Beispiel #1
        public Bitmap Draw(ResistorStyle style)
            List <Bitmap> resistors = Resistors.Select(x => x.Draw(style)).ToList();

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(resistors.Max(x => x.Width) + style.WireLength * 2, resistors.Sum(x => x.Height + style.WireLength) - style.WireLength, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(style.BackColor), 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);

                int sum = 0;

                Pen pen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(style.WireColor), style.WireThickness);

                resistors.ForEach(res =>
                    g.DrawLine(pen, 0, sum + res.Height / 2, bitmap.Width - style.WireLength - style.WireThickness, sum + res.Height / 2);
                    g.DrawImage(res, (bitmap.Width - res.Width) / 2, sum);
                    sum += res.Height + style.WireLength;

                g.DrawLine(pen, 0, resistors[0].Height / 2, 0, sum - style.WireLength - resistors.Last().Height / 2);
                g.DrawLine(pen, bitmap.Width - style.WireLength - style.WireThickness, resistors[0].Height / 2, bitmap.Width - style.WireLength - style.WireThickness, sum - style.WireLength - resistors.Last().Height / 2);
                g.DrawLine(pen, bitmap.Width - style.WireThickness, bitmap.Height / 2, bitmap.Width - style.WireLength - style.WireThickness, sum - style.WireLength - bitmap.Height / 2);

Beispiel #2
        private void IDC_NEXTR_BUTTON_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var currentId = Int32.Parse(m_nextr.Text);

            if (currentId <= parameters.NumResistors)
                Resistors.Add(ReadElementData(ElementType.Resistor, parameters.NumResistors, Resistors.Count));
            else if (currentId <= parameters.NumCapacitors + parameters.NumResistors)
                Capacitors.Add(ReadElementData(ElementType.Capacitor, parameters.NumCapacitors, Capacitors.Count));
            else if (currentId <= parameters.NumCapacitors + parameters.NumResistors + parameters.NumInductors)
                Inductors.Add(ReadElementData(ElementType.Inductor, parameters.NumInductors, Inductors.Count));

            if (currentId == parameters.NumCapacitors + parameters.NumResistors + parameters.NumInductors)

            if (currentId == parameters.NumResistors)
                elementTypeTxt.Text = ElementType.Capacitor.ToString();
                valueLbl.Text       = "Ёмкость (мкФ)";
            else if (currentId == parameters.NumCapacitors + parameters.NumResistors)
                elementTypeTxt.Text = ElementType.Inductor.ToString();
                valueLbl.Text       = "Индкутивность (Гн)";
Beispiel #3
        public static double CalculateRatio(Resistors Resistors, double WantedValue, double MinError, bool Inverted)
            double ratio = Resistors.R1 / Resistors.R2;
            // Ger error
            double errorRatio = EsseivaN.Tools.Tools.GetErrorPercent(WantedValue, ratio);

            // Add if serial in range
            if (Math.Abs(errorRatio) <= MinError)
                if (Inverted)
                    Resistors = new Resistors()
                        R1 = Resistors.R2,
                        R2 = Resistors.R1,
                    ratio = 1 / ratio;

                Result res = new Result()
                    BaseResistors = Resistors,
                    Ratio         = ratio,
                    Parallel      = false,
                    Error         = errorRatio


            // Return lowest error
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("ResistorsId,Ohms,Information")] Resistors resistors)
            if (id != resistors.ResistorsId)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!ResistorsExists(resistors.ResistorsId))
Beispiel #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ResistorsId,Ohms,Information")] Resistors resistors)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Beispiel #6
    static void Main()
        //New resistor object
        Resistors resistor = new Resistors();

        resistor.SetResistanceAndMax(); //Parse and splits resistance and max

        resistor.SetVoltage();          //Calcs voltage

        resistor.CalcPwrDis();          //Calculates Power Dissipation

        resistor.PrintTable();          //Displays table

    } //End Main()
Beispiel #7
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculate equivalent resistor in serial and parallel configuration. If valid, add to results
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Lowest error</returns>
            public static double CalculateResistors(Resistors Res, double WantedValue, double MinError)
                // parallel resistor
                double pr = Res.GetParallelResistor();
                // Serial resistor
                double sr = Res.R1 + Res.R2;

                // Ger error
                double pErrorRatio = Tools.GetErrorPercent(WantedValue, pr);
                double sErrorRatio = Tools.GetErrorPercent(WantedValue, sr);

                // Add if serial in range
                if (Math.Abs(sErrorRatio) <= MinError)
                    Res.SerialValid = true;

                    Res.SerialResult = new Result()
                        BaseResistors = Res,
                        Resistor      = sr,
                        Parallel      = false,
                        Error         = sErrorRatio

                // Add if parallel in range
                if (Math.Abs(pErrorRatio) <= MinError)
                    Res.ParallelValid = true;

                    Res.ParallelResult = new Result()
                        BaseResistors = Res,
                        Resistor      = pr,
                        Parallel      = true,
                        Error         = pErrorRatio

                // Return lowest error
                return(Math.Min(Math.Abs(pErrorRatio), Math.Abs(sErrorRatio)));
        public Bitmap Draw(ResistorStyle style)
            List <Bitmap> resistors = Resistors.Select(x => x.Draw(style)).ToList();

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(resistors.Sum(x => x.Width), resistors.Max(x => x.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(style.BackColor), 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);

                int sum = 0;

                resistors.ForEach(res =>
                    g.DrawImage(res, sum, (bitmap.Height - res.Height) / 2);
                    sum += res.Width;

