Beispiel #1
        bool IsHarvestable(Actor self, CPos pos)
            var resType = resLayer.GetResource(pos);

            if (resType == null)

            // Can the harvester collect this kind of resource?
            if (!harvInfo.Resources.Contains(resType.Info.Name))

            if (territory != null)
                // Another harvester has claimed this resource:
                ResourceClaim claim;
                if (territory.IsClaimedByAnyoneElse(self as Actor, pos, out claim))

Beispiel #2
        public static bool CanHarvestAt(this Actor self, CPos pos, ResourceLayer resLayer, HarvesterInfo harvInfo,
			ResourceClaimLayer territory)
            var resType = resLayer.GetResource(pos);
            if (resType == null)
                return false;

            // Can the harvester collect this kind of resource?
            if (!harvInfo.Resources.Contains(resType.Info.Type))
                return false;

            if (territory != null)
                // Another harvester has claimed this resource:
                ResourceClaim claim;
                if (territory.IsClaimedByAnyoneElse(self as Actor, pos, out claim))
                    return false;

            return true;
Beispiel #3
        public override Activity Tick(Actor self)
            if (IsCanceled || NextActivity != null)

            var deliver = new DeliverResources(self);

            if (harv.IsFull)
                return(Util.SequenceActivities(deliver, NextActivity));

            // Determine where to search from and how far to search:
            var searchFromLoc       = harv.LastOrderLocation ?? (harv.LastLinkedProc ?? harv.LinkedProc ?? self).Location;
            var searchRadius        = harv.LastOrderLocation.HasValue ? harvInfo.SearchFromOrderRadius : harvInfo.SearchFromProcRadius;
            var searchRadiusSquared = searchRadius * searchRadius;

            // Find harvestable resources nearby:
            var path = pathFinder.FindPath(
                PathSearch.Search(self.World, mobileInfo, self, true)
                .WithHeuristic(loc =>
                // Avoid this cell:
                if (avoidCell.HasValue && loc == avoidCell.Value)
                    return(EstimateDistance(loc, searchFromLoc) + Constants.CellCost);

                // Don't harvest out of range:
                var distSquared = (loc - searchFromLoc).LengthSquared;
                if (distSquared > searchRadiusSquared)
                    return(EstimateDistance(loc, searchFromLoc) + Constants.CellCost * 2);

                // Get the resource at this location:
                var resType = resLayer.GetResource(loc);
                if (resType == null)
                    return(EstimateDistance(loc, searchFromLoc) + Constants.CellCost);

                // Can the harvester collect this kind of resource?
                if (!harvInfo.Resources.Contains(resType.Info.Name))
                    return(EstimateDistance(loc, searchFromLoc) + Constants.CellCost);

                if (territory != null)
                    // Another harvester has claimed this resource:
                    ResourceClaim claim;
                    if (territory.IsClaimedByAnyoneElse(self, loc, out claim))
                        return(EstimateDistance(loc, searchFromLoc) + Constants.CellCost);


            var next = this;

            if (path.Count == 0)
                if (!harv.IsEmpty)
                    // Get out of the way if we are:
                    var randFrames = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(90, 160);
                    if (NextActivity != null)
                        return(Util.SequenceActivities(NextActivity, new Wait(randFrames), next));
                        return(Util.SequenceActivities(new Wait(randFrames), next));

            // Attempt to claim a resource as ours:
            if (territory != null)
                if (!territory.ClaimResource(self, path[0]))
                    return(Util.SequenceActivities(new Wait(25), next));

            // If not given a direct order, assume ordered to the first resource location we find:
            if (harv.LastOrderLocation == null)
                harv.LastOrderLocation = path[0];

            self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(self.World, path[0]), Color.Red, false);

            var notify = self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyHarvesterAction>();

            foreach (var n in notify)
                n.MovingToResources(self, path[0], next);

            return(Util.SequenceActivities(mobile.MoveTo(path[0], 1), new HarvestResource(self), next));