public override void RenderPlaceholder(object model, string key, string index, RenderingContext context)
            var isPageEditor = context.GetData("pageEditor", () => false);
            var renderPath = context.GetData("renderPath", () => new List<string>());

            if (isPageEditor) 
                context.Writer.Write("<div class='plh start' id='plh_" +
                                     GetRenderPath(context) +
                                     "'>Placeholder \"" + key +
                                     "\" before</div>");

            base.RenderPlaceholder(model, key, index, context);

            if (isPageEditor)
                context.Writer.Write("<div class='plh end' id='plh_" +
                                     GetRenderPath(context) +
                                     "'>Placeholder \"" + key +
                                     "\" after</div>");

Beispiel #2
 public override void Render(RenderingContext rc)
     if (!this.poe.InGame || !Settings.GetBool("MinimapIcons"))
     this.playerPos = this.poe.Player.GetComponent<Positioned>().GridPos;
     Element smallMinimap = this.poe.Internal.IngameState.IngameUi.Minimap.SmallMinimap;
     float scale = 240f;
     Rect clientRect = smallMinimap.GetClientRect();
     Vec2 minimapCenter = new Vec2(clientRect.X + clientRect.W / 2, clientRect.Y + clientRect.H / 2);
     double diag = Math.Sqrt((double)(clientRect.W * clientRect.W + clientRect.H * clientRect.H)) / 2.0;
     List<MinimapIcon>[] array = this.icons;
     for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
         List<MinimapIcon> list = array[i];
         list.RemoveAll((MinimapIcon x) => !x.Validate());
         foreach (MinimapIcon current in
             from x in list
             where x.WantsToRender()
             select x)
             Vec2 point = this.WorldToMinimap(current.WorldPosition, minimapCenter, diag, scale);
             current.RenderAt(rc, point);
        public RenderingContextWrapper(RenderingContext renderingContext)
            if (renderingContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("renderingContext");

            _renderingContext = renderingContext;
        public override void RenderModule(string moduleId, string skin, RenderingContext context)
            var renderPath = context.GetData("renderPath", () => new List<string>());
            var isPageEditor = context.GetData("pageEditor", () => false);

            var modId = new Regex("/[^/]+$").Match(moduleId).Value.Substring(1);
            var path = "";
            if (isPageEditor)
                path = GetRenderPath(context);
                context.Writer.Write("<div class='plh module start' data-module-id='" + moduleId +
                                     "' data-path='" +
                                     path +
                                     "' data-self='" +
                                     modId +
                                     "' data-index='" +
                                     Guid.NewGuid() + "'>Module \"" +
                                     moduleId +
                                     "\" before <span class='btn-delete' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='Delete module.'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></i></span></div>");

            base.RenderModule(moduleId, skin, context);

            if (isPageEditor)
                context.Writer.Write("<div class='plh module end' data-path='" + path + "' data-self='" + modId +
                                     "'>Module \"" +
                                     moduleId + "\" after</div>");

Beispiel #5
	    public override void Render(RenderingContext rc, Dictionary<UiMountPoint, Vec2> mountPoints)
			Element root = this.GameController.Game.IngameState.UIRoot;

			int yPos = 80;
			int x = 320;
			int[] path = new int[12];
			//var tt = this.GameController.Game.IngameState.IngameUi;
			//for (path[0] = 0x0; path[0] <= 0x0 ; path[0] += 4 )

			//	var starting_it = tt;
			//	//	.ReadObjectAt<Element>(path[0]);
			//	var v2 = starting_it.GetParentPos();
			//	drawElt(rc, starting_it, new Vec2((int)(v2.X*.75), (int)(v2.Y*.75)), ref x, ref yPos, path, 1);

			for (path[0] = 0x40; path[0] <= 0x210; path[0] += 4)

				//if (path[0] == 0x120 || path[0] == 0xd8 || path[0] == 0xa0 || path[0] == 0x154 || path[0] == 0x158)
				//	continue;

				Element starting_it = this.GameController.Game.IngameState.IngameUi.ReadObjectAt<Element>(path[0]);
				var v2 = starting_it.GetParentPos();
				drawElt(rc, starting_it, new Vec2((int)(v2.X * .75), (int)(v2.Y * .75)), ref x, ref yPos, path, 1);
Beispiel #6
        public override void Render(RenderingContext rc, Dictionary<UiMountPoint, Vec2> mountPoints)
            Vec2 pos = mountPoints[UiMountPoint.LeftOfMinimap];

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendFormat("Player = {0:X8}\r\n", model.Player.Address);
            sb.AppendFormat("TheGame = {0:X8}\r\n", model.Internal.Address);
            sb.AppendFormat("IngameState = {0:X8}\r\n", model.Internal.IngameState.Address);
            sb.AppendFormat("IngameData = {0:X8}\r\n", model.Internal.IngameState.Data.Address);
            sb.AppendFormat("InventoryFrame = {0:X8}\r\n", model.Internal.IngameState.IngameUi.InventoryPanel.Address);

            var w1 = model.Internal.IngameState.IngameUi.InventoryPanel.MainWeaponSlot.GetItemAt();

