Beispiel #1
        public void Register <T1, T2>(LifeTimeOptions lifeTimeOption)
            if (iocMap.ContainsKey(typeof(T1)))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Type {0} already registered.", typeof(T1).FullName));
            ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions targetType = new ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions(typeof(T2),

            iocMap.Add(typeof(T1), targetType);
Beispiel #2
        public object Resolve(Type typeToResolve)
            // Find the registered type for typeToResolve
            if (!iocMap.ContainsKey(typeToResolve))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't resolve {0}.Type is not registered.", typeToResolve.FullName));

            ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions resolvedType = iocMap[typeToResolve];

            // Step-1: If LifeTimeOption is ContainerControlled and there is
            //already an instance created then return the created instance.
            if (resolvedType.LifeTimeOption ==
                LifeTimeOptions.ContainerControlledLifeTimeOption &&
                resolvedType.InstanceValue != null)

            // Try to construct the object
            // Step-2: find the constructor
            //(ideally first constructor if multiple constructors present for the type)
            ConstructorInfo ctorInfo = resolvedType.ResolvedType.GetConstructors().First();

            // Step-3: find the parameters for the constructor and try to resolve those
            List <ParameterInfo> paramsInfo     = ctorInfo.GetParameters().ToList();
            List <object>        resolvedParams = new List <object>();

            foreach (ParameterInfo param in paramsInfo)
                Type   t   = param.ParameterType;
                object res = Resolve(t);

            // Step-4: using reflection invoke constructor to create the object
            object retObject = ctorInfo.Invoke(resolvedParams.ToArray());

            resolvedType.InstanceValue = retObject;
