public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] Models.ConcreteBooking concreteBooking)
            // Set the number of Errors to 0
            var numberOfErrors = 0;

            // make new repository of the possible booking database table
            var possibleBookingRepo = new Repositories.PossibleBookingRepository(_db);

            // find the first possible booking that mathces the id in the concrete booking
            var possibleBooking = possibleBookingRepo.Single(pb => pb.Id == concreteBooking.PossibleBookingId);
            if (possibleBooking != null)
                //Get subject from database if subject id exists
                var cls = _db.Subjects.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == possibleBooking.Subject.Id);
                if (cls != null)
                    // create a student repository based on the student database table
                    var studentRepo = new Repositories.StudentRepository(_db);

                    // correct the subject field in the object
                    concreteBooking.Subject = _db.GetTable<Models.Subject>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name.Equals(concreteBooking.Subject.Name));

                    // correct the student field in the object
                    concreteBooking.Student = studentRepo.Single(s => s.Username.Equals(concreteBooking.Student.Username));

                    // insert the object to the table in the database

                    // write the changes
                    _db.SafeSubmitChanges(ref numberOfErrors);

            //Create new HttpResponseMessage
            var message = new HttpResponseMessage();

            //If there are errors send forbidden else send OK
            if (numberOfErrors != 0)
                message.Forbidden("Errors: " + numberOfErrors);
            else message.OK(RESPONSE_OK);

            //Returns the HttpResponseMessage
            return message;