            //var flasks = model.Internal.IngameState.IngameUi.InventoryPanel.FlasksFrame;
            //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            //	var f1 = flasks.GetItemAt(i);
            //	if (f1 != null)
            //		sb.AppendFormat("F{1} = {0}\r\n",String.Join("; ", f1.EnumComponents().Select(kv => String.Format("{0}: {1:X8}", kv.Key, kv.Value))), i + 1);

            var szText = rc.AddTextWithHeight(pos, sb.ToString(), Color.White, 11, DrawTextFormat.Right);
            Rect box = new Rect(pos.X - szText.X - 5, pos.Y - 5, szText.X + 10, szText.Y + 10);
            rc.AddBox(box, Color.FromArgb(160, 0, 0, 0));

            mountPoints[UiMountPoint.LeftOfMinimap]  = new Vec2(pos.X, pos.Y + szText.Y + 10 + 5);
Beispiel #7
        private void RednerIconsOnLargeMap(RenderingContext rc)
            var camera = model.Internal.Game.IngameState.Camera;
            var cw = camera.Width;
            var ch = camera.Height;
            BigMinimap mapWindow = model.Internal.Game.IngameState.IngameUi.Minimap;
            Rect rcMap = mapWindow.GetClientRect();

            Vec2 playerPos = model.Player.GetComponent<Positioned>().GridPos;
            float pPosZ = model.Player.GetComponent<Render>().Z;
            Vec2 screenCenter = new Vec2(rcMap.W / 2, rcMap.H / 2) + new Vec2(rcMap.X, rcMap.Y) + new Vec2((int)mapWindow.ShiftX, (int)mapWindow.ShiftY);
            float diag = (float)Math.Sqrt(cw * cw + ch * ch);

            // const float scale = 1280f;
            var k = cw < 1024 ? 1120 : 1024;
            float scale = (float)k / ch * cw * 3 / 4;

            foreach (MapIcon icon in _getIcons())
                if (ShouldSkipIcon(icon))

                float iZ = icon.Entity.GetComponent<Render>().Z;
                Vec2 point = screenCenter + MapIcon.deltaInWorldToMinimapDelta(icon.WorldPosition - playerPos, diag, scale, (int)((iZ - pPosZ) / 10));

                var texture = icon.LargeMapIcon ?? icon.MinimapIcon;
                int size = icon.SizeOfLargeIcon.GetValueOrDefault(icon.Size * 2);
                Rect rect = new Rect(point.X - size / 2, point.Y - size / 2, size, size);
                texture.DrawAt(rc, point, rect);
        public virtual void RenderModule(string moduleId, string skin, RenderingContext context, string dataVariation)
			string variation;
			object variationObj;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataVariation) && context.Data.TryGetValue("data_variation", out variationObj))
                variation = variationObj as string;
                variation = dataVariation;

			var moduleDefinition = _moduleRepository.GetModuleDefinitionByIdAsync(moduleId).Result;
			if (moduleDefinition != null)
				TemplateInfo templateInfo;
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(skin) || moduleDefinition.Skins == null ||
					!moduleDefinition.Skins.TryGetValue(skin, out templateInfo))
					templateInfo = moduleDefinition.DefaultTemplate;

				var view = _viewEngine.CreateViewAsync(templateInfo).Result;
				if (view != null)
					var moduleModel = _modelProvider.GetModelForModuleAsync(moduleDefinition, variation).Result;
					if (context.Data.ContainsKey("siteDefinition") && context.Data.ContainsKey("short_module"))
						context.Data["siteDefinition"] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ModuleViewDefinition>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(moduleModel));

					view.Render(moduleModel, new RenderingContext(context.Writer, context));


			throw new ArgumentException("Problem loading template " + moduleId +
										(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(skin) ? "-" + skin : string.Empty));

		public virtual void RenderPlaceholder(object model, string key, string index, RenderingContext context)
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(index))
				key = string.Join("_", key, index);

			ViewDefinition definition;
			if (!context.TryGetData("siteDefinition", out definition))
				throw new InvalidOperationException("The context must contain a siteDefinition to use the placeholder helper.");

			if (definition.Placeholder == null)

			ViewDefinition[] definitions;
			if (!definition.Placeholder.TryGetValue(key, out definitions))

			foreach (var placeholderConfig in definitions)
				// TODO: Move to view definition
				var ctx = new RenderingContext(context.Writer, context);
				ctx.Data["siteDefinition"] = placeholderConfig;

				placeholderConfig.Render(this, model, ctx);
Beispiel #10
        public Image Render()
            var renderingContext = new RenderingContext( this );

            return renderingContext.GetImage();
Beispiel #11
        public void RenderScene(RenderingContext context)
            Ensure.That("context", context).IsNotNull();

            //// transforms from image space into camera space
            //var imageMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(1d / context.Target.Width, 1d / context.Target.Height, 1);

            foreach (var pixel in context.Target.GetPixels()) {
                var colorAccumulator = Color.Black;

                foreach (var pixelSpaceSample in _pixelSampleGenerator.GenerateSamples(context.SamplesPerPixel)) {

                    var imageSpaceSample = new Point(pixel.X + pixelSpaceSample.X, pixel.Y + pixelSpaceSample.Y, 1);

                    var projectionSpaceRay = new Ray(context.ImageMatrix * imageSpaceSample, Vector.UnitZ);
                    var cameraSpaceRay = context.ProjectionMatrix * projectionSpaceRay;

