public async Task PublishImageInfoCommand_ReplaceTags() { using (TempFolderContext tempFolderContext = TestHelper.UseTempFolder()) { string repo1Image1DockerfilePath = DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("1.0/runtime/os", tempFolderContext); string repo2Image2DockerfilePath = DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("2.0/runtime/os", tempFolderContext); Manifest manifest = CreateManifest( CreateRepo("repo1", CreateImage( CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath, new string[0]))), CreateRepo("repo2", CreateImage( CreatePlatform(repo2Image2DockerfilePath, new string[0]))) ); RepoData repo2; ImageArtifactDetails srcImageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath, simpleTags: new List <string> { "newtag" }) } } } }, { repo2 = new RepoData { Repo = "repo2", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo2Image2DockerfilePath, simpleTags: new List <string> { "tag1" }) } } } } } } }; string file = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "image-info.json"); File.WriteAllText(file, JsonHelper.SerializeObject(srcImageArtifactDetails)); ImageArtifactDetails targetImageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath, simpleTags: new List <string> { "oldtag" }) } } } } } }; Mock <IGitHubClient> gitHubClientMock = GetGitHubClientMock(); Mock <IGitHubClientFactory> gitHubClientFactoryMock = new Mock <IGitHubClientFactory>(); gitHubClientFactoryMock .Setup(o => o.GetClient(It.IsAny <GitHubAuth>(), false)) .Returns(gitHubClientMock.Object); GitOptions gitOptions = new GitOptions { AuthToken = "token", Repo = "testRepo", Branch = "testBranch", Path = "imageinfo.json" }; PublishImageInfoCommand command = new PublishImageInfoCommand( gitHubClientFactoryMock.Object, Mock.Of <ILoggerService>(), CreateHttpClientFactory(gitOptions, targetImageArtifactDetails)); command.Options.ImageInfoPath = file; command.Options.GitOptions = gitOptions; command.Options.Manifest = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "manifest.json"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, command.Options.Manifest), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest)); command.LoadManifest(); await command.ExecuteAsync(); ImageArtifactDetails expectedImageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath, simpleTags: new List <string> { "newtag" }) } } } }, repo2 } }; Func <GitObject[], bool> verifyGitObjects = (gitObjects) => { if (gitObjects.Length != 1) { return(false); } return(gitObjects[0].Content.Trim() == JsonHelper.SerializeObject(expectedImageArtifactDetails).Trim()); }; gitHubClientMock.Verify( o => o.PostTreeAsync(It.IsAny <GitHubProject>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.Is <GitObject[]>(gitObjects => verifyGitObjects(gitObjects)))); } }
public void ImageInfoHelper_MergeRepos_RemoveTag() { ImageData srcImage1; ImageData targetImage2; RepoData[] repoDataSet = new RepoData[] { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", srcImage1 = new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "tag1", "tag3" } } } } } }; List <RepoData> targetRepos = new List <RepoData> { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "tag1", "tag2", "tag4" } } }, { "image2", targetImage2 = new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "a" } } } } } }; ImageInfoMergeOptions options = new ImageInfoMergeOptions { ReplaceTags = true }; ImageInfoHelper.MergeRepos(repoDataSet, targetRepos, options); List <RepoData> expected = new List <RepoData> { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", srcImage1 }, { "image2", targetImage2 } } } }; CompareRepos(expected, targetRepos); }
public async Task PublishImageInfoCommand_ReplaceTags() { using (TempFolderContext tempFolderContext = TestHelper.UseTempFolder()) { RepoData repo2; RepoData[] sourceRepos = new RepoData[] { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "newtag" } } } } }, repo2 = new RepoData { Repo = "repo2", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image2", new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "tag1" } } } } } }; string file = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "image-info.json"); File.WriteAllText(file, JsonHelper.SerializeObject(sourceRepos)); RepoData[] targetRepos = new RepoData[] { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "oldtag" } } } } } }; Mock <IGitHubClient> gitHubClientMock = GetGitHubClientMock(targetRepos); Mock <IGitHubClientFactory> gitHubClientFactoryMock = new Mock <IGitHubClientFactory>(); gitHubClientFactoryMock .Setup(o => o.GetClient(It.IsAny <GitHubAuth>(), false)) .Returns(gitHubClientMock.Object); PublishImageInfoCommand command = new PublishImageInfoCommand(gitHubClientFactoryMock.Object); command.Options.ImageInfoPath = file; command.Options.GitOptions.AuthToken = "token"; await command.ExecuteAsync(); RepoData[] expectedRepos = new RepoData[] { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "newtag" } } } } }, repo2 }; Func <GitObject[], bool> verifyGitObjects = (gitObjects) => { if (gitObjects.Length != 1) { return(false); } return(gitObjects[0].Content.Trim() == JsonHelper.SerializeObject(expectedRepos).Trim()); }; gitHubClientMock.Verify( o => o.PostTreeAsync(It.IsAny <GitHubProject>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.Is <GitObject[]>(gitObjects => verifyGitObjects(gitObjects)))); } }
