Beispiel #1
        static void RunJobAngleCXRCX(object obj)
            JobStartParamsCXRCX start = (JobStartParamsCXRCX)obj;
            int count = 0;

            // Get a bunch of fusions with the h**o-oligomer axes positioned such that after transformation by the symmetry definition's first coordinate system transformation,
            // the axes overlap the first and second repeating unit axes
            SymmetryBuilder  builder           = start.Symmetry;
            CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem1 = builder.GetPrincipalCoordinateSystem(start.UnitId1);
            CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem2 = builder.GetPrincipalCoordinateSystem(start.UnitId2);
            Structure        cnAsymmetricUnit1 = new Structure(start.Cx1);
            Structure        cnAsymmetricUnit2 = new Structure(start.Cx2);
            Structure        spacer            = new Structure(start.Repeat);

            Line principalAxis1 = Line.CreateFromPointAndDirection(coordinateSystem1.Translation, coordinateSystem1.UnitX); // The rosetta symdefs axes are along X of each transformed coordinate system, but something not requiring foreknowledge would be nice.
            Line principalAxis2 = Line.CreateFromPointAndDirection(coordinateSystem2.Translation, coordinateSystem2.UnitX); // The rosetta symdefs axes are along X of each transformed coordinate system, but something not requiring foreknowledge would be nice.
            //Quaternion premultiply = Quaternion.Inverse(coordinateSystem1.Transform.Rotation);
            //principalAxis1.Direction = Vector3.Transform(principalAxis1.Direction, premultiply);
            //principalAxis2.Direction = Vector3.Transform(principalAxis2.Direction, premultiply);
            //principalAxis1.Point = Vector3.Transform(principalAxis1.Point, premultiply);
            //principalAxis2.Point = Vector3.Transform(principalAxis2.Point, premultiply);
            //AxisRealignment axisAlignmentUtility = AxisRealignment.Create((float) start.AngleDegrees, principalAxis1, principalAxis2);
            TwoAxisRealignment axisAlignmentUtility = AxisRealignmentFactory.Create(builder.GetArchitecture(), start.UnitId1, start.UnitId2);

            for (int chainIndexCn1 = 0; chainIndexCn1 < cnAsymmetricUnit1.Count; chainIndexCn1++)
                for (int chainIndexCn2 = 0; chainIndexCn2 < cnAsymmetricUnit2.Count; chainIndexCn2++)
                    for (int chainIndexSpacer = 0; chainIndexSpacer < spacer.Count; chainIndexSpacer++)
                        List <Model> outputs = Fuse.SymmetricFusionGenerator.CnSnCn(
                            new IStructure[] { (IStructure)spacer.DeepCopy() },
                            new int[] { chainIndexCn1 },
                            new int[] { chainIndexCn2 },
                            new int[][] { new int[] { chainIndexSpacer } },
                            builder, start.UnitId1, start.UnitId2);

                        int writtenOutCount = 0;
                        foreach (Model output in outputs)
                            // Output files
                            lock (lockFileIO)
                                string prefixFullStructure  = String.Format("CXRCX_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}", start.OutputPrefix, start.PdbCodeBundle1, start.PdbCodeRepeat, start.PdbCodeBundle2, count++);
                                string prefixAsymmetricUnit = "ASU_" + prefixFullStructure;

                                PdbQuick.Save(prefixFullStructure + ".pdb", output.Structure);
                                PdbQuick.Save(prefixAsymmetricUnit + ".pdb", output.AsymmetricUnit);

                                // Determine which residues should be designable: include residues whose contacts have been removed and
                                // those with new contacts between previously separate substructures, but not existing interface residues
                                Selection designable = new Selection(output.Selections[SymmetricFusionGenerator.AaSelectionAsuDesignable]);

                                // Save a resfile identifying the designable residues
                                Resfile resfileDesignable = new Resfile();
                                resfileDesignable.SetDesignOperation(output.AsymmetricUnit, designable, ResfileDesignOperation.NOTAA, new char[] { 'W', 'M', 'P', 'C' });
                                File.AppendAllLines(prefixAsymmetricUnit + ".resfile", resfileDesignable.GetFileText());

            Console.WriteLine("Completed triplet [Bundle {0}]:[Repeat {1}]:[Bundle {2}], {3:F2} degrees, {4:F2}% ({5}/{6})", start.PdbCodeBundle1, start.PdbCodeRepeat, start.PdbCodeBundle2, start.AngleDegrees, start.Counter.PercentComplete, start.Counter.Complete, start.Counter.Total);
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] skip = new string[]
                // questionable C2 scaffolds, IMO - don't use them

                // questionable C3 scaffolds IMO or lacking free termini - don't use them

            foreach (string symmetry in new string[] { "T" })
                string basedir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                foreach (string fileNameOligomer1 in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(basedir, @"Database\Scaffolds\Denovo\C3")))
                    if (skip.Any(str => fileNameOligomer1.Contains(str)))

                    IStructure oligomer1 = PdbQuick.AssemblyFromFileOrCode(fileNameOligomer1);
                    foreach (string fileNameOligomer2 in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(basedir, @"Database\Scaffolds\Denovo\C2")))
                        if (skip.Any(str => fileNameOligomer2.Contains(str)))

                        IStructure oligomer2 = PdbQuick.AssemblyFromFileOrCode(fileNameOligomer2);
                        foreach (string fileNameStrut in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(basedir, @"Database\Scaffolds\Denovo\repeats\saxs_and_crystal")))
                            IStructure strut = PdbQuick.AssemblyFromFileOrCode(fileNameStrut);

                            string basenameC3    = (new FileInfo(fileNameOligomer1)).Name;
                            string basenameC2    = (new FileInfo(fileNameOligomer2)).Name;
                            string basenameStrut = (new FileInfo(fileNameStrut)).Name;
                            string outputBase    = String.Format("{0}32_{1}_{2}_{3}", symmetry, basenameC3, basenameStrut, basenameC2).Replace(".pdb", "");

                            Console.WriteLine("Trying {0} + {1} + {2}", basenameC3, basenameC2, basenameStrut);

                            SymmetryBuilder builder = SymmetryBuilderFactory.CreateFromSymmetryName(symmetry);
                            List <Model>    models  = SymmetricFusionGenerator.CnSnCn(oligomer1, oligomer2, new IStructure[] { strut },
                                                                                      new int[] { 0 }, new int[] { 0 }, new int[][] { new int[] { 0 } }, builder, "C3X", "C2", 5, 5, 5, 20);

                            for (int i = 0; i < models.Count; i++)
                                Model  model      = models[i];
                                string outputName = outputBase + "_" + i;
                                PdbQuick.Save(outputName + ".pdb", model.Structure);
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Selection> kvp in model.Selections)
                                    string    selectionName = kvp.Key;
                                    Selection selection     = kvp.Value;

                                    if (model.AsymmetricUnit != null)
                                        Resfile resfile = new Resfile();
                                        resfile.SetDesignOperation(model.AsymmetricUnit, selection, ResfileDesignOperation.NOTAA, new char[] { 'W', 'M', 'P', 'C' });

                                        if (resfile.DesignOperationsCount > 0)
                                            string[] lines       = resfile.GetFileText();
                                            string   resfileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_asu.resfile", outputName, selectionName);
                                            File.WriteAllLines(resfileName, lines);