public async Task <IEnumerable <RentalOrder> > GetRentalOrders(RentalsDAL db, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            IEnumerable <RentalOrder> orders;

            // If the customer has business relations, then get the rentals for those too
            if (this.showChildBROrders)
                // If we're using InspHire then the relationships are handled by the DAL
                if (this.DatabaseName == Helpers.DataBases.NetsuiteInsphire)
                    orders = (await db.GetRentalOrdersChildBR(this, startDate, endDate));
                    var validCustomers = (await new OverviewDAL().GetCustomersRegistered()).Where(x => x.DatabaseName == this.DatabaseName && x.CompanyId == this.CompanyId);
                    orders = (await db.GetRentalOrdersChildBR(this, startDate, endDate));
                    orders = orders.Join(validCustomers, x => x.CustAccount, y => y.CustomerId, (ord, cust) => ord);
            // Otherwise just get the active customer's rentals
                orders = (await db.GetRentalOrders(this, startDate, endDate));

Beispiel #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> EnergyConsumption(string venueCodeSelected, string orderStatus)
            OverviewDAL db         = new OverviewDAL();
            RentalsDAL  rentals_db = new RentalsDAL();

            ViewModels.Overview.OverviewViewModel model = new ViewModels.Overview.OverviewViewModel();
            model.TrackUnitStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["StartDate"]);
            model.TrackUnitEndDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["EndDate"]);

            var motorUsages = await GetMotroUsage(model.TrackUnitStartDate, model.TrackUnitEndDate, orderStatus);

            model.FuelConsumptionPerMachine = db.GetDWHCustConsPerMachine(ActiveCustomer.DatabaseName, ActiveCustomer.CompanyId, ActiveCustomer.CustomerId, model.TrackUnitStartDate.Date, model.TrackUnitEndDate.Date);
            var groupedConsumption = model.FuelConsumptionPerMachine.GroupBy(x => new { x.inventtransid, x.serialNumber });

            List <_ConsumptionAndSerialNo> csList = new List <_ConsumptionAndSerialNo>();

            foreach (var gc in groupedConsumption)
                //There will be only one value against the group of inventransid and serialno so we will take the first value
                var consumption = gc.Select(x => x.machineconsumption).FirstOrDefault();   //this is the total consumption for the machine
                var noOfHours   = gc.Select(x => x.machinerunningHourM1).FirstOrDefault(); //this is the total number of hours the above is cost is calculated
                var unit        = gc.Select(x => x.unit).FirstOrDefault();
                csList.Add(new _ConsumptionAndSerialNo {
                    ConsumptionCost = noOfHours > 0 ? consumption / noOfHours : 0, SerialNo = gc.Key.serialNumber, Unit = unit
            //we will further check if there is more than one serial numbers with different cost value so to take the average of the same.
            var finalConsumptionList = csList.GroupBy(x => x.SerialNo).Select(y => new _ConsumptionAndSerialNo {
                SerialNo = y.Key, ConsumptionCost = y.Average(z => z.ConsumptionCost), Unit = y.FirstOrDefault().Unit
            var reportInfo = (from mu in motorUsages
                              join sc in finalConsumptionList on mu.SerialNumber equals sc.SerialNo
                              select new _ReportInfo
                MachineName = mu.MachineType,
                MachineType = mu.MachineType,
                SerialNumber = mu.SerialNumber,
                TransactionDate = mu.TransDate,
                Value = mu.RunningHour * sc.ConsumptionCost,
                ValueUnit = sc.Unit

            return(CreateReport(Resources.EnergyConsumption, model.TrackUnitStartDate, model.TrackUnitEndDate, reportInfo, "Energy_Consumption"));
        public ActionResult AccountManagerDetails(string databaseName, string customerId, string companyId)
            APIAuth  auth     = new APIAuth(Request, Response);
            AuthInfo authInfo = auth.CheckLogin();

            if (authInfo.IsAuthenticated)
                Customer localCust = new Customer();
                localCust.DatabaseName = databaseName;
                localCust.CustomerId   = customerId;
                localCust.CompanyId    = companyId;

                //Check if this user has access to this customer
                var userCustomers = db.GetUserCustomersSync(authInfo.User.Id);

                if (userCustomers.Count(x => x.CustomerKey == localCust.CustomerKey) > 0)
                    //AccountManager accountManager = db.GetAccountManagerDetails(localCust).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    var            accountManagers = db.GetAccountManagerDetailsSync(localCust);
                    AccountManager accountManager  = accountManagers.FirstOrDefault();