private async Task <List <string> > GetPathsToRebuildAsync( IEnumerable <PlatformInfo> allPlatforms, PlatformInfo platform, RepoData repoData) { bool foundImageInfo = false; List <string> pathsToRebuild = new List <string>(); void processPlatformWithMissingImageInfo(PlatformInfo platform) { this.loggerService.WriteMessage( $"WARNING: Image info not found for '{platform.DockerfilePath}'. Adding path to build to be queued anyway."); IEnumerable <PlatformInfo> dependentPlatforms = platform.GetDependencyGraph(allPlatforms); pathsToRebuild.AddRange(dependentPlatforms.Select(p => p.Model.Dockerfile)); } if (repoData == null || repoData.Images == null) { processPlatformWithMissingImageInfo(platform); return(pathsToRebuild); } foreach (ImageData imageData in repoData.Images) { PlatformData platformData = imageData.Platforms .FirstOrDefault(platformData => platformData.Equals(platform)); if (platformData != null) { foundImageInfo = true; string fromImage = platform.FinalStageFromImage; string currentDigest; await this.imageDigestsSemaphore.WaitAsync(); try { if (!this.imageDigests.TryGetValue(fromImage, out currentDigest)) { this.dockerService.PullImage(fromImage, Options.IsDryRun); currentDigest = this.dockerService.GetImageDigest(fromImage, Options.IsDryRun); this.imageDigests.Add(fromImage, currentDigest); } } finally { this.imageDigestsSemaphore.Release(); } bool rebuildImage = platformData.BaseImageDigest != currentDigest; this.loggerService.WriteMessage( $"Checking base image '{fromImage}' from '{platform.DockerfilePath}'{Environment.NewLine}" + $"\tLast build digest: {platformData.BaseImageDigest}{Environment.NewLine}" + $"\tCurrent digest: {currentDigest}{Environment.NewLine}" + $"\tImage is up-to-date: {!rebuildImage}{Environment.NewLine}"); if (rebuildImage) { IEnumerable <PlatformInfo> dependentPlatforms = platform.GetDependencyGraph(allPlatforms); pathsToRebuild.AddRange(dependentPlatforms.Select(p => p.Model.Dockerfile)); } break; } } if (!foundImageInfo) { processPlatformWithMissingImageInfo(platform); } return(pathsToRebuild); }
private async Task <IEnumerable <string> > GetPathsToRebuildAsync(Subscription subscription) { // If the command is filtered with an OS type that does not match the OsType filter of the subscription, // then there are no images that need to be inspected. string osTypeRegexPattern = ManifestFilter.GetFilterRegexPattern(Options.FilterOptions.OsType); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(subscription.OsType) && !Regex.IsMatch(subscription.OsType, osTypeRegexPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { return(Enumerable.Empty <string>()); } RepoData[] repos = await GetImageInfoForSubscriptionAsync(subscription); string repoPath = await GetGitRepoPath(subscription); TempManifestOptions manifestOptions = new TempManifestOptions(Options.FilterOptions) { Manifest = Path.Combine(repoPath, subscription.ManifestPath) }; ManifestInfo manifest = ManifestInfo.Load(manifestOptions); List <string> pathsToRebuild = new List <string>(); IEnumerable <PlatformInfo> allPlatforms = manifest.GetAllPlatforms().ToList(); foreach (RepoInfo repo in manifest.FilteredRepos) { IEnumerable <PlatformInfo> platforms = repo.FilteredImages .SelectMany(image => image.FilteredPlatforms); RepoData repoData = repos .FirstOrDefault(s => s.Repo == repo.Model.Name); foreach (var platform in platforms) { if (repoData != null && repoData.Images != null && repoData.Images.TryGetValue(platform.DockerfilePathRelativeToManifest, out ImageData imageData)) { bool hasDigestChanged = false; foreach (string fromImage in platform.ExternalFromImages) { string currentDigest; await this.imageDigestsSemaphore.WaitAsync(); try { if (!this.imageDigests.TryGetValue(fromImage, out currentDigest)) { this.dockerService.PullImage(fromImage, Options.IsDryRun); currentDigest = this.dockerService.GetImageDigest(fromImage, Options.IsDryRun); this.imageDigests.Add(fromImage, currentDigest); } } finally { this.imageDigestsSemaphore.Release(); } string lastDigest = null; imageData.BaseImages?.TryGetValue(fromImage, out lastDigest); if (lastDigest != currentDigest) { hasDigestChanged = true; break; } } if (hasDigestChanged) { IEnumerable <PlatformInfo> dependentPlatforms = platform.GetDependencyGraph(allPlatforms); pathsToRebuild.AddRange(dependentPlatforms.Select(p => p.Model.Dockerfile)); } } else { this.loggerService.WriteMessage( $"WARNING: Image info not found for '{platform.DockerfilePath}'. Adding path to build to be queued anyway."); pathsToRebuild.Add(platform.Model.Dockerfile); } } } return(pathsToRebuild.Distinct().ToList()); }
