Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the field expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldExpression">The field expression.</param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns>ResourceDataColumn.</returns>
        private static ResourceDataColumn BuildFieldExpression(Model.FieldExpression fieldExpression, FromEntityContext context)
            DatabaseType castType = TypedValueHelper.GetDatabaseType(fieldExpression.ReportExpressionResultType);

            if (fieldExpression.FieldExpressionField == null)
                EventLog.Application.WriteWarning(context.DebugInfo + "field was null");

            ResourceDataColumn rdc = new ResourceDataColumn
                FieldId            = fieldExpression.FieldExpressionField,
                CastType           = castType, ExpressionId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                SourceNodeEntityId = fieldExpression.As <NodeExpression>().SourceNode.Id

        protected override ScalarExpression OnBuildQuery(QueryBuilderContext context)
            // Currently this must be a literal
            var field = Right as ConstantEntityNode;

            if (field == null)
                throw new ParseException("Field required.");

            var queryNode = context.GetNode(Left);

            // Start workaround for #27148
            // If an aggregate operation is performed on a choice field, then we try to treat it like an entity
            // then we have a scenario that can't currently be represented in structured queries.
            // (Because sq aggregate operations get declared as expressions, but if it's an expression we can no longer use it as a sq node for other expressions).
            // This can happen if we use the choice-field in a comparison (e.g. max(choice)>whatever) because the compiler
            // will inject a field lookup to redirect to the ordering field.
            // For now, detect this specific scenario, and pass the aggregate expression directly through because the query engine
            // will defer to the ordering version of the SQL, which will in turn look up the enumOrder field.
            // However, ideally we should also be able to do things like max(choice).someOtherRelationshipOrField
            bool nodeIsAggregate     = Left is AggregateNode || Left is EntityTypeCast && Left.Arguments[0] is AggregateNode;
            bool fieldIsEnumOrdering = field.Instance.Id == WellKnownAliases.CurrentTenant.EnumOrder;

            if (nodeIsAggregate && fieldIsEnumOrdering)
            // End workaround

            var result = new ResourceDataColumn
                FieldId = field.Instance,
                NodeId  = queryNode.NodeId

 /// <summary>
 /// This is a hacky function to convert condition which under aggregated node and operator is IsNull
 /// for normal query, if the condition is under aggregated node, the queryBuilder will add this condition to child aggregate table.
 /// however for IsNull condition is little special, it should be in main where clause and the condition node should be current aggreagate node id.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="conditions">structuredQuery conditions</param>
 /// <param name="aggregateEntity">current aggregated entity</param>
 private void ConvertConditionExpressionToAggregate(List <QueryCondition> conditions,
                                                    AggregateEntity aggregateEntity)
     if (conditions.Any(c => c.Operator == ConditionType.IsNull &&
                        c.Expression is ResourceDataColumn &&
                        MatchGroupedEntityNode(((ResourceDataColumn)c.Expression).NodeId, aggregateEntity.GroupedEntity)
         foreach (QueryCondition condition in conditions)
             ResourceDataColumn resourceExpression = condition.Expression as ResourceDataColumn;
             if (resourceExpression != null)
                 AggregateExpression aggregateExpression = new AggregateExpression
                     AggregateMethod = AggregateMethod.Min,
                     NodeId          = aggregateEntity.NodeId,
                     Expression      = resourceExpression
                 condition.Expression = aggregateExpression;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the type of the column database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceQuery">The source query.</param>
        /// <param name="selectColumn">The select column.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static DatabaseType GetColumnDatabaseType(StructuredQuery sourceQuery, SelectColumn selectColumn)
            DatabaseType columnType = DatabaseType.UnknownType;

            var field = selectColumn.Expression as ResourceDataColumn;

            if (field != null)
                ResourceDataColumn dataField = field;
                if (dataField.CastType != null && dataField.CastType.GetDisplayName( ) != DatabaseType.UnknownType.GetDisplayName( ))
                    columnType = dataField.CastType;
                    columnType = GetFieldDataType(dataField.FieldId);
            else if (selectColumn.Expression is StructureViewExpression)
                columnType = DatabaseType.StructureLevelsType;
                var expression = selectColumn.Expression as CalculationExpression;

                if (expression != null)
                    //TODO hack now
                    if (expression.DisplayType != null && expression.DisplayType != DatabaseType.UnknownType)
                    var reference = selectColumn.Expression as ColumnReference;

                    if (reference != null)
                        ColumnReference columnReference = reference;
                        // Sanity check. Prevent infinite recursion
                        if (columnReference.ColumnId != selectColumn.ColumnId)
                            SelectColumn referencedColumn = sourceQuery.SelectColumns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ColumnId == columnReference.ColumnId);
                            columnType = GetColumnDatabaseType(sourceQuery, referencedColumn);
                        var aggregateExpression = selectColumn.Expression as AggregateExpression;

