/// <include file='doc\ResXResourceWriter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ResXResourceWriter.AddResource3"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Adds a string resource to the resources.
        /// </devdoc>
        public void AddResource(ResXDataNode node)
            // we're modifying the node as we're adding it to the resxwriter
            // this is BAD, so we clone it. adding it to a writer doesnt change it
            // we're messing with a copy
            ResXDataNode nodeClone = node.DeepClone();

            ResXFileRef fileRef          = nodeClone.FileRef;
            string      modifiedBasePath = BasePath;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(modifiedBasePath))
                if (!(modifiedBasePath.EndsWith("\\")))
                    modifiedBasePath += "\\";
                if (fileRef != null)
            DataNodeInfo info = nodeClone.GetDataNodeInfo();

            AddDataRow(DataStr, info.Name, info.ValueData, info.TypeName, info.MimeType, info.Comment);
 /// <devdoc>
 ///     Adds a resource to the resources. If the resource is a string,
 ///     it will be saved that way, otherwise it will be serialized
 ///     and stored as in binary.
 /// </devdoc>
 private void AddDataRow(string elementName, string name, object value)
     Debug.WriteLineIf(ResValueProviderSwitch.TraceVerbose, "  resx: adding resource " + name);
     if (value is string)
         AddDataRow(elementName, name, (string)value);
     else if (value is byte[])
         AddDataRow(elementName, name, (byte[])value);
     else if (value is ResXFileRef)
         ResXFileRef  fileRef = (ResXFileRef)value;
         ResXDataNode node    = new ResXDataNode(name, fileRef, this.typeNameConverter);
         if (fileRef != null)
         DataNodeInfo info = node.GetDataNodeInfo();
         AddDataRow(elementName, info.Name, info.ValueData, info.TypeName, info.MimeType, info.Comment);
         ResXDataNode node = new ResXDataNode(name, value, this.typeNameConverter);
         DataNodeInfo info = node.GetDataNodeInfo();
         AddDataRow(elementName, info.Name, info.ValueData, info.TypeName, info.MimeType, info.Comment);
        public void FileRef()
            ResXFileRef  fileRef = new ResXFileRef("fileName", "Type.Name");
            ResXDataNode node    = new ResXDataNode("name", fileRef);

            Assert.AreEqual(fileRef, node.FileRef, "#A1");
Beispiel #4
 public ResXNode(string name, ResXFileRef fileRef, string comment, string typeName)
     Name        = name;
     ObjectValue = fileRef;
     Comment     = comment;
     TypeName    = typeName;
Beispiel #5
        public ResXNode CreateNode(FilePath absPath, Type type)
            FilePath relPath = absPath.ToRelative(((FilePath)Path).ParentDirectory);
            var      fileRef = new ResXFileRef(relPath, type.AssemblyQualifiedName);

            return(new ResXDataNode(absPath.FileNameWithoutExtension, fileRef));
        public ResXDataNode GetNodeFileRefToIcon()
            ResXFileRef  fileRef = new ResXFileRef(TestResourceHelper.GetFullPathOfResource("Test/resources/32x32.ico"), typeof(Icon).AssemblyQualifiedName);
            ResXDataNode node    = new ResXDataNode("test", fileRef);

Beispiel #7
        public void Constructor1()
            ResXFileRef r = new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", "Bitmap");

            Assert.AreEqual("mono.bmp", r.FileName, "#1");
            Assert.AreEqual("Bitmap", r.TypeName, "#2");
Beispiel #8
        public void IfTypeResolutionFailsReturnsOrigString()
            ResXFileRef  fileRef = new ResXFileRef("afile.name", "a.type.name");
            ResXDataNode node    = new ResXDataNode("aname", fileRef);

            string returnedType = node.GetValueTypeName((AssemblyName [])null);

            Assert.AreEqual("a.type.name", returnedType);
Beispiel #9
        public void AttemptsTypeResolution()
            ResXFileRef  fileRef = new ResXFileRef("afile.name", "System.String");
            ResXDataNode node    = new ResXDataNode("aname", fileRef);

            string returnedType = node.GetValueTypeName((AssemblyName [])null);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(string).AssemblyQualifiedName, returnedType);
Beispiel #10
        public void ResxDataNode_ResXFileRefConstructor()
            var nodeName = "Node";
            var fileRef  = new ResXFileRef(string.Empty, string.Empty);
            var dataNode = new ResXDataNode(nodeName, fileRef);