Beispiel #9
 public object Clone() => new ParallelResistor
     Resistors = Resistors.Select(x => (IResistor)x.Clone()).ToList()
Beispiel #10
        public static void FillTable(BackgroundWorker b, List <short> Serie, double MinError, double WantedValue)
            MinError = Math.Abs(MinError);
            double currentPercent  = 0;
            double PreviousPercent = 0;
            bool   Inverted        = false;

            if (!(WantedValue > 0 && WantedValue < 1))
                Inverted    = true;
                WantedValue = 1 / WantedValue;

            // For each R1 in the serie
            foreach (var r1 in Serie)
                // Check if cancel asked
                if (b.CancellationPending)

                // Update progress
                int progress = ((Results.Count * 100) / maxResults);
                if (progress > 100)
                    progress = 100;
                else if (progress < 0)
                    progress = 0;

                // Take the min value
                double r1t = r1;
                while (r1t >= (10 * minRes))
                    r1t /= 10;
                while (r1t < minRes)
                    r1t *= 10;

                // Check only for one occurence of R1, you just multiply left and right by 10 to get the other one...
                if (r1t <= maxRes)
                    // Check overflow
                    if (Results.Count >= maxResults)
                        WriteLog("Buffer size reached, incomplete results", Logger.Log_level.Warn);
                        MessageBox.Show("Maximum number of result reached\nNot all results are found, you may want to decrease the minimum error or increase the buffer size !", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                    // With R1 fixed, select R2 in the serie
                    foreach (var r2 in Serie)
                        double r2t = r2;
                        // Take the min value
                        while (r2t >= (10 * minRes))
                            r2t /= 10;
                        while (r2t < minRes)
                            r2t *= 10;

                        PreviousPercent = -1;
                        // Check for all powers of R2
                        while (r2t <= maxRes)
                            Resistors Res = new Resistors()
                                R1       = r1t,
                                R2       = r2t,
                                Parallel = false,

                            // Get the error percent and save result if in error range
                            currentPercent = CalculateRatio(Res, WantedValue, MinError, Inverted);

                            // If error is increasing, it will continue, so jump to next R2
                            if (currentPercent > PreviousPercent && PreviousPercent != -1)

                            PreviousPercent = currentPercent;
                            r2t            *= 10;
        /// <summary>
        /// Do the hard work, fill the result list
        /// </summary>
        public static void GetResults(BackgroundWorker b, List <short> Serie, double WantedValue, double MinError, double minRes, double maxRes, int maxResults)
            // Clear previous results
            // Get absolute error
            MinError = Math.Abs(MinError);
            // Error percents
            double PreviousPercent = 0;
            // Progress value
            int progress;
            // Temp values r1 and r2
            double r1t;
            double r2t;

            // No log in this area to maximize speed
            // For each R1 in the serie
            foreach (var r1 in Serie)
                // Check if cancel asked
                if (b.CancellationPending)

                // Update progress
                progress = ((Results.Count * 100) / WindowParallelReverse.maxResults);
                if (progress > 100)
                    progress = 100;
                else if (progress < 0)
                    progress = 0;

                // Take the value nearest and greater than minRes
                r1t = r1;
                while (r1t >= (10 * minRes))
                    r1t /= 10;
                while (r1t < minRes)
                    r1t *= 10;

                // Check for all powers of R1 until PowS or error increasing
                while (r1t <= maxRes)
                    // Check overflow (with duplicates)
                    if (Results.Count >= maxResults)
                        // Clear duplicates
                        Results = Results.Distinct().ToList();
                        // Check overflow without dplicates
                        if (Results.Count >= maxResults)
                            WriteLog("Buffer size reached, incomplete results", Logger.Log_level.Warn);
                            MessageBox.Show("Maximum number of result reached\nResults are incomplete and not all low error are found, you may want to decrease the minimum error or increase the buffer size !", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                    // If resistor is the wanted resistor
                    if (r1t == WantedValue)
                        // Add result
                        Resistors resistors = new Resistors()
                            R1       = r1t,
                            R2       = 0,
                            Parallel = false,
                        Result res = new Result()
                            BaseResistors = resistors,
                            Resistor      = r1t,
                            Parallel      = false,
                            Error         = 0


                    // With R1 fixed, select R2 in the serie
                    foreach (var r2 in Serie)
                        r2t = r2;
                        // Take the min value
                        while (r2t >= (10 * minRes))
                            r2t /= 10;
                        while (r2t < minRes)
                            r2t *= 10;

                        PreviousPercent = -1;
                        // Check for all powers of R2
                        while (r2t <= maxRes)
                            Resistors Res = new Resistors()
                                R1       = Math.Min(r1t, r2t),
                                R2       = Math.Max(r1t, r2t),
                                Parallel = false,

                            // Get the error percent and save result if in error range
                            double currentPercent = Res.CalculateResistors(WantedValue, MinError);

                            if (Res.SerialValid)

                            if (Res.ParallelValid)

                            // If error is increasing, it will continue, so jump to next R2
                            if (currentPercent > PreviousPercent && PreviousPercent != -1 && PreviousPercent > MinError)

                            PreviousPercent = currentPercent;
                            // Next pow
                            r2t *= 10;
                    // Next pow
                    r1t *= 10;
Beispiel #12
 public static double GetParallelResistor(Resistors resistors)
     return((resistors.R1 * resistors.R2) / (resistors.R1 + resistors.R2));