                        if (aggregateExpression != null)
                            if (aggregateExpression.Expression is StructureViewExpression)
                                columnType = DatabaseType.StructureLevelsType;
                                columnType = (aggregateExpression.Expression is ResourceDataColumn) ? ((ResourceDataColumn)(aggregateExpression.Expression)).CastType : DatabaseType.StringType;
                        else if (selectColumn.Expression is IdExpression)
                            columnType = DatabaseType.IdentifierType;

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove any columns from a report that are not required to achieve a rollup result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If columns get removed here then the query optimiser will later remove various joins.
        /// This can affect whether some rows are repeated.
        /// Some aggregate types (e.g. max/min) are unaffected by this.
        /// Some types (e.g. Count) are very affected by this, so we replace columns with simpler ones, rather than removing them completely.
        /// Some types (e.g. Sum) in principle could be affected by this, but in practice are OK because they will reference the relationship branch that is relevant to them anyway.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="query">The original query.</param>
        /// <param name="clientAggregate">Aggregate settings that are used to determine what columns are used.</param>
        /// <returns>A clone of the query, with unused columns removed.</returns>
        public static StructuredQuery RemoveUnusedColumns(StructuredQuery query, ClientAggregate clientAggregate, bool supportQuickSearch = false)
            StructuredQuery queryCopy = query.DeepCopy( );

            // Determine columns that are used by the rollup
            HashSet <Guid> referencedColumns = new HashSet <Guid>(clientAggregate.AggregatedColumns.Select(a => a.ReportColumnId)
                                                                  .Concat(clientAggregate.GroupedColumns.Select(g => g.ReportColumnId)));

            // Also include columns that are referenced by analyzer conditions
            foreach (QueryCondition condition in query.Conditions)
                ColumnReference colRefExpr = condition.Expression as ColumnReference;
                if (colRefExpr == null)

            // Ensure that the inner report returns at least something. (This will typically be the ID column).
            if (referencedColumns.Count == 0 && query.SelectColumns.Count > 0)
                referencedColumns.Add(query.SelectColumns [0].ColumnId);

            // There are two types of optimisations. Either we can just pull out all unused columns, and let the structured query optimiser
            // remove the subsequent relationship joins - which is OK for things like max & min in particular.
            // But in some cases (e.g. for Count) we need to ensure we capture all relationships to get the true fanout.
            // This is safer, but less efficient.
            bool strictlyMaintainRowPresence = clientAggregate.AggregatedColumns.Any(ag => ag.AggregateMethod == AggregateMethod.Count);

            if (!strictlyMaintainRowPresence)
                // Remove all unused columns
                queryCopy.SelectColumns.RemoveAll(column => !referencedColumns.Contains(column.ColumnId));
                // Visit each column and determine if it can be removed, or converted to a simpler type
                List <SelectColumn> columns  = queryCopy.SelectColumns;
                List <Guid>         toRemove = new List <Guid>( );
                for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
                    SelectColumn column = columns [i];
                    if (referencedColumns.Contains(column.ColumnId))

                    // Replace field lookups with an equivalent ID column .. to maintain the relationship join, but remove the field join.
                    ResourceDataColumn fieldColumnExpr = column.Expression as ResourceDataColumn;
                    if (fieldColumnExpr != null)
                        // TODO: we could delete this column entire IF the entire relationship path to it is 'to one' relationships, without any advance properties to enforce rows.
                        // UPDATE: for quick serach purpose, the column expression should be ResourceDataColumn but skip in select clause.
                        // however for performance reasons, if without quick search, still change to IdExpression
                        if (supportQuickSearch)
                            column.IsHidden = true;
                            column.Expression = new IdExpression {
                                NodeId = fieldColumnExpr.NodeId


                    // Remove aggregate expressions if they don't have group-bys. (A group-by would cause the aggregate to return more than one row).
                    AggregateExpression aggExpr = column.Expression as AggregateExpression;
                    if (aggExpr != null)
                        AggregateEntity aggNode = StructuredQueryHelper.FindNode(queryCopy.RootEntity, aggExpr.NodeId) as AggregateEntity;
                        if (aggNode != null)
                            if (aggNode.GroupBy == null || aggNode.GroupBy.Count == 0)

                    // Would be nice to remove calculated columns .. but probably too risky
                queryCopy.SelectColumns.RemoveAll(column => toRemove.Contains(column.ColumnId));

