public void TestGetAliasesGroup_noKnownAliases()
            IList <string> singleton = RegistryAliasGroup.GetAliasesGroup("");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, singleton.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("", singleton[0]);
        public void TestGetAliasesGroup_dockerHub()
            ISet <string> aliases = new HashSet <string>

            foreach (string alias in aliases)
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(aliases, new HashSet <string>(RegistryAliasGroup.GetAliasesGroup(alias)));
         * Retrieves credentials for a registry alias from a {@link DockerConfig}.
         * @param dockerConfig the {@link DockerConfig} to retrieve from
         * @param logger a consumer for handling log events
         * @return the retrieved credentials, or {@code Optional#empty} if none are found

        public Maybe <Credential> Retrieve(IDockerConfig dockerConfig, Action <LogEvent> logger)
            logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
            foreach (string registryAlias in RegistryAliasGroup.GetAliasesGroup(registry))
                // First, tries to find defined auth.
                string auth = dockerConfig.GetAuthFor(registryAlias);
                if (auth != null)
                    // 'auth' is a basic authentication token that should be parsed back into credentials
                    string usernameColonPassword = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(auth));
                    int    colonIndex            = usernameColonPassword.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    string username = usernameColonPassword.Substring(0, colonIndex);

                    string password = usernameColonPassword.Substring(colonIndex + 1);
                    return(Maybe.Of(Credential.From(username, password)));

                // Then, tries to use a defined credHelpers credential helper.
                IDockerCredentialHelper dockerCredentialHelper =
                if (dockerCredentialHelper != null)
                        // Tries with the given registry alias (may be the original registry).
                    catch (Exception ex) when(ex is IOException || ex is CredentialHelperUnhandledServerUrlException || ex is CredentialHelperNotFoundException)
                        // Warns the user that the specified credential helper cannot be used.
                        if (ex.Message != null)
                            if (ex.InnerException?.Message != null)
                                logger(LogEvent.Warn("  Caused by: " + ex.InnerException.Message));
            return(Maybe.Empty <Credential>());
Beispiel #4
 /** Construct with {@link #parse}. */
 private ImageReference(string registry, string repository, string tag)
     this.registry   = RegistryAliasGroup.GetHost(registry);
     this.repository = repository;
     this.tag        = tag;
        public void TestGetHost_dockerIo()
            string host = RegistryAliasGroup.GetHost("");

            Assert.AreEqual("", host);
        public void TestGetHost_noAlias()
            string host = RegistryAliasGroup.GetHost("");

            Assert.AreEqual("", host);