                    // TODO: transform camera space ray into world space

                    colorAccumulator += _algorithm.DetermineRayColor(cameraSpaceRay, context.World);

                context.Target.SetPixelColor(pixel, colorAccumulator / context.SamplesPerPixel);
Beispiel #12
 public override void Render(RenderingContext rc)
     if (!Settings.GetBool("Tooltip") || !Settings.GetBool("Tooltip.ShowItemMods"))
     Element uiHover = this.poe.Internal.IngameState.UIHover;
     Entity poeEntity = uiHover.AsObject<InventoryItemIcon>().Item;
     if (poeEntity.address == 0 || !poeEntity.IsValid)
     Tooltip tooltip = uiHover.AsObject<InventoryItemIcon>().Tooltip;
     if (tooltip == null)
     Element childAtIndex1 = tooltip.GetChildAtIndex(0);
     if (childAtIndex1 == null)
     Element childAtIndex2 = childAtIndex1.GetChildAtIndex(1);
     if (childAtIndex2 == null)
     Rect clientRect = childAtIndex2.GetClientRect();
     Rect headerRect = childAtIndex1.GetChildAtIndex(0).GetClientRect();
     if (this.poeEntity == null || this.poeEntity.ID != poeEntity.ID) {
         this.mods = new List<MaxRolls_Current>();
         //List<Poe_ItemMod> impMods = poeEntity.GetComponent<Mods>().ImplicitMods;
         List<ItemMod> expMods = poeEntity.GetComponent<Mods>().ItemMods;
         int ilvl = poeEntity.GetComponent<Mods>().ItemLevel;
         foreach (ItemMod item in expMods)
             this.mods.Add(new MaxRolls_Current(item.Name, item.Level, ilvl));
         this.poeEntity = poeEntity;
     int tooltipBotY=clientRect.Y + clientRect.H;
     int i = tooltipBotY;
     // Implicit mods
     //foreach (Poe_ItemMod item in impMods)
     //    rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(clientRect.X, i), item.Name, Color.Yellow, 9, DrawTextFormat.Left);
     //    rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(clientRect.X + clientRect.W - 10, i), item.Level.ToString(), Color.White, 6, DrawTextFormat.Left);
     //    i += 20;
     foreach (MaxRolls_Current item in this.mods)
         rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(clientRect.X, i),, item.color, 8, DrawTextFormat.Left);
         i += 20;
         rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(clientRect.X + clientRect.W - 100, i), item.max, Color.White, 8, DrawTextFormat.Left);
         rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(clientRect.X + 30, i), item.curr, Color.White, 8, DrawTextFormat.Left);
         i += 20;
         if (item.curr2 != null && item.max2 != null)
             rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(clientRect.X + clientRect.W - 100, i), item.max2, Color.White, 8, DrawTextFormat.Left);
             rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(clientRect.X + 30, i), item.curr2, Color.White, 8, DrawTextFormat.Left);
             i += 20;
     if (i > tooltipBotY)
         Rect helpRect = new Rect(clientRect.X + 1, tooltipBotY, clientRect.W, i - tooltipBotY);
         rc.AddBox(helpRect, Color.FromArgb(220, Color.Black));
Beispiel #13
    protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
        _renderingContext = RenderingContext.InitializeFromHttpContext();


		public void RenderModule(string moduleId, string skin, RenderingContext context)
			var mvcContext = context as MvcRenderingContext;
			if (mvcContext == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("MvcTerrificTemplateHandler can only be used inside a Mvc application.");

			new HtmlHelper(mvcContext.ViewContext, mvcContext.ViewDataContainer).RenderAction("Index", moduleId);
Beispiel #15
 public override void Render(RenderingContext rc, Dictionary<UiMountPoint, Vec2> mountPoints)
     int alpha = this.menuVisible ? 255 : 100;
     rc.AddBox(this.bounds, Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.Gray));
     rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(Settings.PositionWidth + Settings.AnchorWidth / 2, Settings.PositionHeight + Settings.AnchorHeight / 2), "Menu", Color.Gray, 10, DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter);
     foreach (BooleanButton current in this.buttons)
Beispiel #16
        public override void PrepareToDraw(RenderingContext context)
            CameraMatrix = context.camMatrix;
            Color = Target.Color;

            Mat3DView.GraphicsDevice.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.InputLayout = VertexLayout;
		protected internal override void Render(ITerrificTemplateHandler templateHandler, object model, RenderingContext context)
			if (context.Data.ContainsKey("data_variation"))
				context.Data["data_variation"] = DataVariation;
				context.Data.Add("data_variation", DataVariation);

			templateHandler.RenderModule(Module, Skin, context);
		public void Evaluate(object model, RenderingContext context, IDictionary<string, string> parameters)
			var templateName = parameters["template"].Trim('"');

			var skin = string.Empty;
			if (parameters.ContainsKey("skin"))
				skin = parameters["skin"].Trim('"');