private void BuildImages() { this.loggerService.WriteHeading("BUILDING IMAGES"); foreach (RepoInfo repoInfo in Manifest.FilteredRepos) { RepoData repoData = new RepoData { Repo = repoInfo.Name }; imageArtifactDetails.Repos.Add(repoData); foreach (ImageInfo image in repoInfo.FilteredImages) { ImageData imageData = new ImageData { ProductVersion = image.ProductVersion }; if (image.SharedTags.Any()) { imageData.Manifest = new ManifestData { SharedTags = image.SharedTags .Select(tag => tag.Name) .ToList() }; } repoData.Images.Add(imageData); foreach (PlatformInfo platform in image.FilteredPlatforms) { PlatformData platformData = PlatformData.FromPlatformInfo(platform); imageData.Platforms.Add(platformData); bool createdPrivateDockerfile = UpdateDockerfileFromCommands(platform, out string dockerfilePath); IEnumerable <string> allTags; try { InvokeBuildHook("pre-build", platform.BuildContextPath); // Tag the built images with the shared tags as well as the platform tags. // Some tests and image FROM instructions depend on these tags. allTags = platform.Tags .Concat(image.SharedTags) .Select(tag => tag.FullyQualifiedName) .ToList(); this.dockerService.BuildImage( dockerfilePath, platform.BuildContextPath, allTags, platform.BuildArgs, Options.IsRetryEnabled, Options.IsDryRun); if (!Options.IsDryRun) { EnsureArchitectureMatches(platform, allTags); } InvokeBuildHook("post-build", platform.BuildContextPath); } finally { if (createdPrivateDockerfile) { File.Delete(dockerfilePath); } } platformData.BaseImageDigest = this.dockerService.GetImageDigest(platform.FinalStageFromImage, Options.IsDryRun); platformData.SimpleTags = GetPushTags(platform.Tags) .Select(tag => tag.Name) .OrderBy(name => name) .ToList(); platformData.FullyQualifiedSimpleTags = platformData.SimpleTags .Select(tag => TagInfo.GetFullyQualifiedName(repoInfo.QualifiedName, tag)) .ToList(); platformData.AllTags = allTags; } } } }
public async Task SyndicatedTags() { const string subscriptionId = "my subscription"; using TempFolderContext tempFolderContext = TestHelper.UseTempFolder(); Mock <IRegistriesOperations> registriesOperationsMock = AzureHelper.CreateRegistriesOperationsMock(); IAzure azure = AzureHelper.CreateAzureMock(registriesOperationsMock); Mock <IAzureManagementFactory> azureManagementFactoryMock = AzureHelper.CreateAzureManagementFactoryMock(subscriptionId, azure); Mock <IEnvironmentService> environmentServiceMock = new Mock <IEnvironmentService>(); CopyAcrImagesCommand command = new CopyAcrImagesCommand(azureManagementFactoryMock.Object, Mock.Of <ILoggerService>()); command.Options.Manifest = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "manifest.json"); command.Options.Subscription = subscriptionId; command.Options.ResourceGroup = "my resource group"; command.Options.SourceRepoPrefix = command.Options.RepoPrefix = "test/"; command.Options.ImageInfoPath = "image-info.json"; const string runtimeRelativeDir = "1.0/runtime/os"; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, runtimeRelativeDir)); string dockerfileRelativePath = Path.Combine(runtimeRelativeDir, "Dockerfile"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, dockerfileRelativePath), "FROM repo:tag"); Manifest manifest = ManifestHelper.CreateManifest( ManifestHelper.CreateRepo("runtime", ManifestHelper.CreateImage( ManifestHelper.CreatePlatform(dockerfileRelativePath, new string[] { "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" }))) ); manifest.Registry = ""; const string syndicatedRepo2 = "runtime2"; const string syndicatedRepo3 = "runtime3"; Platform platform = manifest.Repos.First().Images.First().Platforms.First(); platform.Tags["tag2"].Syndication = new TagSyndication { Repo = syndicatedRepo2, }; platform.Tags["tag3"].Syndication = new TagSyndication { Repo = syndicatedRepo3, DestinationTags = new string[] { "tag3a", "tag3b" } }; File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, command.Options.Manifest), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest)); RepoData runtimeRepo; ImageArtifactDetails imageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { { runtimeRepo = new RepoData { Repo = "runtime", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { CreatePlatform( PathHelper.NormalizePath(dockerfileRelativePath), simpleTags: new List <string> { "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" }) } } } } } } }; File.WriteAllText(command.Options.ImageInfoPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(imageArtifactDetails)); command.LoadManifest(); await command.ExecuteAsync(); List <string> expectedTags = new List <string> { $"{command.Options.RepoPrefix}{runtimeRepo.Repo}:tag1", $"{command.Options.RepoPrefix}{runtimeRepo.Repo}:tag2", $"{command.Options.RepoPrefix}{runtimeRepo.Repo}:tag3", $"{command.Options.RepoPrefix}{syndicatedRepo2}:tag2", $"{command.Options.RepoPrefix}{syndicatedRepo3}:tag3a", $"{command.Options.RepoPrefix}{syndicatedRepo3}:tag3b" }; foreach (string expectedTag in expectedTags) { registriesOperationsMock .Verify(o => o.ImportImageWithHttpMessagesAsync( command.Options.ResourceGroup, manifest.Registry, It.Is <ImportImageParametersInner>(parameters => VerifyImportImageParameters(parameters, new List <string> { expectedTag })), It.IsAny <Dictionary <string, List <string> > >(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())); } }