            // Remove any obsolete order-by instructions
            queryCopy.OrderBy.RemoveAll(orderBy =>
                ColumnReference colRefExpr = orderBy.Expression as ColumnReference;
                if (colRefExpr == null)

                bool colStillPresent = queryCopy.SelectColumns.Any(column => column.ColumnId == colRefExpr.ColumnId);

Beispiel #6
        protected override ScalarExpression OnBuildQuery(QueryBuilderContext context)
            ScalarExpression arg = Argument.BuildQuery(context);

            if (ResultType.Type == DataType.Entity)

            // Special case for AggregateExpression, because if we aggregate a choicefield, then it presents
            // as an Entity type, therefore requesting this cast - but the query builder wants to receive the aggregate expression directly.
            if (arg is EDC.ReadiNow.Metadata.Query.Structured.AggregateExpression)
                var result = new MutateExpression {
                    Expression = arg

                switch (ResultType.Type)
                case DataType.String:
                    result.MutateType = MutateType.DisplaySql;

                case DataType.Bool:
                    result.MutateType = MutateType.BoolSql;

                    throw new InvalidOperationException(ResultType.Type.ToString( ));

            // Just refer to the node
            var queryNode = context.GetNode(Argument);

            switch (ResultType.Type)
            case DataType.String:
                var nameResult = new ResourceDataColumn
                    FieldId = "core:name",
                    NodeId  = queryNode.NodeId

            case DataType.Bool:
                var boolResult = new CalculationExpression
                    Operator    = CalculationOperator.IsNull,
                    Expressions = new List <ScalarExpression>
                        new IdExpression {
                            NodeId = queryNode.NodeId

                throw new InvalidOperationException(ResultType.Type.ToString());
        public HttpResponseMessage <ReportDataDefinition> Query([FromBody] JsonStructuredQuery jsonQuery)
            if (jsonQuery == null)
                throw new WebArgumentNullException("jsonQuery");
            if (jsonQuery.Root == null)
                throw new WebArgumentNullException("jsonQuery.Root");

                var    query   = new StructuredQuery( );
                var    nodeIds = new Dictionary <string, Guid>( );
                string rootAs  = jsonQuery.Root.As ?? "";

                nodeIds.Add(rootAs, Guid.NewGuid( ));
                query.RootEntity = new ResourceEntity
                    EntityTypeId = WebApiHelpers.GetId(jsonQuery.Root.Id),
                    NodeId       = nodeIds[rootAs]

                query.RootEntity.RelatedEntities.AddRange(RelatedEntities(jsonQuery.Root.Related, nodeIds));

                query.SelectColumns.Add(new SelectColumn
                    ColumnId   = Guid.NewGuid( ),
                    ColumnName = "_Id",
                    IsHidden   = true,
                    Expression = new IdExpression
                        NodeId = query.RootEntity.NodeId
                if (jsonQuery.Selects != null)
                    foreach (JsonSelectInQuery f in jsonQuery.Selects)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Field) && f.Field.ToLower( ) == "_id" && f.On != null)
                            if (f.On != null)
                                query.SelectColumns.Add(new SelectColumn
                                    ColumnId   = Guid.NewGuid( ),
                                    ColumnName = f.DisplayAs ?? f.On + "_Id",
                                    IsHidden   = true,
                                    Expression = new IdExpression
                                        NodeId = nodeIds[f.On]
                            var field = new ResourceDataColumn
                                FieldId = WebApiHelpers.GetId(f.Field),
                                NodeId  = nodeIds[f.On ?? rootAs]
                            string name = field.FieldId.Entity.Cast <Resource>( ).Name;
                            var    sc   = new SelectColumn
                                ColumnId    = Guid.NewGuid( ),
                                DisplayName = f.DisplayAs ?? name,
                                ColumnName  = name,
                                Expression  = field
                if (jsonQuery.Conds != null)
                    foreach (JsonCondition c in jsonQuery.Conds)
                        var qc = new QueryCondition
                            Operator = GetConditionOperator(c.Operation),
                            Argument = new TypedValue(c.Value)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Expression.Field) && c.Expression.Field.ToLower( ) == "_id")
                            qc.Expression = new IdExpression
                                NodeId = nodeIds[c.Expression.On ?? rootAs]
                            qc.Expression = new ResourceDataColumn
                                FieldId = WebApiHelpers.GetId(c.Expression.Field),
                                NodeId  = nodeIds[c.Expression.On ?? rootAs]

                QueryResult result = Factory.QueryRunner.ExecuteQuery(query, new QuerySettings
                    SecureQuery = true

                // debug

                return(new HttpResponseMessage <ReportDataDefinition>(PackReportResponse(result)));
            catch (HttpResponseException)
            catch (PlatformSecurityException)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is ArgumentException)                   // would be better if there was a more specific exception for 'not found'
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