            Assert.Equal(nodeName, dataNode.Name);
            Assert.Same(fileRef, dataNode.FileRef);
        public void LoadingFileFails()
            string      corruptFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
            ResXFileRef fileRef     = new ResXFileRef(corruptFile, typeof(serializable).AssemblyQualifiedName);

            File.AppendAllText(corruptFile, "corrupt");
            ResXDataNode node = new ResXDataNode("aname", fileRef);

            node.GetValue((AssemblyName [])null);
Beispiel #12
        public void ResXFileRef_Constructor()
            var fileName = "SomeFile";
            var typeName = "SomeType";

            var fileRef = new ResXFileRef(fileName, typeName);

            Assert.Equal(fileName, fileRef.FileName);
            Assert.Equal(typeName, fileRef.TypeName);
        public ResXDataNode GetNodeFileRefToIcon()
            tempFileWithIcon = Path.GetTempFileName();              // remember to delete file in teardown
            Path.ChangeExtension(tempFileWithIcon, "ico");

            WriteEmbeddedResource("32x32.ico", tempFileWithIcon);
            ResXFileRef  fileRef = new ResXFileRef(tempFileWithIcon, typeof(Icon).AssemblyQualifiedName);
            ResXDataNode node    = new ResXDataNode("test", fileRef);

Beispiel #14
 public object GetValue(ResXNode node)
     if (node.ObjectValue is ResXFileRef fileRef)
         var absolutePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Path), fileRef.FileName);
         var absoluteRef  = new ResXFileRef(absolutePath, fileRef.TypeName, fileRef.TextFileEncoding);
         var newNode      = new ResXDataNode(node.Name, absoluteRef).GetValue(Constants.DefaultResolutionService);
Beispiel #15
        public void ToStringTest()
            ResXFileRef r = new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", "Bitmap");

            Assert.AreEqual("mono.bmp;Bitmap", r.ToString(), "#1");

            r = new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", "Bitmap", Encoding.UTF8);
            Assert.AreEqual("mono.bmp;Bitmap;utf-8", r.ToString(), "#2");

            r = new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", "Bitmap", (Encoding)null);
            Assert.AreEqual("mono.bmp;Bitmap", r.ToString(), "#3");
Beispiel #16
        public void ResXFileRef_EncodingConstructor()
            var      fileName = "SomeFile";
            var      typeName = "SomeType";
            Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;

            var fileRef = new ResXFileRef(fileName, typeName, encoding);

            Assert.Equal(fileName, fileRef.FileName);
            Assert.Equal(typeName, fileRef.TypeName);
            Assert.Equal(encoding, fileRef.TextFileEncoding);
Beispiel #17
        public void ConvertTo()
            ResXFileRef r = new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", "Bitmap");

            Assert.AreEqual("mono.bmp;Bitmap", (string)_converter.ConvertTo(
                                r, typeof(string)), "#1");

            r = new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", "Bitmap", Encoding.UTF8);
            Assert.AreEqual("mono.bmp;Bitmap;utf-8", (string)_converter.ConvertTo(
                                r, typeof(string)), "#2");

            r = new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", "Bitmap", (Encoding)null);
            Assert.AreEqual("mono.bmp;Bitmap", (string)_converter.ConvertTo(
                                r, typeof(string)), "#3");
Beispiel #18
        public void Constructor2()
            Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;

            ResXFileRef r = new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", "Bitmap", utf8);

            Assert.AreEqual("mono.bmp", r.FileName, "#A1");
            Assert.AreSame(utf8, r.TextFileEncoding, "#A2");
            Assert.AreEqual("Bitmap", r.TypeName, "#A3");

            r = new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", "Bitmap", (Encoding)null);
            Assert.AreEqual("mono.bmp", r.FileName, "#B1");
            Assert.IsNull(r.TextFileEncoding, "#B2");
            Assert.AreEqual("Bitmap", r.TypeName, "#B3");
        /// <include file='doc\ResXDataNode.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ResXDataNode.GetValue"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    Get the value contained in this datanode
        /// </devdoc>
        public object GetValue(ITypeResolutionService typeResolver)
            if (value != null)