private void OnGUI() { Color c = Handles.color; Handles.color = new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.6f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(128)); for (int i = 0; i < _categoryNames.Count; ++i) { GUI.enabled = !(i == _currentIdx); if (GUILayout.Button(_categoryNames[i])) { _currentIdx = i; } } GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); _scrollValue = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollValue); for (int i = 0; i < _categories[_categoryNames[_currentIdx]].Count; ++i) { int idx = _categories[_categoryNames[_currentIdx]][i]; RepoData val = _repoData[idx]; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); Rect iconeRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(64, 64); if (val.icone != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(iconeRect, val.icone, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (val.currentDownLoadRequest == null) { if (GUILayout.Button("Import", GUILayout.Width(64))) { ImportRepo(idx); } } else { GUI.enabled = false; GUILayout.Button(Mathf.FloorToInt(val.currentDownLoadRequest.request.downloadProgress * 100) + "%", GUILayout.Width(64)); GUI.enabled = true; Repaint(); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField(, EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(val.description); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(8); Rect r = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(0, r.yMax), new Vector3(position.width, r.yMax)); GUILayout.Space(8); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); Handles.color = c; }
public async Task PublishImageInfoCommand_RemoveOutOfDateContent() { using (TempFolderContext tempFolderContext = TestHelper.UseTempFolder()) { string repo1Image1DockerfilePath = DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("1.0/runtime/os", tempFolderContext); string repo2Image2DockerfilePath = DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("2.0/runtime/os", tempFolderContext); Manifest manifest = CreateManifest( CreateRepo("repo1", CreateImage( new Platform[] { CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath, new string[0]) }, productVersion: "1.0")), CreateRepo("repo2", CreateImage( new Platform[] { CreatePlatform(repo2Image2DockerfilePath, new string[0]) }, productVersion: "2.0")) ); manifest.Registry = ""; RepoData repo2; ImageArtifactDetails srcImageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath) }, ProductVersion = "1.0" } } }, { repo2 = new RepoData { Repo = "repo2", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo2Image2DockerfilePath) }, ProductVersion = "2.0" } } } } } }; string file = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "image-info.json"); File.WriteAllText(file, JsonHelper.SerializeObject(srcImageArtifactDetails)); ImageArtifactDetails targetImageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath) }, ProductVersion = "1.0" }, new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform( DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("1.0/runtime2/os", tempFolderContext)) }, ProductVersion = "1.0" } } }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo4" } } }; GitOptions gitOptions = new GitOptions { AuthToken = "token", Repo = "repo", Owner = "owner", Path = "imageinfo.json", Branch = "branch", Email = "*****@*****.**", Username = "******" }; AzdoOptions azdoOptions = new AzdoOptions { AccessToken = "azdo-token", Branch = "testBranch", Repo = "testRepo", Organization = "azdo-org", Project = "azdo-project", Path = "imageinfo.json" }; Mock <IRepository> repositoryMock = GetRepositoryMock(); Mock <IGitService> gitServiceMock = GetGitServiceMock(repositoryMock.Object, gitOptions.Path, targetImageArtifactDetails); PublishImageInfoCommand command = new PublishImageInfoCommand(gitServiceMock.Object, Mock.Of <ILoggerService>()); command.Options.ImageInfoPath = file; command.Options.GitOptions = gitOptions; command.Options.AzdoOptions = azdoOptions; command.Options.Manifest = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "manifest.json"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, command.Options.Manifest), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest)); command.LoadManifest(); await command.ExecuteAsync(); ImageArtifactDetails expectedImageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath) }, ProductVersion = "1.0" } } }, repo2 } }; VerifyMocks(repositoryMock); } }
