Beispiel #1
        public void Retrieve(string registryEntityType, int entityTypeId, int maxRecords, ref int recordsImported, ref List <string> importSummary, string sortOrder = "asc")
            bool importingThisType = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importing_" + registryEntityType, true);

            if (!importingThisType)
                LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  Skipping import of {0}  ***************** ", registryEntityType));
                importSummary.Add("Skipped import of " + registryEntityType);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("===  *****************  Importing {0}  ***************** ", registryEntityType));

            //bool downloadOnly
            ReadEnvelope        envelope = new ReadEnvelope();
            List <ReadEnvelope> list     = new List <ReadEnvelope>();

            int    pageNbr       = 1;
            int    pageSize      = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("importPageSize", 100);
            string importResults = "";
            string importNote    = "";
            //ThisEntity output = new ThisEntity();
            List <string> messages = new List <string>();
            var savingDocumentToFileSystem = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("savingDocumentToFileSystem", true);
            var savingDocumentToDatabase   = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("savingDocumentToDatabase", false);

            int cntr       = 0;
            int pTotalRows = 0;

            int    exceptionCtr  = 0;
            string statusMessage = "";
            bool   isComplete    = false;

            //var request = new SearchRequest()
            //	StartingDate = startingDate,
            //	EndingDate = endingDate,
            //	OwningOrganizationCTID = owningOrganizationCTID,
            //	PublishingOrganizationCTID = publishingOrganizationCTID,
            //	DownloadOnly = downloadOnly
            //will need to handle multiple calls - watch for time outs
            while (pageNbr > 0 && !isComplete)
                //19-09-22 chg to use RegistryServices to remove duplicate services
                list = Search(registryEntityType, StartingDate, EndingDate, pageNbr, pageSize, ref pTotalRows, ref statusMessage, Community, OwningOrganizationCTID, PublishingOrganizationCTID, sortOrder);

                if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
                    isComplete = true;
                    if (pageNbr == 1)
                        LoggingHelper.DoTrace(4, registryEntityType + ": No records where found for date range. ");
                if (pageNbr == 1)
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("Import {0} Found {1} records to process.", registryEntityType, pTotalRows));

                foreach (ReadEnvelope item in list)

                    string   envelopeIdentifier = item.EnvelopeIdentifier;
                    string   ctid               = item.EnvelopeCtid;
                    string   payload            = item.DecodedResource.ToString();
                    DateTime createDate         = new DateTime();
                    DateTime envelopeUpdateDate = new DateTime();
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(item.NodeHeaders.CreatedAt.Replace("UTC", "").Trim(), out createDate))
                        //status.SetEnvelopeCreated( createDate );
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(item.NodeHeaders.UpdatedAt.Replace("UTC", "").Trim(), out envelopeUpdateDate))
                        //status.SetEnvelopeUpdated( envelopeUpdateDate );
                    //payload contains the graph from DecodedResource
                    //var ctdlType = RegistryServices.GetResourceType( payload );
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("{0}. {1} ctid {2}, lastUpdated: {3} ", cntr, registryEntityType, ctid, envelopeUpdateDate));

                    //Save file to file system
                    //existing files will be overridden. , suppress the date prefix (" "), or use an alternate prefix
                    if (savingDocumentToFileSystem)
                        LoggingHelper.WriteLogFile(1, registryEntityType + "_" + ctid, payload, "", false);

                    #region future: define process to generic record to a database.
                    //TODO - add optional save to a database
                    //		- will need entity type, ctid, name, description (maybe), created and lastupdated from envelope,payload
                    //		- only doing adds, allows for history, user can choose to do updates
                    if (savingDocumentToDatabase)
                        var graphMainResource = RegistryServices.GetGraphMainResource(payload);
                        var resource          = new CredentialRegistryResource()
                            EntityType              = graphMainResource.Type,
                            CTID                    = ctid,
                            DownloadDate            = DateTime.Now,
                            Created                 = createDate,
                            LastUpdated             = envelopeUpdateDate,
                            CredentialRegistryGraph = payload
                        if (entityTypeId == 10)
                            resource.Name = graphMainResource.CeasnName.ToString();
                            resource.Name           = graphMainResource.Name.ToString();
                            resource.Description    = graphMainResource.Description.ToString();
                            resource.SubjectWebpage = graphMainResource.SubjectWebpage;
                        statusMessage = "";
                        //optionally save record to a database
                        if (new DatabaseServices().Add(resource, ref statusMessage) == 0)
                            //error handling

                    if (maxRecords > 0 && cntr >= maxRecords)
                }                 //end foreach

                if ((maxRecords > 0 && cntr >= maxRecords))
                    isComplete = true;
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, string.Format("Import {2} EARLY EXIT. Completed {0} records out of a total of {1} for {2} ", cntr, pTotalRows, registryEntityType));
                else if (cntr >= pTotalRows)
                    isComplete = true;
            importResults = string.Format("Import {0} - Processed {1} records, with {2} exceptions. \r\n", registryEntityType, cntr, exceptionCtr);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, importResults);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importNote))
                importResults += importNote;
            recordsImported += cntr;

            //return importResults;