public PdfDocument BuildDocument(ReportTextFieldCollection textFields, RenderHintsCollection hints, ReportRowCollection rows)
            Document = hints.Orientation == ReportOrientation.Portrait ? new PdfDocument(ReportOrientation.Portrait) : new PdfDocument();

            Document.Font     = Document.AddFont("Helvetica");
            Document.FontSize = 6;

            XRect  docCoords = Document.Rect;
            double height    = Document.Rect.Height;
            double width     = Document.Rect.Width;

            Document.Rect.Inset(10, 40);
            Document.Rect.Height = Document.Rect.Height - 50;

            int fieldCount = 0;

            if (rows[0] != null)
                fieldCount = rows[0].Fields.Count(f => f.Hidden == false);

            var table = new PDFTable(Document, fieldCount)
                CellPadding  = 5,
                RepeatHeader = true

            if (hints.ContainsKey("PdfWidths"))
                double[] widths = hints["PdfWidths"] as double[];

            foreach (ReportRow row in rows)

                int cellIndex = 0;

                foreach (RowField field in row.Fields)

                    string cellHtml;
                    if (row.RowType == ReportRowType.HeaderRow)
                        cellHtml = string.Format("<StyleRun FontSize=7><B><U>{0}</U></B></StyleRun>", field.HeaderText);
                        // TODO: Support DataRow styling, etc
                        cellHtml = row.GetFormattedValue(field);


                if (hints.ContainsKey("PdfUnderline"))
                    if (hints["PdfUnderline"] as bool? == true)
                        table.UnderlineRow("800 800 800", table.Row);

            // HEADER
            Document.Rect.Position(10, height - 90);
            Document.Rect.Height = 80;
            Document.Rect.Width  = width;

            for (int i = 1; i <= Document.PageCount; i++)
                Document.PageNumber = i;

                Document.AddHtml(string.Format("<h3 align='center'>{0}</h3>", textFields.Title.FormatHtml()));
                Document.AddHtml(string.Format("<h5 align='center'>{0}</h5>", textFields.SubTitle.FormatHtml()));
                Document.AddHtml(string.Format("<p><b>{0}</b></p>", textFields.Header.FormatHtml()));

            // TODO: Support for sub-totals on each page, for columns that ask for totals
            // TODO: Need to add support for the Report Footer text, currently only supports page numbers

            // FOOTER
            if (hints.IncludePageNumbers)
                Document.Rect.Position(10, Document.MediaBox.Bottom);
                Document.Rect.Height = 30;
                Document.Rect.Width  = width;
                Document.HPos        = 0.5;
                Document.VPos        = 0.5;

                for (int i = 1; i <= Document.PageCount; i++)
                    //Document.AddBookmark("Page " + i.ToString(), true);
                    Document.PageNumber = i;
                    Document.AddText(string.Format("Page {0} of {1}", i, Document.PageCount));

            for (int i = 1; i <= Document.PageCount; i++)
                Document.PageNumber = i;