public async Task CopyAcrImagesCommand_RuntimeDepsSharing() { const string subscriptionId = "my subscription"; using TempFolderContext tempFolderContext = TestHelper.UseTempFolder(); Mock <IRegistriesOperations> registriesOperationsMock = AzureHelper.CreateRegistriesOperationsMock(); IAzure azure = AzureHelper.CreateAzureMock(registriesOperationsMock); Mock <IAzureManagementFactory> azureManagementFactoryMock = AzureHelper.CreateAzureManagementFactoryMock(subscriptionId, azure); Mock <IEnvironmentService> environmentServiceMock = new Mock <IEnvironmentService>(); CopyAcrImagesCommand command = new CopyAcrImagesCommand(azureManagementFactoryMock.Object, Mock.Of <ILoggerService>()); command.Options.Manifest = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "manifest.json"); command.Options.Subscription = subscriptionId; command.Options.ResourceGroup = "my resource group"; command.Options.SourceRepoPrefix = command.Options.RepoPrefix = "test/"; command.Options.ImageInfoPath = "image-info.json"; string dockerfileRelativePath = DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("3.1/runtime-deps/os", tempFolderContext); Manifest manifest = CreateManifest( CreateRepo("runtime-deps", CreateImage( new Platform[] { CreatePlatform(dockerfileRelativePath, new string[] { "3.1" }, osVersion: "focal") }, productVersion: "3.1"), CreateImage( new Platform[] { CreatePlatform(dockerfileRelativePath, new string[] { "5.0" }, osVersion: "focal") }, productVersion: "5.0")) ); manifest.Registry = ""; File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, command.Options.Manifest), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest)); RepoData runtimeRepo; ImageArtifactDetails imageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { { runtimeRepo = new RepoData { Repo = "runtime-deps", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { CreatePlatform( PathHelper.NormalizePath(dockerfileRelativePath), simpleTags: new List <string> { "3.1" }, osVersion: "focal") }, ProductVersion = "3.1" }, new ImageData { Platforms = { CreatePlatform( PathHelper.NormalizePath(dockerfileRelativePath), simpleTags: new List <string> { "5.0" }, osVersion: "focal") }, ProductVersion = "5.0" } } } } } }; File.WriteAllText(command.Options.ImageInfoPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(imageArtifactDetails)); command.LoadManifest(); await command.ExecuteAsync(); List <string> expectedTags = new List <string> { $"{command.Options.RepoPrefix}{runtimeRepo.Repo}:3.1", $"{command.Options.RepoPrefix}{runtimeRepo.Repo}:5.0" }; foreach (string expectedTag in expectedTags) { registriesOperationsMock .Verify(o => o.ImportImageWithHttpMessagesAsync( command.Options.ResourceGroup, manifest.Registry, It.Is <ImportImageParametersInner>(parameters => VerifyImportImageParameters(parameters, new List <string> { expectedTag })), It.IsAny <Dictionary <string, List <string> > >(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())); } }
public DigestInfo(string digest, RepoData repo, IEnumerable <string> tags) { Digest = digest; Repo = repo; RemainingTags = tags.OrderBy(tag => tag).ToList(); }
private void BuildImages() { Logger.WriteHeading("BUILDING IMAGES"); List <RepoData> reposList = new List <RepoData>(); foreach (RepoInfo repoInfo in Manifest.FilteredRepos) { RepoData repoData = new RepoData { Repo = repoInfo.Model.Name }; reposList.Add(repoData); SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData>(); foreach (ImageInfo image in repoInfo.FilteredImages) { foreach (PlatformInfo platform in image.FilteredPlatforms) { ImageData imageData = new ImageData(); images.Add(platform.DockerfilePathRelativeToManifest, imageData); bool createdPrivateDockerfile = UpdateDockerfileFromCommands(platform, out string dockerfilePath); try { InvokeBuildHook("pre-build", platform.BuildContextPath); // Tag the built images with the shared tags as well as the platform tags. // Some tests and image FROM instructions depend on these tags. IEnumerable <string> allTags = platform.Tags .Concat(image.SharedTags) .Select(tag => tag.FullyQualifiedName); this.dockerService.BuildImage( dockerfilePath, platform.BuildContextPath, allTags, platform.BuildArgs, Options.IsRetryEnabled, Options.IsDryRun); if (!Options.IsDryRun) { EnsureArchitectureMatches(platform, allTags); } InvokeBuildHook("post-build", platform.BuildContextPath); BuiltTags = BuiltTags.Concat(platform.Tags); } finally { if (createdPrivateDockerfile) { File.Delete(dockerfilePath); } } SortedDictionary <string, string> baseImageDigests = GetBaseImageDigests(platform); if (baseImageDigests.Any()) { imageData.BaseImages = baseImageDigests; } imageData.SimpleTags = GetPushTags(platform.Tags) .Select(tag => tag.Name) .OrderBy(name => name) .ToList(); } } if (images.Any()) { repoData.Images = images; } } BuiltTags = BuiltTags.ToArray(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.ImageInfoOutputPath)) { string digestsString = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(reposList.OrderBy(r => r.Repo).ToArray()); File.WriteAllText(Options.ImageInfoOutputPath, digestsString); } }
