Beispiel #1
        public override void Reflect(RunInvokerTree tree, RunInvokerVertex parent, Type t)
            foreach (MethodInfo method in TypeHelper.GetAttributedMethods(t, typeof(RepeatTestAttribute)))
                    foreach (RepeatTestAttribute rep in method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RepeatTestAttribute), true))
                        for (int i = 0; i < rep.Count; i++)
                            // Get invoker
                            IRunInvoker invoker = new RepeatMethodRunInvoker(this, method, i + 1);

                            // Decorate invoker
                            invoker = DecoratorPatternAttribute.DecoreInvoker(method, invoker);

                            // Add to tree
                            tree.AddChild(parent, invoker);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MethodFailedLoadingRunInvoker invoker = new MethodFailedLoadingRunInvoker(this, ex, method);
                    tree.AddChild(parent, invoker);
Beispiel #2
        public override void Reflect(RunInvokerTree tree, RunInvokerVertex parent, Type t)
            foreach (MethodInfo method in TypeHelper.GetAttributedMethods(t, typeof(RepeatTestAttribute)))
                    foreach (RepeatTestAttribute rep in method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RepeatTestAttribute), true))
                        for (int i = 0; i < rep.Count; i++)
                            // Get invoker
                            IRunInvoker invoker = new RepeatMethodRunInvoker(this, method, i + 1);

                            // Decorate invoker
                            invoker = DecoratorPatternAttribute.DecoreInvoker(method, invoker);

                            // Add to tree
                            tree.AddChild(parent, invoker);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MethodFailedLoadingRunInvoker invoker = new MethodFailedLoadingRunInvoker(this, ex, method);
                    tree.AddChild(parent, invoker);