Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all requests based on search criteria
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchCriteria"></param>
        /// <param name="pageInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <ReportSearchResultDTO> GetReportBySearchCriteria(ReportSearchCriteriaDTO searchCriteria, PagingInformation pageInfo)//, string DateFormatForALL)
            IList <ReportSearchResultDTO> list = eUpgradeRepo.GetReportBySearchCriteria(searchCriteria, pageInfo);

            pageInfo.RecordsTotal = list.Count();

            //Setup Order, the order that passed in like "columnname asc, columnname desc"
            var query = list.AsEnumerable();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageInfo.OrderColumn))
                var orderString = TransformOrder(pageInfo.OrderColumn);
                query = query.OrderBy(orderString);
                //query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.ConfirmedDate);
                query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.ConfirmedDate).OrderBy(p => p.HotelCode);

            //Setup paging
            query = query.Skip(pageInfo.StartIndex).Take(pageInfo.PageSize);

            list = query.ToList();
            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchCriteria.HotelName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DateFormatForALL))
            //    foreach (var it in list)
            //    {
            //        it.DateFormat = DateFormatForALL.ToLower().Replace("m", "M");
            //    }
Beispiel #2
        public byte[] GenerateReportExcelBySearchCriteria(ReportSearchCriteriaDTO searchCriteria, PagingInformation pageInfo)//, string DateFormatForALL)
            pageInfo.StartIndex = 0;
            pageInfo.PageSize   = Int16.MaxValue;
            var list = GetReportBySearchCriteria(searchCriteria, pageInfo);//, DateFormatForALL);
            //Get excel export list
            var excelList = mapper.Map <IList <ReportExportExcelModel> >(list);

Beispiel #3
        public IList <ReportSearchResultDTO> GetReportBySearchCriteria(ReportSearchCriteriaDTO searchCriteria, PagingInformation pageInfo)
            List <ReportSearchResultDTO> list = new List <ReportSearchResultDTO>();

                string query = @"select HotelCode = e.HotelCode,
        GuestName = f.FName + ' ' + f.LName,
       ArrivalDate =  f.ArrivalDate,
       FirstName = f.FName,
       LastName = f.LName,
       Email = f.Email,
       UpgradeCost = e.UpgradeCost,
       BookedRoomType = e.BookedRoomType,
       UpgradeRoomType = e.UpgradeRoomType,
       UpgradeStatus = e.UpgradeStatus,
       ConfirmedDate = e.InsertDate,
       NightsOfStay = isnull(f.NightsOfStay,0),
       --ReservationID = f.ConfirmationNum,
       ReservationID = case when (h.CentralResNumYN = 1 and isNull(f.CentralResNum, '') <> '' and f.CentralResNum !='''') then f.CentralResNum else f.ConfirmationNum end,
       ChargePerNight = rt.PerNightCharge,
       IncTotalAmountForStay = case when rt.PerNightCharge='Y' then e.UpgradeCost * isnull(f.NightsOfStay,0) else e.UpgradeCost end,
       DateFormat = h.DateFormat,
       CurrencySymbol = lc.Symbol
--select *
from eUpgradeRequest e with (nolock)
inner join hotels h with (nolock) on e.HotelCode=h.Hotel_Code
inner join Hotels_Languages hl with (nolock) on h.Hotel_Code = hl.Hotel_Code
inner join dbo.L_Currency lc with (nolock) on hl.CurrencyCode = lc.Code
--inner join CurrencyConvert c with (nolock) on h.Hotel_Code = c.Hotel_Code and h.LocalCurrencyCode = c.Code
inner join Fguest f with (nolock) on e.loginConfirmationNum=f.LoginConfirmationNum 
inner join RoomType_Code rt with (nolock) on e.HotelCode = rt.Hotel_Code and e.UpgradeRoomType = rt.RoomCode
where hl.LanguageID=1
-- 1=1
-- and = (select max(id) from eUpgradeRequest e2 with (nolock) 
--  where e.loginConfirmationNum=e2.loginConfirmationNum and e.HotelCode=e2.HotelCode 
--    and e.BookedRoomType=e2.BookedRoomType and e.UpgradeRoomType=e2.UpgradeRoomType)

                var subquery = "";

                //Hotel Name
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.HotelName))
                    subquery += string.Format("e.HotelCode = '{0}' and ", searchCriteria.HotelName);
                    //Based on user hotel mapping to get back hotel list, then only show those hotels
                    subquery += string.Format(@"exists (select HotelCode from ConciergeHotelAccessMapping hm with (nolock)
	Where hm.ActiveYN = 1 and hm.HotelCode = e.HOTELCODE and hm.ConciergeID = N'{0}') and "    , searchCriteria.UserName);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.Email))
                    subquery += string.Format("f.Email like '%{0}%' and ", searchCriteria.Email);

                //First Name
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.FirstName))
                    subquery += string.Format("f.FName like N'%{0}%' and ", searchCriteria.FirstName.Replace("'", "''"));
                //Last Name
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.LastName))
                    subquery += string.Format("f.LName like N'%{0}%' and ", searchCriteria.LastName.Replace("'", "''"));

                //Booked Room Type
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.BookedRoomType))
                    subquery += string.Format("e.BookedRoomType = '{0}' and ", searchCriteria.BookedRoomType);
                //Request Status
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.ReportUpgradeStatus))
                    subquery += string.Format("e.UpgradeStatus = '{0}' and ", searchCriteria.ReportUpgradeStatus);

                //Confirmed Date
                if (searchCriteria.ConfirmedDate != null)
                    var startDate = searchCriteria.ConfirmedDate.Value.Date;
                    var endDate   = searchCriteria.ConfirmedDate.Value.Date.AddDays(1);
                    subquery += string.Format("e.InsertDate >= '{0}' and e.InsertDate < '{1}' and ", startDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), endDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));

                //Arrival Date From
                if (searchCriteria.ArrivalDateFrom != null)
                    var date = searchCriteria.ArrivalDateFrom.Value.Date;
                    subquery += string.Format("f.ArrivalDate >= '{0}' and ", date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));

                //Arrival Date To
                if (searchCriteria.ArrivalDateTo != null)
                    var date = searchCriteria.ArrivalDateTo.Value.Date.AddDays(1);
                    subquery += string.Format("f.ArrivalDate < '{0}' and ", date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subquery))
                    subquery = subquery.Substring(0, subquery.Length - " and ".Length);
                    query   += " and (" + subquery + ")";
                list = this.DataContext.Database.SqlQuery <ReportSearchResultDTO>(query).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                var error = ex.Message;