public async void GetRepoUsers(string projectDir) { if (projectDir == null || projectDir.Equals("")) { return; } IDictionary <string, string> resourceInfo = this.GetResourceInfo(projectDir); if (resourceInfo != null && resourceInfo.ContainsKey("identifier")) { string identifier = ""; resourceInfo.TryGetValue("identifier", out identifier); if (identifier != null && !identifier.Equals("")) { string tag = ""; resourceInfo.TryGetValue("tag", out tag); string branch = ""; resourceInfo.TryGetValue("branch", out branch); string gitLogData = SoftwareCoUtil.RunCommand("git log --pretty=%an,%ae | sort", projectDir); IDictionary <string, string> memberMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); List <RepoMember> repoMembers = new List <RepoMember>(); if (gitLogData != null && !gitLogData.Equals("")) { string[] lines = gitLogData.Split( new string[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (lines != null && lines.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string line = lines[i]; string[] memberInfos = line.Split(','); if (memberInfos != null && memberInfos.Length > 1) { string name = memberInfos[0].Trim(); string email = memberInfos[1].Trim(); if (!memberMap.ContainsKey(email)) { memberMap.Add(email, name); repoMembers.Add(new RepoMember(name, email)); } } } } } if (memberMap.Count > 0) { RepoData repoData = new RepoData(identifier, tag, branch, repoMembers); string jsonContent = SimpleJson.SerializeObject(repoData); // send the members HttpResponseMessage response = await SoftwareHttpManager.SendRequestAsync( HttpMethod.Post, "/repo/members", jsonContent); if (!SoftwareHttpManager.IsOk(response)) { Logger.Error(response.ToString()); } } } } }
public void ImageInfoHelper_MergeRepos_ExistingTarget() { ImageData repo2Image1; ImageData repo2Image2; ImageData repo2Image3; ImageData repo3Image1; RepoData[] repoDataSet = new RepoData[] { new RepoData { Repo = "repo2", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", repo2Image1 = new ImageData { BaseImages = new SortedDictionary <string, string> { { "base1", "base1digest-NEW" } } } } , { "image3", repo2Image3 = new ImageData() } } }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo3", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", repo3Image1 = new ImageData() } } }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo4", } }; List <RepoData> targetRepos = new List <RepoData> { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1" }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo2", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", new ImageData { BaseImages = new SortedDictionary <string, string> { { "base1", "base1digest" } } } }, { "image2", repo2Image2 = new ImageData { BaseImages = new SortedDictionary <string, string> { { "base2", "base2digest" } } } } } }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo3" } }; ImageInfoHelper.MergeRepos(repoDataSet, targetRepos); List <RepoData> expected = new List <RepoData> { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1" }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo2", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", repo2Image1 }, { "image2", repo2Image2 }, { "image3", repo2Image3 } } }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo3", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", repo3Image1 } } }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo4", } }; CompareRepos(expected, targetRepos); }
public async Task MergeImageInfoFilesCommand_HappyPath() { using (TempFolderContext context = TestHelper.UseTempFolder()) { List <RepoData[]> repoDataSets = new List <RepoData[]> { new RepoData[] { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1" }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo2", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", new ImageData() } } }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo4", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image2", new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "tag1" } } } } }, }, new RepoData[] { new RepoData { Repo = "repo2", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", new ImageData { BaseImages = new SortedDictionary <string, string> { { "base1", "base1hash" } }, SimpleTags = { "tag1" } } } } }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo3", }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo4", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image2", new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "tag2" } } } } }, } }; for (int i = 0; i < repoDataSets.Count; i++) { string