Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Intercepts the beginning of the request pipeline.  This will detect SingleSignOut
        /// requests.  SingleSignOut requests are posted back to the serviceName URL that
        /// was passed when the CAS session was established.  Since the behavior of the script
        /// at that URL is unknown, a POST back by the CAS server could have unexpected
        /// consequences.  We want to prevent this request from authenticating and from
        /// executing the HttpHandler typically associated with that URL.  So we are handling
        /// this by sending back an HTTP 200 (OK) message with a blank body and short
        /// circuiting all event processing and firing EndRequest directly
        /// (via CompleteRequest()).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The HttpApplication that sent the request</param>
        /// <param name="e">Not used</param>
        private static void OnBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)

            HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
            HttpRequest request = context.Request;

            logger.Debug("Starting BeginRequest for " + request.RawUrl);

            // Cleanup expired ServiceTickets in the ServiceTicketManager
            if (CasAuthentication.ServiceTicketManager != null)

            // Cleanup expired ProxyTicket mappings in the ProxyTicketManager
            if (CasAuthentication.ProxyTicketManager != null)

            // Detect & process inbound Single SignOut Requests from the CAS server
            if (CasAuthentication.ServiceTicketManager != null && CasAuthentication.ProcessIncomingSingleSignOutRequests && RequestEvaluator.GetRequestIsCasSingleSignOut())
                logger.Info("Processing inbound Single Sign Out request.");

            // Detect & process inbound proxy callback verifications from the CAS server
            if (CasAuthentication.ProxyTicketManager != null && RequestEvaluator.GetRequestIsProxyResponse())
                logger.Info("Processing Proxy Callback request");

            logger.Debug("Ending BeginRequest for " + request.RawUrl);