// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Cree le node racine dans le RegistryTree.
 // Retourne Null si la racine est un WrongNode (sans enfants)
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 private RegistryItem CreateRootNode(string rootpath)
     if (rootpath == string.Empty)
         // Vérification : HKLM
         RegistryItem WrongNode = new RegistryItem("HKLM is not allowed. Try a smaller subtree.", "node");
     else if (rootpath.Equals("SECURITY"))
         // Vérification : HKLM\SECURITY
         RegistryItem WrongNode = new RegistryItem("SECURITY subtree is not accessible (reserved access).", "node");
         // Les vérifications sont OK: On crée le node Racine
         RegistryItem RacineNode = new RegistryItem(rootpath, "node");
         this.AddToNodeTable(RacineNode, RacineNode.Name);
         // On memorise le Level de ce Node
         base.RacineNodeLevel = rootpath.Split('\\').Length;
Beispiel #2
        public static void Load(object data, RegistryTree tree, string keyName)
            RegistryKey rootKey = registryTrees[(int)tree].OpenSubKey(keyName);

            if (rootKey != null)
                Load(data, rootKey);
Beispiel #3
        public void GivenMsBuildVersionTwelveIsAvailable()
            RegistryTree tree = new RegistryTree(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild")
                new RegistryDirectory("12.0"),
                new RegistryDirectory("ToolsVersions")
                    new RegistryDirectory("12.0")
                        new RegistryText("MSBuildToolsPath", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\")

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Cree les Nodes SubKeys et les Values du Node donné
        // C'est un peut redondant de donner le node et le path, mais ça évite de le recalculer à chaque fois.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void CreateChildNodes(RegistryItem ParentNode, string ParentPath)
            RegistryKey rk;

            if (ParentNode == null)

                rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(ParentPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                RegistryItem WrongNode = new RegistryItem("This registry cannot be read (" + ex.Message + ").", "node");

            if (rk == null)
                RegistryItem WrongNode = new RegistryItem("This registry was found null (" + ParentPath + ").", "node");

            string[] SubKeysArray = rk.GetSubKeyNames();
            string[] ValuesArray  = rk.GetValueNames();

            // Traitement des Subkeys: on les ajoute dans l'arborescence
            foreach (string SubKeyName in SubKeysArray)
                // on cree un nouveau node pour chaque SubKey
                string       nodePath = ParentPath + @"\" + SubKeyName;
                RegistryItem NewNode  = base.CreateRegistryNode(nodePath);
                // On met le node dans le dictionnaire
                base.AddToNodeTable(NewNode, SubKeyName);
                // On le rattache à son parent
                base.AttachToParentNode(NewNode, ParentNode);
                // On traite ses enfants (recursivité)
                this.CreateChildNodes(NewNode, nodePath);

            // Traitement des Values: on les ajoute dans l'arborescence
            foreach (string ValueName in ValuesArray)
                // On recupère toutes les infos sur cette value
                string ValueKind = string.Empty;
                string Value     = string.Empty;
                    ValueKind = rk.GetValueKind(ValueName).ToString();
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    ValueKind = string.Empty;
                    Value = rk.GetValue(ValueName).ToString();
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    Value = string.Empty;
                // On cree une Key
                RegistryItem newKey = this.CreateRegistryKeyFromHive(ValueName, ValueKind, Value);
                // On la rattache à son parent
                base.AttachToParentNode(newKey, ParentNode);
Beispiel #5
 public static void Save(object data, RegistryTree tree, string keyName)
     Save(data, registryTrees[(int)tree], keyName);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests loading of a workshare signed action with no unmanaged dependencies.
        /// This test relies on an example action precompiled and committed to source control as
        /// test data : this AbortOnExecute action can be found in the PESAction solution. 
        /// </summary>
       // [Test]
        public void LoadSignedActionFromLocation()
            ActionDetails ad = new ActionDetails("Abort",

            System.IO.File.Move(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, ad.AssemblyName),
                Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, ad.AssemblyName + ".tmp"));
                #region setup
                RegistryTree rt = new RegistryTree(ad.HKLMRegLocation, ad.AssemblyName, ad.Path);
                //now comes the ugly bit of the setup
                //rules and object file below retrieved from a policy created with PolicyDesigner and copy/pasted from the
                //policy explorer
                string rulesXML = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Workshare.TestUtils.TestFileUtils.MakeRootPathAbsolute(@"\projects\Hygiene\src\PolicyEngine.Tests\TestFiles\SignedPartyAction\rules.xml"));
                string objectsXML = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Workshare.TestUtils.TestFileUtils.MakeRootPathAbsolute(@"\projects\Hygiene\src\PolicyEngine.Tests\TestFiles\SignedPartyAction\objects.xml"));
                GeneralPolicyProcessor gpp = new GeneralPolicyProcessor();
                //start following parameters have no bearing on this test case but need to be filled in for the gpp to run
                gpp.FileType = "*.email";
                gpp.CurrentUser = "******";
                gpp.CurrentRunAtMode = RunAt.Client;
                gpp.RecipientList = new string[] { "*****@*****.**" };
                //end irrelevant parameters
                gpp.Initialise(RunAt.Client, rulesXML, objectsXML);


                string assemblyName, className;

                //parameters must match what is setup in the object and rules file
                CachedAction action = gpp.LoadActionObject(ad.ObjectRef, ad.Name, out assemblyName, out className);


                Assert.IsNotNull(action, "No {0} action found", ad.Name);
                VerifyObjectLocation(action.Action, ad);
                System.IO.File.Move(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, ad.AssemblyName + ".tmp"),
                    Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, ad.AssemblyName));
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests loading of a 3rd party unsigned action with a dependency on an unmanaged dll. 
        /// Verifies that all the action ifaces are loaded from the correct location and that the unmanaged dll
        /// is loaded from the correct location.
        /// </summary>
       // [Test]
        public void LoadUnsignedActionFromLocation()
			if (Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) == 8)
				throw new IgnoreException("can't run this test easily on 64 bit without recompiling the action and adding its references and a whole bunch of related stuff");

            #region setup
            ActionDetails ad = new ActionDetails("3rd Party",

            string managedDll = "unmanageddll.dll";
            string managedDllLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(ad.Path), managedDll);
            string targetDllLocation = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, managedDll);

            //attempt to copy the managed dll to the basedirectory of current appdomain so its in 2 locations
            System.IO.File.Copy(managedDllLocation,targetDllLocation, true);
            //add temp file to the deletion list

            RegistryTree rt = new RegistryTree(ad.HKLMRegLocation, ad.AssemblyName, ad.Path);
            string rulesXML = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Workshare.TestUtils.TestFileUtils.MakeRootPathAbsolute(@"\projects\Hygiene\src\PolicyEngine.Tests\TestFiles\SignedPartyAction\rules.xml"));
            string objectsXML = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Workshare.TestUtils.TestFileUtils.MakeRootPathAbsolute(@"\projects\Hygiene\src\PolicyEngine.Tests\TestFiles\SignedPartyAction\objects.xml"));
            GeneralPolicyProcessor gpp = new GeneralPolicyProcessor();
            //start following parameters have no bearing on this test case but need to be filled in for the gpp to run
            gpp.FileType = "*.email";
            gpp.CurrentUser = "******";
            gpp.CurrentRunAtMode = RunAt.Client;
            gpp.RecipientList = new string[] { "*****@*****.**" };
            //end irrelevant parameters
            gpp.Initialise(RunAt.Client, rulesXML, objectsXML);
            Chilkat.Cert cert = new Chilkat.Cert();

            string assemblyName, className;
            CachedAction action = gpp.LoadActionObject(ad.ObjectRef, ad.Name, out assemblyName, out className);