file = Path.Combine(context.Path, $"{i}.json"); File.WriteAllText(file, JsonHelper.SerializeObject(repoDataSets[i])); } MergeImageInfoCommand command = new MergeImageInfoCommand(); command.Options.SourceImageInfoFolderPath = context.Path; command.Options.DestinationImageInfoPath = Path.Combine(context.Path, "output.json"); await command.ExecuteAsync(); string resultsContent = File.ReadAllText(command.Options.DestinationImageInfoPath); RepoData[] actual = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RepoData[]>(resultsContent); RepoData[] expected = new RepoData[] { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1" }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo2", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image1", new ImageData { BaseImages = new SortedDictionary <string, string> { { "base1", "base1hash" } }, SimpleTags = { "tag1" } } } } }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo3", }, new RepoData { Repo = "repo4", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { "image2", new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "tag1", "tag2" } } } } }, }; ImageInfoHelperTests.CompareRepos(expected, actual); } }
private string FormatCsv(string imageId, PlatformData platform, ImageData image, RepoData repo, string timestamp) => $"\"{imageId}\",\"{platform.Architecture}\",\"{platform.OsType}\",\"{platform.OsVersion}\"," + $"\"{image.ProductVersion}\",\"{platform.Dockerfile}\",\"{repo.Repo}\",\"{timestamp}\"";
public async Task PublishImageInfoCommand_ReplaceContent() { using (TempFolderContext tempFolderContext = TestHelper.UseTempFolder()) { string repo1Image1DockerfilePath = DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("1.0/runtime/os", tempFolderContext); string repo2Image2DockerfilePath = DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("2.0/runtime/os", tempFolderContext); Manifest manifest = CreateManifest( CreateRepo("repo1", CreateImage( new Platform[] { CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath, new string[] { "tag1" }) }, productVersion: "1.0")), CreateRepo("repo2", CreateImage( new Platform[] { CreatePlatform(repo2Image2DockerfilePath, new string[] { "tag1" }) }, productVersion: "2.0")) ); RepoData repo2; ImageArtifactDetails srcImageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath, simpleTags: new List <string> { "newtag" }) }, ProductVersion = "1.0", Manifest = new ManifestData { SyndicatedDigests = new List <string> { "newdigest1", "newdigest2" } } } } }, { repo2 = new RepoData { Repo = "repo2", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo2Image2DockerfilePath, simpleTags: new List <string> { "tag1" }) }, ProductVersion = "2.0" } } } } } }; string file = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "image-info.json"); File.WriteAllText(file, JsonHelper.SerializeObject(srcImageArtifactDetails)); ImageArtifactDetails targetImageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath, simpleTags: new List <string> { "oldtag" }) }, ProductVersion = "1.0", Manifest = new ManifestData { SyndicatedDigests = new List <string> { "olddigest1", "olddigest2" } } } } } } }; GitOptions gitOptions = new GitOptions { AuthToken = "token", Repo = "PublishImageInfoCommand_ReplaceContent", Branch = "testBranch", Path = "imageinfo.json", Email = "*****@*****.**", Username = "******" }; AzdoOptions azdoOptions = new AzdoOptions { AccessToken = "azdo-token", AzdoBranch = "testBranch", AzdoRepo = "testRepo", Organization = "azdo-org", Project = "azdo-project", AzdoPath = "imageinfo.json" }; Mock <IRepository> repositoryMock = GetRepositoryMock(); Mock <IGitService> gitServiceMock = GetGitServiceMock(repositoryMock.Object, gitOptions.Path, targetImageArtifactDetails); string actualImageArtifactDetailsContents = null; gitServiceMock .Setup(o => o.Stage(It.IsAny <IRepository>(), It.IsAny <string>())) .Callback((IRepository repo, string path) => { actualImageArtifactDetailsContents = File.ReadAllText(path); }); PublishImageInfoCommand command = new PublishImageInfoCommand(gitServiceMock.Object, Mock.Of <ILoggerService>()); command.Options.ImageInfoPath = file; command.Options.GitOptions = gitOptions; command.Options.Manifest = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "manifest.json"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, command.Options.Manifest), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest)); command.LoadManifest(); await command.ExecuteAsync(); ImageArtifactDetails expectedImageArtifactDetails = new ImageArtifactDetails { Repos = { new RepoData { Repo = "repo1", Images = { new ImageData { Platforms = { Helpers.ImageInfoHelper.CreatePlatform(repo1Image1DockerfilePath, simpleTags: new List <string> { "newtag" }) }, ProductVersion = "1.0", Manifest = new ManifestData { SyndicatedDigests = new List <string> { "newdigest1", "newdigest2" } } } } }, repo2 } }; Assert.Equal(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(expectedImageArtifactDetails), actualImageArtifactDetailsContents.Trim()); VerifyMocks(repositoryMock); } }