            object result = null;

            if (FileRefFullPath != null)
                Type objectType = ResolveType(FileRefType, typeResolver);
                if (objectType != null)
                    // we have the FQN for this type
                    if (FileRefTextEncoding != null)
                        fileRef = new ResXFileRef(FileRefFullPath, FileRefType, Encoding.GetEncoding(FileRefTextEncoding));
                        fileRef = new ResXFileRef(FileRefFullPath, FileRefType);
                    TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(ResXFileRef));
                    result = tc.ConvertFrom(fileRef.ToString());
                    string            newMessage = SR.GetString(SR.TypeLoadExceptionShort, FileRefType);
                    TypeLoadException newTle     = new TypeLoadException(newMessage);
                    throw (newTle);
            else if (result == null && nodeInfo.ValueData != null)
                // it's embedded, we deserialize it
                result = GenerateObjectFromDataNodeInfo(nodeInfo, typeResolver);
                // schema is wrong and say minOccur for Value is 0,
                // but it's too late to change it...
                // we need to return null here vswhidbey 180605
 public ResXDataNode(string name, ResXFileRef fileRef, Func <Type, string> typeNameConverter)
     if (name == null)
         throw (new ArgumentNullException("name"));
     if (fileRef == null)
         throw (new ArgumentNullException("fileRef"));
     if (name.Length == 0)
         throw (new ArgumentException("name"));
     this.name              = name;
     this.fileRef           = fileRef;
     this.typeNameConverter = typeNameConverter;
Beispiel #21
        public void Constructor1_TypeName_Null()
#if NET_2_0
            try {
                new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", (string)null);
            } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType(), "#2");
                Assert.IsNotNull(ex.Message, "#3");
                Assert.IsNotNull(ex.ParamName, "#4");
                Assert.AreEqual("typeName", ex.ParamName, "#5");
                Assert.IsNull(ex.InnerException, "#6");
            ResXFileRef r = new ResXFileRef("mono.bmp", (string)null);
            Assert.AreEqual("mono.bmp;", r.ToString());
        public void BasePathSetOnResXResourceReaderDoesAffectResXDataNode()
            ResXFileRef  fileRef  = new ResXFileRef("file.name", "type.name");
            ResXDataNode node     = new ResXDataNode("anode", fileRef);
            string       resXFile = GetResXFileWithNode(node, "afilename.xxx");

            using (ResXResourceReader rr = new ResXResourceReader(resXFile)) {
                rr.BasePath         = "basePath";
                rr.UseResXDataNodes = true;
                IDictionaryEnumerator en = rr.GetEnumerator();

                ResXDataNode returnedNode = ((DictionaryEntry)en.Current).Value as ResXDataNode;

                Assert.IsNotNull(node, "#A1");
                Assert.AreEqual(Path.Combine("basePath", "file.name"), returnedNode.FileRef.FileName, "#A2");
            /// <summary>
            /// Given a .RESX file, returns all the linked files that are referenced within that .RESX.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="filename"></param>
            /// <param name="baseLinkedFileDirectory"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">May be thrown if Resx is invalid. May contain XmlException.</exception>
            /// <exception cref="XmlException">May be thrown if Resx is invalid</exception>
            internal static string[] GetLinkedFiles(string filename, string baseLinkedFileDirectory)
                // This method finds all linked .resx files for the .resx file that is passed in.
                // filename is the filename of the .resx file that is to be examined.

                // Construct the return array
                ArrayList retVal = new ArrayList();

                using (ResXResourceReader resxReader = new ResXResourceReader(filename))
                    // Tell the reader to return ResXDataNode's instead of the object type
                    // the resource becomes at runtime so we can figure out which files
                    // the .resx references
                    resxReader.UseResXDataNodes = true;

