public void Method()
     // 4a. 将光标放在类型名或者方法名上, 执行Rename
     //     勾选 "To enable undo, open all files with changes for editing"
     //     重命名后, 另一个文件被打开, 并且标记为被修改, 执行 Ctrl+Z 可以跨文件撤销重命名操作
Beispiel #2
 public void Method()
     // 4a. Place text caret on type name or method name
     //     Invoke rename refactoring
     //     On first page, check "To enable undo, open all files with changes for editing"
     //     Rename symbol
     //     The other file is opened, and marked modified
     //     Ctrl+Z will undo the change across all files