public override void OnEnter()
        //First, increase the fatigue value of the character
        ContSkillEngine.Get().AddExec(new ExecChangeFatigue(null, chrOwner, nStunAmount, false));

        //Then, add a replacement effect to cancel out any further stuns that we would take
        repStun = new Replacement()
            //The list of replacement effects we'll include ourselves in
            lstExecReplacements = ExecStun.lstAllFullReplacements,

            //Note that the parameter type is the generic Executable
            // - should cast to the proper type if further checking is required
            shouldReplace = (Executable exec) => {
                Debug.Assert(typeof(ExecStun) == exec.GetType());

                //replace only if the stunned character will be the character this effect is on
                return(((ExecStun)exec).chrTarget == this.chrOwner);

            //Just replace the executable with a completely new null executable
            execReplace = (Executable exec) => new ExecNull(exec.chrSource)

        //Register this replacement effect so that it will take effect

        //Let observers know to start paying attention to the fatigue value now
        // and to clear out any channeling time (if applicable)
Beispiel #2
    }                                         //Specifically when the soul effect reaches the end of its duration

    public void OnApply(SoulContainer _soulContainer)
        //Save a reference to the soulContainer we're in
        soulContainer = _soulContainer;

        //If we have a duration, then set the current duration to the max
        if (bDuration == true)
            nCurDuration = pnMaxDuration.Get();

        if (lstTriggers != null)  //Then we have some triggers to subscribe
        //Each triggeredeffect we have should subscribe to the trigger it needs
            foreach (TriggerEffect trig in lstTriggers)
                if (ContSkillEngine.bDEBUGENGINE)
                    Debug.Log("*** ADDING TRIGGER SUBSCRIPTION ***");
                //Let our observer manage our subscription to the trigger
                observer.Observe(trig.sub, trig.cb);

        foreach (Replacement rep in lstReplacements)
            //For each replacement effect this soul effect has, register it so it'll take effect

        observer.Observe(chrSource.subDeath, cbOnChrSourceDeath);


        if (ContSkillEngine.bDEBUGENGINE)
            Debug.Log(sName + " has been applied");