedKeys: Referenced resource file '" + fileName + "'");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> entry in ResourceFileContentRegistry.GetResourceFileContent(fileName).Data)
                    if (!referencedKeys[fileName].Contains(entry.Key) &&
                        !referencedPrefixes[fileName].Any(prefix => entry.Key.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                        unused.Add(new ResourceItem(fileName, entry.Key));

            if (monitor != null)