			_handler.RenderModule(templateName, skin, context);
Beispiel #19
        public override void PrepareToDraw(RenderingContext context)
            if (!textureSent && Target.Texture != null)
                DiffuseTexture = Target.Texture;

            CameraMatrix = context.camMatrix;

            Mat3DView.GraphicsDevice.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.InputLayout = VertexLayout;
 public void ShouldReturnNullIfNotSearchResult(Item item)
   var context = new RenderingContext();
   context.Rendering = new Rendering();
   context.Rendering.Item = item;
   var repository = new SearchSettingsRepository();
   var searchSettings = repository.Get();
Beispiel #21
		public void Evaluate(object model, RenderingContext context, IDictionary<string, string> parameters)
			var gridStack = GridStack.FromContext(context);
			double ratio = GetValue(parameters, "ratio", 1);
			double margin = GetValue(parameters, "margin", 0);
			double padding = GetValue(parameters, "padding", 0);
			double? componentPadding = GetValueNullable(parameters, "component-padding");
			double width = GetValue(parameters, "width", gridStack.Current.Width);

			gridStack.Push((int)(((width - margin) * ratio) - padding), componentPadding);
Beispiel #22
        public override void PrepareToDraw(RenderingContext context)
            if (!textureSent && Target.Texture != null)
                DiffuseTexture = Target.Texture;

            CameraMatrix = context.camMatrix;
            World = Matrix.Translation((float)Target.PositionX, (float)Target.PositionY, (float)Target.PositionZ);
            Color = Target.Color;

            Mat3DView.GraphicsDevice.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.InputLayout = VertexLayout;
 public void ShouldInitObjectProperties()
   var context = new RenderingContext();
   var rendering = new Rendering();
   var properties = new RenderingProperties(rendering);
   properties["Parameters"] = "property1=5&property2=10";
   context.Rendering = new Rendering() {Properties = properties};
   var repository = new RenderingPropertiesRepository();
   var resultObject = repository.Get<Model>();
Beispiel #24
        public override void Render(RenderingContext rc, Dictionary<UiMountPoint, Vec2> mountPoints)
            if (!model.InGame)

            var mapRoot = model.Internal.IngameState.IngameUi.Minimap;

            if( Settings.ShowOn.MiniMap && mapRoot.SmallMinimap.IsVisible )
                RenderIconsOnMiniMap(rc, mapRoot.SmallMinimap);

            if ( Settings.ShowOn.LargeMap && mapRoot.OrangeWords.IsVisible)
		private int CalculateWidth(RenderingContext context, IDictionary<string, string> parameters)
			double ratio = 1.0;
			string ratioValue;
			if (parameters.TryGetValue("ratio", out ratioValue))
				if (!double.TryParse(ratioValue, out ratio))
					ratio = 1.0;

			var gridStack = GridStack.FromContext(context);
			return (int)(GetWidth(gridStack) * ratio);
 public void Get_NoHttpContextQuery_ShouldReturnNull()
   var context = new RenderingContext
                   Rendering = new Rendering
                                 Item = null
   var repository = new SearchContextRepository();
   var searchContext = repository.Get();
Beispiel #27
        public override void Render(RenderingContext rc)
            if (!Settings.GetBool("XphDisplay") || (this.poe.Player != null && this.poe.Player.GetComponent<Player>().Level >= 100))
            if (!this.hasStarted)
                this.startXp = this.poe.Player.GetComponent<Player>().XP;
                this.startTime = DateTime.Now;
                this.lastCalcTime = DateTime.Now;
                this.hasStarted = true;
            DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan delta = dtNow - this.lastCalcTime;

            if (delta.TotalSeconds > 1.0)
                this.lastCalcTime = dtNow;

            int fontSize = Settings.GetInt("XphDisplay.FontSize");
            int bgAlpha = Settings.GetInt("XphDisplay.BgAlpha");

            Rect clientRect = this.poe.Internal.IngameState.IngameUi.Minimap.SmallMinimap.GetClientRect();
            Vec2 mapWithOffset = new Vec2(clientRect.X - 10, clientRect.Y + 5);
            int yCursor = 0;
            Vec2 rateTextSize = rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(mapWithOffset.X, mapWithOffset.Y), this.curDisplayString, Color.White, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Right);
            yCursor += rateTextSize.Y;
            Vec2 remainingTextSize = rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(mapWithOffset.X, mapWithOffset.Y + yCursor), this.curTimeLeftString, Color.White, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Right);
            yCursor += remainingTextSize.Y;
            int thirdLine = mapWithOffset.Y + yCursor;
            Vec2 areaLevelNote = rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(mapWithOffset.X, thirdLine), this.poe.Area.CurrentArea.DisplayName, Color.White, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Right);
            string strTimer = this.poe.Area.CurrentArea.TimeString;
            Vec2 timerSize = rc.MeasureString(strTimer, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Left);
            yCursor += areaLevelNote.Y;

            int textWidth = Math.Max( Math.Max(rateTextSize.X, remainingTextSize.X), areaLevelNote.X + timerSize.X + 20 ) + 10;
            int width = Math.Max(textWidth, Math.Max(clientRect.W, this.overlay.PreloadAlert.Bounds.W));
            Rect rect = new Rect(mapWithOffset.X - width + 5, mapWithOffset.Y - 5, width, yCursor + 10);
            this.Bounds = rect;

            rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(rect.X + 5, mapWithOffset.Y), dtNow.ToShortTimeString(), Color.White, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Left);
            rc.AddTextWithHeight(new Vec2(rect.X + 5, thirdLine), strTimer, Color.White, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Left);

            rc.AddBox(rect, Color.FromArgb(bgAlpha, 1, 1, 1));
Beispiel #28
        public override void Render(RenderingContext rc)
            if (!Settings.GetBool("ItemAlert") || !Settings.GetBool("ItemAlert.ShowText"))
            Rect clientRect =;
            Vec2 rightTopAnchor = new Vec2(clientRect.X + clientRect.W, clientRect.Y + clientRect.H + 5);

            int y = rightTopAnchor.Y;
            int fontSize = Settings.GetInt("ItemAlert.ShowText.FontSize");

            foreach (KeyValuePair<ExileBot.Entity, AlertDrawStyle> kv in this.currentAlerts)
                if (!kv.Key.IsValid) continue;

                string text = GetItemName(kv);
                if( null == text ) continue;

                AlertDrawStyle drawStyle = kv.Value;
                int frameWidth = drawStyle.FrameWidth;
                Vec2 vPadding = new Vec2(frameWidth + 5, frameWidth);
                int frameMargin = frameWidth + 2;

                Vec2 textPos = new Vec2(rightTopAnchor.X - vPadding.X, y + vPadding.Y);

                var vTextFrame = rc.AddTextWithHeight(textPos, text, drawStyle.color, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Right);
                int iconSize = vTextFrame.Y;
                bool hasIcon = drawStyle.IconIndex >= 0;

                int maxHeight = vTextFrame.Y + 2*vPadding.Y + frameMargin;
                int maxWidth = vTextFrame.X + 2 * vPadding.X + (hasIcon ? iconSize : 0);
                rc.AddBox(new Rect(rightTopAnchor.X - maxWidth, y, maxWidth, maxHeight), Color.FromArgb(180, 0, 0, 0));

                if (hasIcon)
                    const float iconsInSprite = 4;

                    Rect iconPos = new Rect(textPos.X - iconSize - vTextFrame.X, textPos.Y, iconSize, iconSize);
                    RectUV uv = new RectUV(drawStyle.IconIndex / iconsInSprite, 0, (drawStyle.IconIndex + 1) / iconsInSprite, 1);
                    rc.AddSprite("item_icons.png", iconPos, uv);
                if( frameWidth > 0) {
                    Rect frame = new Rect(rightTopAnchor.X - vTextFrame.X - 2*vPadding.X, y, vTextFrame.X + 2*vPadding.X, vTextFrame.Y + 2*vPadding.Y);
                    rc.AddFrame(frame, kv.Value.color, frameWidth);
                y += vTextFrame.Y + 2 * vPadding.Y + frameMargin;
Beispiel #29
        public override void Render(RenderingContext rc, Dictionary<UiMountPoint, Vec2> mountPoints)
            Element uiHover = this.model.Internal.IngameState.ElementUnderCursor;

            Tooltip tooltip = uiHover.AsObject<InventoryItemIcon>().Tooltip;
            if (tooltip == null)
            Element childAtIndex1 = tooltip.GetChildAtIndex(0);
            if (childAtIndex1 == null)
            Element childAtIndex2 = childAtIndex1.GetChildAtIndex(1);
            if (childAtIndex2 == null)
            Rect clientRect = childAtIndex2.GetClientRect();

            Entity poeEntity = uiHover.AsObject<InventoryItemIcon>().Item;
            if (poeEntity.Address == 0 || !poeEntity.IsValid)

            if (this._lastHovered == null || this._lastHovered.ID != poeEntity.ID) {
                this._lastHovered = poeEntity;

                this._explicitMods = new List<RollValue>();
                this._implicitMods = new List<RollValue>();
                int ilvl = poeEntity.GetComponent<Mods>().ItemLevel;
                foreach (ItemMod item in poeEntity.GetComponent<Mods>().ItemMods)
                    this._explicitMods.Add(new RollValue(item, model.Files, ilvl));
                foreach (ItemMod item in poeEntity.GetComponent<Mods>().ImplicitMods)
                    this._implicitMods.Add(new RollValue(item, model.Files, ilvl, true));

                _quality = poeEntity.GetComponent<Quality>().ItemQuality;

                Weapon weap = poeEntity.GetComponent<Weapon>();
                if (weap.Address != 0)
                    var attack = weap.Attack;
                    _weaponAttack = new WeaponAttack() { AttackDelay = attack.AttackTime, CritChancePer10K = attack.CritChance, MinDamage = attack.DamageMin, MaxDamage = attack.DamageMax };
                    _weaponAttack = null;