private List <string> GetPathsToRebuild( IEnumerable <PlatformInfo> allPlatforms, PlatformInfo platform, RepoData repoData) { bool foundImageInfo = false; List <string> pathsToRebuild = new List <string>(); void processPlatformWithMissingImageInfo(PlatformInfo platform) { _loggerService.WriteMessage( $"WARNING: Image info not found for '{platform.DockerfilePath}'. Adding path to build to be queued anyway."); IEnumerable <PlatformInfo> dependentPlatforms = platform.GetDependencyGraph(allPlatforms); pathsToRebuild.AddRange(dependentPlatforms.Select(p => p.Model.Dockerfile)); } if (repoData == null || repoData.Images == null) { processPlatformWithMissingImageInfo(platform); return(pathsToRebuild); } foreach (ImageData imageData in repoData.Images) { PlatformData platformData = imageData.Platforms .FirstOrDefault(platformData => platformData.PlatformInfo == platform); if (platformData != null) { foundImageInfo = true; string fromImage = platform.FinalStageFromImage; string currentDigest; currentDigest = LockHelper.DoubleCheckedLockLookup(_imageDigestsLock, _imageDigests, fromImage, () => { string digest = _manifestToolService.GetManifestDigestSha(ManifestMediaType.Any, fromImage, Options.IsDryRun); return(DockerHelper.GetDigestString(DockerHelper.GetRepo(fromImage), digest)); }); bool rebuildImage = platformData.BaseImageDigest != currentDigest; _loggerService.WriteMessage( $"Checking base image '{fromImage}' from '{platform.DockerfilePath}'{Environment.NewLine}" + $"\tLast build digest: {platformData.BaseImageDigest}{Environment.NewLine}" + $"\tCurrent digest: {currentDigest}{Environment.NewLine}" + $"\tImage is up-to-date: {!rebuildImage}{Environment.NewLine}"); if (rebuildImage) { IEnumerable <PlatformInfo> dependentPlatforms = platform.GetDependencyGraph(allPlatforms); pathsToRebuild.AddRange(dependentPlatforms.Select(p => p.Model.Dockerfile)); } break; } } if (!foundImageInfo) { processPlatformWithMissingImageInfo(platform); } return(pathsToRebuild); }
public async Task CopyAcrImagesCommand_CustomDockerfileName() { const string subscriptionId = "my subscription"; using (TempFolderContext tempFolderContext = TestHelper.UseTempFolder()) { Mock <IRegistriesOperations> registriesOperationsMock = CreateRegistriesOperationsMock(); IAzure azure = CreateAzureMock(registriesOperationsMock); Mock <IAzureManagementFactory> azureManagementFactoryMock = CreateAzureManagementFactoryMock(subscriptionId, azure); Mock <IEnvironmentService> environmentServiceMock = new Mock <IEnvironmentService>(); CopyAcrImagesCommand command = new CopyAcrImagesCommand( azureManagementFactoryMock.Object, environmentServiceMock.Object); command.Options.Manifest = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "manifest.json"); command.Options.Subscription = subscriptionId; command.Options.ResourceGroup = "my resource group"; command.Options.SourceRepoPrefix = command.Options.RepoPrefix = "test/"; command.Options.ImageInfoPath = "image-info.json"; const string runtimeRelativeDir = "1.0/runtime/os"; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, runtimeRelativeDir)); string dockerfileRelativePath = Path.Combine(runtimeRelativeDir, "Dockerfile.custom"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, dockerfileRelativePath), "FROM repo:tag"); Manifest manifest = ManifestHelper.CreateManifest( ManifestHelper.CreateRepo("runtime", ManifestHelper.CreateImage( ManifestHelper.CreatePlatform(dockerfileRelativePath, new string[] { "runtime" }))) ); manifest.Registry = ""; File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, command.Options.Manifest), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest)); RepoData runtimeRepo; RepoData[] repos = new RepoData[] { runtimeRepo = new RepoData { Repo = "runtime", Images = new SortedDictionary <string, ImageData> { { PathHelper.NormalizePath(dockerfileRelativePath), new ImageData { SimpleTags = { "tag1", "tag2" } } } } } }; File.WriteAllText(command.Options.ImageInfoPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(repos)); command.LoadManifest(); await command.ExecuteAsync(); IList <string> expectedTags = runtimeRepo.Images.First().Value.SimpleTags .Select(tag => $"{command.Options.RepoPrefix}{runtimeRepo.Repo}:{tag}") .ToList(); foreach (string expectedTag in expectedTags) { registriesOperationsMock .Verify(o => o.ImportImageWithHttpMessagesAsync( command.Options.ResourceGroup, manifest.Registry, It.Is <ImportImageParametersInner>(parameters => VerifyImportImageParameters(parameters, new List <string> { expectedTag })), It.IsAny <Dictionary <string, List <string> > >(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())); } environmentServiceMock.Verify(o => o.Exit(It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Never); } }