Beispiel #1
        private string GenerateExcelJU(JournalUnitReportItem[] items, CreditEntry creditEntry, BillingCategory billingCategory, JournalUnitTypes juType)
            //Contruct the excel object
            string fileName     = Utility.GetRequiredAppSetting("JU_Template");
            string templatePath = ExcelUtility.GetTemplatePath(fileName);

            using (var mgr = ExcelUtility.NewExcelManager())

                DateTime period = EndPeriod.AddMonths(-1);
                string   billingCategoryName = Utility.EnumToString(billingCategory);

                //We start at first row, because for ExcelLite control, the header row is not included

                // [2021-09-27 jg]
                //      source was previoulsy JU, now it is ENG (set in web.config)
                //      journalDescription was previously "JU {0} {1:MM/yy} {2} {3}{4}" now set in web.config
                string source            = Utility.GetRequiredAppSetting("JournalSource"); //ENG
                int    journalUnitNumber = ReportSettings.GetJournalUnitNumber(period, billingCategory, juType);
                // JournalDescription example: [email protected]; JU {0} {1:MM/yy} {2} {3}{4}
                string journalDescription = string.Format(
                    /*0*/ journalUnitNumber,
                    /*1*/ period,
                    /*2*/ ReportSettings.CompanyName,
                    /*3*/ billingCategoryName,
                    /*4*/ Utility.EnumToString(juType)

                //column A
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(2, 0, "H");
                //column B
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(2, 1, "NEXT");
                //column C
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(2, 2, DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
                //column D
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(2, 3, source);
                //column E
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(2, 4, period.ToString("yyyy/MM"));
                //column F
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(2, 5, journalDescription);
                //column G
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(2, 6, ReportSettings.FinancialManagerUserName);

                int iRow = 3;
                int iCol = 7;

                //DataView dv = dt.DefaultView;
                //dv.Sort = "ItemDescription ASC, ProjectGrant ASC";
                foreach (JournalUnitReportItem item in items.Where(i => i.ItemDescription != $"zz{ReportSettings.FinancialManagerUserName}"))
                    //column A
                    mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, 0, "L");
                    //column H
                    mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol, item.Account);
                    //column I
                    mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 1, item.FundCode);
                    //column J
                    mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 2, item.DeptID);
                    //column K
                    mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 3, item.ProgramCode);
                    //column L
                    mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 4, item.Class);
                    //column M
                    mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 5, item.ProjectGrant);
                    //column N
                    mgr.SetCellNumberValue(iRow, iCol + 6, string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.MerchandiseAmount) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(item.MerchandiseAmount));
                    //column O
                    mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 7, item.DepartmentalReferenceNumber);
                    //column P
                    mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 8, item.ItemDescription);
                    iRow += 1;

                //Add the last row - which is the summary unit
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, 0, "L");
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol, creditEntry.Account);
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 1, creditEntry.FundCode);
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 2, creditEntry.DeptID);
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 3, creditEntry.ProgramCode);
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 4, creditEntry.ClassName);
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 5, creditEntry.ProjectGrant);
                mgr.SetCellNumberValue(iRow, iCol + 6, creditEntry.MerchandiseAmount);
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 7, creditEntry.DepartmentalReferenceNumber); //should be davejd
                mgr.SetCellTextValue(iRow, iCol + 8, creditEntry.ItemDescription);             // should be MM/YY LNF UsageCase Subsidy;SUB#

                string workPathDir = ExcelUtility.GetWorkPath(CurrentUser.ClientID);

                if (!Directory.Exists(workPathDir))

                string workFilePath = Path.Combine(workPathDir, "JU" + Enum.GetName(typeof(JournalUnitTypes), juType) + "_" + billingCategoryName + "_" + period.ToString("yyyy-MM") + Path.GetExtension(fileName));