                    // First we need to figure out where the linked file resides in order
                    // to see if it exists & compare its timestamp, and we need to do that
                    // comparison in the same way ResGen does it. ResGen has two different
                    // ways for resolving relative file-paths in linked files. The way
                    // that ResGen resolved relative paths before Whidbey was always to
                    // resolve from the current working directory. In Whidbey a new command-line
                    // switch "/useSourcePath" instructs ResGen to use the folder that
                    // contains the .resx file as the path from which it should resolve
                    // relative paths. So we should base our timestamp/existence checking
                    // on the same switch & resolve in the same manner as ResGen.
                    resxReader.BasePath = (baseLinkedFileDirectory == null) ? Path.GetDirectoryName(filename) : baseLinkedFileDirectory;

                    foreach (DictionaryEntry dictEntry in resxReader)
                        if ((dictEntry.Value != null) && (dictEntry.Value is ResXDataNode))
                            ResXFileRef resxFileRef = ((ResXDataNode)dictEntry.Value).FileRef;
                            if (resxFileRef != null)
Beispiel #24
        public void FileRefWithEncoding_WriteBack()
            ResXFileRef  fileRef = new ResXFileRef("afilename", "A.Type.Name", Encoding.UTF7);
            ResXDataNode node    = new ResXDataNode("aname", fileRef);

            node.Comment = "acomment";
            ResXDataNode returnedNode = GetNodeFromResXReader(node);

            Assert.IsNotNull(returnedNode, "#A1");
            Assert.AreEqual("afilename", returnedNode.FileRef.FileName, "#A2");
            Assert.AreEqual("A.Type.Name", returnedNode.FileRef.TypeName, "#A3");
            Assert.AreEqual("acomment", returnedNode.Comment, "#A4");
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(Encoding.UTF7.GetType(), returnedNode.FileRef.TextFileEncoding, "#A5");
            ResXDataNode finalNode = GetNodeFromResXReader(returnedNode);

            Assert.IsNotNull(finalNode, "#A6");
            Assert.AreEqual("afilename", finalNode.FileRef.FileName, "#A7");
            Assert.AreEqual("A.Type.Name", finalNode.FileRef.TypeName, "#A8");
            Assert.AreEqual("acomment", finalNode.Comment, "#A9");
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(Encoding.UTF7.GetType(), finalNode.FileRef.TextFileEncoding, "#A10");
Beispiel #25
        public void BasePath_ChangesAbsoluteFileRef_Object()
            var fileref = new ResXFileRef(@"/dir/dir/filename.ext", "System.String");

            string basePath = @"/dir";

            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

            using (ResXResourceWriter writer = new ResXResourceWriter(sw)) {
                writer.BasePath = basePath;
                writer.AddResource("name", fileref);

            StringReader sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString());

            using (ResXResourceReader reader = new ResXResourceReader(sr)) {
                reader.UseResXDataNodes = true;
                IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = reader.GetEnumerator();
                var returnedNode = ((DictionaryEntry)enumerator.Current).Value as ResXDataNode;
                Assert.AreEqual(@"dir/filename.ext", returnedNode.FileRef.FileName);
        public ResXDataNode GetNodeFileRefToSerializable(string filename, bool assemblyQualifiedName)
            tempFileWithSerializable = Path.GetTempFileName();               // remember to delete file in teardown
            serializable ser = new serializable("name", "value");

            SerializeToFile(tempFileWithSerializable, ser);

            string typeName;

            if (assemblyQualifiedName)
                typeName = typeof(serializable).AssemblyQualifiedName;
                typeName = typeof(serializable).FullName;

            ResXFileRef  fileRef = new ResXFileRef(tempFileWithSerializable, typeName);
            ResXDataNode node    = new ResXDataNode("test", fileRef);

Beispiel #27
        private byte[] GenerateResource()
            using (var writer = new StringWriter())
                using (var resx = new ResXResourceWriter(writer))
                    resx.AddAlias("System.Windows.Forms", new AssemblyName("System.Windows.Forms"));
                    resx.AddResource(new ResXDataNode("110", _manifest.Name));
                    resx.AddResource(new ResXDataNode("112", _manifest.Description));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_manifest.Icon))
                        string iconFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(InputFilePath) + ".ico";