                    RentalsDAL dbRental = new RentalsDAL();

                    string depotEmail = dbRental.GetOnRentEmailAddressSync(localCust).FirstOrDefault();;
                    accountManager.OnRentEmailAddress = depotEmail;

                    return(Json(accountManager, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #4
        //This Original Code: Can be cleared once we are sure the new function is doing fine.
        //public async Task<ActionResult> MotorUsage(string venueCodeSelected, string orderStatus)
        //    OverviewDAL db = new OverviewDAL();
        //    RentalsDAL rentals_db = new RentalsDAL();

        //    DateTime TrackUnitStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["TrackUnitStartDate"]);
        //    DateTime TrackUnitEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["TrackUnitEndDate"]);

        //    IEnumerable<RentalOrder> fuelConsumptionPerMachineOrders = await db.GetRentalOrders(ActiveCustomer, TrackUnitStartDate, TrackUnitEndDate);
        //    IEnumerable<MotorUsage> motorUsages = db.GetDWHCustRunningHourPerMachinePerDay(ActiveCustomer, TrackUnitStartDate, TrackUnitEndDate);

        //    //Get rental status codes from query string
        //    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderStatus))
        //    {
        //        string[] orderStatusCodes = orderStatus.Split(',');
        //        //Filter out machines with no matching order status
        //        fuelConsumptionPerMachineOrders = fuelConsumptionPerMachineOrders.Where(i => orderStatusCodes.Contains(i.OrderStatusId));
        //    }

        //    //Filter out machines with no matchinging order
        //    motorUsages = motorUsages.Where(i => fuelConsumptionPerMachineOrders.Select(x => x.ObjectId).Contains(i.SerialNumber));

        //    //Filterout machine with no run time data
        //    //below line is commented in response to the Ticket#367 so to avoid skipping the non-used dates
        //    //motorUsages = motorUsages.Where(i => i.RunningHour > 0.0m);

        //    //Get a list of non duplicate dates from the motor usage data
        //    List<DateTime> motorUsageDates = motorUsages.GroupBy(i => i.TransDate).Select(i => i.Key).OrderByDescending(i => i).ToList();

        //    //Get a list of non diplicate machine from the data (Serial number is the unique ID here)
        //    List<MotorUsage> motorUsageMachines = motorUsages.GroupBy(i => i.SerialNumber).Select(i => new MotorUsage() { SerialNumber = i.Key, MachineType = i.First().MachineType }).ToList();

        //    //Find the template breeam report
        //    var fi = new FileInfo(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("/App_Data/ReportTemp/motor-usage.xlsx"));

        //    //Load the template into memory and begin adding customer information
        //    using (var energyconsumption = new ExcelPackage(fi))
        //    {
        //        var ws = energyconsumption.Workbook.Worksheets["Consumption"];

        //        Dictionary<string, string> machineColumns = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        //        //Add Date column heading
        //        ws.Cells["A1:C1"].Merge = true;
        //        ws.Cells["A1"].Value = Resources.RunningHours;

        //        int headerRow = 3;
        //        string headingCell = "A" + headerRow.ToString();
        //        ws.Cells[headingCell].IsRichText = true;
        //        var dateRichText = ws.Cells[headingCell].RichText;
        //        //ws.Cells["A7"].Value =
        //        ws.Cells[headingCell].Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
        //        var dateRichTextValue = dateRichText.Add(Resources.Date);
        //        dateRichTextValue.Bold = true;

        //        //Loop though and create column headings for each of the machines
        //        for (int i = 0; i < motorUsageMachines.Count(); i++)
        //        {
        //            string columnName = utlStore.GetExcelColumn(i + 2);
        //            machineColumns.Add(motorUsageMachines.ElementAt(i).SerialNumber, columnName);
        //            var Cell = ws.Cells[columnName + headerRow.ToString()];

        //            Cell.IsRichText = true;
        //            var RichText = Cell.RichText;
        //            var RichValue = RichText.Add(motorUsageMachines.ElementAt(i).MachineType + "(" + motorUsageMachines.ElementAt(i).SerialNumber + ")" + Environment.NewLine);
        //            RichValue.Bold = true;
        //            RichValue = RichText.Add(Resources.StartRentalDate + ": " + TrackUnitStartDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
        //            RichValue.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
        //            RichValue.Bold = false;
        //            Cell.Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
        //            Cell.AutoFitColumns(30);
        //        }

        //        int rowCount = headerRow + 1;

        //        foreach (DateTime date in motorUsageDates)
        //        {
        //            ws.Cells["A" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = date.ToShortDateString();

        //            IEnumerable<MotorUsage> dateMachines = motorUsages.Where(i => i.TransDate.Date == date.Date);

        //            foreach (MotorUsage machine in dateMachines)
        //            {
        //                ws.Cells[machineColumns[machine.SerialNumber] + rowCount.ToString()].Value = machine.RunningHour.ToString("N2");
        //            }