            RenderRolls(rc, clientRect);

            if( _weaponAttack != null && Settings.ShowDps)
                RenderWeaponStats(rc, clientRect);
            if (Settings.ShowItemLevel)
                RenderItemLevel(rc, clientRect);
    public void DemoContent_RenderingContextItemInitialized_ShouldReturnDemoContentView(Db db,IContactProfileProvider contact, IProfileProvider profile, ITracker tracker)

      var itemID = ID.NewID;
      db.Add(new DbItem("ctx",itemID, Templates.DemoContent.ID));
      var controller = new DemoController(contact, profile);
      var context = new RenderingContext();
      context.ContextItem =  db.GetItem(itemID);
      using (new TrackerSwitcher(tracker))
 public NodeTag(string filePath, RenderingContext rendering)
     FilePath   = filePath;
     Renderings = new List <RenderingContext>();
Beispiel #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the Points to OpenGL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public virtual void Render(ref RenderingContext context)
            if (Dirty)
            if (useGLArray)
                int        len = Count;
                Vector3d[] pos = new Vector3d[len];
                Vector3d[] nor = new Vector3d[context.UseNormal ? len : 0];
                int[]      col = new int[context.UseObjectColor ? len : 0];
                for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                    Point3D v = this[i];
                    pos[i].X = v.Position.X;
                    pos[i].Y = v.Position.Y;
                    pos[i].Z = v.Position.Z;
                    if (context.UseNormal)
                        nor[i] = v.Normal;
                    if (context.UseObjectColor)
                        col[i] = v.Color.ToGLRgba32();
                int posH     = -1;;
                int pos_Size = Vector3d.SizeInBytes;
                int norH     = -1;
                int nor_Size = Vector3d.SizeInBytes;
                int colH     = -1;
                int col_Size = sizeof(int);

                GL.GenBuffers(1, out posH);
                GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, posH);
                GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(len * pos_Size), pos, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw);
                GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, posH);
                GL.VertexPointer(3, VertexPointerType.Double, pos_Size, IntPtr.Zero);

                if (context.UseNormal)
                    GL.GenBuffers(1, out norH);
                    GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, norH);
                    GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(len * nor_Size), nor, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw);
                    GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, norH);
                    GL.NormalPointer(NormalPointerType.Double, pos_Size, IntPtr.Zero);

                if (context.UseObjectColor)
                    GL.GenBuffers(1, out colH);
                    GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, colH);
                    GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(len * col_Size), col, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw);
                    GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, colH);
                    GL.ColorPointer(4, ColorPointerType.UnsignedByte, sizeof(int), IntPtr.Zero);

                GL.DrawArrays(DrawAs, 0, len);

                if (context.UseNormal)
                if (context.UseObjectColor)

                if (posH != -1)
                    GL.DeleteBuffers(1, ref posH);
                if (context.UseNormal && norH != -1)
                    GL.DeleteBuffers(1, ref norH);
                if (context.UseObjectColor && colH != -1)
                    GL.DeleteBuffers(1, ref colH);
                if (this.DrawAs == PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                        Point3D p = this[i];
                        if (context.UseNormal && i < Count - 2)
                        p.ToGL(ref context);
                    for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                        this[i].ToGL(ref context);
#if false
                Vector4d currentColor = new Vector4d();
                GL.Getdouble(GetPName.CurrentColor, out currentColor);
                for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                    Point3D p = this[i];
                    GL.Vertex3(p.Position + p.Normal);
Beispiel #33
 public abstract void Render(RenderingContext rc);
Beispiel #34
 public RelatedEventsProvider()
     this.renderingContext = RenderingContext.Current;
 protected override void AddAdditionalAttributes(RenderingContext <IBocDateTimeValue> renderingContext)
     renderingContext.Writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", "inline");
 public static void Draw(SceneManager scene, RenderingContext rc)
     Runtime.Scene(scene, rc);
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

            using (var renderingContext = RenderingContext.InitializeFromHttpContext())
                bool            cachingEnabled = false;
                string          cacheKey       = null;
                DonutCacheEntry cacheEntry     = null;

                bool consoleUserLoggedIn = Composite.C1Console.Security.UserValidationFacade.IsLoggedIn();

                // "Donut caching" is enabled for logged in users, only if profiling is enabled as well.
                if (!renderingContext.CachingDisabled &&
                    (!consoleUserLoggedIn || renderingContext.ProfilingEnabled))
                    cachingEnabled = OutputCacheHelper.TryGetCacheKey(context, out cacheKey);
                    if (cachingEnabled)
                        using (Profiler.Measure("Cache lookup"))
                            cacheEntry = OutputCacheHelper.GetFromCache(context, cacheKey);

                XDocument document;
                var       functionContext = PageRenderer.GetPageRenderFunctionContextContainer();

                bool allFunctionsExecuted   = false;
                bool preventResponseCaching = false;

                if (cacheEntry != null)
                    document = cacheEntry.Document;
                    foreach (var header in cacheEntry.OutputHeaders)
                        context.Response.Headers[header.Name] = header.Value;

                    // Making sure this response will not go to the output cache
                    preventResponseCaching = true;
                    if (renderingContext.RunResponseHandlers())

                    var renderer = PageTemplateFacade.BuildPageRenderer(renderingContext.Page.TemplateId);

                    var slimRenderer = (ISlimPageRenderer)renderer;

                    using (Profiler.Measure($"{nameof(ISlimPageRenderer)}.Render"))
                        document = slimRenderer.Render(renderingContext.PageContentToRender, functionContext);

                    allFunctionsExecuted = PageRenderer.ExecuteCacheableFunctions(document.Root, functionContext);

                    if (cachingEnabled && !allFunctionsExecuted && OutputCacheHelper.ResponseCacheable(context))
                        preventResponseCaching = true;

