protected PSWhatIfOperationResult ExecuteWhatIf()
            const string statusMessage = "Getting the latest status of all resources...";
            var          clearMessage  = new string(' ', statusMessage.Length);
            var          information   = new HostInformationMessage {
                Message = statusMessage, NoNewLine = true
            var clearInformation = new HostInformationMessage {
                Message = $"\r{clearMessage}\r", NoNewLine = true
            var tags = new[] { "PSHOST" };

                // Write status message.
                this.WriteInformation(information, tags);

                PSWhatIfOperationResult whatIfResult = ResourceManagerSdkClient.ExecuteDeploymentWhatIf(this.WhatIfParameters);

                // Clear status before returning result.
                this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags);

            catch (Exception)
                // Clear status before on exception.
                this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags);
Beispiel #2
        private string ExecuteWhatIf()
            const string statusMessage = "Getting the latest status of all resources...";
            var          clearMessage  = new string(' ', statusMessage.Length);
            var          information   = new HostInformationMessage {
                Message = statusMessage, NoNewLine = true
            var clearInformation = new HostInformationMessage {
                Message = $"\r{clearMessage}\r", NoNewLine = true
            var tags = new[] { "PSHOST" };

                // Write status message.
                this.WriteInformation(information, tags);

                var parameters = new PSDeploymentWhatIfCmdletParameters
                    DeploymentName           = this.Name,
                    Location                 = this.Location,
                    Mode                     = DeploymentMode.Incremental,
                    TemplateUri              = TemplateUri ?? this.TryResolvePath(TemplateFile),
                    TemplateObject           = this.TemplateObject,
                    TemplateParametersUri    = this.TemplateParameterUri,
                    TemplateParametersObject = GetTemplateParameterObject(this.TemplateParameterObject),
                    ResultFormat             = this.WhatIfResultFormat

                PSWhatIfOperationResult whatIfResult = ResourceManagerSdkClient.ExecuteDeploymentWhatIf(parameters, this.WhatIfExcludeChangeType);
                string whatIfMessage = WhatIfOperationResultFormatter.Format(whatIfResult);

                // Clear status before returning result.
                this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags);

                // Use \r to override the built-in "What if:" in output.
                return($"\r        \r{Environment.NewLine}{whatIfMessage}{Environment.NewLine}");
            catch (Exception)
                // Clear status before handling exception.
                this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags);
Beispiel #3
        protected override void OnProcessRecord()
            const string statusMessage = "Getting the latest status of all resources...";
            var          clearMessage  = new string(' ', statusMessage.Length);
            var          information   = new HostInformationMessage {
                Message = statusMessage, NoNewLine = true
            var clearInformation = new HostInformationMessage {
                Message = $"\r{clearMessage}\r", NoNewLine = true
            var tags = new[] { "PSHOST" };

                // Write status message.
                this.WriteInformation(information, tags);

                var parameters = new PSDeploymentWhatIfCmdletParameters
                    DeploymentName           = this.Name,
                    Location                 = this.Location,
                    Mode                     = DeploymentMode.Incremental,
                    TemplateUri              = TemplateUri ?? this.TryResolvePath(TemplateFile),
                    TemplateObject           = this.TemplateObject,
                    TemplateParametersUri    = this.TemplateParameterUri,
                    TemplateParametersObject = GetTemplateParameterObject(this.TemplateParameterObject),
                    ResultFormat             = this.ResultFormat

                PSWhatIfOperationResult whatIfResult = ResourceManagerSdkClient.ExecuteDeploymentWhatIf(parameters);

                // Clear status before returning result.
                this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags);
            catch (Exception)
                // Clear status on exception.
                this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags);