public void Format(IPaperContext context, IObjectFactory factory, Entity entity) { // TODO: deveriamos consultar o catalogo // var paperCatalog = factory.GetInstance<IPaperCatalog>(); // paperCatalog.FindByType(typeof(TPaper)); var paper = (IPaper)Activator.CreateInstance(paperType); var paperDescriptor = new PaperDescriptor(paper); var href = paperDescriptor.PathTemplate.Substring(1); if (paperArgs != null) { foreach (var arg in paperArgs) { var value = Change.To <string>(arg); href = Regex.Replace(href, @"\{[^{}]+\}", value); } } if (Rel?.Any() != true) { this.AddRel(RelNames.Link); } this.Href = href; }
/// <summary> /// Gets API resources by scope name. /// </summary> /// <param name="scopeNames"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <IEnumerable <ApiResource> > FindApiResourcesByScopeAsync(IEnumerable <string> scopeNames) { var names = scopeNames.ToArray(); using (ISession session = _context.GetDriver().Session()) { Node a = new Node(type: typeof(ApiResource)); Node secret = new Node(type: typeof(Secret)); Node scope = new Node(type: typeof(Scope)); Rel rel = new Rel(type: typeof(Relationships.Has)); List <ApiResource> result = await session.AsAsync(s => s.ExecuteQuery <ApiResource, IEnumerable <Secret>, IEnumerable <Scope> >( $"MATCH (c{a.Labels}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-{rel}->(s{secret.Labels}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-{rel}->(sc{scope.Labels}) " + $"WITH c,s,sc ORDER BY id(c),id(s),id(sc) " + $"WITH c, {{s:collect(distinct s), sc:collect(distinct sc)}} AS val " + $"WITH c, val.s AS s, AS sc " + $"WHERE sc IS NOT NULL AND FILTER(x in sc where x.{nameof(Scope.Name)} in ${nameof(names)}) <> [] " + $"WITH c,s,sc ORDER BY id(c) " + $"RETURN c, s, sc", (api, secrets, scopes) => { api.ApiSecrets = secrets?.Select(p => p as Secret)?.ToList(); api.Scopes = scopes?.Select(p => p as Scope)?.ToList(); return(api); }, new { names }) .ToList()); return(result); } }
/// <summary> /// Finds the API resource by name. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <ApiResource> FindApiResourceAsync(string name) { using (ISession session = _context.GetDriver().Session()) { Node a = new Node(type: typeof(ApiResource)); Node secret = new Node(type: typeof(Secret)); Node scope = new Node(type: typeof(Scope)); Rel rel = new Rel(type: typeof(Relationships.Has)); ApiResource result = await session.AsAsync(s => s.ExecuteQuery <ApiResource, IEnumerable <Secret>, IEnumerable <Scope> >( $"MATCH (c{a.Labels} {{{nameof(ApiResource.Name)}:${nameof(name)}}}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-{rel}->(s{secret.Labels}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-{rel}->(sc{scope.Labels}) " + $"WITH c,s,sc ORDER BY id(c),id(s),id(sc) " + $"WITH c, {{s:collect(distinct s), sc:collect(distinct sc)}} AS val " + $"WITH c, val.s AS s, AS sc " + $"RETURN c, s, sc", (api, secrets, scopes) => { api.ApiSecrets = secrets?.Select(p => p as Secret)?.ToList(); api.Scopes = scopes?.Select(p => p as Scope)?.ToList(); return(api); }, new { name }) .FirstOrDefault()); _logger.LogDebug("Found {api} API resource in database: {found}", name, result != null); return(result); } }
public static async Task SetClientPropsAsync(this IdentityServerDriverProvider ext, Client client, IDictionary <string, string> properties) { ext = ext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ext)); string clientId = client?.ClientId ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(client)); List <Neo4jProperty> props = properties?.Select(p => new Neo4jProperty() { Name = p.Key, Value = p.Value }).ToList() ?? new List <Neo4jProperty>(); if (props.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No item to set"); } using (ISession session = ext.GetDriver().Session()) { Node n = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jClient)); Node p = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jProperty)); Rel rel = new Rel(type: typeof(Relationships.Has)); await session.RunAsync( $"MATCH (n{n.Labels} {{{nameof(Client.ClientId)}:${nameof(clientId)}}}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-{rel}->(p{p.Labels}) " + $"WITH n, collect(p) AS olds " + $"UNWIND ${nameof(props)} AS row " + $"CREATE (n)-{rel}->(q{p.Labels}) " + $"SET q+=row,q.{nameof(IGraphEntity.EntityId)}=id(q), q :{typeof(Neo4jProperty).Name} " + $"WITH olds " + $"UNWIND olds AS old " + $"DETACH DELETE old", new { clientId, props }); } }
public static HTMLBuilder <X, Y> Rel <X, Y>(this HTMLBuilder <X, Y> builder, Rel rel) where X : Tag, SupportRelAttribute where Y : HTMLBuilder { builder.CurrentTag.AddRel(rel); return(builder); }
public static async Task ReplaceClientClaimAsync(this IdentityServerDriverProvider ext, Client client, string type, string value) { ext = ext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ext)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type)); } value = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)); string clientId = client?.ClientId ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(client)); using (ISession session = ext.GetDriver().Session()) { Node n = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jClient)); Node p = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jClaim)); Rel rel = new Rel(type: typeof(Relationships.Has)); await session.RunAsync( $"MATCH (n{n.Labels} {{{nameof(Client.ClientId)}:${nameof(clientId)}}})" + $"-{rel}->" + $"(p{p.Labels} {{{nameof(Neo4jClaim.ClaimType)}:${nameof(type)}}}) " + $"SET p.{nameof(Neo4jClaim.ClaimValue)}=${nameof(value)}", new { clientId, type, value }); } }
public static async Task <IEnumerable <Client> > GetAllClientsAsync(this IdentityServerDriverProvider ext) { ext = ext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ext)); using (ISession session = ext.GetDriver().Session()) { Node cli = new Node(type: typeof(Client)); Node prop = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jProperty)); Node secret = new Node(type: typeof(Secret)); Node claim = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jClaim)); Rel rel = new Rel(type: typeof(Relationships.Has)); List <Client> result = await session.AsAsync(s => s.ExecuteQuery <Client, IEnumerable <Neo4jProperty>, IEnumerable <Neo4jSecret>, IEnumerable <Neo4jClaim> >( $"MATCH (c{cli.Labels}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-{rel}->(p{prop.Labels}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-{rel}->(s{secret.Labels}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-{rel}->(cl{claim.Labels}) " + $"WITH c, p, s, cl ORDER BY id(c), id(p), id(s), id(cl) " + $"WITH c, {{props: collect(distinct p), secs:collect(distinct s), cls:collect(distinct cl)}} AS val " + $"WITH c, val.props AS p, val.secs AS s, val.cls AS cl ORDER BY id(c) " + $"RETURN c, p, s, cl", (client, props, secrets, claims) => { client.Properties = props?.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.Value); client.Claims = claims?.Select(p => p.ToClaim())?.ToList(); client.ClientSecrets = secrets?.Select(p => p as Secret)?.ToList(); return(client); }) .ToList()); return(result); } }
public void RelArrayCtorTest() { var token = new Word("<=", Tag.LE); var exp1 = new Id(new Word("x", Tag.ID), new Array(2, VarType.INT), 0); var exp2 = new Id(new Word("y", Tag.ID), new Array(2, VarType.INT), 0); var rel = new Rel(token, exp1, exp2); }
public void RelNotSameCtorTest() { var token = new Word("<=", Tag.LE); var variable = new Id(new Word("x", Tag.ID), VarType.INT, 0); var expression = new Expr(new Token(32), VarType.BOOL); var rel = new Rel(token, variable, expression); }
public static async Task SetClientSecretsAsync(this IdentityServerDriverProvider ext, Client client, IEnumerable <Secret> secrets) { ext = ext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ext)); string clientId = client?.ClientId ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(client)); List <Secret> newSecrets = secrets?.ToList() ?? new List <Secret>(); if (newSecrets.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No item to set"); } using (ISession session = ext.GetDriver().Session()) { Node n = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jClient)); Node p = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jSecret)); Rel rel = new Rel(type: typeof(Relationships.Has)); await session.RunAsync( $"MATCH (n{n.Labels} {{{nameof(Client.ClientId)}:${nameof(clientId)}}}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-{rel}->(p{p.Labels}) " + $"WITH n, collect(p) AS olds " + $"UNWIND ${nameof(newSecrets)} AS row " + $"CREATE (n)-{rel}->(q{p.Labels}) " + $"SET q+=row,q.{nameof(IGraphEntity.EntityId)}=id(q), q :{typeof(Neo4jSecret).Name} " + $"WITH olds " + $"UNWIND olds AS old " + $"DETACH DELETE old", new { clientId, newSecrets }); } }
public static async Task AddPersistedGrantAsync(this IdentityServerDriverProvider ext, PersistedGrant grant) { ext = ext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ext)); grant = grant ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(grant)); using (ISession session = ext.GetDriver().Session()) { Node n = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jPersistedGrant)); Node c = new Node(type: typeof(Client)); Rel rel = new Rel(type: typeof(Relationships.Has)); Neo4jPersistedGrant newGrant = await session.AsAsync(s => s.ExecuteQuery <Neo4jPersistedGrant>( $"MATCH (c{c.Labels} {{{nameof(Client.ClientId)}:${nameof(grant)}.{nameof(grant.ClientId)}}}) " + $"CREATE (c)" + $"-{rel}->" + $"(p{n.Labels}) " + $"SET p+=${nameof(grant)}, p.{nameof(IGraphEntity.EntityId)}=id(p), p :{typeof(Neo4jPersistedGrant).Name} RETURN p", new { grant }).FirstOrDefault()); if (grant is IGraphEntity) { (grant as IGraphEntity).EntityId = newGrant.EntityId; } } }
public static async Task SetApiResourceScopesAsync(this IdentityServerDriverProvider ext, ApiResource resource, IEnumerable <Scope> scopes) { ext = ext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ext)); string name = resource?.Name ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(resource)); List <Scope> newScopes = scopes?.ToList() ?? new List <Scope>(); if (newScopes.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No item to set"); } using (ISession session = ext.GetDriver().Session()) { Node n = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jApiResource)); Node p = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jScope)); Rel rel = new Rel(type: typeof(Relationships.Has)); await session.RunAsync( $"MATCH (n{n.Labels} {{{nameof(Resource.Name)}:${nameof(name)}}}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-{rel}->(p{p.Labels}) " + $"WITH n, collect(p) AS olds " + $"UNWIND ${nameof(newScopes)} AS row " + $"CREATE (n)-{rel}->(q{p.Labels}) " + $"SET q+=row,q.{nameof(IGraphEntity.EntityId)}=id(q), q :{typeof(Neo4jScope).Name} " + $"WITH olds " + $"UNWIND olds AS old " + $"DETACH DELETE old", new { name, newScopes }); } }
public void Format(IPaperContext context, IObjectFactory factory, Entity entity) { if (Rel?.Any() != true) { this.AddRel(RelNames.Link); } }
/// <summary> /// Finds a client by id /// </summary> /// <param name="clientId">The client id</param> /// <returns> /// The client /// </returns> public async Task <Client> FindClientByIdAsync(string clientId) { using (ISession session = _context.GetDriver().Session()) { Node cli = new Node(type: typeof(Client)); Node prop = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jProperty)); Node secret = new Node(type: typeof(Secret)); Node claim = new Node(type: typeof(Neo4jClaim)); Rel rel = new Rel(type: typeof(Relationships.Has)); Client result = await session.AsAsync(s => s.ExecuteQuery <Client, IEnumerable <Neo4jProperty>, IEnumerable <Secret>, IEnumerable <Neo4jClaim> >( $"MATCH (c{cli.Labels} {{{nameof(Client.ClientId)}:${nameof(clientId)}}}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-{rel}->(p{prop.Labels}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-{rel}->(s{secret.Labels}) " + $"OPTIONAL MATCH (c)-{rel}->(cl{claim.Labels}) " + $"WITH c, p, s, cl ORDER BY id(c), id(p), id(s), id(cl) " + $"WITH c, {{props: collect(distinct p), secs:collect(distinct s), cls:collect(distinct cl)}} AS val " + $"WITH c, val.props AS p, val.secs AS s, val.cls AS cl ORDER BY id(c) " + $"RETURN c, p, s, cl", (client, props, secrets, claims) => { client.Properties = props?.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.Value); client.Claims = claims?.Select(p => p.ToClaim())?.ToList(); client.ClientSecrets = secrets?.Select(p => p as Secret)?.ToList(); return(client); }, new { clientId }) .FirstOrDefault()); _logger.LogDebug("{clientId} found in database: {clientIdFound}", clientId, result != null); return(result); } }
public void IfCtorTest() { var variable = new Id(new Word("x", Tag.ID), VarType.INT, 0); var constant = new Constant(new Num(12), VarType.INT); var expresion = new Rel(Word.EQ, variable, constant); var ifnode = new If(expresion, new Stmt()); }
public CJUMP(Rel rel, Expr left, Expr right, Label t, Label f) { Relop = rel; Left = left; Right = right; IfTrue = t; IfFalse = f; }
public static string ToRelString(this Rel relation) { //UglyPatch var str = relation == Rel._None ? string.Empty : string.Join("-", Regex.Split(relation.ToString().Replace(",", ""), "(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])")).ToLower(); return(string.Join(" ", str.Split(' ').Where(x => !x.StartsWith("_")))); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = Rel?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Href?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Title?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); return(hashCode); } }
public void TestRel() { var isLess = new Rel(new Token('<'), new Constant(10), new Constant(100)); Assert.AreEqual("10 < 100", isLess.ToString()); isLess.Jumping(42, 99); //output: // if 10 < 100 goto L42 // goto L99 }
Expr equality() { Expr x = rel(); while (look.tag == Tag.EQ || look.tag == Tag.NE) { Token tok = look; move(); x = new Rel(tok, x, rel(), compileRows); } return(x); }
public void RelCtorTest() { var token = new Word("<=", Tag.LE); var variable = new Id(new Word("x", Tag.ID), VarType.INT, 0); var intnode = new Constant(3); var rel = new Rel(token, variable, intnode); Assert.AreSame(variable, rel.Expr1); Assert.AreSame(intnode, rel.Expr2); Assert.AreSame(token, rel.Op); Assert.AreSame(VarType.BOOL, rel.Type); }
internal virtual Expr equality() { Expr x = rel(); while (look.tag == Tag.EQ || look.tag == Tag.NE) { Token tok = look; move(); x = new Rel(tok, x, rel()); } return(x); }
private Expr EqualityExpr() { var x = RelExpr(); while (_look.Tag == Tag.EQ || _look.Tag == Tag.NE) { var tok = _look; Move(); x = new Rel(tok, x, RelExpr()); } return(x); }
public RelOp(LatteParser.ERelOpContext context) : base(context.expr()[0], context.expr()[1]) { Rel = context.relOp() switch { LatteParser.LessThanContext _ => Rel.LessThan, LatteParser.LessEqualsContext _ => Rel.LessEquals, LatteParser.GreaterThanContext _ => Rel.GreaterThan, LatteParser.GreaterEqualsContext _ => Rel.GreaterEquals, LatteParser.EqualsContext _ => Rel.Equals, LatteParser.NotEqualsContext _ => Rel.NotEquals }; }
protected void Init(RelNode value) { var equal = value.Heading.IsEqual(Heading); var compat = equal || value.Heading.IsCompatible(Heading); if (!compat) { throw Error.Fatal($"headings are not compatible: <{value.Heading}> and <{Heading}>"); } var map = Heading.CreateMap(value.Heading); Value = Rel.Create(value.Select(t => RelStatic.CreateByMap <T>(t, map))); }
public static double fromEnum(Rel num) { switch (num) { case Rel.Required: return required; case Rel.Strong: return strong; case Rel.Medium: return medium; case Rel.Weak: return weak; } return 0; }
public bool next() { i++; if (i < 0 || i >= _rels.Length) { rel = _outerInstance.NO_REL; return(false); } else { rel = _rels[i]; return(true); } }
private Relation ToRelation(Rel rel) { Relation relation = new Relation(rel.Name, null, EnabledFlag.False); foreach (var col in rel.Columns) { relation.RelationColumns.Add(new RelationColumn(col)); } foreach (var relRow in rel.Rows) { relation.AddRelationRow(relRow.Value.ToArray()); } return(relation); }
public void CreateSalesValidityRelation(string modelName, List <Characteristic> characteristics, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Characteristic> > variantCharacteristics) { var generalGroup = GetGeneralGroup(); var rel = new Rel($"SalesValidity_{modelName}"); rel.Columns.Add($"{generalGroup.Name}.GEN_S_MODEL"); rel.Columns.Add($"{generalGroup.Name}.GEN_S_VARIANT"); var variants = variantCharacteristics.Keys.ToList(); // initialize a row for every variant foreach (var variant in variants) { rel.Rows.Add(variant, new List <string> { $"\"{modelName}\"", $"\"{variant}\"" }); } var lookup = characteristics.ToDictionary(c => c.Name); foreach (var variable in GetVariables()) { if (lookup.ContainsKey(variable.Name)) { rel.Columns.Add($"{generalGroup.Name}.{variable.Name}"); foreach (var variant in variants) { if (variantCharacteristics[variant].TryGetValue(variable.Name, out var characteristic)) { rel.Rows[variant].Add("=" + characteristic.Values.Select(v => $"\"{v}\"").Aggregate((r, l) => $"{r},{l}")); } else { rel.Rows[variant].Add("=\"N.A.\""); } } } else { if (variable.Name != "GEN_S_MODEL" && variable.Name != "GEN_S_VARIANT") { variable.PropertyValues.Add(new PropertyValue("Show", false)); } } } var relation = ToRelation(rel); relation.PropertyValues.Add(new PropertyValue("Enabled", true)); generalGroup.AddRelation(relation); }
/// <summary> /// Removes all grants of a give type for a given subject id and client id combination. /// </summary> /// <param name="subjectId">The subject identifier.</param> /// <param name="clientId">The client identifier.</param> /// <param name="type">The type.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task RemoveAllAsync(string subjectId, string clientId, string type) { using (ISession session = _context.GetDriver().Session()) { Node c = new Node(type: typeof(Client)); Node n = new Node(type: typeof(PersistedGrant)); Rel rel = new Rel(type: typeof(Relationships.Has)); IResultSummary summary = await(await session.RunAsync( $"MATCH (c{c.Labels} {{{nameof(Client.ClientId)}:${nameof(clientId)}}})" + $"-{rel}->" + $"(n{n.Labels} {{{nameof(PersistedGrant.ClientId)}:${nameof(clientId)},{nameof(PersistedGrant.SubjectId)}:${nameof(subjectId)},{nameof(PersistedGrant.Type)}:${nameof(type)}}}) " + $"DETACH DELETE n" , new { clientId, subjectId, type })).SummaryAsync(); } }
public static Rel NotRel(Rel relop) { switch (relop) { case Rel.Equal: return Rel.NotEqual; case Rel.NotEqual: return Rel.Equal; case Rel.LessThan: return Rel.GreaterEqual; case Rel.GreaterEqual: return Rel.LessThan; case Rel.GreaterThan: return Rel.LessEqual; case Rel.LessEqual: return Rel.GreaterThan; case Rel.UnsignedLT: return Rel.UnsignedGE; case Rel.UnsignedGE: return Rel.UnsignedLT; case Rel.UnsignedGT: return Rel.UnsignedLE; case Rel.UnsignedLE: return Rel.UnsignedGT; default: throw new FatalError("No such relop in CJUMP.NotRel()"); break; } return 0; }