                        if (!functionContext.ExceptionsSuppressed)
                            using (Profiler.Measure("Adding to cache"))
                                OutputCacheHelper.AddToCache(context, cacheKey, new DonutCacheEntry(context, document));

                if (!allFunctionsExecuted)
                    using (Profiler.Measure("Executing embedded functions"))
                        PageRenderer.ExecuteEmbeddedFunctions(document.Root, functionContext);

                using (Profiler.Measure("Resolving page fields"))
                    PageRenderer.ResolvePageFields(document, renderingContext.Page);

                string xhtml;
                if (document.Root.Name == RenderingElementNames.Html)
                    var xhtmlDocument = new XhtmlDocument(document);

                    PageRenderer.ProcessXhtmlDocument(xhtmlDocument, renderingContext.Page);

                    xhtml = xhtmlDocument.ToString();
                    xhtml = document.ToString();

                if (renderingContext.PreRenderRedirectCheck())

                xhtml = renderingContext.ConvertInternalLinks(xhtml);

                if (GlobalSettingsFacade.PrettifyPublicMarkup)
                    xhtml = renderingContext.FormatXhtml(xhtml);

                var response = context.Response;

                // Disabling ASP.NET cache if there's a logged-in user
                if (consoleUserLoggedIn || preventResponseCaching)
                    using (preventResponseCaching ? Profiler.Measure("CmsPageHttpHandler: Disabling HTTP caching as at least one of the functions is not cacheable") : EmptyDisposable.Instance)

                // Inserting performance profiling information
                if (renderingContext.ProfilingEnabled)
                    xhtml = renderingContext.BuildProfilerReport();

                    response.ContentType = "text/xml";

Beispiel #38
 public override object Evaluate(RenderingContext context)
Beispiel #39
        public Models.GenericJumbotron GetGenericJumbotron(RenderingContext renderingContext, Item contextItem)
            var model = new Models.GenericJumbotron(GetDatasource(renderingContext, contextItem, Generic_Jumbotron_Constants.TemplateId));

Beispiel #40
        protected internal override void Render(ITerrificTemplateHandler templateHandler, object model, RenderingContext context)
            if (context.Data.ContainsKey("data_variation"))
                context.Data["data_variation"] = DataVariation;
                context.Data.Add("data_variation", DataVariation);

            templateHandler.RenderModule(Module, Skin, DataVariation, model, context);
 public RegisteringDisplayRenderer(RenderingContext context, ContentRegistration registration)
     : base(context.PropertyName, registration)
     this.Context = context;
Beispiel #42
 public void SetContext(RenderingContext context)
 public Task RenderLabelAsync(string key, RenderingContext context)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public void RenderLabel(string key, RenderingContext context)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        internal void Render(RenderingContext context, TextWriter writer)
            string text = context.Content[context.PropertyName] as string;

            if (text == null)

            var tokens = context.Content.GetDetailCollection(context.PropertyName + CollectionSuffix, false);

            if (tokens != null)
                int lastFragmentEnd = 0;

                foreach (var detail in tokens.Details)
                    var token = detail.ExtractToken();

                    if (lastFragmentEnd < token.Index)
                        writer.Write(text.Substring(lastFragmentEnd, token.Index - lastFragmentEnd));

                    ViewEngineResult vr = null;
                    if (context.Html.ViewContext.HttpContext.IsCustomErrorEnabled)
                            vr = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(context.Html.ViewContext, "TokenTemplates/" + token.Name);
                        catch (System.Exception ex)
                        vr = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(context.Html.ViewContext, "TokenTemplates/" + token.Name);                         // duplicated to preserve stack trace

                    if (vr != null && vr.View != null)
                        var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(token.Value)
                            { "ParentViewContext", context.Html.ViewContext }
                        viewData[RenderingExtensions.ContextKey] = context;
                        viewData[RenderingExtensions.TokenKey]   = token;
                        var vc = new ViewContext(context.Html.ViewContext, vr.View, viewData, context.Html.ViewContext.TempData, writer);
                        vr.View.Render(vc, writer);

                    lastFragmentEnd = token.Index + detail.StringValue.Length;

                if (lastFragmentEnd < text.Length)
                    writer.Write(text.Substring(lastFragmentEnd, text.Length - lastFragmentEnd));
Beispiel #46
        public void SetRenderingParameterMappingMapping <TModel>(TModel model, IPropertyMeta propertyMeta, RenderingContext renderingContext)
            var stringProperty = propertyMeta as StringPropertyMeta <TModel>;

            if (stringProperty == null)

            stringProperty.AssignValueToModelProperty(model, renderingContext.Rendering.GetParameter(propertyMeta.MappingName));
Beispiel #47
        public override void Execute(RenderingContext context)
            var store = FetchStore();

            context.Set(_key, store);
Beispiel #48
        public override void SetupRenderingData(RenderingContext context, WindowServer server, Window window)
            var dc = GetDC(((WindowData?)window.NativeData ?? throw new InvalidOperationException()).Handle);