        //            rowCount++;
        //        }
        //        return File(energyconsumption.GetAsByteArray(), ".xlsx", "Motor_Usage_" + TrackUnitStartDate.ToShortDateString() + "-" + TrackUnitEndDate.ToShortDateString() + "_" + ActiveCustomer.Name + ".xlsx");
        //    };

        private async Task <IEnumerable <MotorUsage> > GetMotroUsage(DateTime TrackUnitStartDate, DateTime TrackUnitEndDate, string orderStatus)
            OverviewDAL db         = new OverviewDAL();
            RentalsDAL  rentals_db = new RentalsDAL();

            IEnumerable <RentalOrder> fuelConsumptionPerMachineOrders = await db.GetRentalOrders(ActiveCustomer, TrackUnitStartDate, TrackUnitEndDate);

            IEnumerable <MotorUsage> motorUsages = db.GetDWHCustRunningHourPerMachinePerDay(ActiveCustomer, TrackUnitStartDate, TrackUnitEndDate);

            //Get rental status codes from query string
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderStatus))
                string[] orderStatusCodes = orderStatus.Split(',');
                //Filter out machines with no matching order status
                fuelConsumptionPerMachineOrders = fuelConsumptionPerMachineOrders.Where(i => orderStatusCodes.Contains(i.OrderStatusId));

            //Filter out machines with no matchinging order
            motorUsages = motorUsages.Where(i => fuelConsumptionPerMachineOrders.Select(x => x.ObjectId).Contains(i.SerialNumber));
        public ActionResult Orders(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string databaseName, string customerId, string companyId)
            APIAuth  auth     = new APIAuth(Request, Response);
            AuthInfo authInfo = auth.CheckLogin();

            if (authInfo.IsAuthenticated)
                Customer localCust = new Customer();
                localCust.DatabaseName = databaseName;
                localCust.CustomerId   = customerId;
                localCust.CompanyId    = companyId;

                //Check if this user has access to this customer
                var userCustomers = db.GetUserCustomersSync(authInfo.User.Id);

                //Customer selectedCompany = userCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerKey == localCust.CustomerKey).First();
                //return Json(new { foo = "ok", baz = "alee" });

                //if (selectedCompany != null)
                if (userCustomers.Count(x => x.CustomerKey == localCust.CustomerKey) > 0)
                    IEnumerable <RentalOrder> orders;

                    Customer activeCust = db.GetCustomer(localCust.DatabaseName, localCust.CompanyId, localCust.CustomerId);
                    if (activeCust.showChildBROrders)
                        var validCustomers = new OverviewDAL().GetCustomersRegisteredSync().Where(x => x.DatabaseName == activeCust.DatabaseName && x.CompanyId == activeCust.CompanyId);
                        orders = db.GetRentalOrdersChildBRSync(activeCust, startDate, endDate);
                        orders = orders.Join(validCustomers, x => x.CustAccount, y => y.CustomerId, (ord, cust) => ord);
                        orders = db.GetRentalOrdersSync(localCust, startDate, endDate);

                    //need to manually add trackunit data
                    RentalsDAL dbRental = new RentalsDAL();
                    IEnumerable <TrackUnitData> units = dbRental.GetTrackUnitDataSync();

                    using (var orderEnum = orders.GetEnumerator())
                        while (orderEnum.MoveNext())
                            RentalOrder order = orderEnum.Current;

                            var unit = units.Where(x => x.ReferenceNumber == order.ObjectId).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (unit != null)
                                order.IsMachineLocalized = true;
                                order.Latitude           = unit.Latitude;
                                order.Longitude          = unit.Longitude;
                                TimeSpan diffTime = DateTime.Now.Subtract(unit.GpsFixTime);
                                if (diffTime.TotalMinutes > 240)
                                    order.markerColor = "yellow";
                                else if (unit.Speed > 15)
                                    order.markerColor = "green";
                                else if (unit.Input1.Value == true)
                                    order.markerColor = "blue";
                                    order.markerColor = "red";
                                order.IsMachineLocalized = false;
                                order.Latitude           = 0.0;
                                order.Longitude          = 0.0;
                                order.markerColor        = "";
                    //END trackunit

                    //new CustomJsonResult(
                    //return Content(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(orders.ToList()), "application/json");
                    return(new CustomJsonResult {
                        Data = orders.ToList()
                    return(Json(new { error = "No access" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <ActionResult> CO2Emissions(string venueCodeSelected, string orderStatus)
            OverviewDAL db         = new OverviewDAL();
            RentalsDAL  rentals_db = new RentalsDAL();

            ViewModels.Overview.OverviewViewModel model = new ViewModels.Overview.OverviewViewModel();
            model.TrackUnitStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["TrackUnitStartDate"]);
            model.TrackUnitEndDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["TrackUnitEndDate"]);