                        var fileRef = new ResXFileRef(iconFileName, "System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a");
                        resx.AddResource(new ResXDataNode("400", fileRef));


                    var sb = writer.GetStringBuilder();
 public ResXDataNode(string name, ResXFileRef fileRef)
 /// <include file='doc\ResXDataNode.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ResXDataNode.ResXDataNode2"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 /// </devdoc>
 public ResXDataNode(string name, ResXFileRef fileRef) : this(name, fileRef, null)
 public ResXDataNode(string name, ResXFileRef fileRef)
Beispiel #31
        public static bool Export(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string project, string module, string fName, string language, string exportPath, string key = null)
            var filter = new ResCurrent
                Project = new ResProject {
                    Name = project
                Module = new ResModule {
                    Name = module
                Language = new ResCulture {
                    Title = language
                Word = new ResWord()
                    ResFile = new ResFile()
                        FileName = fName

            using var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope();
            var resourceData = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <ResourceData>();
            var words        = resourceData.GetListResWords(filter, string.Empty).GroupBy(x => x.ResFile.FileID).ToList();

            if (!words.Any())
                Console.WriteLine($"db empty file:{fName}, lang:{language}");

            foreach (var fileWords in words)
                var wordsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                var firstWord = fileWords.FirstOrDefault();
                var fileName  = firstWord == null
                    ? module
                    : Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(firstWord.ResFile.FileName);
                var zipFileName = Path.Combine(exportPath, $"{fileName}{(language == "Neutral" ? string.Empty : "." + language)}.resx");
                var dirName     = Path.GetDirectoryName(zipFileName);
                if (!Directory.Exists(dirName))

                var toAdd      = new List <ResWord>();
                var toAddFiles = new Dictionary <string, ResXFileRef>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                    var keys = key.Split(",").Distinct();

                    if (File.Exists(zipFileName))
                        using var resXResourceReader        = new ResXResourceReader(zipFileName);
                        resXResourceReader.BasePath         = Path.GetDirectoryName(zipFileName);
                        resXResourceReader.UseResXDataNodes = true;

                        foreach (var v in resXResourceReader.OfType <DictionaryEntry>())
                            var k   = v.Key.ToString();
                            var val = v.Value as ResXDataNode;

                            if (keys.Any())
                                if (val.FileRef != null)
                                    var fileRef = new ResXFileRef(Path.GetFileName(val.FileRef.FileName), val.FileRef.TypeName);
                                    toAddFiles.Add(k, fileRef);
                                    if (!keys.Any(r => r.EndsWith("*") && k.StartsWith(r.Replace("*", ""))) && (!k.Contains("_") || k.StartsWith("subject_") || k.StartsWith("pattern_")))
                                        k = keys.FirstOrDefault(r => r == k);

                                    if (k != null)
                                        var word = fileWords.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Title == k);
                                        if (word != null)
                                            toAdd.Add(new ResWord()
                                                Title = k, ValueTo = val.GetValue((ITypeResolutionService)null)?.ToString()
                                if (val.FileRef != null)
                                    var fileRef = new ResXFileRef(Path.GetFileName(val.FileRef.FileName), val.FileRef.TypeName);
                                    toAddFiles.Add(k, fileRef);
                                    toAdd.Add(new ResWord {
                                        Title = k, ValueTo = val.GetValue((ITypeResolutionService)null)?.ToString()

                    foreach (var k in keys)
                        if (!toAdd.Any(r => r.Title == k))
                            var exists = fileWords.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Title == k);
                            if (exists != null)
                    if (File.Exists(zipFileName))
                        using var resXResourceReader        = new ResXResourceReader(zipFileName);
                        resXResourceReader.BasePath         = Path.GetDirectoryName(zipFileName);
                        resXResourceReader.UseResXDataNodes = true;

                        foreach (var v in resXResourceReader.OfType <DictionaryEntry>())
                            var k   = v.Key.ToString();
                            var val = v.Value as ResXDataNode;

                            if (val.FileRef != null)
                                var fileRef = new ResXFileRef(Path.GetFileName(val.FileRef.FileName), val.FileRef.TypeName);
                                toAddFiles.Add(k, fileRef);

                    toAdd.AddRange(fileWords.Where(word => !wordsDictionary.ContainsKey(word.Title)));

                using var resXResourceWriter = new ResXResourceWriter(zipFileName);

                foreach (var word in toAdd.Where(r => r != null && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.ValueTo) || language == "Neutral")).OrderBy(x => x.Title))
                    resXResourceWriter.AddResource(word.Title, word.ValueTo);

                foreach (var f in toAddFiles)
                    resXResourceWriter.AddResource(new ResXDataNode(f.Key, f.Value));