            Assert.IsNotNull(action, "No {0} action found", ad.Name);
            VerifyObjectLocation(action.Action, ad);
            //verify location of unmanaged dll - cause unmanaged dll is latebound we need to invoke to make sure it gets loaded first
            ActionPropertySet adata = action.Action.PropertySet;
            ActionData testData = new ActionData();
   			testData.FileName = Workshare.TestUtils.TestFileUtils.MakeRootPathAbsolute(@"\projects\Hygiene\src\PolicyEngine.Tests\TestFiles\TestfileActionLoad.txt");
			testData.Properties.Add("DisplayName", Path.GetFileName(testData.FileName));	
            action.Action.Execute(testData, adata);
            // testdll.dll should be loaded now
            bool found = false;
            foreach (ProcessModule pm in Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules)
                if (pm.ModuleName.Equals(managedDll, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    found = true;
                    Assert.IsTrue(string.Equals(managedDllLocation, pm.FileName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase),
                        "{0} loaded from incorrect location, expected {1}, actual {2}", managedDll, managedDllLocation, pm.FileName);
            Assert.IsTrue(found, "unmanaged dll {0} not found in current process' modules", managedDll);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Parse le fichier REG
        // Enregistre l'arborescence dans un RegistryTree
        // Enregistre la liste des Nodes dans un Dictionnaire
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void ParseFile(string fileName)
            // On commence par vider la collection et le dictionnaire

            AverageLabelLength = 0;
            ModalLabelLength   = 0;
            Array.Clear(TableStats, 0, TableStats.Length);

            // Vérification
            if (!fileName.EndsWith(".reg"))
                RegistryItem WrongNode = new RegistryItem("Not a REG file", "node");
            // On lit le fichier et on met tout dans une très longue string.
            // fileName = "E:\\source\\repos\\RegFineViewer\\_example1.reg";
            StreamReader streamFile = new StreamReader(File.Open(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate));
            string       fichier    = streamFile.ReadToEnd();


            // On decoupe le fichier en un tableau de lignes
            string[] lignes = fichier.Split('\r', '\n');

            // Vérification
            if (lignes.Length > 50000)
                RegistryItem WrongNode = new RegistryItem("The file contains too many lines (max 10.000).", "node");

            // On crée un Node Racine
            RegistryItem currentNode = new RegistryItem("root", "node");

            bool firstNode = true;

            // On parcourt le tableau des lignes du fichier
            for (int i = 0; i < lignes.Length; i++)
                string ligne = lignes[i];
                // On ignore la ligne d'entete
                if (ligne.StartsWith("Windows Registry Editor"))
                // On ignore les lignes vides
                else if (ligne.Equals(""))
                // Lignes de type [path\to\node]
                else if (ligne.StartsWith("[") && ligne.EndsWith("]"))
                    string nodePath   = ligne.Trim('[', ']');
                    string parentPath = GetParentPath(nodePath);
                    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // S'il s'agit du premier node
                    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Le node racine du treeView est le parent du premier node du fichier REG
                    if (firstNode)
                        if (parentPath != "")
                            // Pour ce node racine, son nom est le chemin complet du parent
                            currentNode.Name = parentPath;
                            // sauf si le nom du parent est vide...
                            currentNode.Name = nodePath;
                        // On met le node Racine dans le dictionnaire
                        AddToNodeTable(currentNode, currentNode.Name);
                        // On memorise le Level de ce Node
                        RacineNodeLevel = nodePath.Split('\\').Length - 1;
                        firstNode       = false;
                    // on cree un nouveau node
                    currentNode = CreateRegistryNode(nodePath);
                    // On le rattache à son parent
                    AttachToParentNode(currentNode, parentPath);
                    // on comptabilise sa longueur dans les statistiques
                    TableStats[currentNode.Name.Length] += 1;
                // Lignes du type: "ErrorLogSizeInKb" = dword:000186A0
                // Lignes du type: "Application" = ""
                else if (ligne.StartsWith("\""))
                    // Si on n'a pas de node courant, on passe. Ca ne devrait pas arriver.
                    if (currentNode != null)
                        // On cree une Key
                        RegistryItem newKey = CreateRegistryKeyFromFileLine(ligne);
                        // On la rattache au Node courant
                // Autres cas