            if (dc == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.GetMessage(Resources.Key.DeviceContextRetrievalFailed));
            var data = GetData(window);

            data.DeviceContext = dc;
            var settings           = context.Settings ?? throw new InvalidOperationException();
            var shareContext       = settings.ShareContext;
            var shareContextHandle = (shareContext != null) ? GetData(shareContext).DeviceContext : IntPtr.Zero;

            data.Handle = CreateRenderingContext(dc, shareContextHandle, settings);
            if (swapInterval == null)
                wglMakeCurrent(dc, data.Handle);

                var extensionsEXT = string.Empty;
                var extensionsARB = string.Empty;
                var proc          = wglGetProcAddress("wglGetExtensionsStringEXT");
                if (proc != IntPtr.Zero)
                    var getExtensions = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer <PFNWGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGEXTPROC>(proc);
                    extensionsEXT = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(getExtensions()) ?? string.Empty;
                proc = wglGetProcAddress("wglGetExtensionsStringARB");
                if (proc != IntPtr.Zero)
                    var getExtensions = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer <PFNWGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGARBPROC>(proc);
                    extensionsARB = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(getExtensions(dc)) ?? string.Empty;

                if (HasExtension(extensionsEXT, extensionsARB, "WGL_EXT_swap_control"))
                    var swapIntervalEXT = LoadEntryPoint <PFNWGLSWAPINTERVALEXTPROC>("wglSwapIntervalEXT");
                    swapInterval = (sync) => swapIntervalEXT(sync ? 1 : 0);
                    swapInterval = (sync) => { };

                if (HasExtension(extensionsEXT, extensionsARB, "WGL_ARB_create_context"))
                    createContextAttribs = LoadEntryPoint <PFNWGLCREATECONTEXTATTRIBSARBPROC>("wglCreateContextAttribsARB");

                if (HasExtension(extensionsEXT, extensionsARB, "WGL_ARB_pixel_format"))
                    choosePixelFormat = LoadEntryPoint <PFNWGLCHOOSEPIXELFORMATARBPROC>("wglChoosePixelFormatARB");

                multisample = HasExtension(extensionsEXT, extensionsARB, "WGL_ARB_multisample");

                wglMakeCurrent(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (CurrentWindow != null)
                    var currentData = (RenderingData?)CurrentWindow.RenderingData;
                    if (currentData != null)
                        wglMakeCurrent(currentData.DeviceContext, currentData.Handle);

                if (choosePixelFormat != null && multisample && settings.Samples > 0)
                    SetupRenderingData(context, server, window);
 public void Draw(RenderingContext rc)
     Draw(this, rc);
Beispiel #50
 private void DrawEntityHealthbar(Color color, Color outline, Rect bg, float hpWidth, float esWidth, RenderingContext rc)
     if (outline.ToArgb() != 0)
         Rect rect = new Rect(bg.X - 2, bg.Y - 2, bg.W + 4, bg.H + 4);
         rc.AddBox(rect, outline);
     if (Settings.GetBool("Healthbars.ShowIncrements"))
         rc.AddTexture("healthbar_increment.png", bg, color);
         rc.AddTexture("healthbar.png", bg, color);
     if ((int)hpWidth < bg.W)
         Rect rect2 = new Rect(bg.X + (int)hpWidth, bg.Y, bg.W - (int)hpWidth, bg.H);
         rc.AddTexture("healthbar_bg.png", rect2, color);
     if (Settings.GetBool("Healthbars.ShowES"))
         bg.W = (int)esWidth;
         rc.AddTexture("esbar.png", bg, Color.White);
        public void Evaluate(object model, RenderingContext context, IDictionary <string, string> parameters)
            var key = parameters.Keys.First().Trim('"');

            _handler.RenderLabel(key, context);
Beispiel #52
 public HomeController()
     _renderingContext = RenderingContext.Current;
Beispiel #53
 public RenderReportOdpInitial(ProcessingContext pc, RenderingContext rc, DateTime executionTimeStamp, IConfiguration configuration)
     : base(pc, rc, configuration)
     this.m_executionTimeStamp = executionTimeStamp;
 public RenderReportDefinitionOnly(ProcessingContext pc, RenderingContext rc, DateTime executionTimeStamp, IConfiguration configuration)
     : base(pc, rc, executionTimeStamp, configuration)
Beispiel #55
        public void Evaluate(object model, RenderingContext context, IDictionary <string, string> parameters)
            var template = parameters["name"].Trim('"', '\'');

            _handler.RenderPartial(template, model, context);
 public Task RenderPlaceholderAsync(object model, string key, string index, RenderingContext context)
     return(context.Writer.WriteAsync("Placeholder for:" + key));
Beispiel #57
        protected virtual void EnterContext(Rendering rendering, RenderRenderingArgs args)
            IDisposable item = RenderingContext.EnterContext(rendering);

Beispiel #58
 public override void AttachRenderingData(RenderingContext context, WindowServer server, Window window)
     window.RenderingData = new RenderingData();
 public Task RenderPartialAsync(string template, object model, RenderingContext context)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public void RenderPlaceholder(object model, string key, string index, RenderingContext context)
     context.Writer.Write("Placeholder for:" + key);