            IEnumerable <RentalOrder> orders = await ActiveCustomer.GetRentalOrders(rentals_db, model.TrackUnitStartDate.Date, model.TrackUnitEndDate.Date);

            model.FuelConsumptionPerMachine = db.GetDWHCustConsPerMachine(ActiveCustomer.DatabaseName, ActiveCustomer.CompanyId, ActiveCustomer.CustomerId, model.TrackUnitStartDate, model.TrackUnitEndDate);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderStatus))
                string[] orderStatusCodes = orderStatus.Split(',');

                IEnumerable <RentalOrder> FuelConsumptionPerMachineOrders = await ActiveCustomer.GetRentalOrders(new RentalsDAL(), model.TrackUnitStartDate, model.TrackUnitEndDate);

                string[] orderInventTransIds = FuelConsumptionPerMachineOrders.Where(i => orderStatusCodes.Contains(i.OrderStatusId)).Select(i => i.InventTransId).ToArray();

                model.FuelConsumptionPerMachine = model.FuelConsumptionPerMachine.Where(i => orderInventTransIds.Contains(i.inventtransid));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(venueCodeSelected))
                model.FuelConsumptionPerMachine = model.FuelConsumptionPerMachine.Where(i => i.rorvenuecode == venueCodeSelected).ToList();

            model.SelectMachines =
                    i => i.machineType,
                    (i1, i2) => new SelectMachine()
                Code = i1, Name = i2.First().machineTypeDesc, Count = i2.Count()
                .OrderBy(i => i.Name);

            //Find the template breeam report
            var fi = new FileInfo(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("/App_Data/ReportTemp/breeam-report.xlsx"));

            //Load the template into memory and begin adding customer information
            using (var breeamReport = new ExcelPackage(fi))
                var ws = breeamReport.Workbook.Worksheets["H. Materieel"];

                ws.Cells["A1"].Value = Resources.CO2ProducedByMachines;

                ws.Cells["D1"].Value = Resources.BuildingSiteMachines;

                ws.Cells["A7"].Value = Resources.Date;

                ws.Cells["B7"].Value = Resources.CompanyName;

                ws.Cells["C7"].Value = Resources.MachineType;

                ws.Cells["D7"].Value = Resources.Brand;

                ws.Cells["E7"].Value = Resources.SerialNumber;

                ws.Cells["F7"].Value = Resources.AdverageFuel;

                ws.Cells["G7"].Value = Resources.RunningHours;

                ws.Cells["H7"].Value = Resources.DailyFuelConsumption;

                ws.Cells["I7"].Value = Resources.KGCo2Total;

                ws.Cells["J7"].Value = Resources.RentalPeriod;

                int rowCount = 8;

                foreach (var machine in model.FuelConsumptionPerMachine)
                    string date = model.TrackUnitStartDate.ToShortDateString() + "-" + model.TrackUnitEndDate.ToShortDateString();

                    RentalOrder order = orders.Where(i => i.InventTransId == machine.inventtransid && i.ObjectId == machine.serialNumber).FirstOrDefault();

                    string companyName = ActiveCustomer.Name;

                    string machineType = "N/A";
                    foreach (var machineModel in model.SelectMachines)
                        if (machineModel.Code == machine.machineType)
                            machineType = machineModel.Name;

                    string brandAndModel = machine.machineType;

                    string serialNumber = machine.serialNumber;

                    string adverageFuel = string.Format("{0:n1}", (machine.machineconsumption / (Decimal)(model.TrackUnitEndDate - model.TrackUnitStartDate).TotalDays));

                    string runningHours = string.Format("{0:n1}", machine.machinerunningHourM1);

                    string dailyConsumption = string.Format("{0:n1}", machine.machineconsumption);

                    string kgCO2Total = string.Format("{0:n1}", machine.machineEmission);

                    string rentalPeriod = "N/A";

                    if (order != null)
                        rentalPeriod = order.DateOnHire.ToShortDateString() + "-" + order.ExpectedDateOffHire.ToShortDateString();

                    ws.Cells["A" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = date;

                    ws.Cells["B" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = companyName;

                    ws.Cells["C" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = machineType;

                    ws.Cells["D" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = brandAndModel;

                    ws.Cells["E" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = serialNumber;

                    ws.Cells["F" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = adverageFuel;

                    ws.Cells["G" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = runningHours;

                    ws.Cells["H" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = dailyConsumption;

                    ws.Cells["I" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = kgCO2Total;

                    ws.Cells["J" + rowCount.ToString()].Value = rentalPeriod;

                return(File(breeamReport.GetAsByteArray(), ".xlsx", "BREEAM_" + model.TrackUnitStartDate.ToShortDateString() + "-" + model.TrackUnitEndDate.ToShortDateString() + "_" + ActiveCustomer.Name + ".xlsx"));