public ActionResult PayRemita(PayRemitaVm model)
            /*If you are persisting the transaction which is proper to do according to remita specification
             * You must check to see if the user has already made a payment e. g
            bool hasTransaction = false;

            if (hasTransaction)
                //Please provide the orderId, ApiKey and Merchant Id of the transaction
                string orderId    = string.Empty;
                string apiKey     = string.Empty;                                                                                                                  //Please provide another key if different from the default
                string merchantId = string.Empty;                                                                                                                  //Please provide another key if different from the default
                var    validate   = RemitaTransaction.Validate(orderId, RemitaConfigParam.APIKEY, RemitaConfigParam.MERCHANTID, RemitaConfigParam.CHECKSTATUSURL); // this will hash and validate the orderId, ApiKey and MerchantId is optional
                var    result     = validate.Item2;
                if (validate.Item1)                                                                                                                                // checking if the validation was successful
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Rrr))                                                                                                          // check if the transaction have already generate RRR
                        // If the RRR is empty or null
                        // Delete the transaction record from Database or any persistent
                        //otherwise confirm the payment status and repost if neccessary
                        return(RedirectToAction("ConfrimPayment", new { orderID = orderId }));

            var url = Url.Action("ConfrimPayment", "Home", new { },
                                 protocol: Request.Url.Scheme);
            var remitaPost = new RemitaPost() // This class is from the nuget package
                amt           = model.Amount.ToString(),
                apiKey        = RemitaConfigParam.APIKEY,        //This constant can be changed to production value
                merchantId    = RemitaConfigParam.MERCHANTID,
                serviceTypeId = RemitaConfigParam.SERVICETYPEID, // This key defined the service type you are trying to pay for
                orderId       = $"TEST{DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()}",
                payerName     = model.PayerName,
                payerEmail    = model.PayerEmail,
                paymenttype   = model.RemitaPaymentType.ToString(),
                responseurl   = url,
                payerPhone    = model.PhoneNumber,

            return(RedirectToAction("SubmitRemita", remitaPost));
 //Get SubmiteRemita
 public ActionResult SubmitRemita(RemitaPost model)